        // in egocentric camera system the "eye" is moving up/down, which means the scene moves in opposite direction
        public void SceneRateControlledEgogentricPan(FScene scene, fCamera cam, Vector2f curPos, RateControlInfo rc)
            float dt = (FPlatform.RealTime() - rc.lastTime);

            rc.lastTime = FPlatform.RealTime();

            float delta_y = (curPos.y - rc.startPos.y);

            rc.curSpeedY =
                rc_update_speed(delta_y, rc.rampUpRadius, rc.deadZoneRadius, rc.maxAccel, rc.maxSpeed, dt, rc.curSpeedY);
            float delta_x = (curPos.x - rc.startPos.x);

            rc.curSpeedX =
                rc_update_speed(delta_x, rc.rampUpRadius, rc.deadZoneRadius, rc.maxAccel, rc.maxSpeed, dt, rc.curSpeedX);

            Frame3f  camFrame = cam.GetWorldFrame();
            Vector3f forward  = camFrame.Z;
            Vector3f up       = camFrame.Y;

            if (rc.StayLevel)
                forward = new Vector3(forward.x, 0.0f, forward.z);
                up = Vector3.up;
            Vector3f right       = Vector3.Cross(up, forward);
            Vector3f curScenePos = scene.RootGameObject.GetPosition();
            Vector3f newScenePos = curScenePos - dt * (rc.curSpeedY * up + rc.curSpeedX * right);

        /// <summary>
        /// Shift scene towards (+) / away-from (-) camera.
        /// If bKeepTargetPos == false, then target shifts with scene
        /// </summary>
        public void SceneZoom(FScene scene, fCamera cam, float dz, bool bKeepTargetPos = true)
            if (dz == 0.0f)

            float fScale = scene.GetSceneScale();

            //Vector3f fw = cam.gameObject.transform.forward;
            Vector3f fw          = cam.GetTarget() - cam.GetPosition();
            float    fTargetDist = fw.Length;


            float fMinTargetDist = 0.1f * fScale;

            if (dz > 0 && fTargetDist - dz < fMinTargetDist)
                dz = fTargetDist - fMinTargetDist;

            Vector3f delta = dz * fw;

            scene.RootGameObject.Translate(-delta, false);
            if (bKeepTargetPos)
                cam.SetTarget(cam.GetTarget() - delta);
        public void SceneOrbit(FScene scene, fCamera cam, float deltaAzimuth, float deltaAltitude, bool bSet = false)
            //Vector3f sceneOrigin = scene.RootGameObject.transform.position;
            Vector3f rotTarget = cam.GetTarget();

            // [RMS] Orbiting around the Target point is kind of a weird concept when
            //   you are moving the scene and not the camera. Basically we want to rotate
            //   the scene around the target, but not incrementally - based on a pair of
            //   spherical angles. So, we have to return to a 'reference' state each update.
            //   Simplest way to do that is to "un-rotate" by the angles before the delta...
            //   (???)

            Vector3f up    = Vector3f.AxisY;
            Vector3f right = cam.Right();

            scene.RootGameObject.RotateAroundD(rotTarget, right, -turntableAltitudeD);
            scene.RootGameObject.RotateAroundD(rotTarget, up, -turntableAzimuthD);

            if (bSet)
                turntableAzimuthD  = deltaAzimuth;
                turntableAltitudeD = deltaAltitude;
                turntableAzimuthD  -= deltaAzimuth;
                turntableAltitudeD += deltaAltitude;
            turntableAzimuthD  = (float)MathUtil.ClampAngleDeg(Convert.ToDouble(turntableAzimuthD), -360d, 360d);
            turntableAltitudeD = Mathf.Clamp(turntableAltitudeD, -89.9f, 89.9f);

            scene.RootGameObject.RotateAroundD(rotTarget, up, turntableAzimuthD);
            scene.RootGameObject.RotateAroundD(rotTarget, right, turntableAltitudeD);
        public void DoCameraControl(FScene scene, fCamera mainCamera, InputState input)
            Vector2f mouseDelta = InputExtension.Get.Mouse.PositionDelta;
            Vector2f stick1     = InputExtension.Get.GamepadLeftStick.Position;
            Vector2f stick2     = InputExtension.Get.GamepadRightStick.Position;
            float    dx         = mouseDelta.x + stick1.x;
            float    dy         = mouseDelta.y + stick1.y;
            float    dx2        = stick2.x;
            float    dy2        = stick2.y;

