public static void Status(string token) { Signature sign = new Signature(); string uname = sign.GetSender(token); string username = WR.Base64Decode(uname); try { var now = DateTime.UtcNow; string[] secret = new string[1] { "Sun" }; string pubKey = File.ReadAllText(di + username + ".pub.xml"); rsaObj.FromXmlString(pubKey); var json = new JwtBuilder() .WithAlgorithm(new RS256Algorithm(rsaObj, rsaObj)) // .MustVerifySignature() .Decode(token); string t = json; string r = t.Trim(',', '{', '}'); String[] strlist = r.Split(',', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (String s in strlist) { Console.WriteLine(s); } } catch { Console.WriteLine("Tokeni nuk eshte valid!"); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length > 0) { string command = args[0]; RsaEncryptor rsa; DirectoryInfo di = Directory.CreateDirectory(@"../../../keys/"); if (command == "create-user") { try { if (args[1].Length != 0) { string command2 = args[1]; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < command2.Length; i++) { if ((command2[i] >= '0' && command2[i] <= '9') || (command2[i] >= 'A' && command2[i] <= 'Z') || (command2[i] >= 'a' && command2[i] <= 'z') || command2[i] == '_') { sb.Append(command2[i].ToString()); } else { Console.WriteLine("Emrat duhet të përmbajnë vetëm simbolet A-Z, a-z, 0-9,dhe _"); return; } } command2 = sb.ToString(); rsa = new RsaEncryptor(); string privateKey = rsa.GetPrivateKey(); string publicKey = rsa.GetPublicKey(); string privkey = di + command2 + ".xml"; string pubkey = di + command2 + ".pub.xml"; if (File.Exists(privkey) && File.Exists(pubkey)) { Console.WriteLine("Gabim: Celesi '" + command2 + "' ekziston paraprakisht."); return; } File.WriteAllText(di + command2 + ".xml", privateKey); File.WriteAllText(di + command2 + ".pub.xml", publicKey); Console.WriteLine("Eshte krijuar celsi privat: 'keys/{0}.xml'", command2); Console.WriteLine("Eshte krijuar celsi publik: 'keys/{0}.pub.xml'", command2); } } catch { Console.WriteLine("Kerkesa duhet te jete: create-user <emri>"); return; } } else if (command == "delete-user") { try { if (args[1].Length != 0) { string command2 = args[1]; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < command2.Length; i++) { if ((command2[i] >= '0' && command2[i] <= '9') || (command2[i] >= 'A' && command2[i] <= 'Z') || (command2[i] >= 'a' && command2[i] <= 'z') || command2[i] == '_') { sb.Append(command2[i].ToString()); } else { Console.WriteLine("Emrat duhet të përmbajnë vetëm simbolet A-Z, a-z, 0-9,dhe _"); return; } } command2 = sb.ToString(); rsa = new RsaEncryptor(); string privateKey = rsa.GetPrivateKey(); string publicKey = rsa.GetPublicKey(); string privkey = di + command2 + ".xml"; string pubkey = di + command2 + ".pub.xml"; if (File.Exists(privkey) && File.Exists(pubkey)) { File.Delete(privkey); File.Delete(pubkey); Console.WriteLine("Eshte larguar celsi privat: 'keys/{0}.xml'", command2); Console.WriteLine("Eshte larguar celsi publik: 'keys/{0}.pub.xml'", command2); } else { Console.WriteLine("Gabim: Celesi '" + command2 + "' nuk ekziston."); } } } catch { Console.WriteLine("Kerkesa duhet te jete: delete-user <emri>"); return; } } else if (command == "export-key") { try { if (args[1].Length != 0 && args[2].Length != 0) { string type = args[1]; string name = args[2]; //DirectoryInfo dir = Directory.CreateDirectory("keys/"); //We have di for directory $top. string privKeysDir = /*dir*/ di + name + ".xml"; string pubKeysDir = /*dir*/ di + name + ".pub.xml"; if (File.Exists(pubKeysDir) && File.Exists(privKeysDir)) { if (args.Length == 3) { /*if (type == "public") * { * string publicKey = File.ReadAllText(di + name + ".pub.xml"); * char[] seperator = { '>' }; * String[] strlist = publicKey.Split(seperator); * foreach(String s in strlist){Console.Write(s + ">"); Console.WriteLine();} * * }*/ if (type == "public") { string publicKey = File.ReadAllText(/*dir*/ di + name + ".pub.xml"); publicKey = publicKey.Replace(">", ">" + System.Environment.NewLine); Console.WriteLine("\n" + publicKey + "\n"); } else if (type == "private") { string privateKey = File.ReadAllText(/*dir*/ di + name + ".xml"); privateKey = privateKey.Replace(">", ">" + System.Environment.NewLine); Console.WriteLine("\n" + privateKey + "\n"); } } else if (args.Length == 4 /*> 3*/) { string expFile = args[3]; DirectoryInfo expDir = Directory.CreateDirectory("exported/"); using (StreamWriter strw = File.CreateText(expDir + expFile)); string publicKey = File.ReadAllText(/*dir*/ di + name + ".pub.xml");// File.WriteAllText(expDir + expFile, publicKey); Console.WriteLine("Celesi publik u ruajt ne fajllin " + expFile + ".xml"); } } else if (File.Exists(pubKeysDir) && !File.Exists(privKeysDir)) { if (args.Length == 3) { if (type == "public") { string publicKey = File.ReadAllText(/*dir*/ di + name + ".pub.xml"); Console.WriteLine("\n" + publicKey + "\n"); } else if (type == "private") { //string privateKey = File.ReadAllText(/*dir*/ di + name + ".xml"); Console.WriteLine("\nGabim: Celesi privat " + name + " nuk ekziston\n"); } } else if (args.Length == 4 /*> 3*/) { string expFile = args[3]; DirectoryInfo expDir = Directory.CreateDirectory("exported/"); using (StreamWriter strw = File.CreateText(expDir + expFile)); string publicKey = File.ReadAllText(/*dir*/ di + name + ".pub.xml");// File.WriteAllText(expDir + expFile, publicKey); Console.WriteLine("Celesi publik u ruajt ne fajllin " + expFile); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Gabim: Celesi publik " + name + " nuk ekziston."); } } } catch { Console.WriteLine("Kerkesa duhet te jete: export-key <public|private> <name> dhe [file] opsionale"); } } else if (command == "list-keys")//Komande shtese -> listimi i celesave (needs to convert from path name > name:) { Dictionary <string, string> list_keys = new Dictionary <string, string>(); string[] fCount = Directory.GetFiles(@"../../../keys/", "*.xml"); foreach (string k in fCount) { string val = File.ReadAllText(@k, Encoding.UTF8); list_keys.Add(k, val); } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> item in list_keys) { Console.WriteLine("Key: {0}, \nValue: {1}\n\n", item.Key, item.Value); } } else if (command == "write-message") { string input = args[1]; string pubkey = di + input + ".pub.xml"; DESCryptoServiceProvider objDes = new DESCryptoServiceProvider(); string randKey = Convert.ToBase64String(objDes.Key); string randiv = Convert.ToBase64String(objDes.IV); if (File.Exists(pubkey)) { if (args.Length == 3) { string publicKey = File.ReadAllText(di + input + ".pub.xml"); string tekst = args[2]; Console.WriteLine(WR.Base64Encode(input) + "." + WR.Base64Encode(randiv) + "." + WR.rsa_Encrypt(randKey, publicKey) + "." + WR.des_Encrypt(tekst, randKey, randiv)); } else if (args.Length == 4) { string publicKey = File.ReadAllText(di + input + ".pub.xml"); string tekst = args[2]; string file = args[3]; DirectoryInfo di2 = Directory.CreateDirectory(@"../../../files/"); using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(di2 + file)); string g = ("\n" + WR.Base64Encode(input) + "." + WR.Base64Encode(randiv) + "." + WR.rsa_Encrypt(randKey, publicKey) + "." + WR.des_Encrypt(tekst, randKey, randiv)); File.WriteAllText(di2 + file, g); Console.WriteLine("Mesazhi i enkriptuar u ruajt ne fajllin: files/{0}", file); } else { Console.WriteLine("Numri i argumenteve nuk eshte valid!"