public FeedData( Block _textType, Vector3I _pos, Bitmap Image, World world, Direction direction_, Player player_ ) { direction = direction_; Blocks = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, Vector3I>(); Init( Image, world ); Pos = _pos; textType = ( byte )_textType; bgType = ( byte )Block.Air; FeedData.AddMessages(); MessageCount = 0; Sentence = FeedData.Messages[MessageCount]; Id = System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment( ref feedCounter ); player = player_; NormalBrush brush = new NormalBrush( Block.Wood ); DrawOperation Operation = new CuboidWireframeDrawOperation( player ); Operation.AnnounceCompletion = false; Operation.Brush = brush; Operation.Context = BlockChangeContext.Drawn; if ( !Operation.Prepare( new Vector3I[] { StartPos, FinishPos } ) ) { throw new Exception( "Unable to cubw frame." ); } Operation.Begin(); AddFeedToList( this, world ); Start(); }
public void Remove(Player requester) { NormalBrush brush = new NormalBrush(Block.Air, Block.Air); DrawOperation removeOperation = new CuboidDrawOperation(requester); removeOperation.AnnounceCompletion = false; removeOperation.Brush = brush; removeOperation.Context = BlockChangeContext.Portal; if (this.AffectedBlocks == null) { this.AffectedBlocks = new Vector3I[2]; this.AffectedBlocks[0] = new Vector3I(Range.Xmin, Range.Ymin, Range.Zmin); this.AffectedBlocks[1] = new Vector3I(Range.Xmax, Range.Ymax, Range.Zmax); } if (!removeOperation.Prepare(this.AffectedBlocks)) { throw new PortalException("Unable to remove portal."); } removeOperation.Begin(); lock (requester.World.Portals.SyncRoot) { requester.World.Portals.Remove(this); } PortalDB.Save(); }
private static void PortalH(Player player, Command command) { try { String option = command.Next(); if (option == null) { CdPortal.PrintUsage(player); } else if (option.ToLower().Equals("create")) { if (player.Can(Permission.ManagePortal)) { string world = command.Next(); if (world != null && WorldManager.FindWorldExact(world) != null) { DrawOperation operation = new CuboidDrawOperation(player); NormalBrush brush = new NormalBrush(Block.Water, Block.Water); string blockTypeOrName = command.Next(); if (blockTypeOrName != null && blockTypeOrName.ToLower().Equals("lava")) { brush = new NormalBrush(Block.Lava, Block.Lava); } else if (blockTypeOrName != null && !blockTypeOrName.ToLower().Equals("water")) { player.Message("Invalid block, choose between water or lava."); return; } string portalName = command.Next(); if (portalName == null) { player.PortalName = null; } else { if (!Portal.DoesNameExist(player.World, portalName)) { player.PortalName = portalName; } else { player.Message("A portal with name {0} already exists in this world.", portalName); return; } } operation.Brush = brush; player.PortalWorld = world; player.SelectionStart(operation.ExpectedMarks, PortalCreateCallback, operation, Permission.Draw); player.Message("Click {0} blocks or use &H/Mark&S to mark the area of the portal.", operation.ExpectedMarks); } else { if (world == null) { player.Message("No world specified."); } else { player.MessageNoWorld(world); } } } else { player.MessageNoAccess(Permission.ManagePortal); } } else if (option.ToLower().Equals("remove")) { if (player.Can(Permission.ManagePortal)) { string portalName = command.Next(); if (portalName == null) { player.Message("No portal name specified."); } else { if (player.World.Portals != null && player.World.Portals.Count > 0) { bool found = false; Portal portalFound = null; lock (player.World.Portals.SyncRoot) { foreach (Portal portal in player.World.Portals) { if (portal.Name.Equals(portalName)) { portalFound = portal; found = true; break; } } if (!found) { player.Message("Could not find portal by name {0}.", portalName); } else { portalFound.Remove(player); player.Message("Portal was removed."); } } } else { player.Message("Could not find portal as this world doesn't contain a portal."); } } } else { player.MessageNoAccess(Permission.ManagePortal); } } else if (option.ToLower().Equals("info")) { string portalName = command.Next(); if (portalName == null) { player.Message("No portal name specified."); } else { if (player.World.Portals != null && player.World.Portals.Count > 0) { bool found = false; lock (player.World.Portals.SyncRoot) { foreach (Portal portal in player.World.Portals) { if (portal.Name.Equals(portalName)) { World portalWorld = WorldManager.FindWorldExact(portal.World); player.Message("Portal {0}&S was created by {1}&S at {2} and teleports to world {3}&S.", portal.Name, PlayerDB.FindPlayerInfoExact(portal.Creator).ClassyName, portal.Created, portalWorld.ClassyName); found = true; } } } if (!found) { player.Message("Could not find portal by name {0}.", portalName); } } else { player.Message("Could