public static bool InSkillShot(this Vector2 position, Spell spell, float radius, bool predictCollision = true) { if (spell.spellType == SpellType.Line) { Vector2 spellPos = spell.currentSpellPosition; Vector2 spellEndPos = predictCollision ? spell.GetSpellEndPosition() : spell.endPos; //spellPos = spellPos - spell.direction * radius; //leave some space at back of spell //spellEndPos = spellEndPos + spell.direction * radius; //leave some space at the front of spell /*if ( == float.MaxValue && Evade.GetTickCount - spell.startTime > { return false; }*/ var projection = position.ProjectOn(spellPos, spellEndPos); /*if (projection.SegmentPoint.Distance(spellEndPos) < 100) //Check Skillshot endpoints { //unfinished }*/ return projection.IsOnSegment && projection.SegmentPoint.Distance(position) <= spell.radius + radius; } else if (spell.spellType == SpellType.Circular) { if ( == "VeigarEventHorizon") { return position.Distance(spell.endPos) <= spell.radius + radius - ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius && position.Distance(spell.endPos) >= spell.radius + radius - ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius - 125; } return position.Distance(spell.endPos) <= spell.radius + radius - ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius; } else if (spell.spellType == SpellType.Arc) { if (position.isLeftOfLineSegment(spell.startPos, spell.endPos)) { return false; } var spellRange = spell.startPos.Distance(spell.endPos); var midPoint = spell.startPos + spell.direction * (spellRange/2); return position.Distance(midPoint) <= spell.radius + radius - ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius; } else if (spell.spellType == SpellType.Cone) { } return false; }
public static PositionInfo InitPositionInfo(Vector2 pos, float extraDelayBuffer, float extraEvadeDistance, Vector2 lastMovePos, Spell lowestEvadeTimeSpell) //clean this shit up { if (!ObjectCache.myHeroCache.isMoving && ObjectCache.myHeroCache.serverPos2D.Distance(pos) <= 75) { pos = ObjectCache.myHeroCache.serverPos2D; } var extraDist = ObjectCache.menuCache.cache["ExtraCPADistance"].Cast<Slider>().CurrentValue; var posInfo = CanHeroWalkToPos(pos, ObjectCache.myHeroCache.moveSpeed, extraDelayBuffer + ObjectCache.gamePing, extraDist); posInfo.isDangerousPos = pos.CheckDangerousPos(6); posInfo.hasExtraDistance = extraEvadeDistance > 0 ? pos.CheckDangerousPos(extraEvadeDistance) : false;// ? 1 : 0; posInfo.closestDistance = posInfo.distanceToMouse; //GetMovementBlockPositionValue(pos, lastMovePos); posInfo.intersectionTime = GetMinCPADistance(pos); //GetIntersectDistance(lowestEvadeTimeSpell, ObjectCache.myHeroCache.serverPos2D, pos); //GetClosestDistanceApproach(lowestEvadeTimeSpell, pos, ObjectCache.myHeroCache.moveSpeed, ObjectCache.gamePing, ObjectCache.myHeroCache.serverPos2D, 0); posInfo.distanceToMouse = pos.GetPositionValue(); posInfo.posDistToChamps = pos.GetDistanceToChampions(); posInfo.speed = ObjectCache.myHeroCache.moveSpeed; if (ObjectCache.menuCache.cache["RejectMinDistance"].Cast<Slider>().CurrentValue > 0 && ObjectCache.menuCache.cache["RejectMinDistance"].Cast<Slider>().CurrentValue > posInfo.closestDistance) //reject closestdistance { posInfo.rejectPosition = true; } if (ObjectCache.menuCache.cache["MinComfortZone"].Cast<Slider>().CurrentValue > posInfo.posDistToChamps) { posInfo.hasComfortZone = false; } return posInfo; }
public static bool PlayerInSkillShot(Spell spell) { return ObjectCache.myHeroCache.serverPos2D.InSkillShot(spell, ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius); }
public static Vector2 GetFastestPosition(Spell spell) { var heroPos = ObjectCache.myHeroCache.serverPos2D; if (spell.spellType == SpellType.Line) { var projection = heroPos.ProjectOn(spell.startPos, spell.endPos).SegmentPoint; return projection.Extend(heroPos, spell.radius + ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius + 10); } else if (spell.spellType == SpellType.Circular) { return spell.endPos.Extend(heroPos, spell.radius + 10); } return Vector2.Zero; }
private static bool ShouldActivateEvadeSpell(Spell spell) { if (Evade.lastPosInfo == null) return false; if (ObjectCache.menuCache.cache["DodgeSkillShots"].Cast<KeyBind>().CurrentValue) { if (Evade.lastPosInfo.undodgeableSpells.Contains(spell.spellID) && ObjectCache.myHeroCache.serverPos2D.InSkillShot(spell, ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius)) { return true; } } else { if (ObjectCache.myHeroCache.serverPos2D.InSkillShot(spell, ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius)) { return true; } } /*float activationTime ="MiscSettings").SubMenu("EvadeSpellMisc").Item("EvadeSpellActivationTime") .Cast<Slider>().CurrentValue + ObjectCache.gamePing; if (spell.spellHitTime != float.MinValue && activationTime > spell.spellHitTime - spell.evadeTime) { return true; }*/ return false; }
public static float GetLowestEvadeTime(out Spell lowestSpell) { float lowest = float.MaxValue; lowestSpell = null; foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Spell> entry in SpellDetector.spells) { Spell spell = entry.Value; if (spell.spellHitTime != float.MinValue) { //Console.WriteLine("spellhittime: " + spell.spellHitTime); lowest = Math.Min(lowest, (spell.spellHitTime - spell.evadeTime)); lowestSpell = spell; } } return lowest; }
public static bool CanHeroWalkIntoSpell(Spell spell) { if (ObjectCache.menuCache.cache["AdvancedSpellDetection"].Cast<CheckBox>().CurrentValue) { Vector2 heroPos = myHero.Position.To2D(); var extraDist = myHero.Distance(ObjectCache.myHeroCache.serverPos2D); if (spell.spellType == SpellType.Line) { var walkRadius = ObjectCache.myHeroCache.moveSpeed * (spell.endTime - EvadeUtils.TickCount) / 1000 + ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius + + extraDist + 10; var spellPos = spell.currentSpellPosition; var spellEndPos = spell.GetSpellEndPosition(); var projection = heroPos.ProjectOn(spellPos, spellEndPos); return projection.SegmentPoint.Distance(heroPos) <= walkRadius; } else if (spell.spellType == SpellType.Circular) { var walkRadius = ObjectCache.myHeroCache.moveSpeed * (spell.endTime - EvadeUtils.TickCount) / 1000 + ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius + + extraDist + 10; if (heroPos.Distance(spell.endPos) < walkRadius) { return true; } } else if (spell.spellType == SpellType.Arc) { var spellRange = spell.startPos.Distance(spell.endPos); var midPoint = spell.startPos + spell.direction * (spellRange / 2); var arcRadius = * (1 + spellRange / 100); var walkRadius = ObjectCache.myHeroCache.moveSpeed * (spell.endTime - EvadeUtils.TickCount) / 1000 + ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius + arcRadius + extraDist + 10; if (heroPos.Distance(midPoint) < walkRadius) { return true; } } return false; } return true; }
private void CompareSpellLocation(Spell spell, Vector2 pos, float time) { var pos2 = spell.currentSpellPosition; if (spell.spellObject != null) { ConsolePrinter.Print("Compare: " + (pos2.Distance(pos)) / (EvadeUtils.TickCount - time)); } }
private void SpellMissile_OnCreate(GameObject obj, EventArgs args) { if (!obj.IsValid <MissileClient>()) { return; } MissileClient missile = (MissileClient)obj; // todo: keepo //if (missile.SpellCaster.IsMe) // Console.WriteLine("Missile: " + missile.SData.Name); SpellData spellData; if (missile.SpellCaster != null && missile.SpellCaster.Team != myHero.Team && missile.SData.Name != null && onMissileSpells.TryGetValue(missile.SData.Name, out spellData) && missile.StartPosition != null && missile.EndPosition != null) { if (missile.StartPosition.Distance(myHero.Position) < spellData.range + 1000) { var hero = missile.SpellCaster; if (hero.IsVisible) { if (spellData.usePackets) { CreateSpellData(hero, missile.StartPosition, missile.EndPosition, spellData, obj); return; } var objectAssigned = false; foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Spell> entry in detectedSpells) { Spell spell = entry.Value; var dir = (missile.EndPosition.To2D() - missile.StartPosition.To2D()).Normalized(); if (, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) || ( + "_urf").Equals(missile.SData.Name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && spell.heroID == missile.SpellCaster.NetworkId && dir.AngleBetween(spell.direction) < 10) { if ( == false && == false) { spell.spellObject = obj; objectAssigned = true; break; /*if(spell.spellType == SpellType.Line) * { * if (missile.SData.LineWidth != * { * Console.WriteLine("Wrong radius " + + ": " + + " vs " + missile.SData.LineWidth); + } + + if (missile.SData.MissileSpeed != + { + Console.WriteLine("Wrong speed " + + ": " + + " vs " + missile.SData.MissileSpeed); + } + + }*/ //var acquisitionTime = EvadeUtils.TickCount - spell.startTime; //Console.WriteLine("AcquiredTime: " + acquisitionTime); } } } if (objectAssigned == false) { CreateSpellData(hero, missile.StartPosition, missile.EndPosition, spellData, obj); } } else { if (ObjectCache.menuCache.cache["DodgeFOWSpells"].GetValue <bool>()) { CreateSpellData(hero, missile.StartPosition, missile.EndPosition, spellData, obj); } } } } }
