        // TODO: Convert these into template email
        public async Task InviteNewMemmberToTeamEmail(string toEmail, string emailKey, string teamName, string ownTemplate)
            //create email:
            //Click this link to reset your password
            // return await emailController.SendEmail(request);

            string emailLink = _baseWebsiteUrl + "/#/invite-new-team?ek=" + emailKey;

            string contentText = "You can verify NID in real time using our automated API or using our manual portal.";
            string welcomeText = $"You have been invited to join the team: {teamName}.";
            string linkText    = $"Please click here to accept the invite";
            string nameText    = "";

            ownTemplate = ownTemplate.Replace("{{click-link}}", emailLink);
            ownTemplate = ownTemplate.Replace("{{click-text}}", linkText);
            ownTemplate = ownTemplate.Replace("{{hello-text}}", nameText);
            ownTemplate = ownTemplate.Replace("{{welcome-text}}", welcomeText);
            ownTemplate = ownTemplate.Replace("{{content-text}}", contentText);
            EmailForSendGrid esg = new EmailForSendGrid()
                HtmlText        = _template,
                PlainText       = @"Welcome",
                Subject         = "Invite to " + _appName,
                EmailTo         = toEmail,
                DisplayNameFrom = _appName + " Support"

            await SendEmail(esg);
        public async Task SendEmail(EmailForSendGrid request)
            string replyto = _emailConfig.EmailAddresses.SupportEmail;

            string emailFrom = _emailConfig.EmailAddresses.SupportEmail;

            request.EmailFrom = request.EmailFrom ?? emailFrom;
            var from             = new EmailAddress(request.EmailFrom, request.DisplayNameFrom);
            var subject          = request.Subject;
            var to               = new EmailAddress(request.EmailTo);
            var plainTextContent = request.PlainText;
            var htmlContent      = request.HtmlText;
            var msg              = MailHelper.CreateSingleEmail(from, to, subject, plainTextContent, htmlContent);

            msg.SetReplyTo(new EmailAddress(replyto, request.DisplayNameFrom));
            if (request.EmailBccs != null)
                foreach (string email in request.EmailBccs)
            var response = await _sgclient.SendEmailAsync(msg);