private void InkEmptyFunc(object sender, PrinterEventArgs e)//event handler for ink
     if (e.IsCritic)
         MessageBox.Show("at:" + e.ErrorTime + "\nMessage from printer: " + e.Message, e.PrinterName + " Ink Missing!!!!!!", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
         CurrentPrinter = queue.Dequeue();
         MessageBox.Show("at:" + e.ErrorTime + "\nMessage from printer: " + e.Message, e.PrinterName + " Ink Missing!!!!!!", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning);
 private void PageMissingFunc(object sender, PrinterEventArgs e)
     MessageBox.Show("at:" + e.ErrorTime + "\nMessage from printer: " + e.Message, e.PrinterName + " Page Missing!!!!!!", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
     if (CurrentPrinter.InkCount <= 0)//in case the ink is also missing the program activate the second event
         CurrentPrinter = queue.Dequeue();
        public void Print()
            // 1. roll the random numbers to use for print
            double inkUse  = rnd.Next((int)MIN_ADD_INK, (int)MAX_PRINT_INK);
            int    pageUse = rnd.Next(MIN_ADD_PAGES, MAX_PRINT_PAGES);

            // 2. reduce the ink and pages from printer values and visual bars
            PageCount                 -= pageUse;
            howPageMissing             = PageCount;
            this.pageCountSlider.Value = PageCount;
            InkCount -= inkUse;
            this.inkCountProgressBar.Value = InkCount;
            // 3. activate events and error messages if needed
            if (PageCount <= 0)
                pageLabel.Foreground = Brushes.Red;
                PrinterEventArgs noPages = new PrinterEventArgs(true, "Missing " + howPageMissing * (-1) + " Pages", PrinterName);
                PageMissing(this, noPages);
            if (InkCount <= 15 && InkCount > 10)
                inkLabel.Foreground = Brushes.Yellow;
                PrinterEventArgs lowInk = new PrinterEventArgs(false, "Low ink, only " + Convert.ToString(InkCount) + "% ink remain.", printerName);
                InkEmpty(this, lowInk);
            else if (InkCount <= 10 && InkCount > 0)
                inkLabel.Foreground = Brushes.Orange;
                PrinterEventArgs veryLowInk = new PrinterEventArgs(false, "Very low ink, only " + Convert.ToString(InkCount) + "% ink remain.", printerName);
                InkEmpty(this, veryLowInk);
            else if (inkCount <= 0)
                inkLabel.Foreground = Brushes.Red;
                PrinterEventArgs criticInk = new PrinterEventArgs(true, "No ink left. Please add ink", printerName);
                InkEmpty(this, criticInk);