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Celesi publik: {0} nuk ekziston ", input); } } else if (command == "read-message") { string cipher = args[1]; var array = cipher.Split(new[] { '.' }, 4); string firstElem = array[0]; string second = array[1]; string third = array[2]; string fourth = array[3]; if (WR.Check_Base64(firstElem) && WR.Check_Base64(second) && WR.Check_Base64(third) && WR.Check_Base64(fourth)) { string input = WR.Base64Decode(firstElem); string privkey = di + input + ".xml"; if (File.Exists(privkey)) { Console.WriteLine("Marresi: " + input); string privateKey = File.ReadAllText(di + input + ".xml"); try { string iv_get = WR.Base64Decode(second); try { string rsaKey_get = WR.rsa_Decrypt(third, privateKey); try { Console.WriteLine("Dekriptimi: " + WR.des_Decrypt(fourth, rsaKey_get, iv_get)); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}"); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", e); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", e); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Celesi privat " + input + " nuk ekziston."); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Nuk eshte Base64!"); } } //FAZA 1 else if (command == "four-square") { try { if (args[1] == "encrypt") { try { string plaintext = args[2]; string key1 = args[3]; string key2 = args[4]; Console.WriteLine("Encryption: " + FS.Encrypt(plaintext, key1, key2)); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("You should put arguments in this order: <plaintext> <key1> <key2>" + "\nIf plaintext is a sentence, put them in \"\", key must be one word and contain only letters!"); } } else if (args[1] == "decrypt") { try { string ciphertext = args[2]; string key1 = args[3]; string key2 = args[4]; Console.WriteLine("Decryption: " + FS.Decrypt(ciphertext, key1, key2)); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("You should put arguments in this order: <ciphertext> <key1> <key2>"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Your command should be: <encrypt> or <decrypt> "); } } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("COMMANDS: <encrypt> <decrypt>"); } } else if (command == "case") { try { if (args[1] == "lower") { string word = args[2]; Console.WriteLine(word.ToLower()); } else if (args[1] == "upper") { string word = args[2]; Console.WriteLine(word.ToUpper()); } else if (args[1] == "capitalize") { string word = args[2]; Console.WriteLine(CASE.Capitalize(word)); } else if (args[1] == "inverse") { string word = args[2]; Console.WriteLine(CASE.Inverse(word)); } else if (args[1] == "alternating") { string word = args[2]; Console.WriteLine(CASE.Alternating(word)); } else if (args[1] == "sentence") { string a = args[2]; Console.Write(a.ToLower() + ", " + CASE.Str2(a) + ". " + a.ToUpper() + "! " + CASE.Str4(a) + ".\n" + CASE.Str5(a) + ", " + a.ToLower() + ". " + CASE.Str7(a) + "! " + CASE.Str8(a) + "."); } else { Console.WriteLine("Your command was wrong, choice one of the cases: <lower> <upper> <capitalize> <inverse> <alternating> <sentence>"); } } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("CASES: <lower> <upper> <capitalize> <inverse> <alternating> <sentence> "); } } else if (command == "rail-fence") { try { if (args[1] == "encrypt") { string plaint = args[2]; string rail = args[3]; int railsNr = Int32.Parse(rail); Console.WriteLine(RF.Rencode(plaint, railsNr)); } else if (args[1] == "decrypt") { string ciphert = args[2]; string rail = args[3]; int railsNr = Int32.Parse(rail); Console.WriteLine(RF.Rdecode(ciphert, railsNr)); } else { Console.WriteLine("You must choose beetwen: <encrypt> <decrypt>"); } } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("Continue: <plaintext> <rails>"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Kerkesa duhet te jete: <create-user> <delete-user> <write-message> <read-message>"); } /*else * { * Console.WriteLine("You should provide a valid METHOD: <four-square> <case> <rail-fence>"); * }*/ } }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length > 0) { string command = args[0]; RsaEncryptor rsa; DirectoryInfo di = Directory.CreateDirectory(@"../../../keys/"); Signature sign = new Signature(); if (command == "create-user") { try { if (args[1].Length != 0) { string command2 = args[1]; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < command2.Length; i++) { if ((command2[i] >= '0' && command2[i] <= '9') || (command2[i] >= 'A' && command2[i] <= 'Z') || (command2[i] >= 'a' && command2[i] <= 'z') || command2[i] == '_') { sb.Append(command2[i].ToString()); } else { Console.WriteLine("Emrat duhet të përmbajnë vetëm simbolet A-Z, a-z, 0-9,dhe _"); return; } } command2 = sb.ToString(); rsa = new RsaEncryptor(); string privateKey = rsa.GetPrivateKey(); string publicKey = rsa.GetPublicKey(); string privkey = di + command2 + ".xml"; string pubkey = di + command2 + ".pub.xml"; if (File.Exists(privkey) && File.Exists(pubkey)) { Console.WriteLine("Gabim: Celesi '" + command2 + "' ekziston paraprakisht."); return; } Console.Write("Jepni fjalekalimin:"); string password = Console.ReadLine(); Match match = Regex.Match(password, @"[0-9]+"); Match match1 = Regex.Match(password, @"[A-Z]+"); Match match2 = Regex.Match(password, @".{6,}"); Match match3 = Regex.Match(password, @"[a-z]+"); Match match4 = Regex.Match(password, @"[!@#$%^&*()_+=\[{\]};:<>|./?,-]"); if (!match.Success) { Console.WriteLine("Fjalekalimi duhet te kete se paku nje numer."); return; } else if (!match1.Success) { Console.WriteLine("Fjalekalimi duhet te kete se paku nje shkronje te madhe."); return; } else if (!match2.Success) { Console.WriteLine("Fjalekalimi duhet te kete se paku 6 karaktere."); return; } else if (!match3.Success) { Console.WriteLine("Fjalekalimi duhet te kete se paku nje shkronje te vogel."); return; } else if (!match4.Success) { Console.WriteLine("Fjalekalimi duhet te kete se paku nje simbol."); return; } Console.Write("Perserite fjalekalimin:"); string cpassword = Console.ReadLine(); if (cpassword != password) { Console.WriteLine("Fjalekalimet nuk perputhen."); return; } byte[] salt = new byte[128 / 8]; using (var rng = RandomNumberGenerator.Create()) { rng.GetBytes(salt); } string Salt = Convert.ToBase64String(salt); // derive a 256-bit subkey (use HMACSHA1 with 10,000 iterations) string hashed = Convert.ToBase64String(KeyDerivation.Pbkdf2( password: password, salt: salt, prf: KeyDerivationPrf.HMACSHA1, iterationCount: 10000, numBytesRequested: 256 / 8)); string connStr = "server=localhost;user=root;database=ds;port=3306;password=7834"; MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(connStr); try { Console.Write(""); string instr = "INSERT INTO db (User,Password,Salt) VALUES('" + command2 + "','" + hashed + "','" + Salt + "')"; conn.Open(); MySqlCommand Command = new MySqlCommand(instr, conn); // Perform database operations if (Command.ExecuteNonQuery() == 1) { Console.Write(""); } else { Console.Write("Failed"); return; } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); return; } conn.Close(); Console.Write(""); File.WriteAllText(di + command2 + ".xml", privateKey); File.WriteAllText(di + command2 + ".pub.xml", publicKey); Console.WriteLine("Eshte krijuar shfrytezuesi '" + command2 + "'"); Console.WriteLine("Eshte krijuar celsi privat: 'keys/{0}.xml'", command2); Console.WriteLine("Eshte krijuar celsi publik: 'keys/{0}.pub.xml'", command2); } } catch { Console.WriteLine("Kerkesa duhet te jete: create-user <emri>"); return; } } else if (command == "delete-user") { try { if (args[1].Length != 0) { string command2 = args[1]; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < command2.Length; i++) { if ((command2[i] >= '0' && command2[i] <= '9') || (command2[i] >= 'A' && command2[i] <= 'Z') || (command2[i] >= 'a' && command2[i] <= 'z') || command2[i] == '_') { sb.Append(command2[i].ToString()); } else { Console.WriteLine("Emrat duhet të përmbajnë vetëm simbolet A-Z, a-z, 0-9,dhe _"); return; } } command2 = sb.ToString(); rsa = new RsaEncryptor(); string privateKey = rsa.GetPrivateKey(); string publicKey = rsa.GetPublicKey(); string privkey = di + command2 + ".xml"; string pubkey = di + command2 + ".pub.xml"; if (File.Exists(privkey) && File.Exists(pubkey)) { File.Delete(privkey); File.Delete(pubkey); Console.WriteLine("Eshte larguar celsi privat: 'keys/{0}.xml'", command2); Console.WriteLine("Eshte larguar celsi publik: 'keys/{0}.pub.xml'", command2); } else { Console.WriteLine("Gabim: Celesi '" + command2 + "' nuk ekziston."); } string connStr = "server=localhost;user=root;database=ds;port=3306;password=7834"; MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(connStr); try { Console.Write(""); string instr = "DELETE FROM db WHERE User='******'"; conn.Open(); MySqlCommand Command = new MySqlCommand(instr, conn); // Perform database operations if (Command.ExecuteNonQuery() == 1) { Console.Write(""); } else { Console.Write("Failed"); return; } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); return; } conn.Close(); Console.Write(""); Console.WriteLine("Eshte fshire shfrytezuesi '" + command2 + "'"); } } catch { Console.WriteLine("Kerkesa duhet te jete: delete-user <emri>"); return; } } /// else if (command == "login") { try { if (args[1].Length != 0) { string privKD = di + args[1] + ".xml"; string pubKD = di + args[1] + ".pub.xml"; Console.Write("Jepni fjalekalimin:"); string password = Console.ReadLine(); Login_user.Login(args[1], password); } } catch { Console.WriteLine("Kerkesa duhet te jete: login <username>"); return; } } else if (command == "status") { try { if (args[1].Length != 0) { Login_user.Status(args[1]); if (sign.isExpired(args[1])) { Console.WriteLine("'Valid' : 'Po'"); } else { Console.WriteLine("'Valid' : 'Jo'"); } } } catch { Console.WriteLine("Kerkesa duhet te jete: status <token>"); return; } } else if (command == "write-message") { string input = args[1]; string pubkey = di + input + ".pub.xml"; DESCryptoServiceProvider objDes = new DESCryptoServiceProvider(); string randKey = Convert.ToBase64String(objDes.Key); string randiv = Convert.ToBase64String(objDes.IV); if (File.Exists(pubkey)) { if (args.Length == 3) { string publicKey = File.ReadAllText(di + input + ".pub.xml"); string tekst = args[2]; Console.WriteLine(WR.Base64Encode(input) + "." + WR.Base64Encode(randiv) + "." + WR.rsa_Encrypt(randKey, publicKey) + "." + WR.des_Encrypt(tekst, randKey, randiv)); } else if (args.Length == 4) { string publicKey = File.ReadAllText(di + input + ".pub.xml"); string tekst = args[2]; string token = args[3]; string part4 = sign.Sender(token, tekst, input, randKey, randiv); string sender = sign.GetSender(token); Console.WriteLine(WR.Base64Encode(input) + "." + WR.Base64Encode(randiv) + "." + WR.rsa_Encrypt(randKey, publicKey) + "." + WR.des_Encrypt(tekst, randKey, randiv) + "." + part4); } else { Console.WriteLine("Numri i argumenteve nuk eshte valid!"