protected void btnPost_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (eCommerceDBEntities context = new eCommerceDBEntities()) { if (Session["CustomerID"] != null) { int CustID = Convert.ToInt16(Session["CustomerID"].ToString()); int ProdID = Convert.ToInt16(Request.QueryString["ProductID"]); Review rv = new Review() { ReviewTitle = txtReviewTitle.Text, ReviewDescription = txtReviewDetail.Text, CustomerID = CustID, ProductID = ProdID, Rating = Convert.ToInt16(ddlRatings.SelectedValue), ReviewDate = DateTime.Now }; context.Reviews.AddObject(rv); context.SaveChanges(); string notifyTitle = "Review added"; string message = "Your review has been posted on the product page. Thanks for helping others."; string notification = string.Format("?notifyTitle={0}¬ificationDescription={1}", notifyTitle, message); Response.Redirect("~/product.aspx?ProductID=" + ViewState["prodid"].ToString() + "&" + notification); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["CustomerID"] == null) { Response.Redirect("login.aspx"); } else { if (!IsPostBack) { using (eCommerceDBEntities context = new eCommerceDBEntities()) { //Getting user info based on session variable int id = (int)Session["CustomerID"]; Customer cust = context.Customers.Where(i => i.CustomerID == id).FirstOrDefault(); //Setting page title. Page.Title = "Profile | " + cust.CustomerName; //Setting values from DB txtName.Text = cust.CustomerName; txtUserName.Text = cust.UserName; txtContact.Text = cust.ContactNumber; ddlGender.SelectedValue =; txtEmail.Text =; txtAddress.Text = cust.Address; } } } }
protected void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (eCommerceDBEntities context = new eCommerceDBEntities()) { //Check if there's any user who has the given username and password Customer cust = context.Customers.Where(i => i.UserName == txtUserName.Text && i.Password == txtPassword.Text).FirstOrDefault(); if (cust == null) { //User not found lblError.Text = "Wrong username or password"; lblError.Visible = true; } else { //Create a session for user Session["CustomerID"] = cust.CustomerID; string notifyTitle = "Welcome!"; string message = "You have been successfully logged in. Happy shopping!"; string notification = string.Format("?notifyTitle={0}¬ificationDescription={1}", notifyTitle, message); //If user is requesting a redirect. string redirectToURL = Request.QueryString["redirect"]; if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(redirectToURL)) { Response.Redirect("~/home.aspx" + notification); } else Response.Redirect(redirectToURL); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(Request.QueryString["notifyTitle"] != null || Request.QueryString["notificationDescription"] != null) { string title = Request.QueryString["notifyTitle"]; string message = Request.QueryString["notificationDescription"]; string jsFunction = string.Format("showNotification('{0}','{1}')",title,message); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, Page.GetType(), "notify", jsFunction, true); } using (eCommerceDBEntities context = new eCommerceDBEntities()) { //Check if some user is logged in. if (Session["CustomerID"] != null) { //Getting user info based on session variable int id = (int)Session["CustomerID"]; Customer cust = context.Customers.Where(i => i.CustomerID == id).FirstOrDefault(); //Change the links lnkLogInLogOut.Text = "Logout"; lnkLogInLogOut.PostBackUrl = "logout.aspx"; lnkSignUpProfile.Text = "Welcome: " + cust.CustomerName; lnkSignUpProfile.PostBackUrl = "~/profile.aspx?CustomerID=" + cust.CustomerID; //Update Cart count var cart = (from c in context.Carts join p in context.Products on c.ProductID equals p.ProductID where c.CustomerID==id select new { p.ProductName, p.ProductPrice, p.ProductImageURL }); lblCartCount.Text = cart.Count().ToString(); } } }
protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //Save the file on server's folder kepping the original filename flImageUpload.SaveAs(Server.MapPath(@"~\Site_data\product_images\" + flImageUpload.FileName)); Product pr = new Product { ProductName = txtName.Text, ProductDescription = txtDescription.Text, ProductPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(txtPrice.Text), ProductImageURL = @"~\Site_data\product_images\" + flImageUpload.FileName, Discount = Convert.ToInt16(string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtDiscount.Text) ? "0" : txtDiscount.Text), CategoryID = Convert.ToInt16(ddlCategory.SelectedValue) }; using(eCommerceDBEntities context = new eCommerceDBEntities()) { context.Products.AddObject(pr); context.SaveChanges(); } lblStatus.Text = "Product successfully uploaded."; lblStatus.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green; hlAddFeature.NavigateUrl = "~/Admin/addFeatures.aspx?ProductID=" + pr.ProductID; } catch (System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException ex) { lblStatus.ForeColor= System.Drawing.Color.Red; lblStatus.Text = "Select an image first"; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { //Get the lookup string form URL string lookup = Request.QueryString["product"]; string category = Request.QueryString["category"]; Page.Title = "Search: " + lookup; //Keeping the lookup string in searchbar for ease of use ((TextBox)this.Page.Master.FindControl("txtSearch")).Text = lookup; using (eCommerceDBEntities context = new eCommerceDBEntities()) { //Running %like query on 2 fields to get best results from DB List<Product> pr = context.Products.Where(i => i.ProductName.Contains(lookup) || i.ProductDescription.Contains(lookup) ).ToList(); var lq = (from p in context.Products join c in context.Categories on p.CategoryID equals c.CategoryID where (string.IsNullOrEmpty(category) ? true : c.CategoryName == category) && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lookup)? true : p.ProductName.Contains(lookup) || p.ProductDescription.Contains(lookup)) select p).ToList(); Repeater1.DataSource = lq; Repeater1.DataBind(); } } }
protected void btnNextBook_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Enable prev button if it's disabled. if (btnPrevBook.Enabled == false) btnPrevBook.Enabled = true; using (eCommerceDBEntities context = new eCommerceDBEntities()) { List<Product> books = context.Products.Where(p => p.CategoryID == 4).ToList(); int i = (int)ViewState["rowBooks"]; //Get the next row i++; try { lblBookPrice.Text = books[i].ProductPrice.ToString(); lnkBookTitle.Text = books[i].ProductName; lnkBookTitle.NavigateUrl = "product.aspx?ProductID=" + books[i].ProductID; lnkImageLinkToBook.NavigateUrl = lnkBookTitle.NavigateUrl; imgProductBook.ImageUrl = books[i].ProductImageURL; lnkBookOrder.NavigateUrl = lnkBookTitle.NavigateUrl; } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException ex) { //There aren't anymore rows so, disable further action. btnNextBook.Enabled = false; i--; } //Updating viewstate for next use. ViewState["rowBooks"] = i; } }
protected void btnPasswordRecover_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (eCommerceDBEntities context = new eCommerceDBEntities()) { Customer cust = context.Customers.Where(i =>; if (cust == null) { string title = "User ID not found"; string message = "No user found with the given email ID. Please provide the email ID you signed up with."; string jsFunction = string.Format("showNotification('{0}','{1}')", title, message); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, Page.GetType(), "notify", jsFunction, true); } else { string email =; string password = cust.Password; MailMessage mail = new MailMessage("*****@*****.**", email); mail.Subject = "Password for your eCommerce ID"; mail.Body = "Your password for eCommerce is : " + password; mail.IsBodyHtml = false; SmtpClient smp = new SmtpClient(); //smp.Send(mail); string title = "Password sent!"; string message = "Your password has been sent to " + email; string jsFunction = string.Format("showNotification('{0}','{1}')", title, message); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, Page.GetType(), "notify", jsFunction, true); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { using(eCommerceDBEntities context = new eCommerceDBEntities()) { List<Category> ct = context.Categories.ToList(); ddlCategory.DataSource = ct ; ddlCategory.DataTextField = "CategoryName"; ddlCategory.DataValueField = "CategoryID"; ddlCategory.DataBind(); } } }