private void Drawing_OnDraw(EventArgs args) { if (ObjectCache.menuCache.cache["DrawEvadePosition"].GetValue <bool>()) { //Render.Circle.DrawCircle(myHero.Position.ExtendDir(dir, 500), 65, Color.Red, 10); /*foreach (var point in myHero.Path) * { * Render.Circle.DrawCircle(point, 65, Color.Red, 10); * }*/ if (Evade.lastPosInfo != null) { var pos = Evade.lastPosInfo.position; //Evade.lastEvadeCommand.targetPosition; Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(pos.X, pos.Y, myHero.Position.Z), 65, Color.Red, 10); } } DrawEvadeStatus(); if (ObjectCache.menuCache.cache["DrawSkillShots"].GetValue <bool>() == false) { return; } foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Spell> entry in SpellDetector.drawSpells) { Spell spell = entry.Value; var dangerStr = spell.GetSpellDangerString(); var spellDrawingConfig = ObjectCache.menuCache.cache[dangerStr + "Color"].GetValue <Circle>(); var spellDrawingWidth = ObjectCache.menuCache.cache[dangerStr + "Width"].GetValue <Slider>().Value; var avoidRadius = ObjectCache.menuCache.cache["ExtraAvoidDistance"].GetValue <Slider>().Value; if (ObjectCache.menuCache.cache[ + "DrawSpell"].GetValue <bool>() && spellDrawingConfig.Active) { bool canEvade = !(Evade.lastPosInfo != null && Evade.lastPosInfo.undodgeableSpells.Contains(spell.spellID)) || !Evade.devModeOn; if (spell.spellType == SpellType.Line) { Vector2 spellPos = spell.currentSpellPosition; Vector2 spellEndPos = spell.GetSpellEndPosition(); DrawLineRectangle(spellPos, spellEndPos, (int)spell.radius, spellDrawingWidth, !canEvade ? Color.Yellow : spellDrawingConfig.Color); if (Evade.devModeOn) { DrawLineRectangle(spellPos, spellEndPos, (int)spell.radius + avoidRadius, Math.Max(spellDrawingWidth - 1, 1), !canEvade ? Color.Yellow : spellDrawingConfig.Color); } if (ObjectCache.menuCache.cache["DrawSpellPos"].GetValue <bool>())// && spell.spellObject != null) { Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(spellPos.X, spellPos.Y, spell.height), (int)spell.radius, !canEvade ? Color.Yellow : spellDrawingConfig.Color, spellDrawingWidth); } } else if (spell.spellType == SpellType.Circular) { Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(spell.endPos.X, spell.endPos.Y, spell.height), (int)spell.radius, !canEvade ? Color.Yellow : spellDrawingConfig.Color, spellDrawingWidth); Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(spell.endPos.X, spell.endPos.Y, spell.height), (int)spell.radius + avoidRadius, !canEvade ? Color.Yellow : spellDrawingConfig.Color, Math.Max(spellDrawingWidth - 1, 1)); if ( == "VeigarEventHorizon") { Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(spell.endPos.X, spell.endPos.Y, spell.height), (int)spell.radius - 125, !canEvade ? Color.Yellow : spellDrawingConfig.Color, spellDrawingWidth); } else if ( == "DariusCleave") { Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(spell.endPos.X, spell.endPos.Y, spell.height), (int)spell.radius - 220, !canEvade ? Color.Yellow : spellDrawingConfig.Color, spellDrawingWidth); } } else if (spell.spellType == SpellType.Arc) { /*var spellRange = spell.startPos.Distance(spell.endPos); * var midPoint = spell.startPos + spell.direction * (spellRange / 2); * * Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(midPoint.X, midPoint.Y, myHero.Position.Z), (int)spell.radius, spellDrawingConfig.Color, spellDrawingWidth); * * Drawing.DrawLine(Drawing.WorldToScreen(spell.startPos.To3D()), * Drawing.WorldToScreen(spell.endPos.To3D()), * spellDrawingWidth, spellDrawingConfig.Color);*/ } else if (spell.spellType == SpellType.Cone) { DrawLineTriangle(spell.startPos, spell.endPos, (int)spell.radius, spellDrawingWidth, spellDrawingConfig.Color); } } } }
private void Drawing_OnDraw(EventArgs args) { //PrintTimers(); //EvadeHelper.CheckMovePath(Game.CursorPos.To2D()); //TestUnderTurret(); /*if (EvadeHelper.CheckPathCollision(myHero, Game.CursorPos.To2D())) * { * var paths = myHero.GetPath(ObjectCache.myHeroCache.serverPos2DExtra.To3D(), Game.CursorPos); * foreach (var path in paths) * { * Render.Circle.DrawCircle(path, ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius, Color.Red, 3); * } * } * else * { * Render.Circle.DrawCircle(Game.CursorPos, ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius, Color.White, 3); * }*/ foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Spell> entry in SpellDetector.drawSpells) { Spell spell = entry.Value; if (spell.spellType == SpellType.Line) { Vector2 spellPos = spell.currentSpellPosition; Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(spellPos.X, spellPos.Y, myHero.Position.Z),, Color.White, 3); /*spellPos = spellPos + spell.direction * * (60 / 1000); //move the spellPos by 50 miliseconds forwards * spellPos = spellPos + spell.direction * 200; //move the spellPos by 50 units forwards * * Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(spellPos.X, spellPos.Y, myHero.Position.Z),, Color.White, 3);*/ } } if (testMenu.Item("TestHeroPos").GetValue <bool>()) { var path = myHero.Path; if (path.Length > 0) { var heroPos2 = EvadeHelper.GetRealHeroPos(ObjectCache.gamePing + 50);// path[path.Length - 1].To2D(); var heroPos1 = ObjectCache.myHeroCache.serverPos2D; Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(heroPos2.X, heroPos2.Y, myHero.ServerPosition.Z), ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius, Color.Red, 3); Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(myHero.ServerPosition.X, myHero.ServerPosition.Y, myHero.ServerPosition.Z), ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius, Color.White, 3); var heroPos = Drawing.WorldToScreen(ObjectManager.Player.Position); var dimension = Drawing.GetTextEntent("Evade: ON", 0); Drawing.DrawText(heroPos.X - dimension.Width / 2, heroPos.Y, Color.Red, "" + (int)(heroPos2.Distance(heroPos1))); Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(circleRenderPos.X, circleRenderPos.Y, myHero.ServerPosition.Z), 10, Color.Red, 3); } } if (testMenu.Item("DrawHeroPos").GetValue <bool>()) { Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(myHero.ServerPosition.X, myHero.ServerPosition.Y, myHero.ServerPosition.Z), ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius, Color.White, 3); } if (testMenu.Item("TestMoveTo").GetValue <KeyBind>().Active) { var keyBind = testMenu.Item("TestMoveTo").GetValue <KeyBind>(); testMenu.Item("TestMoveTo").SetValue(new KeyBind(keyBind.Key, KeyBindType.Toggle, false)); /*lastRightMouseClickTime = EvadeUtils.TickCount; * myHero.IssueOrder(GameObjectOrder.MoveTo, Game.CursorPos,false);*/ Player.IssueOrder(GameObjectOrder.MoveTo, Game.CursorPos); var dir = (Game.CursorPos - myHero.Position).Normalized(); //var pos2 = myHero.Position - dir * Game.CursorPos.Distance(myHero.Position); //var pos2 = myHero.Position.To2D() - dir.To2D() * 75; var pos2 = Game.CursorPos.To2D() - dir.To2D() * 75; //Console.WriteLine(myHero.BBox.Maximum.Distance(myHero.Position)); DelayAction.Add(20, () => Player.IssueOrder(GameObjectOrder.MoveTo, pos2.To3D(), false)); //myHero.IssueOrder(GameObjectOrder.MoveTo, pos2, false); } if (testMenu.Item("TestPath").GetValue <bool>()) { var tPath = myHero.GetPath(Game.CursorPos); Vector2 lastPoint = Vector2.Zero; foreach (Vector3 point in tPath) { var point2D = point.To2D(); Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(point.X, point.Y, point.Z), ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius, Color.Violet, 3); lastPoint = point2D; } } if (testMenu.Item("TestPath").GetValue <bool>()) { var tPath = myHero.GetPath(Game.CursorPos); Vector2 lastPoint = Vector2.Zero; foreach (Vector3 point in tPath) { var point2D = point.To2D(); //Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(point.X, point.Y, point.Z), ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius, Color.Violet, 3); lastPoint = point2D; } foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Spell> entry in SpellDetector.spells) { Spell spell = entry.Value; Vector2 to = Game.CursorPos.To2D(); var dir = (to - myHero.Position.To2D()).Normalized(); Vector2 cPos1, cPos2; var cpa = MathUtilsCPA.CPAPointsEx(myHero.Position.To2D(), dir * ObjectCache.myHeroCache.moveSpeed, spell.endPos, spell.direction *, to, spell.endPos); var cpaTime = MathUtilsCPA.CPATime(myHero.Position.To2D(), dir * ObjectCache.myHeroCache.moveSpeed, spell.endPos, spell.direction *; //ConsolePrinter.Print("" + cpaTime); //Render.Circle.DrawCircle(cPos1.To3D(), ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius, Color.Red, 3); if (cpa < ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius + spell.radius) { } } } if (testMenu.Item("ShowBuffs").GetValue <bool>()) { var target = myHero; foreach (var hero in HeroManager.Enemies) { target = hero; } var buffs = target.Buffs; //ConsolePrinter.Print(myHero.ChampionName); //if(myHero.IsDead) // ConsolePrinter.Print("dead"); if (!target.IsTargetable) { ConsolePrinter.Print("invul" + EvadeUtils.TickCount); } int height = 20; foreach (var buff in buffs) { if (buff.IsValidBuff()) { Drawing.DrawText(10, height, Color.White, buff.Name); height += 20; ConsolePrinter.Print(buff.Name); } } } if (testMenu.Item("TestTracker").GetValue <bool>()) { foreach (KeyValuePair <int, ObjectTrackerInfo> entry in ObjectTracker.objTracker) { var info = entry.Value; Vector3 endPos2; if (info.usePosition == false) { endPos2 = info.obj.Position; } else { endPos2 = info.position; } Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(endPos2.X, endPos2.Y, myHero.Position.Z), 50, Color.Green, 3); } /*foreach (var obj in ObjectManager.Get<Obj_AI_Minion>()) * { * ConsolePrinter.Print("minion: " + obj.Name); * if (obj.Name == "Ekko") * { * var pos = obj.Position; * Render.Circle.DrawCircle(pos, 100, Color.Green, 3); * } * }*/ } if (testMenu.Item("ShowMissileInfo").GetValue <bool>()) { if (testMissile != null) { //Render.Circle.DrawCircle(testMissile.Position, testMissile.BoundingRadius, Color.White, 3); } } if (testMenu.Item("TestWall").GetValue <bool>()) { /*foreach (var posInfo in sortedBestPos) * { * var posOnScreen = Drawing.WorldToScreen(posInfo.position.To3D()); * //Drawing.DrawText(posOnScreen.X, posOnScreen.Y, Color.Aqua, "" + (int)posInfo.closestDistance); * * * if (!posInfo.rejectPosition) * { * Drawing.DrawText(posOnScreen.X, posOnScreen.Y, Color.Aqua, "" + (int)posInfo.closestDistance); * } * * Drawing.DrawText(posOnScreen.X, posOnScreen.Y, Color.Aqua, "" + (int)posInfo.closestDistance); * * if (posInfo.posDangerCount <= 0) * { * var pos = posInfo.position; * Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(pos.X, pos.Y, myHero.Position.Z), (float)25, Color.White, 3); * } * }*/ int posChecked = 0; int maxPosToCheck = 50; int posRadius = 50; int radiusIndex = 0; Vector2 heroPoint = ObjectCache.myHeroCache.serverPos2D; List <PositionInfo> posTable = new List <PositionInfo>(); while (posChecked < maxPosToCheck) { radiusIndex++; int curRadius = radiusIndex * (2 * posRadius); int curCircleChecks = (int)Math.Ceiling((2 * Math.PI * (double)curRadius) / (2 * (double)posRadius)); for (int i = 1; i < curCircleChecks; i++) { posChecked++; var cRadians = (2 * Math.PI / (curCircleChecks - 1)) * i; //check decimals var pos = new Vector2((float)Math.Floor(heroPoint.X + curRadius * Math.Cos(cRadians)), (float)Math.Floor(heroPoint.Y + curRadius * Math.Sin(cRadians))); if (!EvadeHelper.CheckPathCollision(myHero, pos)) { Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(pos.X, pos.Y, myHero.Position.Z), (float)25, Color.White, 3); } } } } }
private void Game_OnIssueOrder(Obj_AI_Base hero, PlayerIssueOrderEventArgs args) { if (!hero.IsMe) { return; } if (args.Order == GameObjectOrder.HoldPosition) { var path = myHero.Path; var heroPoint = ObjectCache.myHeroCache.serverPos2D; if (path.Length > 0) { var movePos = path[path.Length - 1].To2D(); var walkDir = (movePos - heroPoint).Normalized(); //circleRenderPos = EvadeHelper.GetRealHeroPos(); //heroPoint;// +walkDir * ObjectCache.myHeroCache.moveSpeed * (((float)ObjectCache.gamePing) / 1000); } } if (testMenu.Item("TestPath").GetValue <bool>()) { var tPath = myHero.GetPath(args.TargetPosition); Vector2 lastPoint = Vector2.Zero; foreach (Vector3 point in tPath) { var point2D = point.To2D(); Draw.RenderObjects.Add(new Draw.RenderCircle(point2D, 500)); //Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(point.X, point.Y, point.Z), ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius, Color.Violet, 3); } } /* * if (args.Order == GameObjectOrder.MoveTo) * { * if (testingCollision) * { * if (args.TargetPosition.To2D().Distance(testCollisionPos) < 3) * { * //var path = myHero.GetPath(); * //circleRenderPos * * args.Process = false; * } * } * }*/ if (args.Order == GameObjectOrder.MoveTo) { if (testMenu.Item("EvadeTesterPing").GetValue <bool>()) { ConsolePrinter.Print("Sending Path ClickTime: " + (EvadeUtils.TickCount - lastRightMouseClickTime)); } Vector2 heroPos = ObjectCache.myHeroCache.serverPos2D; Vector2 pos = args.TargetPosition.To2D(); float speed = ObjectCache.myHeroCache.moveSpeed; startWalkPos = heroPos; startWalkTime = EvadeUtils.TickCount; foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Spell> entry in SpellDetector.spells) { Spell spell = entry.Value; var spellPos = spell.currentSpellPosition; var walkDir = (pos - heroPos).Normalized(); float spellTime = (EvadeUtils.TickCount - spell.startTime) -; spellPos = spell.startPos + spell.direction * * (spellTime / 1000); //ConsolePrinter.Print("aaaa" + spellTime); bool isCollision = false; float movingCollisionTime = MathUtils.GetCollisionTime(heroPos, spellPos, walkDir * (speed - 25), spell.direction * ( - 200), ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius, spell.radius, out isCollision); if (isCollision) { //ConsolePrinter.Print("aaaa" + spellPos.Distance(spell.endPos) /; if (true)//spellPos.Distance(spell.endPos) / > movingCollisionTime) { ConsolePrinter.Print("movingCollisionTime: " + movingCollisionTime); //circleRenderPos = heroPos + walkDir * speed * movingCollisionTime; } } } } }
private void Game_ProcessSpell(Obj_AI_Base hero, GameObjectProcessSpellCastEventArgs args) { if (hero.IsMinion) { return; } if (testMenu.Item("ShowProcessSpell").GetValue <bool>()) { ConsolePrinter.Print(args.SData.Name + " CastTime: " + (hero.Spellbook.CastTime - Game.Time)); ConsolePrinter.Print("CastRadius: " + args.SData.CastRadius); /*foreach (PropertyDescriptor descriptor in TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(args.SData)) * { * string name = descriptor.Name; * object value = descriptor.GetValue(args.SData); * ConsolePrinter.Print("{0}={1}", name, value); * }*/ } if (args.SData.Name == "YasuoQW") { Draw.RenderObjects.Add( new Draw.RenderCircle(args.Start.To2D(), 500)); Draw.RenderObjects.Add( new Draw.RenderCircle(args.End.To2D(), 500)); } //ConsolePrinter.Print(EvadeUtils.TickCount - lastProcessPacketTime); //circleRenderPos = args.SData.ParticleStartOffset.To2D(); /*Draw.RenderObjects.Add( * new Draw.RenderPosition(args.Start.To2D(), Evade.GetTickCount + 500)); * Draw.RenderObjects.Add( * new Draw.RenderPosition(args.End.To2D(), Evade.GetTickCount + 500));*/ /*float testTime; * * * testTime = Evade.GetTickCount; * for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) * { * var testVar = ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius; * } * ConsolePrinter.Print("Test time1: " + (Evade.GetTickCount - testTime)); * * testTime = Evade.GetTickCount; * var cacheVar = ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius; * for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) * { * var testVar = cacheVar; * } * ConsolePrinter.Print("Test time1: " + (Evade.GetTickCount - testTime));*/ //ConsolePrinter.Print("NetworkID: " + args.MissileNetworkId); lastHeroSpellCastTime = EvadeUtils.TickCount; foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Spell> entry in SpellDetector.spells) { Spell spell = entry.Value; if ( == args.SData.Name && spell.heroID == hero.NetworkId) { if ( == false && == false) { ConsolePrinter.Print("Time diff: " + (EvadeUtils.TickCount - spell.startTime)); } } } if (hero.IsMe) { lastSpellCastTime = EvadeUtils.TickCount; } }
public static float CompareFastestPosition(Spell spell, Vector2 start, Vector2 movePos) { var fastestPos = GetFastestPosition(spell); var moveDir = (movePos - start).Normalized(); var fastestDir = (GetFastestPosition(spell) - start).Normalized(); return moveDir.AngleBetween(fastestDir); // * (180 / ((float)Math.PI)); }