            if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))
                mainCamera.Manipulator().SceneOrbit(scene, mainCamera, MouseOrbitSpeed * dx, MouseOrbitSpeed * dy);
            else if (Input.GetMouseButton(1))
                mainCamera.Manipulator().SceneZoom(scene, mainCamera, -MouseZoomSpeed * dy);
                //mainCamera.Manipulator().ScenePan(scene, mainCamera, 0.05f * dx, 0);
            else if (Input.GetMouseButton(2))
                mainCamera.Manipulator().ScenePan(scene, mainCamera, MousePanSpeed * dx, MousePanSpeed * dy);
            else if (InputExtension.Get.GamepadRightShoulder.Down)
                mainCamera.Manipulator().SceneZoom(scene, mainCamera, GamepadZoomSpeed * dy);
                mainCamera.Manipulator().ScenePan(scene, mainCamera, (-0.5f * GamepadPanSpeed * dx) + (-GamepadPanSpeed * dx2), -GamepadPanSpeed * dy2);
            else if (InputExtension.Get.GamepadLeftShoulder.Down)
                mainCamera.Manipulator().SceneOrbit(scene, mainCamera, GamepadOrbitSpeed * dx, GamepadOrbitSpeed * dy);
                mainCamera.Manipulator().ScenePan(scene, mainCamera, -GamepadPanSpeed * dx2, -GamepadPanSpeed * dy2);
        public static float DefaultHeightInM = 1.6f;   // 1.6m ~= 5.5 feet

        // straight teleport:
        //   camera points at hit point, we back off and set target at hit point
        static public void TeleportTowards(fCamera camera, FScene scene, Vector3f targetPoint, float fPullback)
            fPullback *= scene.GetSceneScale();
            Vector3f vCurCamFW     = camera.GetWorldFrame().Z;
            Vector3f vNewCamPos    = targetPoint - fPullback * vCurCamFW;
            Vector3f vNewTargetPos = vNewCamPos + fPullback * vCurCamFW;

            camera.Animator().Teleport(vNewCamPos, vNewTargetPos);
        // level teleport:
        //   first we level the scene (ie scene up is y axis), then camera points
        //   at ray hit point, pulled back along cam direction projected into xz plane
        static public void TeleportTowards_Level(fCamera camera, FScene scene, Vector3f targetPoint, float fPullback)
            fPullback *= scene.GetSceneScale();
            Vector3f vCurCamFW     = camera.GetWorldFrame().Z;
            Vector3f vCurCamFWXZ   = new Vector3f(vCurCamFW[0], 0.0f, vCurCamFW[2]).Normalized;
            Vector3f vNewCamPos    = targetPoint - fPullback * vCurCamFWXZ;
            Vector3f vNewTargetPos = vNewCamPos + fPullback * vCurCamFWXZ;

            camera.Animator().Teleport_Level(vNewCamPos, vNewTargetPos);
        public void SceneTumble(FScene scene, fCamera cam, float dx, float dy)
            Vector3f up    = cam.Up();
            Vector3f right = cam.Right();

            //Vector3 curOrigin = scene.RootGameObject.transform.position;
            Vector3f curOrigin = cam.GetTarget();

            scene.RootGameObject.RotateAroundD(curOrigin, up, dx);
            scene.RootGameObject.RotateAroundD(curOrigin, right, dy);
        public void ScenePan(FScene scene, fCamera cam, float dx, float dy)
            float fScale = scene.GetSceneScale();

            Frame3f  camFrame = cam.GetWorldFrame();
            Vector3f right    = camFrame.X;
            Vector3f up       = camFrame.Y;
            Vector3f delta    = dx * fScale * right + dy * fScale * up;
            Vector3f newPos   = scene.RootGameObject.GetPosition() + delta;

