public static bool inSkillShot(Spell spell, Vector2 position, float radius) { if ( == SpellType.Line) { Vector2 spellPos = SpellDetector.GetCurrentSpellPosition(spell); //leave little space at back of skillshot if ( == float.MaxValue && Evade.GetTickCount() - spell.startTime > { return(false); } var projection = position.ProjectOn(spellPos, spell.endPos); if (projection.SegmentPoint.Distance(spell.endPos) < 100) //Check Skillshot endpoints { //unfinished } return(projection.SegmentPoint.Distance(position) <= GetSpellRadius(spell) + radius); } else if ( == SpellType.Circular) { return(position.Distance(spell.endPos) <= GetSpellRadius(spell) + radius); } else if ( == SpellType.Cone) { } return(false); }
public static bool LineIntersectLinearSpell(Vector2 a, Vector2 b, Spell spell) { var myBoundingRadius = myHero.BoundingRadius; var spellDir = spell.direction; var pSpellDir = spell.direction.Perpendicular(); var spellRadius = GetSpellRadius(spell); var spellPos = SpellDetector.GetCurrentSpellPosition(spell) - spellDir * myBoundingRadius; //leave some space at back of spell var endPos = spell.endPos + spellDir * myBoundingRadius; //leave some space at the front of spell var startRightPos = spellPos + pSpellDir * (spellRadius + myBoundingRadius); var startLeftPos = spellPos - pSpellDir * (spellRadius + myBoundingRadius); var endRightPos = endPos + pSpellDir * (spellRadius + myBoundingRadius); var endLeftPos = endPos - pSpellDir * (spellRadius + myBoundingRadius); bool int1 = MathUtils.CheckLineIntersection(a, b, startRightPos, startLeftPos); bool int2 = MathUtils.CheckLineIntersection(a, b, endRightPos, endLeftPos); bool int3 = MathUtils.CheckLineIntersection(a, b, startRightPos, endRightPos); bool int4 = MathUtils.CheckLineIntersection(a, b, startLeftPos, endLeftPos); if (int1 || int2 || int3 || int4) { return(true); } return(false); }
private void Drawing_OnDraw(EventArgs args) { if (menu.SubMenu("Draw").Item("DrawSkillShots").GetValue <bool>() == false) { return; } if (menu.SubMenu("Draw").Item("DrawEvadePosition").GetValue <bool>()) { if (Evade.lastPosInfo != null) { var pos = Evade.lastPosInfo.position; Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(pos.X, pos.Y, myHero.Position.Z), 65, Color.Red, 10); } } DrawEvadeStatus(); foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Spell> entry in SpellDetector.drawSpells) { Spell spell = entry.Value; var dangerStr = EvadeHelper.GetSpellDangerString(spell); var spellDrawingConfig ="Draw").SubMenu("DangerLevelDrawings") .SubMenu(dangerStr + "Drawing").Item(dangerStr + "Color").GetValue <Circle>(); var spellDrawingWidth ="Draw").SubMenu("DangerLevelDrawings") .SubMenu(dangerStr + "Drawing").Item(dangerStr + "Width").GetValue <Slider>().Value; if ("Spells").SubMenu( + + "Settings") .Item( + "DrawSpell").GetValue <bool>() && spellDrawingConfig.Active) { if ( == SpellType.Line) { Vector2 spellPos = SpellDetector.GetCurrentSpellPosition(spell); DrawLineRectangle(spellPos, spell.endPos, (int)EvadeHelper.GetSpellRadius(spell), spellDrawingWidth, spellDrawingConfig.Color); if (menu.SubMenu("Draw").Item("DrawSpellPos").GetValue <bool>()) { /*if (true) * { * var spellPos2 = spell.startPos + spell.direction * * (Evade.GetTickCount() - spell.startTime - / 1000 + spell.direction * * ((float)Game.Ping / 1000); * Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(spellPos2.X, spellPos2.Y, myHero.Position.Z), (int)EvadeHelper.GetSpellRadius(spell), Color.Red, 8); * }*/ Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(spellPos.X, spellPos.Y, myHero.Position.Z), (int)EvadeHelper.GetSpellRadius(spell), spellDrawingConfig.Color, spellDrawingWidth); } } else if ( == SpellType.Circular) { Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(spell.endPos.X, spell.endPos.Y, myHero.Position.Z), (int)EvadeHelper.GetSpellRadius(spell), spellDrawingConfig.Color, spellDrawingWidth); } else if ( == SpellType.Cone) { } } } }
private void CompareSpellLocation(Spell spell, Vector2 pos, float time) { var pos2 = SpellDetector.GetCurrentSpellPosition(spell); if (spell.spellObject != null) { Game.PrintChat("Compare: " + (pos2.Distance(pos)) / (Evade.GetTickCount() - time)); } }
