/** * Gets the button appearance. * @throws IOException on error * @throws DocumentException on error * @return the button appearance */ public PdfAppearance GetAppearance() { PdfAppearance app = GetBorderAppearance(); Rectangle box = new Rectangle(app.BoundingBox); if ((text == null || text.Length == 0) && (layout == LAYOUT_LABEL_ONLY || (image == null && template == null && iconReference == null))) { return(app); } if (layout == LAYOUT_ICON_ONLY && image == null && template == null && iconReference == null) { return(app); } BaseFont ufont = RealFont; bool borderExtra = borderStyle == PdfBorderDictionary.STYLE_BEVELED || borderStyle == PdfBorderDictionary.STYLE_INSET; float h = box.Height - borderWidth * 2; float bw2 = borderWidth; if (borderExtra) { h -= borderWidth * 2; bw2 *= 2; } float offsetX = (borderExtra ? 2 * borderWidth : borderWidth); offsetX = Math.Max(offsetX, 1); float offX = Math.Min(bw2, offsetX); tp = null; float textX = float.NaN; float textY = 0; float fsize = fontSize; float wt = box.Width - 2 * offX - 2; float ht = box.Height - 2 * offX; float adj = (iconFitToBounds ? 0 : offX + 1); int nlayout = layout; if (image == null && template == null && iconReference == null) { nlayout = LAYOUT_LABEL_ONLY; } Rectangle iconBox = null; while (true) { switch (nlayout) { case LAYOUT_LABEL_ONLY: case LAYOUT_LABEL_OVER_ICON: if (text != null && text.Length > 0 && wt > 0 && ht > 0) { fsize = CalculateFontSize(wt, ht); textX = (box.Width - ufont.GetWidthPoint(text, fsize)) / 2; textY = (box.Height - ufont.GetFontDescriptor(BaseFont.ASCENT, fsize)) / 2; } goto case LAYOUT_ICON_ONLY; case LAYOUT_ICON_ONLY: if (nlayout == LAYOUT_LABEL_OVER_ICON || nlayout == LAYOUT_ICON_ONLY) { iconBox = new Rectangle(box.Left + adj, box.Bottom + adj, box.Right - adj, box.Top - adj); } break; case LAYOUT_ICON_TOP_LABEL_BOTTOM: if (text == null || text.Length == 0 || wt <= 0 || ht <= 0) { nlayout = LAYOUT_ICON_ONLY; continue; } float nht = box.Height * 0.35f - offX; if (nht > 0) { fsize = CalculateFontSize(wt, nht); } else { fsize = 4; } textX = (box.Width - ufont.GetWidthPoint(text, fsize)) / 2; textY = offX - ufont.GetFontDescriptor(BaseFont.DESCENT, fsize); iconBox = new Rectangle(box.Left + adj, textY + fsize, box.Right - adj, box.Top - adj); break; case LAYOUT_LABEL_TOP_ICON_BOTTOM: if (text == null || text.Length == 0 || wt <= 0 || ht <= 0) { nlayout = LAYOUT_ICON_ONLY; continue; } nht = box.Height * 0.35f - offX; if (nht > 0) { fsize = CalculateFontSize(wt, nht); } else { fsize = 4; } textX = (box.Width - ufont.GetWidthPoint(text, fsize)) / 2; textY = box.Height - offX - fsize; if (textY < offX) { textY = offX; } iconBox = new Rectangle(box.Left + adj, box.Bottom + adj, box.Right - adj, textY + ufont.GetFontDescriptor(BaseFont.DESCENT, fsize)); break; case LAYOUT_LABEL_LEFT_ICON_RIGHT: if (text == null || text.Length == 0 || wt <= 0 || ht <= 0) { nlayout = LAYOUT_ICON_ONLY; continue; } float nw = box.Width * 0.35f - offX; if (nw > 0) { fsize = CalculateFontSize(wt, nw); } else { fsize = 4; } if (ufont.GetWidthPoint(text, fsize) >= wt) { nlayout = LAYOUT_LABEL_ONLY; fsize = fontSize; continue; } textX = offX + 1; textY = (box.Height - ufont.GetFontDescriptor(BaseFont.ASCENT, fsize)) / 2; iconBox = new Rectangle(textX + ufont.GetWidthPoint(text, fsize), box.Bottom + adj, box.Right - adj, box.Top - adj); break; case LAYOUT_ICON_LEFT_LABEL_RIGHT: if (text == null || text.Length == 0 || wt <= 0 || ht <= 0) { nlayout = LAYOUT_ICON_ONLY; continue; } nw = box.Width * 