        // use normal angle w/ up vector to decide if we should offset vertically or horizontally
        //   from hit point (threshold hardcoded to 45 degrees right now)
        static public void Teleport_Normal_Auto(fCamera camera, FScene scene,
                                                Vector3f targetPoint, Vector3f targetNormal, float fPullback)
            float fDot   = Mathf.Abs(Vector3f.Dot(targetNormal, scene.RootGameObject.GetWorldFrame().Y));
            float fAngle = Mathf.Acos(fDot) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;

            if (fAngle > 45.0f)
                Teleport_LevelNormalOffset(camera, scene, targetPoint, targetNormal, fPullback, false);
                Teleport_VerticalNormalOffset(camera, scene, targetPoint, targetNormal, fPullback);
        public void SceneAdaptivePan(FScene scene, fCamera cam, float xStepFraction, float yStepFraction)
            float fScale = scene.GetSceneScale();

            Vector3f fw          = cam.GetTarget() - cam.GetPosition();
            float    fTargetDist = fw.Length;
            float    dx          = fTargetDist * xStepFraction;
            float    dy          = fTargetDist * yStepFraction;

            Frame3f  camFrame = cam.GetWorldFrame();
            Vector3f right    = camFrame.X;
            Vector3f up       = camFrame.Y;
            Vector3f delta    = dx * fScale * right + dy * fScale * up;
            Vector3f newPos   = scene.RootGameObject.GetPosition() + delta;

        /// <summary>
        /// translates scene so that focusPointS lies on camera forward axis. Also updates
        /// camera.Target to be at this point.
        /// </summary>
        public void PanFocusOnScenePoint(FScene scene, fCamera camera, Vector3f focusPointS)
            Vector3f focusPointW = scene.ToWorldP(focusPointS);

            // figure out the pan that we would apply to camera, then apply the delta to the scene
            Vector3f camPosW    = camera.GetPosition();
            Vector3f camForward = camera.Forward();
            float    fDist      = Vector3.Dot((focusPointW - camPosW), camForward);

            if (fDist == 0)
                fDist = 2.0f * ((Camera)camera).nearClipPlane;
            Vector3f newCamPosW = focusPointW - fDist * camForward;
            Vector3f delta      = camPosW - newCamPosW;

            scene.RootGameObject.Translate(delta, false);
            camera.SetTarget(focusPointW + delta);
        //   we orbit view to be level, then again so that the normal of the hit point points towards
        //   the camera. Then we pull back along that direction. Unless we want to face away,
        //   then we rotate an extra 180 degrees, and set the target out by the pullback distance
        static public void Teleport_LevelNormalOffset(fCamera camera, FScene scene,
                                                      Vector3f targetPoint, Vector3f targetNormal, float fPullback, bool bFaceAwayFromSurface = false)
            fPullback *= scene.GetSceneScale();

            Vector3f vCurCamFW    = camera.GetWorldFrame().Z;
            Vector3f vCurCamFWXZ  = new Vector3f(vCurCamFW[0], 0.0f, vCurCamFW[2]).Normalized;
            Vector3f vHitNormalXZ = new Vector3f(targetNormal[0], 0.0f, targetNormal[2]).Normalized;

            float fFace   = bFaceAwayFromSurface ? -1.0f : 1.0f;
            float fRotate = Vector3f.AngleD(-vCurCamFWXZ, fFace * vHitNormalXZ);
            float fSign   = Vector3f.Cross(vCurCamFWXZ, fFace * vHitNormalXZ)[1] > 0 ? -1 : 1;

            fRotate *= fSign;
            // now we use cam instead of normal here because we rotated normal to face cam!
            Vector3f vNewCamPos    = targetPoint - fFace * fPullback * vCurCamFWXZ;
            Vector3f vNewTargetPos = (bFaceAwayFromSurface) ? vNewCamPos + fPullback * vCurCamFWXZ : targetPoint;

            camera.Animator().Teleport_Level(vNewCamPos, vNewTargetPos, targetPoint, fRotate);
        // vertical-offset level teleport
        //   assumption is that target point is on ground or ceiling, and we want to offset vertically.
        //   To do that we have to first reset orbit around the hit point.
        //   One small problem here is that the output target pos is really arbitrary. perhaps we should
        //   cast another ray into the scene in the forward direction?
        static public void Teleport_VerticalNormalOffset(fCamera camera, FScene scene,
                                                         Vector3f targetPoint, Vector3f targetNormal, float fNewTargetDist)
            fNewTargetDist *= scene.GetSceneScale();