protected void btnChange_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (eCommerceDBEntities context = new eCommerceDBEntities()) { //Getting user info based on session variable int id = (int)Session["CustomerID"]; Customer cust = context.Customers.Where(i => i.CustomerID == id).FirstOrDefault(); cust.Password = txtPassword.Text; context.SaveChanges(); } lblError.Visible = true; lblError.Text = "Password successfully updated"; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { int id = Convert.ToInt16(Request.QueryString["ProductID"]); ViewState["prodid"] = id; using (eCommerceDBEntities context = new eCommerceDBEntities()) { if (Session["CustomerID"] == null) { Panel1.Enabled = false; } Product pr = context.Products.Where(i => i.ProductID == id).FirstOrDefault(); lblName.Text = pr.ProductName; lblPrice.Text += pr.ProductPrice.ToString(); lblDescription.Text = pr.ProductDescription; imgProductImage.ImageUrl = pr.ProductImageURL; //Setting page title Page.Title = pr.ProductName; //Joing feature tables to show data on datagrid var lq = (from f in context.Features join mf in context.MetaFeatures on f.MetaFeatureID equals mf.MetaFeatureID where f.ProductID == id select new { Feature = mf.FeatureName, Description = f.FeatureDescription }).ToList(); GridView1.DataSource = lq; GridView1.DataBind(); //Populating reviews var review = (from r in context.Reviews where r.ProductID == id join c in context.Customers on r.CustomerID equals c.CustomerID select new { r.ReviewDate, r.ReviewTitle, r.ReviewDescription, r.Rating, c.CustomerName }); Repeater1.DataSource = review; Repeater1.DataBind(); } } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (eCommerceDBEntities context = new eCommerceDBEntities()) { Customer cust = context.Customers.Where(i => i.UserName==txtUserName.Text).FirstOrDefault(); cust.CustomerName = txtName.Text; = txtEmail.Text; cust.ContactNumber = txtContact.Text; cust.Address = txtAddress.Text; cust.Password = txtPassword.Text; = ddlGender.SelectedValue; cust.UserType = ddlUserType.SelectedValue; context.SaveChanges(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { txtProductID.Text = Request.QueryString["ProductID"]; //Fill the list from table using (eCommerceDBEntities context = new eCommerceDBEntities()) { List<MetaFeature> mf = context.MetaFeatures.ToList(); ddlFeatureName.DataSource = mf; ddlFeatureName.DataTextField = "FeatureName"; ddlFeatureName.DataValueField = "MetaFeatureID"; ddlFeatureName.DataBind(); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (eCommerceDBEntities context = new eCommerceDBEntities()) { var lq = (from o in context.Orders join p in context.Products on o.ProductID equals p.ProductID select new { o.OrderID, o.DateOrdered, p.ProductName, p.ProductPrice, p.Discount, }); GridView1.DataSource = lq; GridView1.DataBind(); } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (eCommerceDBEntities context = new eCommerceDBEntities()) { //Getting user info based on session variable int id = (int)Session["CustomerID"]; Customer cust = context.Customers.Where(i => i.CustomerID == id).FirstOrDefault(); cust.CustomerName = txtName.Text; = ddlGender.SelectedValue; cust.UserName = txtUserName.Text; cust.Address = txtAddress.Text; = txtEmail.Text; cust.ContactNumber = txtContact.Text; context.SaveChanges(); } lblError.Visible = true; lblError.Text = "Details successfully updated"; }
protected void btnPay_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (eCommerceDBEntities context = new eCommerceDBEntities()) { int custID = Convert.ToInt16(Session["CustomerID"]); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtAmount.Text)) { lblStatus.Text = "Please select mode of payment Debit/Credit card"; lblStatus.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; } else { List<Cart> cart = context.Carts.Where(i => i.CustomerID == custID).ToList(); foreach (var i in cart) { //Fill order table context.Orders.AddObject(new Order { CustomerID = custID, ProductID = i.ProductID, DateOrdered = DateTime.Now }); //Product is bought so, empty the cart. context.Carts.DeleteObject(i); } context.SaveChanges(); lblStatus.Text = "Your order has been placed. Happy shopping!"; lblStatus.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green; string notifyTitle = "Payment Successful!"; string message = "The order has been placed. You will receive your shipment sonn."; string notification = string.Format("?notifyTitle={0}¬ificationDescription={1}", notifyTitle, message); Response.Redirect("~/order.aspx" + notification); } } }