public static Vector2 GetSpellEndPosition(this Spell spell) { return(spell.predictedEndPos == Vector2.Zero ? spell.endPos : spell.predictedEndPos); }
private void SpellMissile_OnCreate(GameObject obj, EventArgs args) { /*if (sender.Name.ToLower().Contains("minion") || sender.Name.ToLower().Contains("turret") || sender.Type == GameObjectType.obj_GeneralParticleEmitter) || { || return; || } || || if (sender.IsValid<MissileClient>()) || { || var tMissile = sender as MissileClient; || if (tMissile.SpellCaster.Type != GameObjectType.AIHeroClient) || { || return; || } || } || || ConsolePrinter.Print(sender.Type + " : " + sender.Name);*/ var minion = obj as Obj_AI_Minion; if (minion != null) { ConsolePrinter.Print(minion.CharData.BaseSkinName); } if (obj.IsValid <MissileClient>()) { MissileClient autoattack = (MissileClient)obj; /*if (!autoattack.SpellCaster.IsMinion) * { * ConsolePrinter.Print("Missile Name " + autoattack.SData.Name); * ConsolePrinter.Print("Missile Speed " + autoattack.SData.MissileSpeed); * ConsolePrinter.Print("LineWidth " + autoattack.SData.LineWidth); * ConsolePrinter.Print("Range " + autoattack.SData.CastRange); * ConsolePrinter.Print("Accel " + autoattack.SData.MissileAccel); * }*/ } //ConsolePrinter.Print(obj.Name + ": " + obj.Type); if (!obj.IsValid <MissileClient>()) { return; } if (testMenu.Item("ShowMissileInfo").GetValue <bool>() == false) { return; } MissileClient missile = (MissileClient)obj; if (!missile.SpellCaster.IsValid <AIHeroClient>()) { //return; } var testMissileSpeedStartTime = EvadeUtils.TickCount; var testMissileSpeedStartPos = missile.Position.To2D(); DelayAction.Add(250, () => { if (missile != null && missile.IsValid && !missile.IsDead) { testMissileSpeedStartTime = EvadeUtils.TickCount; testMissileSpeedStartPos = missile.Position.To2D(); } }); testMissile = missile; testMissileStartTime = EvadeUtils.TickCount; ConsolePrinter.Print("Est.CastTime: " + (EvadeUtils.TickCount - lastHeroSpellCastTime)); ConsolePrinter.Print("Missile Name " + missile.SData.Name); ConsolePrinter.Print("Missile Speed " + missile.SData.MissileSpeed); ConsolePrinter.Print("Max Speed " + missile.SData.MissileMaxSpeed); ConsolePrinter.Print("LineWidth " + missile.SData.LineWidth); ConsolePrinter.Print("Range " + missile.SData.CastRange); //ConsolePrinter.Print("Angle " + missile.SData.CastConeAngle); /*ConsolePrinter.Print("Offset: " + missile.SData.ParticleStartOffset); * ConsolePrinter.Print("Missile Speed " + missile.SData.MissileSpeed); * ConsolePrinter.Print("LineWidth " + missile.SData.LineWidth); * circleRenderPos = missile.SData.ParticleStartOffset.To2D();*/ //ConsolePrinter.Print("Acquired: " + (EvadeUtils.TickCount - lastSpellCastTime)); Draw.RenderObjects.Add( new Draw.RenderCircle(missile.StartPosition.To2D(), 500)); Draw.RenderObjects.Add( new Draw.RenderCircle(missile.EndPosition.To2D(), 500)); DelayAction.Add(750, () => { if (missile != null && missile.IsValid && !missile.IsDead) { var dist = missile.Position.To2D().Distance(testMissileSpeedStartPos); ConsolePrinter.Print("Est.Missile speed: " + dist / (EvadeUtils.TickCount - testMissileSpeedStartTime)); } }); SpellData spellData; if (missile.SpellCaster != null && missile.SpellCaster.Team != myHero.Team && missile.SData.Name != null && SpellDetector.onMissileSpells.TryGetValue(missile.SData.Name, out spellData) && missile.StartPosition != null && missile.EndPosition != null) { if (missile.StartPosition.Distance(myHero.Position) < spellData.range + 1000) { var hero = missile.SpellCaster; if (hero.IsVisible) { foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Spell> entry in SpellDetector.spells) { Spell spell = entry.Value; if ( == missile.SData.Name && spell.heroID == missile.SpellCaster.NetworkId) { if ( == false && == false) { //spell.spellObject = obj; ConsolePrinter.Print("Acquired: " + (EvadeUtils.TickCount - spell.startTime)); } } } } } } }
public static bool hasProjectile(this Spell spell) { return( > 0 && != float.MaxValue); }
public static bool ActivateEvadeSpell(Spell spell, bool checkSpell = false) { var sortedEvadeSpells = evadeSpells.OrderBy(s => s.dangerlevel); var extraDelayBuffer = ObjectCache.menuCache.cache["ExtraPingBuffer"].Cast <Slider>().CurrentValue; float spellActivationTime = ObjectCache.menuCache.cache["SpellActivationTime"].Cast <Slider>().CurrentValue + ObjectCache.gamePing + extraDelayBuffer; if (ObjectCache.menuCache.cache["CalculateWindupDelay"].Cast <CheckBox>().CurrentValue) { var extraWindupDelay = Evade.lastWindupTime - EvadeUtils.TickCount; if (extraWindupDelay > 0) { return(false); } } foreach (var evadeSpell in sortedEvadeSpells) { var processSpell = true; if (ObjectCache.menuCache.cache[ + "UseEvadeSpell"].Cast <CheckBox>().CurrentValue == false || GetSpellDangerLevel(evadeSpell) > spell.GetSpellDangerLevel() || (evadeSpell.isItem == false && !(myHero.Spellbook.CanUseSpell(evadeSpell.spellKey) == SpellState.Ready)) || (evadeSpell.isItem == true && !(LeagueSharp.Common.Items.CanUseItem((int)evadeSpell.itemID))) || (evadeSpell.checkSpellName == true && myHero.Spellbook.GetSpell(evadeSpell.spellKey).Name != evadeSpell.spellName)) { continue; //can't use spell right now } float evadeTime, spellHitTime = 0; spell.CanHeroEvade(myHero, out evadeTime, out spellHitTime); float finalEvadeTime = (spellHitTime - evadeTime); if (checkSpell) { var mode = ObjectCache.menuCache.cache[ + "EvadeSpellMode"] .Cast <Slider>().CurrentValue; if (mode == 0) { continue; } else if (mode == 1) { if (spellActivationTime < finalEvadeTime) { continue; } } } else { //if (ObjectCache.menuCache.cache[ + "LastResort"].Cast<CheckBox>().CurrentValue) if (evadeSpell.spellDelay <= 50 && evadeSpell.evadeType != EvadeType.Dash) { var path = myHero.Path; if (path.Length > 0) { var movePos = path[path.Length - 1].LSTo2D(); var posInfo = EvadeHelper.CanHeroWalkToPos(movePos, ObjectCache.myHeroCache.moveSpeed, 0, 0); if (GetSpellDangerLevel(evadeSpell) > posInfo.posDangerLevel) { continue; } } } } if (evadeSpell.evadeType != EvadeType.Dash && spellHitTime > evadeSpell.spellDelay + 100 + Game.Ping + ObjectCache.menuCache.cache["ExtraPingBuffer"].Cast <Slider>().CurrentValue) { processSpell = false; if (checkSpell == false) { continue; } } if (evadeSpell.isSpecial == true) { if (evadeSpell.useSpellFunc != null) { if (evadeSpell.useSpellFunc(evadeSpell, processSpell)) { return(true); } } continue; } else if (evadeSpell.evadeType == EvadeType.Blink) { if (evadeSpell.castType == CastType.Position) { var posInfo = EvadeHelper.GetBestPositionBlink(); if (posInfo != null) { CastEvadeSpell(() => EvadeCommand.CastSpell(evadeSpell, posInfo.position), processSpell); //DelayAction.Add(50, () => myHero.IssueOrder(GameObjectOrder.MoveTo, posInfo.position.To3D())); return(true); } } else if (evadeSpell.castType == CastType.Target) { var posInfo = EvadeHelper.GetBestPositionTargetedDash(evadeSpell); if (posInfo != null && != null && posInfo.posDangerLevel == 0) { CastEvadeSpell(() => EvadeCommand.CastSpell(evadeSpell,, processSpell); //DelayAction.Add(50, () => myHero.IssueOrder(GameObjectOrder.MoveTo, posInfo.position.To3D())); return(true); } } } else if (evadeSpell.evadeType == EvadeType.Dash) { if (evadeSpell.castType == CastType.Position) { var posInfo = EvadeHelper.GetBestPositionDash(evadeSpell); if (posInfo != null && CompareEvadeOption(posInfo, checkSpell)) { if (evadeSpell.isReversed) { var dir = (posInfo.position - ObjectCache.myHeroCache.serverPos2D).LSNormalized(); var range = ObjectCache.myHeroCache.serverPos2D.LSDistance(posInfo.position); var pos = ObjectCache.myHeroCache.serverPos2D - dir * range; posInfo.position = pos; } CastEvadeSpell(() => EvadeCommand.CastSpell(evadeSpell, posInfo.position), processSpell); //DelayAction.Add(50, () => myHero.IssueOrder(GameObjectOrder.MoveTo, posInfo.position.To3D())); return(true); } } else if (evadeSpell.castType == CastType.Target) { var posInfo = EvadeHelper.GetBestPositionTargetedDash(evadeSpell); if (posInfo != null && != null && posInfo.posDangerLevel == 0) { CastEvadeSpell(() => EvadeCommand.CastSpell(evadeSpell,, processSpell); //DelayAction.Add(50, () => myHero.IssueOrder(GameObjectOrder.MoveTo, posInfo.position.To3D())); return(true); } } } else if (evadeSpell.evadeType == EvadeType.WindWall) { if (spell.hasProjectile() || evadeSpell.spellName == "FioraW") //temp fix, don't have fiora :'( { var dir = (spell.startPos - ObjectCache.myHeroCache.serverPos2D).LSNormalized(); var pos = ObjectCache.myHeroCache.serverPos2D + dir * 100; CastEvadeSpell(() => EvadeCommand.CastSpell(evadeSpell, pos), processSpell); return(true); } } else if (evadeSpell.evadeType == EvadeType.SpellShield) { if (evadeSpell.isItem) { CastEvadeSpell(() => LeagueSharp.Common.Items.UseItem((int)evadeSpell.itemID), processSpell); return(true); } else { if (evadeSpell.castType == CastType.Target) { CastEvadeSpell(() => EvadeCommand.CastSpell(evadeSpell, myHero), processSpell); return(true); } else if (evadeSpell.castType == CastType.Self) { CastEvadeSpell(() => EvadeCommand.CastSpell(evadeSpell), processSpell); return(true); } } } else if (evadeSpell.evadeType == EvadeType.MovementSpeedBuff) { } } return(false); }