            Vector3f vCurCamFW   = camera.GetWorldFrame().Z;
            Vector3f vCurCamFWXZ = new Vector3f(vCurCamFW[0], 0.0f, vCurCamFW[2]).Normalized;
            Vector3f vSceneUp    = scene.RootGameObject.GetWorldFrame().Y;

            // when we are offsetting up we use the DefaultHeightInM value to set eye level,
            // when offsetting down we use half that distance (arbitrary)
            float fUp = Vector3f.Dot(targetNormal, vSceneUp) > 0 ? 1.0f : -0.5f;
            // [RMS] camera height does not work because OVRCameraRig sets eye-level to be origin!!
            //float fHeight = camera.GetPosition()[1] * scene.GetSceneScale();
            //float fHeight = DefaultHeightInM * scene.GetSceneScale();
            float    fHeight       = DefaultHeightInM * (float)Math.Sqrt(scene.GetSceneScale()); // don't scale! otherwise tiny offsets
            Vector3f vNewCamPos    = targetPoint + fUp * fHeight * Vector3f.AxisY;
            Vector3f vNewTargetPos = vNewCamPos + fNewTargetDist * vCurCamFWXZ;

            camera.Animator().Teleport_Level(vNewCamPos, vNewTargetPos, targetPoint);
        public void ScenePanFocus(FScene scene, fCamera camera, Vector3f focusPointW, bool bAnimated)
            CameraAnimator animator = camera.Animator();

            if (bAnimated == false || animator == null)
                // figure out the pan that we would apply to camera, then apply the delta to the scene
                Vector3f camPosW    = camera.GetPosition();
                Vector3f camForward = camera.Forward();
                float    fDist      = Vector3.Dot((focusPointW - camPosW), camForward);
                Vector3f newCamPosW = focusPointW - fDist * camForward;
                Vector3f delta      = camPosW - newCamPosW;

                scene.RootGameObject.Translate(delta, false);
                camera.SetTarget(focusPointW + delta);
        public void ScenePanFocus(FScene scene, fCamera camera, Vector3f focusPoint, bool bAnimated)
            CameraAnimator animator = camera.Animator();

            if (bAnimated == false || animator == null)
                // figure out the pan that we would apply to camera, then apply the delta to the scene
                Vector3f curPos = camera.GetPosition();
                Vector3f curDir = camera.GetWorldFrame().Z;
                float    fDist  = Vector3.Dot((focusPoint - curPos), curDir);
                Vector3f newPos = focusPoint - fDist * curDir;
                Vector3f delta  = curPos - newPos;

                scene.RootGameObject.Translate(delta, false);
        /// <summary>
        /// Shift scene towards (+) / away-from (-) camera.
        /// If bKeepTargetPos == false, then target shifts with scene
        /// </summary>
        public void SceneZoom(FScene scene, fCamera cam, float dz, bool bKeepTargetPos = true)
            if (dz == 0.0f)

            if (cam.IsOrthographic)
                float f = cam.OrthoHeight;
                f = f - dz;
                if (f < 0)
                    f = 0.01f;
                cam.OrthoHeight = f;
                float fScale = scene.GetSceneScale();

                Vector3f fw          = cam.GetTarget() - cam.GetPosition();
                float    fTargetDist = fw.Length;

                float fMinTargetDist = 0.1f * fScale;
                if (dz > 0 && fTargetDist - dz < fMinTargetDist)
                    dz = fTargetDist - fMinTargetDist;

                Vector3f delta = dz * fw;
                scene.RootGameObject.Translate(-delta, false);
                if (bKeepTargetPos)
                    cam.SetTarget(cam.GetTarget() - delta);
        public override void PreRender()
            fCamera  cam         = Parent.Context.ActiveCamera;
            float    zNear       = 2 * cam.NearClipPlane;
            Vector3f forwardW    = cam.Forward();
            Vector3f gridCenterW = cam.GetPosition() + zNear * forwardW;

