public Connection(Server server, Socket socket) { if (server == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("server"); if (socket == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("socket"); this._server = server; this.Socket = socket; }
static void Main(string[] args) { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new System.UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(App_ThreadException); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += new System.EventHandler(domain_ProcessExit); Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; tickcount = new Stopwatch(); tickcount.Start(); Console.WriteLine(" $$ Starting LKE DevTool.. ", ConsoleColor.Cyan); long StartTime = tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds; string banner = @" 888~-_ 888 \ e88~~8e Y88b / 888 | d888 88b Y88b / ____ 888 | 8888__888 Y88b/ 888 / Y888 , Y8/ ~~~888~~~ 88___/ Y 888 888 e88~-_ e88~-_ 888 d88~\ 888 d888 i d888 i 888 C888 888 8888 | 8888 | 888 Y88b 888 Y888 ' Y888 ' 888 888D 888 88_-~ 88_-~ 888 \_88P "; Console.WriteLine(banner, ConsoleColor.White); Console.WriteLine(" $$ Starting Loggers.. ", ConsoleColor.Cyan); MainLogger = new Logger("main.txt"); ExceptLogger = new Logger("exception.txt"); Console.WriteLine(" $$ Starting socket listener.. ", ConsoleColor.Cyan); _server = new Server(); var ServerThread = new Thread(; ServerThread.Name = "ServerThread"; ServerThread.Start(); Console.WriteLine(" $$ Starting GUI.. ", ConsoleColor.Cyan); GUI = new GUI(); var thread = new Thread(GUI.GUIThread); thread.Name = "GUI"; thread.Start(); long stoptime = tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds - StartTime; Console.WriteLine(" $$ Took : " + stoptime + "ms", ConsoleColor.Cyan); }
public void Disconnect() { // Logger.Trace("Disconnect() | server: " + _server); try { } catch { } if (_server != null) { // Use temp assignment to preven recursion. Server tempServer = _server; _server = null; tempServer.Disconnect(this); } if (this.Socket != null) { try { this.Socket.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both); this.Socket.Close(); } catch (Exception) { // Ignore any exceptions that might occur during attempt to close the Socket. } finally { try { this.Socket.Dispose(); this.Socket = null; } catch { } } } }