protected void btnSignup_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (eCommerceDBEntities context = new eCommerceDBEntities()) { //New user object created from the information in the webform. Customer newUser = new Customer() { CustomerName = txtName.Text, sex = ddlGender.SelectedValue, UserName = txtUserName.Text, Password = txtPassword.Text, Address = txtAddress.Text, email = txtEmail.Text, ContactNumber = txtContact.Text, UserType = "customer" }; //Lookup if a user with the given username or email already exists in DB. Customer cust = context.Customers.Where(i => i.UserName == newUser.UserName || ==; //If user is found, show error, else add new user. if (cust != null) { lblError.Text = "A user with that Email ID or UserName already exists."; lblError.Visible = true; } else { //Add new user to the customers' context context.Customers.AddObject(newUser); //Save new user in the database. context.SaveChanges(); //Send user to loginpage Response.Redirect("login.aspx"); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (eCommerceDBEntities context = new eCommerceDBEntities()) { if (Session["CustomerID"] != null) { //Getting user info based on session variable int id = (int)Session["CustomerID"]; Customer cust = context.Customers.Where(i => i.CustomerID == id).FirstOrDefault(); if (cust.UserType != "admin") { Response.Redirect("~/home.aspx"); } } else { Response.Redirect("~/home.aspx"); } } }
protected void lnkRemoveItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (eCommerceDBEntities context = new eCommerceDBEntities()) { //Get the reference of the clicked button. LinkButton button = (sender as LinkButton); //Get the Repeater Item reference RepeaterItem item = button.NamingContainer as RepeaterItem; //Get the repeater item index int index = item.ItemIndex; string id = ((Label)(Repeater1.Items[index].FindControl("lblHiddenCartID"))).Text; int cartid = Convert.ToInt16(id); Cart cr = context.Carts.Where(i => i.CartID == cartid).FirstOrDefault(); context.Carts.DeleteObject(cr); context.SaveChanges(); string notifyTitle = "One item removed"; string message = "One item was removed from your cart!"; string notification = string.Format("?notifyTitle={0}¬ificationDescription={1}", notifyTitle, message); Response.Redirect("~/order.aspx" + notification); } }
protected void btnLoad_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (eCommerceDBEntities context = new eCommerceDBEntities()) { Customer cust = context.Customers.Where(i => i.UserName.Contains(txtUserName.Text)).FirstOrDefault(); txtName.Enabled = true; txtEmail.Enabled = true; txtContact.Enabled = true; txtAddress.Enabled = true; ddlGender.Enabled = true; txtPassword.Enabled = true; ddlUserType.Enabled = true; txtUserName.Text = cust.UserName; txtName.Text = cust.CustomerName; txtEmail.Text =; txtContact.Text = cust.ContactNumber; txtAddress.Text = cust.Address; txtPassword.Text = cust.Password; ddlGender.SelectedValue =; ddlUserType.SelectedValue = cust.UserType; } }
private void addAmount() { int CustomerID = Convert.ToInt16(Session["CustomerID"].ToString()); using (eCommerceDBEntities context = new eCommerceDBEntities()) { var cart = (from c in context.Carts join p in context.Products on c.ProductID equals p.ProductID where c.CustomerID == CustomerID select new { p.ProductPrice, c.Quantity }); decimal amt = 0; foreach (var i in cart) { amt += (i.ProductPrice * i.Quantity); } txtAmount.Text = amt.ToString(); } }
protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (eCommerceDBEntities context = new eCommerceDBEntities()) { if (rdoChooseFeature.SelectedValue == "1") { Feature fr = new Feature() { MetaFeatureID = Convert.ToInt16(ddlFeatureName.SelectedValue), ProductID = Convert.ToInt16(txtProductID.Text), FeatureDescription = txtBoxFeatureValue.Text }; context.Features.AddObject(fr); } else if (rdoChooseFeature.SelectedValue == "2") { //Show error on empty textbox if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtFeatureName.Text)) { lblStatus.