not find portal as this world doesn't contain a portal."); } } } else if (option.ToLower().Equals("list")) { if (player.World.Portals == null || player.World.Portals.Count == 0) { player.Message("There are no portals in {0}&S.", player.World.ClassyName); } else { String[] portalNames = new String[player.World.Portals.Count]; StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder("There are " + player.World.Portals.Count + " portals in " + player.World.ClassyName + "&S: "); for (int i = 0; i < player.World.Portals.Count; i++) { portalNames[i] = ((Portal)player.World.Portals[i]).Name; } output.Append(portalNames.JoinToString(", ")); player.Message(output.ToString()); } } else if (option.ToLower().Equals("enable")) { player.PortalsEnabled = true; player.Message("You enabled the use of portals."); } else if (option.ToLower().Equals("disable")) { player.PortalsEnabled = false; player.Message("You disabled the use of portals, type /portal enable to re-enable portals."); } else { CdPortal.PrintUsage(player); } } catch (PortalException ex) { player.Message(ex.Message); Logger.Log(LogType.Error, "WorldCommands.PortalH: " + ex); } catch (Exception ex) { player.Message("Unexpected error: " + ex); Logger.Log(LogType.Error, "WorldCommands.PortalH: " + ex); } }
static void MessageBlockAdd( Player player, Vector3I[] marks, object tag ) { string Message = ( string )tag; Vector3I mark = marks[0]; if ( !player.Info.Rank.AllowSecurityCircumvention ) { SecurityCheckResult buildCheck = player.World.BuildSecurity.CheckDetailed( player.Info ); switch ( buildCheck ) { case SecurityCheckResult.BlackListed: player.Message( "Cannot add a MessageBlock to world {0}&S: You are barred from building here.", player.World.ClassyName ); return; case SecurityCheckResult.RankTooLow: player.Message( "Cannot add a MessageBlock to world {0}&S: You are not allowed to build here.", player.World.ClassyName ); return; //case SecurityCheckResult.RankTooHigh: } } if ( player.LastUsedBlockType != Block.Undefined ) { Vector3I Pos = mark; if ( player.CanPlace( player.World.Map, Pos, player.LastUsedBlockType, BlockChangeContext.Manual ) != CanPlaceResult.Allowed ) { player.Message( "&WYou are not allowed to build here" ); return; } Player.RaisePlayerPlacedBlockEvent( player, player.WorldMap, Pos, player.WorldMap.GetBlock( Pos ), player.LastUsedBlockType, BlockChangeContext.Manual ); BlockUpdate blockUpdate = new BlockUpdate( null, Pos, player.LastUsedBlockType ); player.World.Map.QueueUpdate( blockUpdate ); } else { player.Message( "&WError: No last used blocktype was found" ); return; } MessageBlock MessageBlock = new MessageBlock( player.World.Name, mark, MessageBlock.GenerateName( player.World ), player.ClassyName, Message ); MessageBlock.Range = new MessageBlockRange( mark.X, mark.X, mark.Y, mark.Y, mark.Z, mark.Z ); MessageBlockHandler.CreateMessageBlock( MessageBlock, player.World ); NormalBrush brush = new NormalBrush( Block.Air ); Logger.Log( LogType.UserActivity, "{0} created MessageBlock {1} (on world {2})", player.Name, MessageBlock.Name, player.World.Name ); player.Message( "MessageBlock created on world {0}&S with name {1}", player.World.ClassyName, MessageBlock.Name ); }
private static void PortalH(Player player, CommandReader cmd) { try { string option = cmd.Next(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(option)) { CdPortal.PrintUsage(player); return; } switch (option.ToLower()) { case "create": case "add": if (player.Can(Permission.CreatePortals)) { string addWorld = cmd.Next(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(addWorld) && WorldManager.FindWorldExact(addWorld) != null) { DrawOperation operation = new CuboidDrawOperation(player); NormalBrush brush = new NormalBrush(Block.Water, Block.Water); string blockTypeOrName = cmd.Next(); Block pblock; if (blockTypeOrName != null && Map.GetBlockByName(blockTypeOrName, false, out pblock)) { if ((!validPBlocks.Contains(pblock) && pblock <= Block.StoneBrick) || (pblock == Block.Air && player.Info.Rank != RankManager.HighestRank)) { player.Message("Invalid block, choose a non-solid block"); return; } else { brush = new NormalBrush(pblock, pblock); } } string addPortalName = cmd.Next(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(addPortalName)) { player.PortalName = null; } else { if (!Portal.DoesNameExist(player.World, addPortalName)) { player.PortalName = addPortalName; } else { player.Message("A portal with name {0} already exists in this world.", addPortalName); return; } } World tpWorld = WorldManager.FindWorldExact(addWorld); if (cmd.HasNext) { int x, y, z, rot = player.Position.R, lot = player.Position.L; if (cmd.NextInt(out x) && cmd.NextInt(out y) && cmd.NextInt(out z)) { if (cmd.HasNext && cmd.HasNext) { if (cmd.NextInt(out rot) && cmd.NextInt(out lot)) { if (rot > 255 || rot < 0) { player.Message("R must be inbetween 0 and 255. Set to player R"); rot = player.Position.R; } if (lot > 255 || lot < 0) { player.Message("L must be inbetween 0 and 255. Set to player L"); lot = player.Position.L; } } } if (x < 1 || x >= 1024 || y < 1 || y >= 1024 || z < 1 || z >= 1024) { player.Message("Coordinates are outside the valid range!"); return; } else { player.PortalTPPos = new Position((short)(x * 32), (short)(y * 32), (short)(z * 32), (byte)rot, (byte)lot); } } else { player.PortalTPPos = == null ? new Position(0, 0, 0) :; } } else { player.PortalTPPos = == null ? new Position(0, 0, 0) :; } operation.Brush = brush; player.PortalWorld = addWorld; player.SelectionStart(operation.ExpectedMarks, PortalCreateCallback, operation, Permission.CreatePortals); player.Message("Click {0} blocks or use &H/Mark&S to mark the area of the portal.", operation.ExpectedMarks); } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(addWorld)) { player.Message("No world specified."); } else { player.MessageNoWorld(addWorld); } } } else { player.MessageNoAccess(Permission.CreatePortals); } break; case "remove": case "delete": if (player.Can(Permission.CreatePortals)) { string remPortalName = cmd.Next(); string remWString = cmd.Next(); World remWorld = player.World; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(remWString)) { remWorld = WorldManager.FindWorldOrPrintMatches(player, remWString); } if (remWorld == null) { return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(remPortalName)) { player.Message("No portal name specified."); } else { if (remWorld.Portals != null && remWorld.Portals.Count > 0) { bool found = false; Portal portalFound = null; lock (remWorld.Portals.SyncRoot) { foreach (Portal portal in remWorld.Portals) { if (portal.Name.ToLower().Equals(remPortalName.ToLower())) { portalFound = portal; found = true; break; } } if (!found) { player.Message("Could not find portal by name {0}.", remPortalName); } else { portalFound.Remove(player, remWorld); player.Message("Portal was removed."); } } } else { player.Message("Could not find portal as this world doesn't contain a portal."); } } } else { player.MessageNoAccess(Permission.CreatePortals); } break; case "info": case "i": string iPortalName = cmd.Next(); string iWString = cmd.Next(); World iWorld = player.World; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(iWString)) { iWorld = WorldManager.FindWorldOrPrintMatches(player, iWString); } if (iWorld == null) { return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(iPortalName)) { player.Message("No portal name specified."); } else { if (iWorld.Portals != null && iWorld.Portals.Count > 0) { bool found = false; lock (iWorld.Portals.SyncRoot) { foreach (Portal portal in iWorld.Portals) { if (portal.Name.ToLower().Equals(iPortalName.ToLower())) { World portalWorld = WorldManager.FindWorldExact(portal.World); player.Message("Portal {0}&S was created by {1}&S at {2} and teleports to world {3} at {4}&S.", portal.Name, PlayerDB.FindPlayerInfoExact(portal.Creator).ClassyName, portal.Created, portalWorld.ClassyName, portal.position().ToString()); found = true; } } } if (!found) { player.Message("Could not find portal by name {0}.", iPortalName); } } else { player.Message("Could not find portal as this world doesn't contain a portal."); } } break; case "list": case "l": string lWString = cmd.Next(); World lWorld = player.World; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lWString)) { lWorld = WorldManager.FindWorldOrPrintMatches(player, lWString); } if (lWorld == null) { return; } if (lWorld.Portals == null || lWorld.Portals.Count == 0) { player.Message("There are no portals in {0}&S.", lWorld.ClassyName); } else { string[] portalNames = new string[lWorld.Portals.Count]; StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder("There are " + lWorld.Portals.Count + " portals in " + lWorld.ClassyName + "&S: "); for (int i = 0; i < lWorld.Portals.Count; i++) { portalNames[i] = ((Portal)lWorld.Portals[i]).Name; } output.Append(portalNames.JoinToString(", ")); player.Message(output.ToString()); } break; case "enable": case "on": player.PortalsEnabled = true; player.Message("You enabled the use of portals."); break; case "disable": case "off": player.PortalsEnabled = false; player.Message("You disabled the use of portals, type /portal enable to re-enable portals."); break; default: CdPortal.PrintUsage(player); break; } } catch (PortalException ex) { player.Message(ex.Message); Logger.Log(LogType.Error, "WorldCommands.PortalH: " + ex); } catch (Exception ex) { player.Message("Unexpected error: " + ex); Logger.Log(LogType.Error, "WorldCommands.PortalH: " + ex); } }