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Celesi publik: {0} nuk ekziston ", input); } } else if (command == "read-message") { string cipher = args[1]; if (Regex.Matches(cipher, @"\.").Count == 3) { var array = cipher.Split(new[] { '.' }, 4); string firstElem = array[0]; string second = array[1]; string third = array[2]; string fourth = array[3]; if (WR.Check_Base64(firstElem) && WR.Check_Base64(second) && WR.Check_Base64(third) && WR.Check_Base64(fourth)) { string input = WR.Base64Decode(firstElem); string privkey = di + input + ".xml"; if (File.Exists(privkey)) { Console.WriteLine("Marresi: " + input); string privateKey = File.ReadAllText(di + input + ".xml"); try { string iv_get = WR.Base64Decode(second); try { string rsaKey_get = WR.rsa_Decrypt(third, privateKey); try { Console.WriteLine("Dekriptimi: " + WR.des_Decrypt(fourth, rsaKey_get, iv_get)); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}"); } } catch (CryptographicException) { Console.WriteLine("Dekriptimi nuk mund te behet me celesin e dhene"); } } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("IV nuk eshte e njejte me ate te enkriptimit!"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Celesi privat " + input + " nuk ekziston."); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Nuk eshte Base64!"); } } else if (Regex.Matches(cipher, @"\.").Count == 5) { var array = cipher.Split(new[] { '.' }, 6); string firstElem = array[0]; string second = array[1]; string third = array[2]; string fourth = array[3]; string sender = array[4]; string msg = array[5]; if (WR.Check_Base64(firstElem) && WR.Check_Base64(second) && WR.Check_Base64(third) && WR.Check_Base64(fourth) && WR.Check_Base64(sender) && WR.Check_Base64(msg)) { string input = WR.Base64Decode(firstElem); string privkey = di + input + ".xml"; if (File.Exists(privkey)) { Console.WriteLine("Marresi: " + input); string privateKey = File.ReadAllText(di + input + ".xml"); try { string iv_get = WR.Base64Decode(second); try { string rsaKey_get = WR.rsa_Decrypt(third, privateKey); string plain = WR.des_Decrypt(fourth, rsaKey_get, iv_get); Console.WriteLine("Mesazhi: " + plain); string sender_n = WR.Base64Decode(sender); Console.WriteLine("Derguesi: {0} ", sender_n); try { string read_msg = sign.Ver_msg(msg, plain, input, rsaKey_get, iv_get); Console.WriteLine("Validimi: {0}", read_msg); } catch (Exception) { throw; } } catch (CryptographicException) { Console.WriteLine("Dekriptimi nuk mund te behet me celesin e dhene"); } } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("IV nuk eshte e njejte me ate te enkriptimit!"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Celesi privat " + input + " nuk ekziston."); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Nuk eshte Base64!"); } } else if (File.Exists(cipher)) { string content = File.ReadAllText(cipher); if (Regex.Matches(content, @"\.").Count == 3) { var array = content.Split(new[] { '.' }, 4); string firstElem = array[0]; string second = array[1]; string third = array[2]; string fourth = array[3]; if (WR.Check_Base64(firstElem) && WR.Check_Base64(second) && WR.Check_Base64(third) && WR.Check_Base64(fourth)) { string input = WR.Base64Decode(firstElem); string privkey = di + input + ".xml"; if (File.Exists(privkey)) { Console.WriteLine("Marresi: " + input); string privateKey = File.ReadAllText(di + input + ".xml"); try { string iv_get = WR.Base64Decode(second); try { string rsaKey_get = WR.rsa_Decrypt(third, privateKey); try { Console.WriteLine("Dekriptimi: " + WR.des_Decrypt(fourth, rsaKey_get, iv_get)); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}"); } } catch (CryptographicException) { Console.WriteLine("Dekriptimi nuk mund te behet me celesin e dhene"); } } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("IV nuk eshte e njejte me ate te enkriptimit!"