public static bool CheckMoveToDirection(Vector2 from, Vector2 movePos, float extraDelay = 0) { var dir = (movePos - from).Normalized(); //movePos = movePos.ExtendDir(dir, ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius); foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Spell> entry in SpellDetector.spells) { Spell spell = entry.Value; if (!from.InSkillShot(spell, ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius)) { Vector2 spellPos = spell.currentSpellPosition; if (spell.spellType == SpellType.Line) { if (spell.LineIntersectLinearSpell(from, movePos)) { return(true); } } else if (spell.spellType == SpellType.Circular) { if ( == "VeigarEventHorizon") { var cpa2 = MathUtilsCPA.CPAPointsEx(from, dir * ObjectCache.myHeroCache.moveSpeed, spell.endPos, new Vector2(0, 0), movePos, spell.endPos); if (from.Distance(spell.endPos) < spell.radius && !(from.Distance(spell.endPos) < spell.radius - 135 && movePos.Distance(spell.endPos) < spell.radius - 135)) { return(true); } else if (from.Distance(spell.endPos) > spell.radius && cpa2 < spell.radius + 10) { return(true); } } else { Vector2 cHeroPos; Vector2 cSpellPos; var cpa2 = MathUtils.GetCollisionDistanceEx( from, dir * ObjectCache.myHeroCache.moveSpeed, 1, spell.endPos, new Vector2(0, 0), spell.radius, out cHeroPos, out cSpellPos); var cHeroPosProjection = cHeroPos.ProjectOn(from, movePos); if (cHeroPosProjection.IsOnSegment && cpa2 != float.MaxValue) { return(true); } /*var cpa = MathUtilsCPA.CPAPointsEx(from, dir * ObjectCache.myHeroCache.moveSpeed, spell.endPos, new Vector2(0, 0), movePos, spell.endPos); * * if (cpa < spell.radius + 10) * { * return true; * }*/ } } else if (spell.spellType == SpellType.Arc) { if (from.isLeftOfLineSegment(spell.startPos, spell.endPos)) { return(MathUtils.CheckLineIntersection(from, movePos, spell.startPos, spell.endPos)); } var spellRange = spell.startPos.Distance(spell.endPos); var midPoint = spell.startPos + spell.direction * (spellRange / 2); var cpa = MathUtilsCPA.CPAPointsEx(from, dir * ObjectCache.myHeroCache.moveSpeed, midPoint, new Vector2(0, 0), movePos, midPoint); if (cpa < spell.radius + 10) { return(true); } } else if (spell.spellType == SpellType.Cone) { } } } return(false); }
private void CompareSpellLocation2(Spell spell) { var pos1 = spell.currentSpellPosition; var timeNow = EvadeUtils.TickCount; if (spell.spellObject != null) { ConsolePrinter.Print("start distance: " + (spell.startPos.Distance(pos1))); } DelayAction.Add(250, () => CompareSpellLocation(spell, pos1, timeNow)); }
public static bool PlayerInSkillShot(Spell spell) { return(ObjectCache.myHeroCache.serverPos2D.InSkillShot(spell, ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius)); }
public static void CreateSpellData(Obj_AI_Base hero, Vector3 spellStartPos, Vector3 spellEndPos, SpellData spellData, GameObject obj = null, float extraEndTick = 0.0f, bool processSpell = true, SpellType spellType = SpellType.None, bool checkEndExplosion = true, float spellRadius = 0) { if (checkEndExplosion && spellData.hasEndExplosion) { CreateSpellData(hero, spellStartPos, spellEndPos, spellData, obj, extraEndTick, false, spellData.spellType, false); CreateSpellData(hero, spellStartPos, spellEndPos, spellData, obj, extraEndTick, true, SpellType.Circular, false); return; } if (spellStartPos.Distance(myHero.Position) < spellData.range + 1000) { Vector2 startPosition = spellStartPos.To2D(); Vector2 endPosition = spellEndPos.To2D(); Vector2 direction = (endPosition - startPosition).Normalized(); float endTick = 0; if (spellType == SpellType.None) { spellType = spellData.spellType; } if (spellData.fixedRange) //for diana q { if (endPosition.Distance(startPosition) > spellData.range) { //var heroCastPos = hero.ServerPosition.To2D(); //direction = (endPosition - heroCastPos).Normalized(); endPosition = startPosition + direction * spellData.range; } } if (spellType == SpellType.Line) { endTick = spellData.spellDelay + (spellData.range / spellData.projectileSpeed) * 1000; endPosition = startPosition + direction * spellData.range; if (spellData.useEndPosition) { var range = spellEndPos.To2D().Distance(spellStartPos.To2D()); endTick = spellData.spellDelay + (range / spellData.projectileSpeed) * 1000; endPosition = spellEndPos.To2D(); } if (obj != null) endTick -= spellData.spellDelay; } else if (spellType == SpellType.Circular) { endTick = spellData.spellDelay; if (spellData.projectileSpeed == 0) { endPosition = hero.ServerPosition.To2D(); } else if (spellData.projectileSpeed > 0) { if (spellData.spellType == SpellType.Line && spellData.hasEndExplosion && spellData.useEndPosition == false) { endPosition = startPosition + direction * spellData.range; } endTick = endTick + 1000 * startPosition.Distance(endPosition) / spellData.projectileSpeed; } } else if (spellType == SpellType.Arc) { endTick = endTick + 1000 * startPosition.Distance(endPosition) / spellData.projectileSpeed; if (obj != null) endTick -= spellData.spellDelay; } else if (spellType == SpellType.Cone) { return; } else { return; } endTick += extraEndTick; Spell newSpell = new Spell(); newSpell.startTime = EvadeUtils.TickCount; newSpell.endTime = EvadeUtils.TickCount + endTick; newSpell.startPos = startPosition; newSpell.endPos = endPosition; newSpell.height = spellEndPos.Z + spellData.extraDrawHeight; newSpell.direction = direction; newSpell.heroID = hero.NetworkId; = spellData; newSpell.spellType = spellType; newSpell.radius = spellRadius > 0 ? spellRadius : newSpell.GetSpellRadius(); if (obj != null) { newSpell.spellObject = obj; newSpell.projectileID = obj.NetworkId; } int spellID = CreateSpell(newSpell, processSpell); DelayAction.Add((int)(endTick + spellData.extraEndTime), () => DeleteSpell(spellID)); } }
public static PositionInfo InitPositionInfo(Vector2 pos, float extraDelayBuffer, float extraEvadeDistance, Vector2 lastMovePos, Spell lowestEvadeTimeSpell) { if (!ObjectCache.myHeroCache.isMoving && ObjectCache.myHeroCache.serverPos2D.Distance(pos) <= 75) { pos = ObjectCache.myHeroCache.serverPos2D; } var extraDist = ObjectCache.menuCache.cache["ExtraCPADistance"].GetValue <Slider>().Value; PositionInfo posInfo; posInfo = CanHeroWalkToPos(pos, ObjectCache.myHeroCache.moveSpeed, extraDelayBuffer + ObjectCache.gamePing, extraDist); posInfo.isDangerousPos = pos.CheckDangerousPos(6); posInfo.hasExtraDistance = extraEvadeDistance > 0 && pos.CheckDangerousPos(extraEvadeDistance); posInfo.closestDistance = posInfo.distanceToMouse; posInfo.distanceToMouse = pos.GetPositionValue(); posInfo.posDistToChamps = pos.GetDistanceToChampions(); posInfo.speed = ObjectCache.myHeroCache.moveSpeed; if (ObjectCache.menuCache.cache["RejectMinDistance"].GetValue <Slider>().Value > 0 && ObjectCache.menuCache.cache["RejectMinDistance"].GetValue <Slider>().Value > posInfo.closestDistance) //reject closestdistance { posInfo.rejectPosition = true; } if (ObjectCache.menuCache.cache["MinComfortZone"].GetValue <Slider>().Value > posInfo.posDistToChamps) { posInfo.hasComfortZone = false; } return(posInfo); }
private static int CreateSpell(Spell newSpell, bool processSpell = true) { int spellID = spellIDCount++; newSpell.spellID = spellID; newSpell.UpdateSpellInfo(); detectedSpells.Add(spellID, newSpell); if (processSpell) { CheckSpellCollision(); AddDetectedSpells(); } return spellID; }