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; lblStatus.Text = "Please add a feature name."; } else { //Check if the feature already exists MetaFeature mr = context.MetaFeatures.Where(i => i.FeatureName == txtFeatureName.Text).FirstOrDefault(); int id; //If not found, create new row if (mr == null) { MetaFeature mfr = new MetaFeature() { FeatureName = txtFeatureName.Text }; context.MetaFeatures.AddObject(mfr); context.SaveChanges(); //get the ID which is just created id = mfr.MetaFeatureID; Feature fr = new Feature() { MetaFeatureID = id, ProductID = Convert.ToInt16(txtProductID.Text), FeatureDescription = txtBoxFeatureValue.Text }; context.Features.AddObject(fr); } //if found, update row. else { id = mr.MetaFeatureID; Feature fUpdate = context.Features.Where(i => i.MetaFeatureID == id).FirstOrDefault(); fUpdate.FeatureDescription = txtBoxFeatureValue.Text; } } } context.SaveChanges(); lblStatus.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green; lblStatus.Text = "Feature added successfully. You can add more!"; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["CustomerID"] == null) { string redirectToURL = "~/order.aspx"; Response.Redirect("~/login.aspx?redirect=" + redirectToURL); } if (!IsPostBack) { //Get logged in id int CustID = Convert.ToInt16(Session["CustomerID"]); using (eCommerceDBEntities context = new eCommerceDBEntities()) { if (Request.QueryString["addToCart"] != null) { int ProdID = Convert.ToInt16(Request.QueryString["addToCart"]); //Check if product is already in cart Cart cr = context.Carts.Where(i => i.ProductID == ProdID).FirstOrDefault(); //If not in the DB add it. if (cr == null) { context.Carts.AddObject(new Cart { CustomerID = CustID, ProductID = ProdID, Quantity = 1 }); context.SaveChanges(); } } var cart = (from c in context.Carts join p in context.Products on c.ProductID equals p.ProductID where c.CustomerID == CustID select new { p.ProductName, p.ProductPrice, p.ProductImageURL, c.CartID }); Repeater1.DataSource = cart; Repeater1.DataBind(); Boolean isCartEmpty = context.Carts.Where(i=>i.CustomerID == CustID).FirstOrDefault() == null; //If cart is empty. No ID label means, no cart item if (isCartEmpty) { Wizard1.Visible = false; lblMessage.Visible = true; } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { //Populating Mobile category //Instantiating the entity class to access DB tables using (eCommerceDBEntities context = new eCommerceDBEntities()) { //Query the DB for products which are mobile i.e. CategoryID == 1 List<Product> pr = context.Products.Where(i => i.CategoryID == 1).ToList(); //At first launch, fill fields with first rowMobile i.e. pr[0] lblPrice.Text = pr[0].ProductPrice.ToString(); lnkProductTitle.Text = pr[0].ProductName; lnkProductTitle.NavigateUrl = "product.aspx?ProductID=" + pr[0].ProductID; lnkImageLinkTo.NavigateUrl = lnkProductTitle.NavigateUrl; imgProduct.ImageUrl = pr[0].ProductImageURL; lnkOrder.NavigateUrl = lnkProductTitle.NavigateUrl; //Store returned rowMobile in viewstate for it to persist, to be used later. ViewState["rowMobile"] = 0; //Populating Books category //Query the DB for products which are books i.e. CategoryID == 4 List<Product> books = context.Products.Where(i => i.CategoryID == 4).ToList(); //At first launch, fill fields with first row i.e. pr[0] lblBookPrice.Text = books[0].ProductPrice.ToString(); lnkBookTitle.Text = books[0].ProductName; lnkBookTitle.NavigateUrl = "product.aspx?ProductID=" + books[0].ProductID; lnkImageLinkToBook.NavigateUrl = lnkBookTitle.NavigateUrl; imgProductBook.ImageUrl = books[0].ProductImageURL; lnkBookOrder.NavigateUrl = lnkBookTitle.NavigateUrl; //Store returned rowBook in viewstate for it to persist, to be used later. ViewState["rowBooks"] = 0; //Populating Clothes category //Query the DB for products which are clothes i.e. CategoryID == 3 List<Product> clothes = context.Products.Where(i => i.CategoryID == 3).ToList(); //At first launch, fill fields with first row i.e. pr[0] lblClothesPrice.Text = clothes[0].ProductPrice.ToString(); lnkClothesTitle.Text = clothes[0].ProductName; lnkClothesTitle.NavigateUrl = "product.aspx?ProductID=" + clothes[0].ProductID; lnkImageLinkToClothes.NavigateUrl = lnkClothesTitle.NavigateUrl; imgProductClothes.ImageUrl = clothes[0].ProductImageURL; lnkClothesOrder.NavigateUrl = lnkClothesTitle.NavigateUrl; //Store returned rowBook in viewstate for it to persist, to be used later. ViewState["rowClothes"] = 0; } } }