 private void Reset()
     m_header = null;
     m_sections = null;
     m_clrHeader = null;
        private void ParseClrHeader(Stream s)

            var sectionIndex = (int) DataDirectoryName.CLRRuntimeHeader;

            if (
                m_header.DataDirectories != null
                && sectionIndex < m_header.DataDirectories.Count
                && sectionIndex >=0
                var dd = m_header.DataDirectories[sectionIndex];

                //find the section containing the RVA of the data directory.
                //For C# code this will almost always end up being the
                //".rdata" section, but the CLR Ecma spec does not require
                //this, and we are likely to find our selfs dissasembling
                //mixed-mode assemblies at some point in time anyways
                //(which can do arbitrarily weird things with executable
                //layout). This also makes us somewhat future proof.
                var section = m_sections[dd.RVA];

                if (section == null || dd.Size <= 0 || dd.RVA <= 0)

                if (!section.IsInitializedData(dd))
                    //If we reach here, it means that the CIL header is (at
                    //least partially) located in uinitialized data, or crosses
                    //section boundaries. Neither is likely to happen in
                    //practice. The Ecma-335 spec (4th edition)
                    //says that the CIL header should be in a "read only,
                    //shared section of the image".
                    //If we see something like this, chances are we
                    //screwed up somewhere along the way during parsing, or
                    //the image we are reading is bad. However, it is also
                    //possible that someone is trying to do something clever,
                    //by initializing CLR meta-data in native code before
                    //invoking the CLR's native entry point (_CorExeMain /
                    // _CorDllMain). In either case, this means we can't
                    //dissasemble this managed executable (because we don't
                    //know what the meta-data is), so we throw an exception.
                    //It is technically possible to handle the cross-section
                    //case, if the initialized data from the first section
                    //terminates neatly on a page boundary (or the presence
                    //of zero padding still yields a valid header), and the
                    //"second" section contains initialized data. However,
                    //such cases are not likely to be produced by a real
                    //compiler, and likely come from either a bad image,
                    //from a hand crafted edge case, or from a user with
                    //malicious intent. In any case, it's best to throw here.
                    throw new InternalErrorException(
                        "Refusing to read non standard clr header."

                    + (dd.RVA - section.SectionRVA).AssumeGte(0)

                m_clrHeader = new ClrHeader();