            Vector3f inCenterW = (Parent as FScene).ToWorldP(Center);

            //Vector3f gridDirS = (Parent as FScene).ToSceneN(forwardW);

            //Frame3f gridFrame = new Frame3f(gridCenter, gridDir);
            //Frame3f gridFrame = new Frame3f(Center, gridDirS);

            //Frame3f gridFrameW = new Frame3f(inCenterW, forwardW);
            Frame3f gridFrameW = new Frame3f(gridCenterW, forwardW);


            if (grids_valid == false)
        // Use this for initialization
        public void Initialize(FContext controller)
            this.controller = controller;

            // find main camera
            GameObject[] mainCameras = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("MainCamera");
            if (mainCameras.Length == 0)
                throw new MissingComponentException("CameraTracking.Initialize: could not find camera with tag MainCamera");
            var mainCameraObj = mainCameras[0];

            if (mainCameras.Length > 1)
                DebugUtil.Log(2, "CameraTracking.Initialize: there are multiple objects with tag MainCamera. Using the one named " + mainCameraObj.GetName());
            mainCamera = new fCamera(mainCameraObj.GetComponent <Camera> () as Camera);

            // on Vive the MainCamera will have some child cameras that are a problem,
            // so get rid of them
            if (gs.VRPlatform.CurrentVRDevice == gs.VRPlatform.Device.HTCVive)
                List <GameObject> children = new List <GameObject>(mainCameraObj.Children());
                foreach (var child in children)

            List <Camera> newCameras = new List <Camera>();

            Vector3f    mainPos = mainCamera.GetPosition();
            Quaternionf mainRot = mainCamera.GetRotation();

            // create camera for 3D widgets layer
            widgetCamera = new fCamera(Camera.Instantiate((Camera)mainCamera, mainPos, mainRot));

            // create camera for HUD layer
            hudCamera = new fCamera(Camera.Instantiate((Camera)mainCamera, mainPos, mainRot));

            // create camera for UI
            uiCamera = new fCamera(Camera.Instantiate((Camera)mainCamera, mainPos, mainRot));
            ((Camera)uiCamera).orthographic     = true;
            ((Camera)uiCamera).orthographicSize = 0.5f;

            // create camera for cursor
            cursorCamera = new fCamera(Camera.Instantiate((Camera)mainCamera, mainPos, mainRot));

            // configure these cameras
            //   - must disable audio listener if it exists
            //   - do depth clear so we can draw on top of other layers
            foreach (Camera cam in newCameras)
                AudioListener listener = cam.GetComponent <AudioListener>();
                if (listener != null)
                    listener.enabled = false;

                cam.clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.Depth;

                cam.tag = "Untagged";

            // set up camera masks

            // this camera only renders 3DWidgetOverlay layer, and mainCam does not!
            int nWidgetLayer = FPlatform.WidgetOverlayLayer;
            int nHUDLayer    = FPlatform.HUDLayer;
            int nUILayer     = FPlatform.UILayer;
            int nCursorLayer = FPlatform.CursorLayer;

            ((Camera)widgetCamera).cullingMask = (1 << nWidgetLayer);
            ((Camera)hudCamera).cullingMask    = (1 << nHUDLayer);
            ((Camera)uiCamera).cullingMask     = (1 << nUILayer);
            ((Camera)cursorCamera).cullingMask = (1 << nCursorLayer);

            ((Camera)mainCamera).cullingMask &= ~(1 << nWidgetLayer);
            ((Camera)mainCamera).cullingMask &= ~(1 << nHUDLayer);
            ((Camera)mainCamera).cullingMask &= ~(1 << nUILayer);
            ((Camera)mainCamera).cullingMask &= ~(1 << nCursorLayer);

            // attach camera animation object to main camera
            CameraAnimator anim = mainCamera.AddComponent <CameraAnimator>();

            anim.UseCamera = mainCamera;
            anim.UseScene  = this.controller.Scene;

            // add target point to camera
            CameraTarget target = mainCamera.AddComponent <CameraTarget>();

            target.TargetPoint = new Vector3f(0.0f, mainCamera.GetPosition().y, 0.0f);
            target.context     = this.controller;