public static float GetClosestDistanceApproach(Spell spell, Vector2 pos, float speed, float delay, Vector2 heroPos, float extraDist) { var walkDir = (pos - heroPos).Normalized(); if (spell.spellType == SpellType.Line && != float.MaxValue) { var spellPos = spell.GetCurrentSpellPosition(true, delay); var spellStartPos = spell.currentSpellPosition; var spellEndPos = spell.GetSpellEndPosition(); var extendedPos = pos.ExtendDir(walkDir, ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius + speed * delay / 1000); Vector2 cHeroPos; Vector2 cSpellPos; var cpa2 = MathUtils.GetCollisionDistanceEx( heroPos, walkDir * speed, ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius, spellPos, spell.direction *, spell.radius + extraDist, out cHeroPos, out cSpellPos); var cHeroPosProjection = cHeroPos.ProjectOn(heroPos, extendedPos); var cSpellPosProjection = cSpellPos.ProjectOn(spellPos, spellEndPos); if (cSpellPosProjection.IsOnSegment && cHeroPosProjection.IsOnSegment && cpa2 != float.MaxValue) { return(0); } var cpa = MathUtilsCPA.CPAPointsEx(heroPos, walkDir * speed, spellPos, spell.direction *, pos, spellEndPos, out cHeroPos, out cSpellPos); cHeroPosProjection = cHeroPos.ProjectOn(heroPos, extendedPos); cSpellPosProjection = cSpellPos.ProjectOn(spellPos, spellEndPos); var checkDist = ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius + spell.radius + extraDist; if (cSpellPosProjection.IsOnSegment && cHeroPosProjection.IsOnSegment) { return(Math.Max(0, cpa - checkDist)); } else { return(checkDist); } //return MathUtils.ClosestTimeOfApproach(heroPos, walkDir * speed, spellPos, spell.direction *; } else if (spell.spellType == SpellType.Line && == float.MaxValue) { var spellHitTime = Math.Max(0, spell.endTime - EvadeUtils.TickCount - delay); //extraDelay var walkRange = heroPos.Distance(pos); var predictedRange = speed * (spellHitTime / 1000); var tHeroPos = heroPos + walkDir * Math.Min(predictedRange, walkRange); //Hero predicted pos var projection = tHeroPos.ProjectOn(spell.startPos, spell.endPos); return(Math.Max(0, tHeroPos.Distance(projection.SegmentPoint) - (spell.radius + ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius + extraDist))); //+ dodgeBuffer } else if (spell.spellType == SpellType.Circular) { var spellHitTime = Math.Max(0, spell.endTime - EvadeUtils.TickCount - delay); //extraDelay var walkRange = heroPos.Distance(pos); var predictedRange = speed * (spellHitTime / 1000); var tHeroPos = heroPos + walkDir * Math.Min(predictedRange, walkRange); //Hero predicted pos if ( == "VeigarEventHorizon") { var wallRadius = 65; var midRadius = spell.radius - wallRadius; if (spellHitTime == 0) { return(0); } if (tHeroPos.Distance(spell.endPos) >= spell.radius) { return(Math.Max(0, tHeroPos.Distance(spell.endPos) - midRadius - wallRadius)); } else { return(Math.Max(0, midRadius - tHeroPos.Distance(spell.endPos) - wallRadius)); } } var closestDist = Math.Max(0, tHeroPos.Distance(spell.endPos) - (spell.radius + extraDist)); if ( > 0 && closestDist != 0) { var remainingTime = Math.Max(0, spell.endTime + - EvadeUtils.TickCount - delay); var predictedRange2 = speed * (remainingTime / 1000); var tHeroPos2 = heroPos + walkDir * Math.Min(predictedRange2, walkRange); if (CheckMoveToDirection(tHeroPos, tHeroPos2)) { return(0); } } else { return(closestDist); } } else if (spell.spellType == SpellType.Arc) { var spellPos = spell.GetCurrentSpellPosition(true, delay); var spellEndPos = spell.GetSpellEndPosition(); var pDir = spell.direction.Perpendicular(); spellPos = spellPos - pDir * spell.radius / 2; spellEndPos = spellEndPos - pDir * spell.radius / 2; var extendedPos = pos.ExtendDir(walkDir, ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius); Vector2 cHeroPos; Vector2 cSpellPos; var cpa = MathUtilsCPA.CPAPointsEx(heroPos, walkDir * speed, spellPos, spell.direction *, pos, spellEndPos, out cHeroPos, out cSpellPos); var cHeroPosProjection = cHeroPos.ProjectOn(heroPos, extendedPos); var cSpellPosProjection = cSpellPos.ProjectOn(spellPos, spellEndPos); var checkDist = spell.radius + extraDist; if (cHeroPos.InSkillShot(spell, ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius)) { if (cSpellPosProjection.IsOnSegment && cHeroPosProjection.IsOnSegment) { return(Math.Max(0, cpa - checkDist)); } else { return(checkDist); } } } return(1); }
public static bool ActivateEvadeSpell(Spell spell, bool checkSpell = false) { var sortedEvadeSpells = evadeSpells.OrderBy(s => s.dangerlevel); var extraDelayBuffer = ObjectCache.menuCache.cache["ExtraPingBuffer"].Cast<Slider>().CurrentValue; float spellActivationTime = ObjectCache.menuCache.cache["SpellActivationTime"].Cast<Slider>().CurrentValue + ObjectCache.gamePing + extraDelayBuffer; if (ObjectCache.menuCache.cache["CalculateWindupDelay"].Cast<CheckBox>().CurrentValue) { var extraWindupDelay = Evade.lastWindupTime - EvadeUtils.TickCount; if (extraWindupDelay > 0) { return false; } } foreach (var evadeSpell in sortedEvadeSpells) { var processSpell = true; if (ObjectCache.menuCache.cache[ + "UseEvadeSpell"].Cast<CheckBox>().CurrentValue == false || GetSpellDangerLevel(evadeSpell) > spell.GetSpellDangerLevel() || (evadeSpell.isItem == false && !(myHero.Spellbook.CanUseSpell(evadeSpell.spellKey) == SpellState.Ready)) || (evadeSpell.isItem == true && !(Items.CanUseItem((int)evadeSpell.itemID))) || (evadeSpell.checkSpellName == true && myHero.Spellbook.GetSpell(evadeSpell.spellKey).Name != evadeSpell.spellName)) { continue; //can't use spell right now } float evadeTime, spellHitTime = 0; spell.CanHeroEvade(myHero, out evadeTime, out spellHitTime); float finalEvadeTime = (spellHitTime - evadeTime); if (checkSpell) { var mode = ObjectCache.menuCache.cache[ + "EvadeSpellMode"] .Cast<Slider>().CurrentValue; if (mode == 0) { continue; } else if (mode == 1) { if (spellActivationTime < finalEvadeTime) { continue; } } } else { //if (ObjectCache.menuCache.cache[ + "LastResort"].Cast<CheckBox>().CurrentValue) if (evadeSpell.spellDelay <= 50 && evadeSpell.evadeType != EvadeType.Dash) { var path = myHero.Path; if (path.Length > 0) { var movePos = path[path.Length - 1].To2D(); var posInfo = EvadeHelper.CanHeroWalkToPos(movePos, ObjectCache.myHeroCache.moveSpeed, 0, 0); if (GetSpellDangerLevel(evadeSpell) > posInfo.posDangerLevel) { continue; } } } } if (evadeSpell.evadeType != EvadeType.Dash && spellHitTime > evadeSpell.spellDelay + 100 + Game.Ping + ObjectCache.menuCache.cache["ExtraPingBuffer"].Cast<Slider>().CurrentValue) { processSpell = false; if (checkSpell == false) { continue; } } if (evadeSpell.isSpecial == true) { if (evadeSpell.useSpellFunc != null) { if (evadeSpell.useSpellFunc(evadeSpell, processSpell)) { return true; } } continue; } else if (evadeSpell.evadeType == EvadeType.Blink) { if (evadeSpell.castType == CastType.Position) { var posInfo = EvadeHelper.GetBestPositionBlink(); if (posInfo != null) { CastEvadeSpell(() => EvadeCommand.CastSpell(evadeSpell, posInfo.position), processSpell); //DelayAction.Add(50, () => myHero.IssueOrder(GameObjectOrder.MoveTo, posInfo.position.To3D())); return true; } } else if (evadeSpell.castType == CastType.Target) { var posInfo = EvadeHelper.GetBestPositionTargetedDash(evadeSpell); if (posInfo != null && != null && posInfo.posDangerLevel == 0) { CastEvadeSpell(() => EvadeCommand.CastSpell(evadeSpell,, processSpell); //DelayAction.Add(50, () => myHero.IssueOrder(GameObjectOrder.MoveTo, posInfo.position.To3D())); return true; } } } else if (evadeSpell.evadeType == EvadeType.Dash) { if (evadeSpell.castType == CastType.Position) { var posInfo = EvadeHelper.GetBestPositionDash(evadeSpell); if (posInfo != null && CompareEvadeOption(posInfo, checkSpell)) { if (evadeSpell.isReversed) { var dir = (posInfo.position - ObjectCache.myHeroCache.serverPos2D).Normalized(); var range = ObjectCache.myHeroCache.serverPos2D.Distance(posInfo.position); var pos = ObjectCache.myHeroCache.serverPos2D - dir * range; posInfo.position = pos; } CastEvadeSpell(() => EvadeCommand.CastSpell(evadeSpell, posInfo.position), processSpell); //DelayAction.Add(50, () => myHero.IssueOrder(GameObjectOrder.MoveTo, posInfo.position.To3D())); return true; } } else if (evadeSpell.castType == CastType.Target) { var posInfo = EvadeHelper.GetBestPositionTargetedDash(evadeSpell); if (posInfo != null && != null && posInfo.posDangerLevel == 0) { CastEvadeSpell(() => EvadeCommand.CastSpell(evadeSpell,, processSpell); //DelayAction.Add(50, () => myHero.IssueOrder(GameObjectOrder.MoveTo, posInfo.position.To3D())); return true; } } } else if (evadeSpell.evadeType == EvadeType.WindWall) { if (spell.hasProjectile() || evadeSpell.spellName == "FioraW") //temp fix, don't have fiora :'( { var dir = (spell.startPos - ObjectCache.myHeroCache.serverPos2D).Normalized(); var pos = ObjectCache.myHeroCache.serverPos2D + dir * 100; CastEvadeSpell(() => EvadeCommand.CastSpell(evadeSpell, pos), processSpell); return true; } } else if (evadeSpell.evadeType == EvadeType.SpellShield) { if (evadeSpell.isItem) { CastEvadeSpell(() => Items.UseItem((int)evadeSpell.itemID), processSpell); return true; } else { if (evadeSpell.castType == CastType.Target) { CastEvadeSpell(() => EvadeCommand.CastSpell(evadeSpell, myHero), processSpell); return true; } else if (evadeSpell.castType == CastType.Self) { CastEvadeSpell(() => EvadeCommand.CastSpell(evadeSpell), processSpell); return true; } } } else if (evadeSpell.evadeType == EvadeType.MovementSpeedBuff) { } } return false; }
