SaveToStream() public method

Saves this NBT file to a stream. Nothing is written to stream if RootTag is null.
is null. If AutoDetect was given as the mode. If an unrecognized/unsupported value was given for . If given stream does not support writing. If RootTag is null; /// or if RootTag is unnamed; /// or if one of the NbtCompound tags contained unnamed tags; /// or if an NbtList tag had Unknown list type and no elements.
public SaveToStream ( [ stream, NbtCompression compression ) : long
stream [ Stream to write data to. May not be null.
compression NbtCompression Compression mode to use for saving. May not be AutoDetect.
return long
 public void Export(string path, NbtTag root)
     if (Snbt)
         File.WriteAllText(path, root.ToSnbt(CreateOptions()));
         var file = new fNbt.NbtFile();
         file.BigEndian = BigEndian;
         file.RootTag   = root;
         using (var writer = File.Create(path))
             if (BedrockHeader)
                 writer.Seek(8, SeekOrigin.Begin);
             long size = file.SaveToStream(writer, Compression);
             if (BedrockHeader)
                 // bedrock level.dat files start with a header containing a magic number and then the little-endian size of the data
                 writer.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                 writer.Write(new byte[] { 8, 0, 0, 0 }, 0, 4);
                 writer.Write(DataUtils.GetBytes((int)size, little_endian: !BigEndian), 0, 4);
        public void SavePlayer(PlayerEntity entity)
            // TODO: Generalize to all mobs
            NbtFile file = new NbtFile();
            var data = new NbtCompound("");
            data.Add(new NbtByte("OnGround", (byte)(entity.OnGround ? 1 : 0)));
            data.Add(new NbtShort("Air", entity.Air));
            data.Add(new NbtShort("Health", entity.Health));
            data.Add(new NbtInt("Dimension", 0)); // TODO
            data.Add(new NbtInt("foodLevel", entity.Food));
            data.Add(new NbtInt("XpLevel", entity.XpLevel));
            data.Add(new NbtInt("XpTotal", entity.XpTotal));
            data.Add(new NbtFloat("foodExhaustionLevel", entity.FoodExhaustion));
            data.Add(new NbtFloat("foodSaturationLevel", entity.FoodSaturation));
            data.Add(new NbtFloat("XpP", entity.XpProgress));
            data.Add(new NbtList("Equipment", NbtTagType.Compound));
            var inventory = new NbtList("Inventory", NbtTagType.Compound);
            for (int index = 0; index < entity.Inventory.Length; index++)
                var slot = entity.Inventory[index];
                if (slot.Empty)
                slot.Index = NetworkSlotToDataSlot(index);
            var motion = new NbtList("Motion", NbtTagType.Double);
            motion.Add(new NbtDouble(entity.Velocity.X));
            motion.Add(new NbtDouble(entity.Velocity.Y));
            motion.Add(new NbtDouble(entity.Velocity.Z));

            var pos = new NbtList("Pos", NbtTagType.Double);
            pos.Add(new NbtDouble(entity.Position.X));
            pos.Add(new NbtDouble(entity.Position.Y + entity.Size.Height)); // TODO: Why do we need to add this
            pos.Add(new NbtDouble(entity.Position.Z));

            var rotation = new NbtList("Rotation", NbtTagType.Float);
            rotation.Add(new NbtFloat(entity.Yaw));
            rotation.Add(new NbtFloat(entity.Pitch));

            data.Add(new NbtCompound("abilities"));

            file.RootTag = data;
            if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(LevelDirectory, "players")))
                Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(LevelDirectory, "players"));
            using (Stream stream = File.Open(Path.Combine(LevelDirectory, "players", entity.Username + ".dat"), FileMode.OpenOrCreate))
                file.SaveToStream(stream, NbtCompression.GZip);
        public void Save()
            NbtFile file = new NbtFile();

            var serializer = new NbtSerializer(typeof(SavedLevel));
            var level = new SavedLevel
                IsRaining = Raining,
                GeneratorVersion = 0,
                Time = Time,
                GameMode = (int)GameMode,
                MapFeatures = MapFeatures,
                GeneratorName = WorldGenerator.GeneratorName,
                Initialized = true,
                Seed = Seed,
                SpawnPoint = SpawnPoint,
                SizeOnDisk = 0,
                ThunderTime = ThunderTime,
                RainTime = RainTime,
                Version = 19133,
                Thundering = Thundering,
                LevelName = Name,
                LastPlayed = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PlayerName))
                if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(LevelDirectory, "players", PlayerName + ".dat")))
                    var player = new NbtFile();
                    using (Stream stream = File.Open(Path.Combine(LevelDirectory, "players", PlayerName + ".dat"), FileMode.Open))
                        player.LoadFromStream(stream, NbtCompression.GZip, null);
                    level.Player = player.RootTag;
                    level.Player.Name = "Player";
            var data = serializer.Serialize(level);
            file.RootTag = new NbtCompound("");
            using (var stream = File.Create(Path.Combine(LevelDirectory, "level.dat")))
                file.SaveToStream(stream, NbtCompression.GZip);
            if (World.Directory == null)
                World.Save(Path.Combine(LevelDirectory, "region"));
        public void Save()
            NbtFile file = new NbtFile();

            var serializer = new NbtSerializer(typeof(SavedLevel));
            var data = serializer.Serialize(new SavedLevel
                IsRaining = Raining,
                GeneratorVersion = 0,
                Time = Time,
                GameMode = (int)GameMode,
                MapFeatures = MapFeatures,
                GeneratorName = WorldGenerator.GeneratorName,
                Initialized = true,
                Seed = Seed,
                SpawnPoint = SpawnPoint,
                SizeOnDisk = 0,
                ThunderTime = ThunderTime,
                RainTime = RainTime,
                Version = 19133,
                Thundering = Thundering,
                LevelName = Name,
                LastPlayed = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks
            file.RootTag = new NbtCompound("");
            using (var stream = File.Open(Path.Combine(LevelDirectory, "level.dat"), FileMode.Create))
                file.SaveToStream(stream, NbtCompression.GZip);
