/** * Writes the content of the RtfList * @since 2.1.3 */ public override void WriteContent(Stream result) { if (!this.inTable) { result.Write(OPEN_GROUP, 0, OPEN_GROUP.Length); } int itemNr = 0; if (items != null) { for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) { RtfElement thisRtfElement = (RtfElement)items[i]; //thisRtfElement.WriteContent(result); if (thisRtfElement is RtfListItem) { itemNr++; RtfListItem rtfElement = (RtfListItem)thisRtfElement; RtfListLevel listLevel = rtfElement.GetParent(); if (listLevel.GetListLevel() == 0) { CorrectIndentation(); } if (i == 0) { listLevel.WriteListBeginning(result); WriteListNumbers(result); } WriteListTextBlock(result, itemNr, listLevel); rtfElement.WriteContent(result); if (i < (items.Count - 1) || !this.inTable || listLevel.GetListType() > 0) // TODO Fix no paragraph on last list item in tables { result.Write(RtfParagraph.PARAGRAPH, 0, RtfParagraph.PARAGRAPH.Length); } this.document.OutputDebugLinebreak(result); } else if (thisRtfElement is RtfList) { ((RtfList)thisRtfElement).WriteContent(result); // ((RtfList)thisRtfElement).WriteListBeginning(result); WriteListNumbers(result); this.document.OutputDebugLinebreak(result); } } } if (!this.inTable) { result.Write(CLOSE_GROUP, 0, CLOSE_GROUP.Length); result.Write(RtfParagraph.PARAGRAPH_DEFAULTS, 0, RtfParagraph.PARAGRAPH_DEFAULTS.Length); } }
/** * Create a default set of listlevels * @since 2.1.3 */ protected void CreateDefaultLevels() { this.listLevels = new ArrayList(); // listlevels for (int i = 0; i <= 8; i++) { // create a list level RtfListLevel ll = new RtfListLevel(this.document); ll.SetListType(RtfListLevel.LIST_TYPE_NUMBERED); ll.SetFirstIndent(0); ll.SetLeftIndent(0); ll.SetLevelTextNumber(i); ll.SetTentative(true); ll.CorrectIndentation(); this.listLevels.Add(ll); } }
/** * * @param result * @param itemNr * @param listLevel * @throws IOException * @since 2.1.3 */ protected void WriteListTextBlock(Stream result, int itemNr, RtfListLevel listLevel) { byte[] t; result.Write(OPEN_GROUP, 0, OPEN_GROUP.Length); result.Write(RtfList.LIST_TEXT, 0, RtfList.LIST_TEXT.Length); result.Write(RtfParagraph.PARAGRAPH_DEFAULTS, 0, RtfParagraph.PARAGRAPH_DEFAULTS.Length); if (this.inTable) { result.Write(RtfParagraph.IN_TABLE, 0, RtfParagraph.IN_TABLE.Length); } result.Write(RtfFontList.FONT_NUMBER, 0, RtfFontList.FONT_NUMBER.Length); if (listLevel.GetListType() != RtfListLevel.LIST_TYPE_BULLET) { result.Write(t = IntToByteArray(listLevel.GetFontNumber().GetFontNumber()), 0, t.Length); } else { result.Write(t = IntToByteArray(listLevel.GetFontBullet().GetFontNumber()), 0, t.Length); } listLevel.WriteIndentation(result); result.Write(DELIMITER, 0, DELIMITER.Length); if (listLevel.GetListType() != RtfListLevel.LIST_TYPE_BULLET) { switch (listLevel.GetListType()) { case RtfListLevel.LIST_TYPE_NUMBERED: result.Write(t = IntToByteArray(itemNr), 0, t.Length); break; case RtfListLevel.LIST_TYPE_UPPER_LETTERS: result.Write(t = DocWriter.GetISOBytes(RomanAlphabetFactory.GetUpperCaseString(itemNr)), 0, t.Length); break; case RtfListLevel.LIST_TYPE_LOWER_LETTERS: result.Write(t = DocWriter.GetISOBytes(RomanAlphabetFactory.GetLowerCaseString(itemNr)), 0, t.Length); break; case RtfListLevel.LIST_TYPE_UPPER_ROMAN: result.Write(t = DocWriter.GetISOBytes(RomanNumberFactory.GetUpperCaseString(itemNr)), 0, t.Length); break; case RtfListLevel.LIST_TYPE_LOWER_ROMAN: result.Write(t = DocWriter.GetISOBytes(RomanNumberFactory.GetLowerCaseString(itemNr)), 0, t.Length); break; } result.Write(LIST_NUMBER_END, 0, LIST_NUMBER_END.Length); } else { this.document.FilterSpecialChar(result, listLevel.GetBulletCharacter(), true, false); } result.Write(TAB, 0, TAB.Length); result.Write(CLOSE_GROUP, 0, CLOSE_GROUP.Length); }
public RtfListLevel(RtfListLevel ll) : base(ll.document) { templateID = document.GetRandomInt(); this.alignment = ll.alignment; this.bulletCharacter = ll.bulletCharacter; this.firstIndent = ll.firstIndent; this.fontBullet = ll.fontBullet; this.fontNumber = ll.fontNumber; this.inHeader = ll.inHeader; this.inTable = ll.inTable; this.leftIndent = ll.leftIndent; this.listLevel = ll.listLevel; this.listNoRestart = ll.listNoRestart; this.listStartAt = ll.listStartAt; this.listType = ll.listType; this.parent = ll.parent; this.rightIndent = ll.rightIndent; this.symbolIndent = ll.symbolIndent; }