            // add camera manipulator to camera
            // TODO: this does not need to be a monobehavior...
            var manipulator = mainCamera.AddComponent <CameraManipulator>();

            manipulator.Camera = mainCamera;

            // initialize FPlatform
            FPlatform.MainCamera    = mainCamera;
            FPlatform.WidgetCamera  = widgetCamera;
            FPlatform.HUDCamera     = hudCamera;
            FPlatform.OrthoUICamera = uiCamera;
            FPlatform.CursorCamera  = cursorCamera;
        public void DoCameraControl(FScene scene, fCamera mainCamera, InputState input)
            if (bInAction == false)
                if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) || Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1) || Input.GetMouseButtonDown(2))
                    curPos2D  = new Vector2(0, 0);
                    rcInfo    = new CameraManipulator.RateControlInfo(curPos2D);
                    bInAction = bUsingMouse = true;
                else if (InputExtension.Get.GamepadRightShoulder.Down || InputExtension.Get.GamepadLeftShoulder.Down)
                    curPos2D  = secondPos2D = new Vector2(0, 0);
                    rcInfo    = new CameraManipulator.RateControlInfo(curPos2D);
                    rcInfo2   = new CameraManipulator.RateControlInfo(secondPos2D);
                    bInAction = bUsingGamepad = true;

            if (bInAction && bUsingMouse)
                Vector2f mouseDelta = InputExtension.Get.Mouse.PositionDelta;
                curPos2D.x += mouseDelta.x;
                curPos2D.y += mouseDelta.y;

                if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))
                    mainCamera.Manipulator().SceneRateControlledFly(scene, mainCamera, curPos2D, rcInfo);
                else if (Input.GetMouseButton(1))
                    mainCamera.Manipulator().SceneRateControlledZoom(scene, mainCamera, curPos2D, rcInfo);
                else if (Input.GetMouseButton(2))
                    mainCamera.Manipulator().SceneRateControlledEgogentricPan(scene, mainCamera, curPos2D, rcInfo);

            if (bInAction && bUsingGamepad)
                Vector2f stick1 = InputExtension.Get.GamepadLeftStick.Position;
                Vector2f stick2 = InputExtension.Get.GamepadRightStick.Position;
                float    dx     = stick1.x;
                float    dy     = stick1.y;
                float    dx2    = stick2.x;
                float    dy2    = stick2.y;
                curPos2D.x    += dx;
                curPos2D.y    += dy;
                secondPos2D.x += dx2;
                secondPos2D.y += dy2;
                float use_t = 3.0f;     // 5 == hard stop, 1 == bit too soft
                curPos2D.x    = MathUtil.SignedClamp(curPos2D.x, rcInfo.rampUpRadius);
                curPos2D.x    = Mathf.Lerp(curPos2D.x, 0, use_t * Time.deltaTime);
                curPos2D.y    = MathUtil.SignedClamp(curPos2D.y, rcInfo.rampUpRadius);
                curPos2D.y    = Mathf.Lerp(curPos2D.y, 0, use_t * Time.deltaTime);
                secondPos2D.x = MathUtil.SignedClamp(secondPos2D.x, rcInfo.rampUpRadius);
                secondPos2D.x = Mathf.Lerp(secondPos2D.x, 0, use_t * Time.deltaTime);
                secondPos2D.y = MathUtil.SignedClamp(secondPos2D.y, rcInfo.rampUpRadius);
                secondPos2D.y = Mathf.Lerp(secondPos2D.y, 0, use_t * Time.deltaTime);

                if (InputExtension.Get.GamepadRightShoulder.Down)
                    mainCamera.Manipulator().SceneRateControlledZoom(scene, mainCamera, curPos2D, rcInfo);
                    secondPos2D[0] = 0;
                    mainCamera.Manipulator().SceneRateControlledEgogentricPan(scene, mainCamera, secondPos2D, rcInfo2);
                else if (InputExtension.Get.GamepadLeftShoulder.Down)
                    mainCamera.Manipulator().SceneRateControlledFly(scene, mainCamera, curPos2D, rcInfo);
                    mainCamera.Manipulator().SceneRateControlledEgogentricPan(scene, mainCamera, secondPos2D, rcInfo2);