private void CompareSpellLocation2(Spell spell) { var pos1 = SpellDetector.GetCurrentSpellPosition(spell); var timeNow = Evade.GetTickCount(); if (spell.spellObject != null) { Game.PrintChat("start distance: " + (spell.startPos.Distance(pos1))); } Utility.DelayAction.Add(250, () => CompareSpellLocation(spell, pos1, timeNow)); }
public static float GetSpellHitTime(Spell spell, Vector2 pos) { if ( == SpellType.Line) { var spellPos = SpellDetector.GetCurrentSpellPosition(spell, true, Game.Ping); return(1000 * spellPos.Distance(pos) /; } else if ( == SpellType.Circular) { return(Math.Max(0, spell.endTime - Evade.GetTickCount() - Game.Ping)); } return(float.MaxValue); }
public static BoundingBox GetLinearSpellBoundingBox(Spell spell) { var myBoundingRadius = myHero.BoundingRadius; var spellDir = spell.direction; var pSpellDir = spell.direction.Perpendicular(); var spellRadius = GetSpellRadius(spell); var spellPos = SpellDetector.GetCurrentSpellPosition(spell) - spellDir * myBoundingRadius; //leave some space at back of spell var endPos = spell.endPos + spellDir * myBoundingRadius; //leave some space at the front of spell var startRightPos = spellPos + pSpellDir * (spellRadius + myBoundingRadius); var endLeftPos = endPos - pSpellDir * (spellRadius + myBoundingRadius); return(new BoundingBox(new Vector3(endLeftPos.X, endLeftPos.Y, -1), new Vector3(startRightPos.X, startRightPos.Y, 1))); }
public static bool checkMoveToDirection(Vector2 from, Vector2 movePos) { var heroPoint = from; var dir = (movePos - heroPoint).Normalized(); foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Spell> entry in SpellDetector.spells) { Spell spell = entry.Value; if (!playerInSkillShot(spell)) { Vector2 spellPos = SpellDetector.GetCurrentSpellPosition(spell); if (spellPos.Distance(heroPoint) > 500 + GetSpellRadius(spell)) { return(PredictSpellCollision(spell, movePos, myHero.MoveSpeed, 0, myHero.ServerPosition.To2D(), 0)); } if ( == SpellType.Line) { if (LineIntersectLinearSpell(heroPoint, movePos, spell)) { return(true); } } else if ( == SpellType.Circular) { bool isCollision = false; var collisionTime = MathUtils.GetCollisionTime(heroPoint, spell.endPos, dir * myHero.MoveSpeed, new Vector2(0, 0), 1, GetSpellRadius(spell) + myHero.BoundingRadius, out isCollision); if (collisionTime > 0) { if (!(collisionTime >= heroPoint.Distance(movePos) / myHero.MoveSpeed)) //collision occurs when hero is moving to the destination { return(true); } } } else if ( == SpellType.Cone) { } } } return(false); }
public static bool LineIntersectLinearSpellEx(Vector2 a, Vector2 b, Spell spell, out Vector2 intersection) { var myBoundingRadius = myHero.BoundingRadius; var spellDir = spell.direction; var pSpellDir = spell.direction.Perpendicular(); var spellRadius = GetSpellRadius(spell); var spellPos = SpellDetector.GetCurrentSpellPosition(spell) - spellDir * myBoundingRadius; //leave some space at back of spell var endPos = spell.endPos + spellDir * myBoundingRadius; //leave some space at the front of spell var startRightPos = spellPos + pSpellDir * (spellRadius + myBoundingRadius); var startLeftPos = spellPos - pSpellDir * (spellRadius + myBoundingRadius); var endRightPos = endPos + pSpellDir * (spellRadius + myBoundingRadius); var endLeftPos = endPos - pSpellDir * (spellRadius + myBoundingRadius); var int1 = a.Intersection(b, startRightPos, startLeftPos); var int2 = a.Intersection(b, endRightPos, endLeftPos); var int3 = a.Intersection(b, startRightPos, endRightPos); var int4 = a.Intersection(b, startLeftPos, endLeftPos); if (int1.Intersects) { intersection = int1.Point; return(true); } else if (int2.Intersects) { intersection = int2.Point; return(true); } else if (int3.Intersects) { intersection = int3.Point; return(true); } else if (int4.Intersects) { intersection = int4.Point; return(true); } intersection = Vector2.Zero; return(false); }