private void Game_ProcessSpell(Obj_AI_Base hero, GameObjectProcessSpellCastEventArgs args) { try { /*var castTime2 = (hero.Spellbook.CastTime - Game.Time) * 1000; * if (castTime2 > 0) * { * Console.WriteLine(args.SData.Name + ": " + castTime2); * }*/ // todo: keepo //if (hero.IsMe) // Console.WriteLine("Spell: " + args.SData.Name); SpellData spellData; if (hero.Team != myHero.Team && onProcessSpells.TryGetValue(args.SData.Name, out spellData)) { if (spellData.usePackets == false) { var specialSpellArgs = new SpecialSpellEventArgs(); if (OnProcessSpecialSpell != null) { OnProcessSpecialSpell(hero, args, spellData, specialSpellArgs); } if (specialSpellArgs.noProcess == false && spellData.noProcess == false) { bool foundMissile = false; if (spellData.isThreeWay == false && spellData.isSpecial == false) { foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Spell> entry in detectedSpells) { Spell spell = entry.Value; var dir = (args.End.To2D() - args.Start.To2D()).Normalized(); if (spell.spellObject != null && (, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) || ( + "_urf").Equals(args.SData.Name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) && spell.heroID == hero.NetworkId && dir.AngleBetween(spell.direction) < 10) { foundMissile = true; break; } } } if (foundMissile == false) { CreateSpellData(hero, hero.ServerPosition, args.End, spellData, null); } /*if (spellData.spellType == SpellType.Line) * { * var castTime = (hero.Spellbook.CastTime - Game.Time) * 1000; * * if (Math.Abs(castTime - spellData.spellDelay) > 5) * { * Console.WriteLine("Wrong delay " + spellData.spellName + ": " + spellData.spellDelay + " vs " + castTime); + } + }*/ } } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } }
public static float GetIntersectDistance(Spell spell, Vector2 start, Vector2 end) { if (spell == null) return float.MaxValue; Vector3 start3D = new Vector3(start.X, start.Y, 0); Vector2 walkDir = (end - start); Vector3 walkDir3D = new Vector3(walkDir.X, walkDir.Y, 0); Ray heroPath = new Ray(start3D, walkDir3D); if (spell.spellType == SpellType.Line) { Vector2 intersection; bool hasIntersection = spell.LineIntersectLinearSpellEx(start, end, out intersection); if (hasIntersection) { return start.Distance(intersection); } } else if (spell.spellType == SpellType.Circular) { if (end.InSkillShot(spell, ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius) == false) { Vector2 intersection1, intersection2; MathUtils.FindLineCircleIntersections(spell.endPos, spell.radius, start, end, out intersection1, out intersection2); if (intersection1.X != float.NaN && MathUtils.isPointOnLineSegment(intersection1, start, end)) { return start.Distance(intersection1); } else if (intersection2.X != float.NaN && MathUtils.isPointOnLineSegment(intersection2, start, end)) { return start.Distance(intersection2); } } } return float.MaxValue; }
public static void CreateSpellData(Obj_AI_Base hero, Vector3 spellStartPos, Vector3 spellEndPos, SpellData spellData, GameObject obj = null, float extraEndTick = 0.0f, bool processSpell = true, SpellType spellType = SpellType.None, bool checkEndExplosion = true, float spellRadius = 0) { if (checkEndExplosion && spellData.hasEndExplosion) { CreateSpellData(hero, spellStartPos, spellEndPos, spellData, obj, extraEndTick, false, spellData.spellType, false); CreateSpellData(hero, spellStartPos, spellEndPos, spellData, obj, extraEndTick, true, SpellType.Circular, false); return; } if (spellStartPos.Distance(myHero.Position) < spellData.range + 1000) { Vector2 startPosition = spellStartPos.To2D(); Vector2 endPosition = spellEndPos.To2D(); Vector2 direction = (endPosition - startPosition).Normalized(); float endTick = 0; if (spellType == SpellType.None) { spellType = spellData.spellType; } if (spellData.fixedRange) //for diana q { if (endPosition.Distance(startPosition) > spellData.range) { //var heroCastPos = hero.ServerPosition.To2D(); //direction = (endPosition - heroCastPos).Normalized(); endPosition = startPosition + direction * spellData.range; } } if (spellType == SpellType.Line) { endTick = spellData.spellDelay + (spellData.range / spellData.projectileSpeed) * 1000; endPosition = startPosition + direction * spellData.range; if (spellData.useEndPosition) { var range = spellEndPos.To2D().Distance(spellStartPos.To2D()); endTick = spellData.spellDelay + (range / spellData.projectileSpeed) * 1000; endPosition = spellEndPos.To2D(); } if (obj != null) { endTick -= spellData.spellDelay; } } else if (spellType == SpellType.Circular) { endTick = spellData.spellDelay; if (spellData.projectileSpeed == 0) { endPosition = hero.ServerPosition.To2D(); } else if (spellData.projectileSpeed > 0) { if (spellData.spellType == SpellType.Line && spellData.hasEndExplosion && spellData.useEndPosition == false) { endPosition = startPosition + direction * spellData.range; } endTick = endTick + 1000 * startPosition.Distance(endPosition) / spellData.projectileSpeed; } } else if (spellType == SpellType.Arc) { endTick = endTick + 1000 * startPosition.Distance(endPosition) / spellData.projectileSpeed; if (obj != null) { endTick -= spellData.spellDelay; } } else if (spellType == SpellType.Cone) { return; } else { return; } if (spellData.invert) { var dir = (startPosition - endPosition).Normalized(); endPosition = startPosition + dir * startPosition.Distance(endPosition); } endTick += extraEndTick; Spell newSpell = new Spell(); newSpell.startTime = EvadeUtils.TickCount; newSpell.endTime = EvadeUtils.TickCount + endTick; newSpell.startPos = startPosition; newSpell.endPos = endPosition; newSpell.height = spellEndPos.Z + spellData.extraDrawHeight; newSpell.direction = direction; newSpell.heroID = hero.NetworkId; = spellData; newSpell.spellType = spellType; newSpell.radius = spellRadius > 0 ? spellRadius : newSpell.GetSpellRadius(); if (obj != null) { newSpell.spellObject = obj; newSpell.projectileID = obj.NetworkId; } int spellID = CreateSpell(newSpell, processSpell); DelayAction.Add((int)(endTick + spellData.extraEndTime), () => DeleteSpell(spellID)); } }
public static bool PredictSpellCollision(Spell spell, Vector2 pos, float speed, float delay, Vector2 heroPos, float extraDist, bool useServerPosition = true) { extraDist = extraDist + 10; if (useServerPosition == false) { return GetClosestDistanceApproach(spell, pos, speed, 0, ObjectCache.myHeroCache.serverPos2D, 0) == 0; } return GetClosestDistanceApproach(spell, pos, speed, delay, //Game.Ping + Extra Buffer ObjectCache.myHeroCache.serverPos2DPing, extraDist) == 0 || GetClosestDistanceApproach(spell, pos, speed, ObjectCache.gamePing, //Game.Ping ObjectCache.myHeroCache.serverPos2DPing, extraDist) == 0; }
