        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of this class
        /// </summary>
        public OSPFDatabaseDescriptionMessage()
            sInterfaceMTU = 0;
            ospfOptions   = new OSPFOptionsField();

            iDDSequenceNumber = 0;
            lLSAHeaders       = new List <LSAHeader>();
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new instance of this class
 /// </summary>
 public LSAHeader()
     iLSAge             = 0;
     ospfOptions        = new OSPFOptionsField();
     lsType             = LSType.Unknown;
     iLinkStateID       = 0;
     iAdvertisingRouter = 0;
     iLSSequenceNumber  = 0;
     iOrigalLength      = -1;
     bOriginalChecksum  = new byte[0];
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new instance of this class
 /// </summary>
 public OSPFHelloMessage()
     nNetmask                  = new Subnetmask();
     iHelloInterval            = 0;
     bPriority                 = 0;
     iDeadInterval             = 30;
     ipaDesignatedRouter       = IPAddress.Any;
     ipaBackupDesignatedRouter = IPAddress.Any;
     lipaNeighbours            = new List <IPAddress>();
     ospfOptions               = new OSPFOptionsField();
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of this class by parsing the given data
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bData">The data to pase</param>
        public OSPFHelloMessage(byte[] bData)
            byte[] bTmpBytes = new byte[4];
            for (int iC1 = 0; iC1 < 4; iC1++)
                bTmpBytes[iC1] = bData[iC1];
            nNetmask       = new Subnetmask(bTmpBytes);
            iHelloInterval = (bData[5] << 8) + bData[6];
            ospfOptions    = new OSPFOptionsField(bData[6]);
            bPriority      = bData[7];
            iDeadInterval  = ((int)bData[8] << 24) + ((int)bData[9] << 16) + ((int)bData[10] << 8) + bData[11];

            for (int iC1 = 12; iC1 < 16; iC1++)
                bTmpBytes[iC1 - 12] = bData[iC1];

            ipaDesignatedRouter = new IPAddress(bTmpBytes);

            for (int iC1 = 16; iC1 < 20; iC1++)
                bTmpBytes[iC1 - 16] = bData[iC1];

            ipaBackupDesignatedRouter = new IPAddress(bTmpBytes);

            lipaNeighbours = new List <IPAddress>();

            for (int iC2 = 20; iC2 < bData.Length; iC2 += 4)
                for (int iC1 = iC2; iC1 < iC2 + 4; iC1++)
                    bTmpBytes[iC1 - iC2] = bData[iC1];
                lipaNeighbours.Add(new IPAddress(bTmpBytes));
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of this class by parsing the given data
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bData">The data to parse</param>
        public OSPFDatabaseDescriptionMessage(byte[] bData)
            sInterfaceMTU     = (short)(((int)bData[0] << 8) + bData[1]);
            ospfOptions       = new OSPFOptionsField(bData[2]);
            bMSBit            = (bData[3] & 0x1) != 0;
            bMBit             = (bData[3] & 0x2) != 0;
            bIBit             = (bData[3] & 0x4) != 0;
            bOOBResyncBit     = (bData[3] & 0x8) != 0;
            iDDSequenceNumber = ((uint)bData[4] << 24) + ((uint)bData[5] << 16) + ((uint)bData[6] << 8) + bData[7];

            lLSAHeaders = new List <LSAHeader>();

            byte[] bLSAHeader = new byte[20];

            for (int iC1 = 8; iC1 < bData.Length; iC1 += 20)
                for (int iC2 = 0; iC2 < 20; iC2++)
                    bLSAHeader[iC2] = bData[iC2 + iC1];
                lLSAHeaders.Add(new LSAHeader(bLSAHeader, false));
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of this class by parsing the given data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bData">The data to parse</param>
        /// <param name="bCreateBody">A bool indicating whether a LSA body should be created. Set this property to false for database descriptions and LS acknowledgements messages</param>
        public LSAHeader(byte[] bData, bool bCreateBody)
            iLSAge             = (short)((bData[0] << 8) + bData[1]);
            ospfOptions        = new OSPFOptionsField(bData[2]);
            lsType             = (LSType)bData[3];
            iLinkStateID       = ((uint)bData[4] << 24) + ((uint)bData[5] << 16) + ((uint)bData[6] << 8) + bData[7];
            iAdvertisingRouter = ((uint)bData[8] << 24) + ((uint)bData[9] << 16) + ((uint)bData[10] << 8) + bData[11];

            iLSSequenceNumber = ((uint)bData[12] << 24) + ((uint)bData[13] << 16) + ((uint)bData[14] << 8) + bData[15];
            // 2 byte checksum
            int iLen = ((bData[18] << 8) + bData[19]) - 20;

            if (bCreateBody)
                iOrigalLength     = -1;
                bOriginalChecksum = new byte[0];
                byte[] bBodyBytes = new byte[iLen];

                for (int iC1 = 0; iC1 < iLen; iC1++)
                    bBodyBytes[iC1] = bData[iC1 + 20];

                if (bBodyBytes.Length > 0)
                    if (lsType == LSType.Router)
                        fEncapsulatedFrame = new RouterLSA(bBodyBytes);
                    else if (lsType == LSType.External)
                        fEncapsulatedFrame = new ASExternalLSA(bBodyBytes);
                    else if (lsType == LSType.Network)
                        fEncapsulatedFrame = new NetworkLSA(bBodyBytes);
                    else if (lsType == LSType.Summary_IP)
                        fEncapsulatedFrame = new SummaryLSA(bBodyBytes);
                    else if (lsType == LSType.Summary_ASBR)
                        fEncapsulatedFrame = new SummaryLSA(bBodyBytes);
                    else if (lsType == LSType.NSSA)
                        fEncapsulatedFrame = new ASExternalLSA(bBodyBytes);
                        fEncapsulatedFrame = new RawDataFrame(bBodyBytes);
                iOrigalLength        = iLen + 20;
                bOriginalChecksum    = new byte[2];
                bOriginalChecksum[0] = bData[16];
                bOriginalChecksum[1] = bData[17];