public static float GetClosestDistanceApproach(Spell spell, Vector2 pos, float speed, float delay, Vector2 heroPos, float extraDist) { var walkDir = (pos - heroPos).Normalized(); var zVector = new Vector2(0, 0); if ( == SpellType.Line) { var spellPos = SpellDetector.GetCurrentSpellPosition(spell, true, delay); Vector2 cPos1, cPos2; var cpa = MathUtilsCPA.CPAPoints(heroPos, walkDir * speed, spellPos, spell.direction *, out cPos1, out cPos2); if (cpa < myHero.BoundingRadius + + extraDist) { if (cPos2.Distance(spell.startPos) > + myHero.BoundingRadius) { return(1); //500 } return(0); } return(cpa - (myHero.BoundingRadius + GetSpellRadius(spell) + extraDist)); //return MathUtils.ClosestTimeOfApproach(heroPos, walkDir * speed, spellPos, spell.direction *; } else if ( == SpellType.Circular) { /*var spellHitTime = Math.Max(0, spell.endTime - Evade.GetTickCount()); //extraDelay * var walkRange = heroPos.Distance(pos); * var predictedRange = speed * (spellHitTime / 1000); * var tHeroPos = heroPos + walkDir * Math.Min(predictedRange, walkRange); //Hero predicted pos * * return Math.Max(0,tHeroPos.Distance(spell.endPos) - (GetSpellRadius(spell) + myHero.BoundingRadius + extraDist)); //+ dodgeBuffer */ } return(1); }
public static bool PredictSpellCollision(Spell spell, Vector2 pos, float speed, float delay, Vector2 heroPos, float extraDist) { var walkDir = (pos - heroPos).Normalized(); var zVector = new Vector2(0, 0); /* * if ("MiscSettings").Item("CalculateHeroPos").GetValue<bool>()) * heroPos = GetRealHeroPos(); //testing*/ /*if (!myHero.IsMoving) * walkDir = zVector;*/ if ( == SpellType.Line) { //zVector if ( == float.MaxValue) { } var spellPos = SpellDetector.GetCurrentSpellPosition(spell, true); //Using triple checks //Check if skillshot will hit pos if hero is standing still bool isCollision = false; float standingCollisionTime = MathUtils.GetCollisionTime(pos, spellPos, zVector, spell.direction *, myHero.BoundingRadius, GetSpellRadius(spell), out isCollision); if (isCollision && standingCollisionTime > 0) { if (spellPos.Distance(spell.endPos) / > standingCollisionTime) { return(true); //if collision happens when the skillshot is in flight } } return(GetClosestDistanceApproach(spell, pos, speed, delay, heroPos, extraDist) == 0); /* * //Check if skillshot will hit hero if hero is moving * float movingCollisionTime = MathUtils.GetCollisionTime(heroPos, spellPos, walkDir * speed, spell.direction *, myHero.BoundingRadius, GetSpellRadius(spell) + 5, out isCollision); * if (isCollision && movingCollisionTime > 0) * { * if (spellPos.Distance(spell.endPos) / > movingCollisionTime) * return true; //if collision happens when the skillshot is in flight * } * * * //Check if skillshot will hit hero if hero is moving and the skillshot is moved forwards by 50 units * * spellPos = spellPos + spell.direction * * (delay / 1000); //move the spellPos by 50 miliseconds forwards * spellPos = spellPos + spell.direction * 50; //move the spellPos by 50 units forwards * * var finalExtraDelay = (50 / + (delay / 1000); * * float extraCollisionTime = MathUtils.GetCollisionTime(heroPos, spellPos, walkDir * speed, spell.direction *, myHero.BoundingRadius, GetSpellRadius(spell) + 5, out isCollision); * if (isCollision && extraCollisionTime > -finalExtraDelay) * { * if (spellPos.Distance(spell.endPos) / > extraCollisionTime) * return true; //if collision happens when the skillshot is in flight * else * return false; * }*/ } else if ( == SpellType.Circular) { var spellHitTime = Math.Max(0, spell.endTime - Evade.GetTickCount()); //extraDelay var walkRange = heroPos.Distance(pos); var predictedRange = speed * (spellHitTime / 1000); var tHeroPos = heroPos + walkDir * Math.Min(predictedRange, walkRange); //Hero predicted pos return(tHeroPos.Distance(spell.endPos) <= GetSpellRadius(spell) + myHero.BoundingRadius); //+ dodgeBuffer } else if ( == SpellType.Cone) { var spellHitTime = Math.Max(0, spell.endTime - Evade.GetTickCount()); //extraDelay var tHeroPos = heroPos + walkDir * speed * (spellHitTime / 1000); return(inSkillShot(spell, tHeroPos, myHero.BoundingRadius)); } return(false); }