private static void AddDetectedSpells() { bool spellAdded = false; foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Spell> entry in detectedSpells) { Spell spell = entry.Value; EvadeHelper.fastEvadeMode = ObjectCache.menuCache.cache[ + "FastEvade"].GetValue <bool>(); float evadeTime, spellHitTime; spell.CanHeroEvade(myHero, out evadeTime, out spellHitTime); spell.spellHitTime = spellHitTime; spell.evadeTime = evadeTime; var extraDelay = ObjectCache.gamePing + ObjectCache.menuCache.cache["ExtraPingBuffer"].GetValue <Slider>().Value; if (spell.spellHitTime - extraDelay < 1500 && CanHeroWalkIntoSpell(spell)) //if(true) { Spell newSpell = spell; int spellID = spell.spellID; if (!drawSpells.ContainsKey(spell.spellID)) { drawSpells.Add(spellID, newSpell); } //var spellFlyTime = Evade.GetTickCount - spell.startTime; if (spellHitTime < ObjectCache.menuCache.cache["SpellDetectionTime"].GetValue <Slider>().Value && !ObjectCache.menuCache.cache[ + "FastEvade"].GetValue <bool>()) { continue; } if (EvadeUtils.TickCount - spell.startTime < ObjectCache.menuCache.cache["ReactionTime"].GetValue <Slider>().Value && !ObjectCache.menuCache.cache[ + "FastEvade"].GetValue <bool>()) { continue; } var dodgeInterval = ObjectCache.menuCache.cache["DodgeInterval"].GetValue <Slider>().Value; if (Evade.lastPosInfo != null && dodgeInterval > 0) { var timeElapsed = EvadeUtils.TickCount - Evade.lastPosInfo.timestamp; if (dodgeInterval > timeElapsed && !ObjectCache.menuCache.cache[ + "FastEvade"].GetValue <bool>()) { //var delay = dodgeInterval - timeElapsed; //DelayAction.Add((int)delay, () => SpellDetector_OnProcessDetectedSpells()); continue; } } if (!spells.ContainsKey(spell.spellID)) { if (!(Evade.isDodgeDangerousEnabled() && newSpell.GetSpellDangerLevel() < 3) && ObjectCache.menuCache.cache[ + "DodgeSpell"].GetValue <bool>()) { if (newSpell.spellType == SpellType.Circular && ObjectCache.menuCache.cache["DodgeCircularSpells"].GetValue <bool>() == false) { //return spellID; continue; } if (myHero.HealthPercent <= ObjectCache.menuCache.cache[ + "DodgeIgnoreHP"].GetValue <Slider>() .Value || !ObjectCache.menuCache.cache["DodgeCheckHP"].GetValue <bool>()) { spells.Add(spellID, newSpell); spellAdded = true; } } } if (ObjectCache.menuCache.cache["CheckSpellCollision"].GetValue <bool>() && spell.predictedEndPos != Vector2.Zero) { spellAdded = false; } } } if (spellAdded && OnProcessDetectedSpells != null) { OnProcessDetectedSpells(); } }
public static float GetClosestDistanceApproach(Spell spell, Vector2 pos, float speed, float delay, Vector2 heroPos, float extraDist) { var walkDir = (pos - heroPos).Normalized(); if (spell.spellType == SpellType.Line && != float.MaxValue) { var spellPos = spell.GetCurrentSpellPosition(true, delay); var spellStartPos = spell.currentSpellPosition; var spellEndPos = spell.GetSpellEndPosition(); var extendedPos = pos.ExtendDir(walkDir, ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius + speed * delay / 1000); Vector2 cHeroPos; Vector2 cSpellPos; var cpa2 = MathUtils.GetCollisionDistanceEx( heroPos, walkDir * speed, ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius, spellPos, spell.direction *, spell.radius + extraDist, out cHeroPos, out cSpellPos); var cHeroPosProjection = cHeroPos.ProjectOn(heroPos, extendedPos); var cSpellPosProjection = cSpellPos.ProjectOn(spellPos, spellEndPos); if (cSpellPosProjection.IsOnSegment && cHeroPosProjection.IsOnSegment && cpa2 != float.MaxValue) { return 0; } var cpa = MathUtilsCPA.CPAPointsEx(heroPos, walkDir * speed, spellPos, spell.direction *, pos, spellEndPos, out cHeroPos, out cSpellPos); cHeroPosProjection = cHeroPos.ProjectOn(heroPos, extendedPos); cSpellPosProjection = cSpellPos.ProjectOn(spellPos, spellEndPos); var checkDist = ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius + spell.radius + extraDist; if (cSpellPosProjection.IsOnSegment && cHeroPosProjection.IsOnSegment) { return Math.Max(0, cpa - checkDist); } else { return checkDist; } //return MathUtils.ClosestTimeOfApproach(heroPos, walkDir * speed, spellPos, spell.direction *; } else if (spell.spellType == SpellType.Line && == float.MaxValue) { var spellHitTime = Math.Max(0, spell.endTime - EvadeUtils.TickCount - delay); //extraDelay var walkRange = heroPos.Distance(pos); var predictedRange = speed * (spellHitTime / 1000); var tHeroPos = heroPos + walkDir * Math.Min(predictedRange, walkRange); //Hero predicted pos var projection = tHeroPos.ProjectOn(spell.startPos, spell.endPos); return Math.Max(0, tHeroPos.Distance(projection.SegmentPoint) - (spell.radius + ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius + extraDist)); //+ dodgeBuffer } else if (spell.spellType == SpellType.Circular) { var spellHitTime = Math.Max(0, spell.endTime - EvadeUtils.TickCount - delay); //extraDelay var walkRange = heroPos.Distance(pos); var predictedRange = speed * (spellHitTime / 1000); var tHeroPos = heroPos + walkDir * Math.Min(predictedRange, walkRange); //Hero predicted pos if ( == "VeigarEventHorizon") { var wallRadius = 65; var midRadius = spell.radius - wallRadius; if (spellHitTime == 0) { return 0; } if (tHeroPos.Distance(spell.endPos) >= spell.radius) { return Math.Max(0, tHeroPos.Distance(spell.endPos) - midRadius - wallRadius); } else { return Math.Max(0, midRadius - tHeroPos.Distance(spell.endPos) - wallRadius); } } var closestDist = Math.Max(0, tHeroPos.Distance(spell.endPos) - (spell.radius + extraDist)); if ( > 0 && closestDist != 0) { var remainingTime = Math.Max(0, spell.endTime + - EvadeUtils.TickCount - delay); var predictedRange2 = speed * (remainingTime / 1000); var tHeroPos2 = heroPos + walkDir * Math.Min(predictedRange2, walkRange); if (CheckMoveToDirection(tHeroPos, tHeroPos2)) { return 0; } } else { return closestDist; } } else if (spell.spellType == SpellType.Arc) { var spellPos = spell.GetCurrentSpellPosition(true, delay); var spellEndPos = spell.GetSpellEndPosition(); var pDir = spell.direction.Perpendicular(); spellPos = spellPos - pDir * spell.radius / 2; spellEndPos = spellEndPos - pDir * spell.radius / 2; var extendedPos = pos.ExtendDir(walkDir, ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius); Vector2 cHeroPos; Vector2 cSpellPos; var cpa = MathUtilsCPA.CPAPointsEx(heroPos, walkDir * speed, spellPos, spell.direction *, pos, spellEndPos, out cHeroPos, out cSpellPos); var cHeroPosProjection = cHeroPos.ProjectOn(heroPos, extendedPos); var cSpellPosProjection = cSpellPos.ProjectOn(spellPos, spellEndPos); var checkDist = spell.radius + extraDist; if (cHeroPos.InSkillShot(spell, ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius)) { if (cSpellPosProjection.IsOnSegment && cHeroPosProjection.IsOnSegment) { return Math.Max(0, cpa - checkDist); } else { return checkDist; } } } return 1; }
public static void UseEvadeSpell() { if (!Situation.ShouldUseEvadeSpell()) { return; } //int posDangerlevel = EvadeHelper.CheckPosDangerLevel(myHero.ServerPosition.To2D(), 0); if (Evade.GetTickCount() - lastSpellEvadeCommand.timestamp < 1000) { return; } foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Spell> entry in SpellDetector.spells) { Spell spell = entry.Value; if (ShouldActivateEvadeSpell(spell)) { foreach (var evadeSpell in evadeSpells) { if ("EvadeSpells").SubMenu(evadeSpell.charName + + "EvadeSpellSettings") .Item( + "UseEvadeSpell").GetValue <bool>() == false || GetSpellDangerLevel(evadeSpell) > spell.GetSpellDangerLevel() || (evadeSpell.isItem == false && !(myHero.Spellbook.CanUseSpell(evadeSpell.spellKey) == SpellState.Ready)) || (evadeSpell.isItem == true && !(Items.CanUseItem((int)evadeSpell.itemID))) || (evadeSpell.checkSpellName == true && myHero.Spellbook.GetSpell(evadeSpell.spellKey).Name != evadeSpell.spellName)) { continue; //can't use spell right now } if (evadeSpell.evadeType == EvadeType.Blink) { if (evadeSpell.castType == CastType.Position) { var posInfo = EvadeHelper.GetBestPositionBlink(); if (posInfo != null) { EvadeCommand.CastSpell(evadeSpell, posInfo.position); //Utility.DelayAction.Add(50, () => myHero.IssueOrder(GameObjectOrder.MoveTo, posInfo.position.To3D())); } } else if (evadeSpell.castType == CastType.Target) { var posInfo = EvadeHelper.GetBestPositionTargetedDash(evadeSpell); if (posInfo != null) { EvadeCommand.CastSpell(evadeSpell, posInfo.position); //Utility.DelayAction.Add(50, () => myHero.IssueOrder(GameObjectOrder.MoveTo, posInfo.position.To3D())); } } } else if (evadeSpell.evadeType == EvadeType.Dash) { if (evadeSpell.castType == CastType.Position) { var posInfo = EvadeHelper.GetBestPositionDash(evadeSpell); if (posInfo != null) { if (evadeSpell.isReversed) { var dir = (posInfo.position - myHero.ServerPosition.To2D()).Normalized(); var range = myHero.ServerPosition.To2D().Distance(posInfo.position); var pos = myHero.ServerPosition.To2D() - dir * range; posInfo.position = pos; } EvadeCommand.CastSpell(evadeSpell, posInfo.position); //Utility.DelayAction.Add(50, () => myHero.IssueOrder(GameObjectOrder.MoveTo, posInfo.position.To3D())); } } else if (evadeSpell.castType == CastType.Target) { var posInfo = EvadeHelper.GetBestPositionTargetedDash(evadeSpell); if (posInfo != null) { EvadeCommand.CastSpell(evadeSpell, posInfo.position); //Utility.DelayAction.Add(50, () => myHero.IssueOrder(GameObjectOrder.MoveTo, posInfo.position.To3D())); } } } else if (evadeSpell.evadeType == EvadeType.SpellShield) { if (evadeSpell.isItem) { Items.UseItem((int)evadeSpell.itemID); } else { EvadeCommand.CastSpell(evadeSpell); } } return; } } } }