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Celesi privat " + input + " nuk ekziston."); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Nuk eshte Base64!"); } } } else { Console.WriteLine("Provide valid args!"); } } //faza2 else if (command == "export-key") { try { if (args[1].Length != 0 && args[2].Length != 0) { string type = args[1]; string name = args[2]; string privKeysDir = di + name + ".xml"; string pubKeysDir = di + name + ".pub.xml"; if (File.Exists(pubKeysDir) && File.Exists(privKeysDir)) { if (args.Length == 3) { if (type == "public") { string publicKey = File.ReadAllText(di + name + ".pub.xml"); publicKey = publicKey.Replace(">", ">" + System.Environment.NewLine); Console.WriteLine("\n" + publicKey + "\n"); } else if (type == "private") { string privateKey = File.ReadAllText(di + name + ".xml"); privateKey = privateKey.Replace(">", ">" + System.Environment.NewLine); Console.WriteLine("\n" + privateKey + "\n"); } } else if (args.Length == 4) { string expFile = args[3]; DirectoryInfo expDir = Directory.CreateDirectory("exported/"); string publicKey = File.ReadAllText(di + name + ".pub.xml"); string privateKey = File.ReadAllText(di + name + ".xml"); if (type == "private") { File.WriteAllText(expDir + expFile + ".xml", privateKey); Console.WriteLine("Celesi privat u ruajt ne fajllin " + expFile + ".xml"); } else if (type == "public") { string expFilep = expFile + ".pub"; File.WriteAllText(expDir + expFilep + ".xml", publicKey); Console.WriteLine("Celesi publik u ruajt ne fajllin " + expFile + ".pub.xml"); } } } else if (File.Exists(pubKeysDir) && !File.Exists(privKeysDir)) { if (args.Length == 3) { if (type == "public") { string publicKey = File.ReadAllText(di + name + ".pub.xml"); Console.WriteLine("\n" + publicKey + "\n"); } else if (type == "private") { Console.WriteLine("\nGabim: Celesi privat " + name + " nuk ekziston\n"); } } else if (args.Length == 4) { string expFile = args[3]; DirectoryInfo expDir = Directory.CreateDirectory("exported/"); // using (StreamWriter strw = File.CreateText(expDir + expFile)) ; string publicKey = File.ReadAllText(di + name + ".pub.xml"); File.WriteAllText(expDir + expFile, publicKey); Console.WriteLine("Celesi publik u ruajt ne fajllin " + expFile); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Gabim: Celesi " + name + " nuk ekziston."); } } } catch { Console.WriteLine("Kerkesa duhet te jete: export-key <public|private> <name> dhe [file] opsionale"); } } else if (command == "import-key") { try { if (args[1].Length != 0 && args[2].Length != 0) { string name = args[1]; string path = args[2]; string distinguishURL = "http"; if (path.Contains(distinguishURL)) { string getContent = Import_key.Get(path); if (getContent.Contains("<P>")) { rsa = new RsaEncryptor(); string publicKey = rsa.GetPublicKey(); File.WriteAllText(di + name + ".xml", getContent); File.WriteAllText(di + name + ".pub.xml", publicKey); Console.WriteLine("Celesi privat u ruajt ne fajllin " + di + name + ".xml"); Console.WriteLine("Celesi publik u ruajt ne fajllin " + di + name + ".pub.xml"); } else { File.WriteAllText(di + name + ".pub.xml", getContent); Console.WriteLine("Celesi publik u ruajt ne fajllin " + di + name + ".pub.xml"); } } else { if (File.Exists(path)) { string content = File.ReadAllText(path);/*@"C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\edon.xml"*/ if (content.Contains("<P>")) { rsa = new RsaEncryptor(); string publicKey = rsa.GetPublicKey(); File.WriteAllText(di + name + ".xml", content); File.WriteAllText(di + name + ".pub.xml", publicKey); Console.WriteLine("Celesi privat u ruajt ne fajllin " + di + name + ".xml"); Console.WriteLine("Celesi publik u ruajt ne fajllin " + di + name + ".pub.xml"); } else { File.WriteAllText(di + name + ".pub.xml", content); Console.WriteLine("Celesi publik u ruajt ne fajllin " + di + name + ".pub.xml"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Gabim: Fajlli " + path + " nuk ekziston."); } } } } catch { Console.WriteLine("Kerkesa duhet te jete: import-key <name> <path>"); } } else if (command == "list-keys")//Komande shtese -> listimi i celesave (needs to convert from path name > name:) { Dictionary <string, string> list_keys = new Dictionary <string, string>(); string[] fCount = Directory.GetFiles(@"../../../keys/", "*.xml"); foreach (string k in fCount) { string val = File.ReadAllText(@k, Encoding.UTF8); list_keys.Add(k, val); } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> item in list_keys) { Console.WriteLine("Key: {0}, \nValue: {1}\n\n", item.Key, item.Value); } } //FAZA 1 else if (command == "four-square") { try { if (args[1] == "encrypt") { try { string plaintext = args[2]; string key1 = args[3]; string key2 = args[4]; Console.WriteLine("Encryption: " + FS.Encrypt(plaintext, key1, key2)); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("You should put arguments in this order: <plaintext> <key1> <key2>" + "\nIf plaintext is a sentence, put them in \"\", key must be one word and contain only letters!"); } } else if (args[1] == "decrypt") { try { string ciphertext = args[2]; string key1 = args[3]; string key2 = args[4]; Console.WriteLine("Decryption: " + FS.Decrypt(ciphertext, key1, key2)); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("You should put arguments in this order: <ciphertext> <key1> <key2>"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Your command should be: <encrypt> or <decrypt> "); } } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("COMMANDS: <encrypt> <decrypt>"); } } else if (command == "case") { try { if (args[1] == "lower") { string word = args[2]; Console.WriteLine(word.ToLower()); } else if (args[1] == "upper") { string word = args[2]; Console.WriteLine(word.ToUpper()); } else if (args[1] == "capitalize") { string word = args[2]; Console.WriteLine(CASE.Capitalize(word)); } else if (args[1] == "inverse") { string word = args[2]; Console.WriteLine(CASE.Inverse(word)); } else if (args[1] == "alternating") { string word = args[2]; Console.WriteLine(CASE.Alternating(word)); } else if (args[1] == "sentence") { string a = args[2]; Console.Write(a.ToLower() + ", " + CASE.Str2(a) + ". " + a.ToUpper() + "! " + CASE.Str4(a) + ".\n" + CASE.Str5(a) + ", " + a.ToLower() + ". " + CASE.Str7(a) + "! " + CASE.Str8(a) + "."); } else { Console.WriteLine("Your command was wrong, choice one of the cases: <lower> <upper> <capitalize> <inverse> <alternating> <sentence>"); } } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("CASES: <lower> <upper> <capitalize> <inverse> <alternating> <sentence> "); } } else if (command == "rail-fence") { try { if (args[1] == "encrypt") { string plaint = args[2]; string rail = args[3]; int railsNr = Int32.Parse(rail); Console.WriteLine(RF.Rencode(plaint, railsNr)); } else if (args[1] == "decrypt") { string ciphert = args[2]; string rail = args[3]; int railsNr = Int32.Parse(rail); Console.WriteLine(RF.Rdecode(ciphert, railsNr)); } else { Console.WriteLine("You must choose beetwen: <encrypt> <decrypt>"); } } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("Continue: <plaintext> <rails>"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Kerkesa duhet te jete: <create-user> <delete-user> <export-key> <import-key> <write-message> <read-message>"); } /*else * { * Console.WriteLine("You should provide a valid METHOD: <four-square> <case> <rail-fence>"); * }*/ } }