// (obsolete) Execute the requested call 
        internal static DataSet execProcCall(procCall CallRequest)
            DataSet dsResults = new DataSet();
            //string connectionString = getConnectionString();

            //using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
            //    conn.Open();

            //    SqlDataAdapter daExecProcCall = new SqlDataAdapter(CallRequest.schemaName + "." + CallRequest.procName, conn);
            //    daExecProcCall.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

            //    // Add parameters to the command
            //    foreach(ProcParameters p in CallRequest.procParms)
            //    {
            //        daExecProcCall.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter(p.parmName, p.parmValue));
            //    }

            //    daExecProcCall.Fill(dsResults);

            //    conn.Close();

            return dsResults;
        // (obsolete) Verify the existance of the proc and parameters against the catalog using stored proc
        internal static bool verifyCallRequest(ref procCall CallRequest)
            //string connectionString = getConnectionString();
            //int retCode;

            // using proc calls: verify the proc exists and get the paramter list
            // parameters that don't exist in the dd proc definition are removed
            // from CallRequest
            //using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
            //    conn.Open();

            //    // Setup to call admin.GetProcParameters_sp
            //    // which will verify if the proc exists and return the list of parameters
            //    SqlDataAdapter dbProc = new SqlDataAdapter("admin.GetProcParameters_sp", conn);

            //    dbProc.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
            //    dbProc.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@schema", CallRequest.schemaName);
            //    dbProc.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@procName", CallRequest.procName);
            //    dbProc.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@RETURN_VALUE", SqlDbType.Int).Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue;
            //    DataSet dsParameters = new DataSet();

            //    retCode = dbProc.Fill(dsParameters);

            //    // retCode = 0 if the proc does not exist
            //    retCode = Convert.ToInt32(dbProc.SelectCommand.Parameters["@RETURN_VALUE"].Value.ToString());

            //    // If the proc doesn't exist, return false
            //    if (retCode == 0)
            //    {
            //        return false;
            //    }

            //    // list of the proc's parameters as indicated int the DB
            //    List<string> dbParmName = new List<string>(20);

            //    // for each parameter, get the name to lower case
            //    foreach (DataRow r in dsParameters.Tables[0].Rows)
            //    {
            //        dbParmName.Add(r["parameterName"].ToString().ToLower());
            //    }

            //    // Get a list of the parameters in the request that don't 
            //    // have the parameter as part of the proc parameters
            //    int matchIdx;
            //    List<ProcParameters> parmsNotMatched = new List<ProcParameters>();

            //    LogMessage("");
            //    foreach (ProcParameters p in CallRequest.procParms)
            //    {
            //        // we're really looking for the parameter that doesn't match
            //        matchIdx = dbParmName.FindIndex(m => m.Equals(p.parmName.ToLower()));

            //        // Save the list of user provided parameters that don't exist in the DB
            //        if (matchIdx == -1)
            //        {
            //            parmsNotMatched.Add(p);
            //            LogMessage("Supplied parameter not used by procedure: " + p.parmName);
            //        }
            //    }

            //    // remove the parameters that don't match the proc parameters on the DB
            //    foreach (ProcParameters p in parmsNotMatched)
            //    {
            //        CallRequest.procParms.RemoveAll(m => m.parmName == p.parmName);
            //    }

            return true;
        // (obsolete) Parse Call XML into ProcCall Class object
        internal static procCall parseXML(string CallProcRequest)
        //    string myXML = CallProcRequest;
        //     SECTION 1: Shred the xml into parameters and result tables
        //    ------------------------------------------------------------
        //    string value = "";
        //    string attrbName = "";
        //    string dir = "";
        //    string targetTableName = "";
        //    int resultSetMappingId;

            procCall procCall = new procCall();

        //    XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

        //    xmlDoc.LoadXml(myXML);

        //    XmlNodeList xnList = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("/execute");

        //    XmlNode node = xnList[0];

        //    string procName = node.Attributes["proc"].Value;
        //    string schema = node.Attributes["schema"].Value;

        //    LogMessage("");
        //    LogMessage("Proc: " + schema + "." + procName);

        //    procCall.procName = procName;
        //    procCall.schemaName = schema;
        //    xnList = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("/execute/output");

        //     get the list of output tables, in the event of multiple 
        //     result sets. Sequence is important here as we'll
        //     map the resulting dataset.tables in the order listed here
        //    procCall.tblOut = new List<outTables>();

        //     a default value for mapping the table to the result set
        //    int defaultSeq = 1;

        //    LogMessage("");
        //    foreach (XmlNode xn in xnList)
        //    {
        //         get the list of output tables
        //         resultSetSeq will be the order the results are
        //         stored in if multiple result sets
        //        targetTableName = xn.Attributes["target"].Value;

        //         if a resultsetseq is given use it otherwise use sequential counter
        //        resultSetMappingId = xn.Attributes["resultsetseq"] == null ? defaultSeq : Convert.ToInt32(xn.Attributes["resultsetseq"].Value);

        //        procCall.tblOut.Add(new outTables { resultSetSeq = resultSetMappingId, tableName = targetTableName });
        //        LogMessage("Output TableName: " + xn.Attributes["target"].Value);
        //        defaultSeq++;
        //    }

        //    xnList = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("/execute/parm");

        //    List<ProcParameters> parms = new List<ProcParameters>();
        //    procCall.procParms = new List<ProcParameters>();

        //    LogMessage("");
        //     get the parameter list <parm name value direction />
        //    if(xnList != null)
        //    {   
        //        foreach (XmlNode xn in xnList)
        //        {
        //            attrbName = xn.Attributes["name"].Value;
        //            value = xn.Attributes["value"].Value;
        //            dir = xn.Attributes["direction"] == null ? "input" : xn.Attributes["direction"].Value;
        //            LogMessage("Attribute: " + attrbName + " = " + value);
        //             save the list of parameters and their values
        //            parms.Add(new ProcParameters { parmName = attrbName, parmValue = value, parmDirection = dir });
        //            procCall.procParms.Add(new ProcParameters { parmName = attrbName, parmValue = value, parmDirection = dir });
        //        }
        //    }

            return procCall;