static void Main(string[] args) { Console.Title = "Dreary"; Debug.Listeners.Add(new ConsoleTraceListener()); Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); Form gameForm = new DrearySplash(); bool nofagsmode = false; if (args.Length != 0) { foreach (string i in args) { switch (i) { case "-nosplash": Form1 gf = new Form1(); if (File.Exists("game.dll")) { gf.dllMode = true; DrearyGameDll gameDll = new DrearyGameDll("game.dll"); gf.gameDll = gameDll; gf.throwFatalInsteadOfMsg = nofagsmode; } gameForm = gf; break; case "-nofatals": nofagsmode = true; break; case "-h": Console.WriteLine("Dreary Command Line Arguments\n" + "\n" + "\t-nosplash : Disables the splash screen\n" + "\t-nofatals : Disables the Fatal Error messages, better for debug\n" + "\t-progtest : Starts program testing mode\n" + "\t-progauto : Automatically tests dreary\n" + "\t-h : Shows this help message"); Application.Exit(); break; case "-progtest": ProgTest.Run(); break; case "-progauto": ProgTest.RunAutomated(); break; } } } Console.Title = "Dreary"; Application.Run(gameForm); }
void tmr_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { tmr.Stop(); Form1 mf = new Form1(); if (File.Exists("game.dll")) { mf.dllMode = true; DrearyGameDll gameDll = new DrearyGameDll("game.dll"); mf.gameDll = gameDll; mf.throwFatalInsteadOfMsg = false; } mf.Show(); Hide(); TopMost = false; }