private void Drawing_OnDraw(EventArgs args) { //PrintTimers(); //EvadeHelper.GetBestPositionTest(); var path = myHero.Path; if (path.Length > 0) { var heroPos2 = path[path.Length - 1].To2D();//EvadeHelper.GetRealHeroPos(); Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(heroPos2.X, heroPos2.Y, myHero.ServerPosition.Z), myHero.BoundingRadius, Color.White, 3); //Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(myHero.ServerPosition.X, myHero.ServerPosition.Y, myHero.ServerPosition.Z), myHero.BoundingRadius, Color.White, 3); Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(circleRenderPos.X, circleRenderPos.Y, myHero.ServerPosition.Z), 10, Color.Red, 3); } foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Spell> entry in SpellDetector.drawSpells) { Spell spell = entry.Value; if ( == SpellType.Line) { Vector2 spellPos = SpellDetector.GetCurrentSpellPosition(spell); Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(spellPos.X, spellPos.Y, myHero.Position.Z),, Color.White, 3); /*spellPos = spellPos + spell.direction * * (60 / 1000); //move the spellPos by 50 miliseconds forwards * spellPos = spellPos + spell.direction * 200; //move the spellPos by 50 units forwards * * Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(spellPos.X, spellPos.Y, myHero.Position.Z),, Color.White, 3);*/ } } if (testMenu.Item("DrawHeroPos").GetValue <bool>()) { Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(myHero.ServerPosition.X, myHero.ServerPosition.Y, myHero.ServerPosition.Z), myHero.BoundingRadius, Color.White, 3); } if (testMenu.Item("TestPath").GetValue <bool>()) { var tPath = myHero.GetPath(Game.CursorPos); Vector2 lastPoint = Vector2.Zero; foreach (Vector3 point in tPath) { var point2D = point.To2D(); Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(point.X, point.Y, point.Z), myHero.BoundingRadius, Color.Violet, 3); lastPoint = point2D; } } if (testMenu.Item("TestPath").GetValue <bool>()) { var tPath = myHero.GetPath(Game.CursorPos); Vector2 lastPoint = Vector2.Zero; foreach (Vector3 point in tPath) { var point2D = point.To2D(); Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(point.X, point.Y, point.Z), myHero.BoundingRadius, Color.Violet, 3); lastPoint = point2D; } } if (testMenu.Item("TestWall").GetValue <bool>()) { foreach (var posInfo in sortedBestPos) { var posOnScreen = Drawing.WorldToScreen(posInfo.position.To3D()); //Drawing.DrawText(posOnScreen.X, posOnScreen.Y, Color.Aqua, "" + (int)posInfo.closestDistance); if (!posInfo.rejectPosition) { Drawing.DrawText(posOnScreen.X, posOnScreen.Y, Color.Aqua, "" + (int)posInfo.closestDistance); } /*if (posInfo.posDangerCount <= 0) * { * var pos = posInfo.position; * Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(pos.X, pos.Y, myHero.Position.Z), (float)25, Color.White, 3); * }*/ } } }
private void Game_OnIssueOrder(Obj_AI_Base hero, GameObjectIssueOrderEventArgs args) { if (!hero.IsMe) { return; } if (args.Order == GameObjectOrder.HoldPosition) { var path = myHero.Path; var heroPoint = myHero.ServerPosition.To2D(); if (path.Length > 0) { var movePos = path[path.Length - 1].To2D(); var walkDir = (movePos - heroPoint).Normalized(); //circleRenderPos = EvadeHelper.GetRealHeroPos(); //heroPoint;// +walkDir * myHero.MoveSpeed * (((float)Game.Ping) / 1000); } } /* * if (args.Order == GameObjectOrder.MoveTo) * { * if (testingCollision) * { * if (args.TargetPosition.To2D().Distance(testCollisionPos) < 3) * { * //var path = myHero.GetPath(); * //circleRenderPos * * args.Process = false; * } * } * }*/ if (args.Order == GameObjectOrder.MoveTo) { Vector2 heroPos = myHero.ServerPosition.To2D(); Vector2 pos = args.TargetPosition.To2D(); float speed = myHero.MoveSpeed; startWalkPos = heroPos; startWalkTime = Evade.GetTickCount(); foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Spell> entry in SpellDetector.spells) { Spell spell = entry.Value; var spellPos = SpellDetector.GetCurrentSpellPosition(spell); var walkDir = (pos - heroPos).Normalized(); float spellTime = (Evade.GetTickCount() - spell.startTime) -; spellPos = spell.startPos + spell.direction * * (spellTime / 1000); //Game.PrintChat("aaaa" + spellTime); bool isCollision = false; float movingCollisionTime = MathUtils.GetCollisionTime(heroPos, spellPos, walkDir * (speed - 25), spell.direction * ( - 200), myHero.BoundingRadius, EvadeHelper.GetSpellRadius(spell), out isCollision); if (isCollision) { //Game.PrintChat("aaaa" + spellPos.Distance(spell.endPos) /; if (true)//spellPos.Distance(spell.endPos) / > movingCollisionTime) { Game.PrintChat("movingCollisionTime: " + movingCollisionTime); //circleRenderPos = heroPos + walkDir * speed * movingCollisionTime; } } } } }