public override void LoadFile(string sNewPath) { // save this path because it is super-annoying otherwise... SceneGraphConfig.LastFileOpenPath = ListView.FolderPath; if (IsMeshFile(sNewPath)) { FContext controller = ActiveCockpit.Context; // read mesh file SceneMeshImporter import = new SceneMeshImporter(); bool bOK = import.ReadFile(sNewPath); if (bOK == false && import.LastReadResult.code != IOCode.Ok) { Debug.Log("[Import] import failed: " + import.LastReadResult.message); HUDUtil.ShowCenteredPopupMessage("Import Failed!", "Sorry, could not import " + sNewPath, ActiveCockpit); return; } import.AppendReadMeshesToScene(controller.Scene, true); // save undo/redo checkpoint controller.Scene.History.PushInteractionCheckpoint(); // once we have opened file, done with cockpit controller.PopCockpit(true); // emit this message after we pop cockpit if (import.SomeMeshesTooLargeForUnityWarning) { Debug.Log("[Import] some meshes too large! ignored!"); MessageStream.Get.AddMessage(new Message() { Type = Message.Types.Warning, Code = FileBrowserMessageCodes.MESHES_TOO_LARGE }); } } }
public override void LoadFile(string sNewPath) { // save this path because it is super-annoying otherwise... SceneGraphConfig.LastFileOpenPath = ListView.FolderPath; FContext controller = ActiveCockpit.Context; // read xml try { DebugUtil.Log(1, "Loading scene from path " + sNewPath); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(sNewPath); XMLInputStream stream = new XMLInputStream() { xml = doc }; SceneSerializer serializer = new SceneSerializer(); serializer.TargetFilePath = sNewPath; serializer.SOFactory = new SOFactory(); serializer.Restore(stream, ActiveCockpit.Scene); // once we have opened file, done with cockpit controller.PopCockpit(true); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Log("[LoadScene] read failed: " + e.Message); HUDUtil.ShowCenteredPopupMessage("Load Failed!", "Sorry could not load scene " + sNewPath, ActiveCockpit); } }
public bool HandleShortcuts() { if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Escape)) { controller.PopCockpit(true); return(true); } else if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Return)) { if (OnReturn != null) { OnReturn(); } return(true); } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Backspace)) { deleteTime = FPlatform.RealTime() + 0.5f; if (entryField.Text.Length > 0) { entryField.Text = entryField.Text.Substring(0, entryField.Text.Length - 1); } return(true); } else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Backspace)) { if (entryField.Text.Length > 0 && FPlatform.RealTime() - deleteTime > 0.05f) { entryField.Text = entryField.Text.Substring(0, entryField.Text.Length - 1); deleteTime = FPlatform.RealTime(); } return(true); } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.V) && Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftControl)) { //entryField.Text = ""; return(true); } else if (Input.anyKeyDown) { if (Input.inputString.Length > 0 && FileSystemUtils.IsValidFilenameString(Input.inputString)) { entryField.Text += Input.inputString; return(true); } } return(false); }