void StartUp( object sender, EventArgs a ) { world = new World( "" ); world.OnLog += Log; world.OnURLChange += SetURL; world.OnPlayerListChange += UpdatePlayerList; if( world.Init() ) { Text = "fCraft " + Updater.GetVersionString() + " - " + world.config.GetString( "ServerName" ); UpdaterResult update = Updater.CheckForUpdates( world ); if( update.UpdateAvailable ) { if( world.config.GetString( "AutomaticUpdates" ) == "Notify" ) { Log( String.Format( Environment.NewLine + "*** A new version of fCraft is available: v{0:0.000}, released {1:0} day(s) ago. ***"+ Environment.NewLine, Decimal.Divide( update.NewVersionNumber, 1000 ), DateTime.Now.Subtract( update.ReleaseDate ).TotalDays ), LogType.ConsoleOutput ); StartServer(); } else { UpdateWindow updateWindow = new UpdateWindow( update, this, world.config.GetString( "AutomaticUpdates" ) == "Auto" ); updateWindow.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent; updateWindow.ShowDialog(); } } else { StartServer(); } } else { world.log.Log( "---- Could Not Initialize World ----", LogType.FatalError ); world = null; } }
void StartUp(object sender, EventArgs a) { world = new World(""); world.OnLog += Log; world.OnURLChange += SetURL; world.OnPlayerListChange += UpdatePlayerList; if (world.Init()) { Text = "fCraft " + Updater.GetVersionString() + " - " + world.config.GetString("ServerName"); UpdaterResult update = Updater.CheckForUpdates(world); if (update.UpdateAvailable) { if (world.config.GetString("AutomaticUpdates") == "Notify") { Log(String.Format(Environment.NewLine + "*** A new version of fCraft is available: v{0:0.000}, released {1:0} day(s) ago. ***" + Environment.NewLine, Decimal.Divide(update.NewVersionNumber, 1000), DateTime.Now.Subtract(update.ReleaseDate).TotalDays), LogType.ConsoleOutput); StartServer(); } else { UpdateWindow updateWindow = new UpdateWindow(update, this, world.config.GetString("AutomaticUpdates") == "Auto"); updateWindow.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent; updateWindow.ShowDialog(); } } else { StartServer(); } } else { world.log.Log("---- Could Not Initialize World ----", LogType.FatalError); world = null; } }