0.35f - offX; if (nw > 0) { fsize = CalculateFontSize(wt, nw); } else { fsize = 4; } if (ufont.GetWidthPoint(text, fsize) >= wt) { nlayout = LAYOUT_LABEL_ONLY; fsize = fontSize; continue; } textX = box.Width - ufont.GetWidthPoint(text, fsize) - offX - 1; textY = (box.Height - ufont.GetFontDescriptor(BaseFont.ASCENT, fsize)) / 2; iconBox = new Rectangle(box.Left + adj, box.Bottom + adj, textX - 1, box.Top - adj); break; } break; } if (textY < box.Bottom + offX) { textY = box.Bottom + offX; } if (iconBox != null && (iconBox.Width <= 0 || iconBox.Height <= 0)) { iconBox = null; } bool haveIcon = false; float boundingBoxWidth = 0; float boundingBoxHeight = 0; PdfArray matrix = null; if (iconBox != null) { if (image != null) { tp = new PdfTemplate(writer); tp.BoundingBox = new Rectangle(image); writer.AddDirectTemplateSimple(tp, PdfName.FRM); tp.AddImage(image, image.Width, 0, 0, image.Height, 0, 0); haveIcon = true; boundingBoxWidth = tp.BoundingBox.Width; boundingBoxHeight = tp.BoundingBox.Height; } else if (template != null) { tp = new PdfTemplate(writer); tp.BoundingBox = new Rectangle(template.Width, template.Height); writer.AddDirectTemplateSimple(tp, PdfName.FRM); tp.AddTemplate(template, template.BoundingBox.Left, template.BoundingBox.Bottom); haveIcon = true; boundingBoxWidth = tp.BoundingBox.Width; boundingBoxHeight = tp.BoundingBox.Height; } else if (iconReference != null) { PdfDictionary dic = (PdfDictionary)PdfReader.GetPdfObject(iconReference); if (dic != null) { Rectangle r2 = PdfReader.GetNormalizedRectangle(dic.GetAsArray(PdfName.BBOX)); matrix = dic.GetAsArray(PdfName.MATRIX); haveIcon = true; boundingBoxWidth = r2.Width; boundingBoxHeight = r2.Height; } } } if (haveIcon) { float icx = iconBox.Width / boundingBoxWidth; float icy = iconBox.Height / boundingBoxHeight; if (proportionalIcon) { switch (scaleIcon) { case SCALE_ICON_IS_TOO_BIG: icx = Math.Min(icx, icy); icx = Math.Min(icx, 1); break; case SCALE_ICON_IS_TOO_SMALL: icx = Math.Min(icx, icy); icx = Math.Max(icx, 1); break; case SCALE_ICON_NEVER: icx = 1; break; default: icx = Math.Min(icx, icy); break; } icy = icx; } else { switch (scaleIcon) { case SCALE_ICON_IS_TOO_BIG: icx = Math.Min(icx, 1); icy = Math.Min(icy, 1); break; case SCALE_ICON_IS_TOO_SMALL: icx = Math.Max(icx, 1); icy = Math.Max(icy, 1); break; case SCALE_ICON_NEVER: icx = icy = 1; break; default: break; } } float xpos = iconBox.Left + (iconBox.Width - (boundingBoxWidth * icx)) * iconHorizontalAdjustment; float ypos = iconBox.Bottom + (iconBox.Height - (boundingBoxHeight * icy)) * iconVerticalAdjustment; app.SaveState(); app.Rectangle(iconBox.Left, iconBox.Bottom, iconBox.Width, iconBox.Height); app.Clip(); app.NewPath(); if (tp != null) { app.AddTemplate(tp, icx, 0, 0, icy, xpos, ypos); } else { float cox = 0; float coy = 0; if (matrix != null && matrix.Size == 6) { PdfNumber nm = matrix.GetAsNumber(4); if (nm != null) { cox = nm.FloatValue; } nm = matrix.GetAsNumber(5); if (nm != null) { coy = nm.FloatValue; } } app.AddTemplateReference(iconReference, PdfName.FRM, icx, 0, 0, icy, xpos - cox * icx, ypos - coy * icy); } app.RestoreState(); } if (!float.IsNaN(textX)) { app.SaveState(); app.Rectangle(offX, offX, box.Width - 2 * offX, box.Height - 2 * offX); app.Clip(); app.NewPath(); if (textColor == null) { app.ResetGrayFill(); } else { app.SetColorFill(textColor); } app.BeginText(); app.SetFontAndSize(ufont, fsize); app.SetTextMatrix(textX, textY); app.ShowText(text); app.EndText(); app.RestoreState(); } return(app); }