/** * Set the parent RtfList. * * @param parentList The parent RtfList to use. */ public void SetParent(RtfListLevel parentList) { this.parentList = parentList; }
/** * Constructs a new RtfList for the specified List. * * @param doc The RtfDocument this RtfList belongs to * @param list The List this RtfList is based on * @since 2.1.3 */ public RtfList(RtfDocument doc, List list) : base(doc) { // setup the listlevels // Then, setup the list data below // setup 1 listlevel if it's a simple list // setup 9 if it's a regular list // setup 9 if it's a hybrid list (default) CreateDefaultLevels(); this.items = new ArrayList(); // list content RtfListLevel ll = (RtfListLevel)this.listLevels[0]; // get the list number or create a new one adding it to the table this.listNumber = document.GetDocumentHeader().GetListNumber(this); if (list.SymbolIndent > 0 && list.IndentationLeft > 0) { ll.SetFirstIndent((int)(list.SymbolIndent * RtfElement.TWIPS_FACTOR * -1)); ll.SetLeftIndent((int)((list.IndentationLeft + list.SymbolIndent) * RtfElement.TWIPS_FACTOR)); } else if (list.SymbolIndent > 0) { ll.SetFirstIndent((int)(list.SymbolIndent * RtfElement.TWIPS_FACTOR * -1)); ll.SetLeftIndent((int)(list.SymbolIndent * RtfElement.TWIPS_FACTOR)); } else if (list.IndentationLeft > 0) { ll.SetFirstIndent(0); ll.SetLeftIndent((int)(list.IndentationLeft * RtfElement.TWIPS_FACTOR)); } else { ll.SetFirstIndent(0); ll.SetLeftIndent(0); } ll.SetRightIndent((int)(list.IndentationRight * RtfElement.TWIPS_FACTOR)); ll.SetSymbolIndent((int)((list.SymbolIndent + list.IndentationLeft) * RtfElement.TWIPS_FACTOR)); ll.CorrectIndentation(); ll.SetTentative(false); if (list is RomanList) { if (list.Lowercase) { ll.SetListType(RtfListLevel.LIST_TYPE_LOWER_ROMAN); } else { ll.SetListType(RtfListLevel.LIST_TYPE_UPPER_ROMAN); } } else if (list.Numbered) { ll.SetListType(RtfListLevel.LIST_TYPE_NUMBERED); } else if (list.Lettered) { if (list.Lowercase) { ll.SetListType(RtfListLevel.LIST_TYPE_LOWER_LETTERS); } else { ll.SetListType(RtfListLevel.LIST_TYPE_UPPER_LETTERS); } } else { // Paragraph p = new Paragraph(); // p.Add(new Chunk(list.GetPreSymbol()) ); // p.Add(list.GetSymbol()); // p.Add(new Chunk(list.GetPostSymbol()) ); // ll.SetBulletChunk(list.GetSymbol()); ll.SetBulletCharacter(list.PreSymbol + list.Symbol.Content + list.PostSymbol); ll.SetListType(RtfListLevel.LIST_TYPE_BULLET); } // now setup the actual list contents. for (int i = 0; i < list.Items.Count; i++) { try { IElement element = (IElement)list.Items[i]; if (element.Type == Element.CHUNK) { element = new ListItem((Chunk)element); } if (element is ListItem) { ll.SetAlignment(((ListItem)element).Alignment); } IRtfBasicElement[] rtfElements = doc.GetMapper().MapElement(element); for (int j = 0; j < rtfElements.Length; j++) { IRtfBasicElement rtfElement = rtfElements[j]; if (rtfElement is RtfList) { ((RtfList)rtfElement).SetParentList(this); } else if (rtfElement is RtfListItem) { ((RtfListItem)rtfElement).SetParent(ll); } ll.SetFontNumber(new RtfFont(document, new Font(Font.TIMES_ROMAN, 10, Font.NORMAL, new Color(0, 0, 0)))); if (list.Symbol != null && list.Symbol.Font != null && !list.Symbol.Content.StartsWith("-") && list.Symbol.Content.Length > 0) { // only set this to bullet symbol is not default ll.SetBulletFont(list.Symbol.Font); ll.SetBulletCharacter(list.Symbol.Content.Substring(0, 1)); } else if (list.Symbol != null && list.Symbol.Font != null) { ll.SetBulletFont(list.Symbol.Font); } else { ll.SetBulletFont(new Font(Font.SYMBOL, 10, Font.NORMAL, new Color(0, 0, 0))); } items.Add(rtfElement); } } catch (DocumentException) { } } }
/** * @param listLevelParent the listLevelParent to set */ public void SetListLevelParent(RtfListLevel listLevelParent) { this.listLevelParent = listLevelParent; }