void tName_Validating(object sender, CancelEventArgs e) { if (fCraft.World.IsValidName(tName.Text) && (!MainForm.IsWorldNameTaken(tName.Text) || (originalWorldName != null && tName.Text.ToLower() == originalWorldName.ToLower()))) { tName.ForeColor = SystemColors.ControlText; } else { tName.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; e.Cancel = true; } }
private void tName_Validating(object sender, CancelEventArgs e) { if (fCraft.World.IsValidName(tName.Text) && (!MainForm.IsWorldNameTaken(tName.Text) || (originalWorldName != null && tName.Text.Equals(originalWorldName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))) { tName.ForeColor = SystemColors.ControlText; } else { tName.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; e.Cancel = true; } }
void LoadMap(object sender, EventArgs args) { // Fill in the "Copy existing world" combobox foreach (WorldListEntry otherWorld in MainForm.Worlds) { if (otherWorld != World) { cWorld.Items.Add(otherWorld.Name + " (" + otherWorld.Description + ")"); copyOptionsList.Add(otherWorld); } } if (World == null) { Text = "Adding a New World"; // keep trying "NewWorld#" until we find an unused number int worldNameCounter = 1; while (MainForm.IsWorldNameTaken("NewWorld" + worldNameCounter)) { worldNameCounter++; } World = new WorldListEntry("NewWorld" + worldNameCounter); tName.Text = World.Name; cAccess.SelectedIndex = 0; cBuild.SelectedIndex = 0; cBackup.SelectedIndex = 0; xBlockDB.CheckState = CheckState.Indeterminate; Map = null; } else { // Editing a world World = new WorldListEntry(World); Text = "Editing World \"" + World.Name + "\""; originalWorldName = World.Name; tName.Text = World.Name; cAccess.SelectedItem = World.AccessPermission; cBuild.SelectedItem = World.BuildPermission; cBackup.SelectedItem = World.Backup; xHidden.Checked = World.Hidden; switch (World.BlockDBEnabled) { case YesNoAuto.Auto: xBlockDB.CheckState = CheckState.Indeterminate; break; case YesNoAuto.Yes: xBlockDB.CheckState = CheckState.Checked; break; case YesNoAuto.No: xBlockDB.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked; break; } } // Disable "copy" tab if there are no other worlds if (cWorld.Items.Count > 0) { cWorld.SelectedIndex = 0; } else { tabs.TabPages.Remove(tabCopy); } // Disable "existing map" tab if mapfile does not exist fileToLoad = World.FullFileName; if (File.Exists(fileToLoad)) { ShowMapDetails(tExistingMapInfo, fileToLoad); StartLoadingMap(); } else { tabs.TabPages.Remove(tabExisting); tabs.SelectTab(tabLoad); } // Set Generator comboboxes to defaults cTemplates.SelectedIndex = (int)MapGenTemplate.River; savePreviewDialog.FileName = World.Name; }
void LoadMap(object sender, EventArgs args) { // get the list of existing worlds otherWorlds = MainForm.Worlds.Where(w => w != World).ToArray(); // Fill in the "Copy existing world" combobox foreach (WorldListEntry otherWorld in otherWorlds) { cWorld.Items.Add(otherWorld.Name + " (" + otherWorld.Description + ")"); copyOptionsList.Add(otherWorld); var item = new ToolStripMenuItem(otherWorld.Name) { Tag = otherWorld }; tsbCopyGenSettings.DropDownItems.Insert(0, item); } if (World == null) { // initialize defaults for a new world (Adding) Text = "Adding a New World"; // keep trying "NewWorld#" until we find an unused number int worldNameCounter = 1; while (MainForm.IsWorldNameTaken("NewWorld" + worldNameCounter)) { worldNameCounter++; } World = new WorldListEntry("NewWorld" + worldNameCounter); tName.Text = World.Name; cAccess.SelectedIndex = 0; cBuild.SelectedIndex = 0; cBackup.SelectedIndex = 0; cBlockDB.SelectedIndex = 0; // Auto cVisibility.SelectedIndex = 0; Map = null; } else { // Fill in information from an existing world (Editing) World = new WorldListEntry(World); Text = "Editing World \"" + World.Name + "\""; originalWorldName = World.Name; tName.Text = World.Name; cAccess.SelectedItem = World.AccessPermission; cBuild.SelectedItem = World.BuildPermission; cBackup.SelectedItem = World.Backup; cVisibility.SelectedIndex = (World.Hidden ? 1 : 0); switch (World.BlockDBEnabled) { case YesNoAuto.Auto: cBlockDB.SelectedIndex = 0; break; case YesNoAuto.Yes: cBlockDB.SelectedIndex = 1; break; case YesNoAuto.No: cBlockDB.SelectedIndex = 2; break; } } // Disable "copy" tab if there are no other worlds if (cWorld.Items.Count > 0) { cWorld.SelectedIndex = 0; } else { tabs.TabPages.Remove(tabCopy); } // Disable "existing map" tab if map file does not exist fileToLoad = World.FullFileName; if (File.Exists(fileToLoad)) { ShowMapDetails(tExistingMapInfo, fileToLoad); StartLoadingMap(); } else { tabs.TabPages.Remove(tabExisting); tabs.SelectTab(tabLoad); } savePreviewDialog.FileName = World.Name; }