protected static void Init(MeshFilter meshFilter, Mesh untessellatedMesh) { if (!Directory.Exists(FBSConstants.BasePath + "/Cache/")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(FBSConstants.BasePath + "/Cache/"); } if (!Directory.Exists(FBSConstants.BasePath + "/BVHCache/")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(FBSConstants.BasePath + "/BVHCache/"); } if (meshFilter.sharedMesh == null) { Debug.LogWarning(meshFilter.gameObject.GetPath() + " is missing its source mesh"); return; } s_debugState = BakeData.Instance().GetDebugState(); #if _DAYDREAM_STATIC_LIGHTING_DEBUG DateTime start = DateTime.Now; // if we still have a handle for some reason try to free it if (s_lastInstanceId != meshFilter.GetUniqueId()) { if (s_bvhHandle != null) { VertexBakerLib.Instance.FreeHandle(s_bvhHandle.Ptr()); } s_bvhHandle = null; BuildWorldVertices(meshFilter); s_debugState.m_tessFaces = null; } TryLoadBVH(meshFilter); s_lastInstanceId = meshFilter.GetUniqueId(); if (s_bvhWrapper == null) { s_bvhWrapper = new BVHNode_FBWrapper(); } string sourceAssetPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(untessellatedMesh); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceAssetPath) && !Application.isPlaying) { Debug.LogWarning("Could not find asset " + + " the asset may be an instance. Some debug data may not be available."); } string path = BVH.ConvertMeshIdToBVHPath(s_lastInstanceId); s_bvhWrapper.SetPath(path); s_bvhWrapper.Validate(); s_cacheWrapper.SetPath("" + s_lastInstanceId); s_cacheWrapper.Validate(); VertexBakerLib.Log("Debug setup time: " + (DateTime.Now - start).TotalSeconds + " seconds"); #endif }
public bool DrawColorCube(Color px, Color nx, Color py, Color ny, Color pz, Color nz, bool updateSettings = true) { bool changed = false; BakeSettings settings = BakeData.Instance().GetBakeSettings().SelectedBakeSet; Color newColor = px; int labelWidth = 25; if (DrawCubeColor("+X", labelWidth, px, out newColor)) { changed = true; if (updateSettings) { settings.SetColorCubeFace(Face.PosX, newColor); } } if (DrawCubeColor("-X", labelWidth, nx, out newColor)) { changed = true; if (updateSettings) { settings.SetColorCubeFace(Face.NegX, newColor); } } if (DrawCubeColor("+Y", labelWidth, py, out newColor)) { changed = true; if (updateSettings) { settings.SetColorCubeFace(Face.PosY, newColor); } } if (DrawCubeColor("-Y", labelWidth, ny, out newColor)) { changed = true; if (updateSettings) { settings.SetColorCubeFace(Face.NegY, newColor); } } if (DrawCubeColor("+Z", labelWidth, pz, out newColor)) { changed = true; if (updateSettings) { settings.SetColorCubeFace(Face.PosZ, newColor); } } if (DrawCubeColor("-Z", labelWidth, nz, out newColor)) { changed = true; if (updateSettings) { settings.SetColorCubeFace(Face.NegZ, newColor); } } return(changed); }
public static void OnSceneChange() { // create import settings BakeData.Instance().GetImportSettings(); MaterialInfo.m_targets.Clear(); Configure(); }
public static void OnSceneChange() { BakeData.Instance().GetBakeSettings(); if (m_ignoreNextChange) { m_ignoreNextChange = false; } }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { VertexLightingOverride source = target as VertexLightingOverride; BakeSettings settings = source.m_bakeSettingsOverride; DVLEditor.DrawShadowAndAOSettings(settings, source, true); if (GUILayout.Button("Copy Global Settings")) { source.m_bakeSettingsOverride.CopySettings(BakeData.Instance().GetBakeSettings().SelectedBakeSet); EditorUtility.SetDirty(source); } }
void OnGUI() { GUILayout.Space(10); m_bakeSetName = EditorGUILayout.TextField(Styles.m_bakeSetLabel, m_bakeSetName); GUILayout.Space(20); if (GUILayout.Button("Create")) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_bakeSetName)) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog(Styles.m_missingDataDialogTitle, Styles.m_missingNameMessage, "OK"); } else { DDRSettings settingsData = BakeData.Instance().GetBakeSettings(); string[] ids = new string[settingsData.m_settingsList.Count]; for (int i = 0, k = settingsData.m_settingsList.Count; i < k; ++i) { ids[i] = settingsData.m_settingsList[i].m_settingsId; } if (!settingsData.m_settingsList.Exists(delegate(DDRSettings.BakeSettings s) { return(s.m_settingsId == m_bakeSetName); })) { // name is good m_resultCallback(true, m_bakeSetName); CloseDialog(); } else { // name already exists EditorUtility.DisplayDialog(Styles.m_nameConflictTitle, string.Format(Styles.m_conflictingNameMessage, m_bakeSetName), "OK"); } } } if (GUILayout.Button("Cancel")) { if (m_resultCallback != null) { m_resultCallback(false, null); } CloseDialog(); } }
public static void UpdateAOSample(DaydreamVertexLighting source, int idx) { s_debugState.m_lastVertexSampleIndex = s_debugState.m_vertexSampleIndex; Vector3 worldPos = s_debugState.m_worldVerPos[idx]; Vector3 worldNormal = s_debugState.m_worldNormals[idx]; Vector3 bentNormal = source.transform.TransformVector(s_cacheWrapper.GetBentNormal(idx)).normalized; Vector3 normal = Vector3.Lerp(worldNormal, bentNormal, BakeData.Instance().GetBakeSettings().SelectedBakeSet.m_normalBend); s_occluderTestData.m_testPoints.Clear(); s_occluderTestData.m_colPoints.Clear(); VertexBakerLib.Instance.OccludersAtVertex(s_bvhHandle, idx, worldPos, normal , ref s_occluderTestData.m_testPoints, ref s_occluderTestData.m_testPoints , ref s_occluderTestData.m_accessability, ref s_occluderTestData.m_accumulatedRayDir); }
protected static void Init(MeshFilter meshFilter) { if (meshFilter.sharedMesh == null) { Debug.LogWarning(meshFilter.gameObject.GetPath() + " is missing its mesh"); return; } s_debugState = BakeData.Instance().GetDebugState(); #if _DAYDREAM_STATIC_LIGHTING_DEBUG // if we still have a handle for some reason try to free it if (s_lastInstanceId != meshFilter.GetUniqueId()) { if (s_bvhHandle != null) { VertexBakerLib.Instance.FreeHandle(s_bvhHandle.Ptr()); } s_bvhHandle = null; BuildWorldVertices(meshFilter); } TryLoadBVH(meshFilter); s_lastInstanceId = meshFilter.GetUniqueId(); if (s_bvhWrapper == null) { s_bvhWrapper = new BVHNode_FBWrapper(); } string path = BVH.ConvertMeshIdToBVHPath(s_lastInstanceId); s_bvhWrapper.SetPath(path); s_bvhWrapper.Validate(); string sourceAssetPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(meshFilter.sharedMesh); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceAssetPath)) { s_cacheWrapper.SetPath("" + s_lastInstanceId); s_cacheWrapper.Validate(); } else if (!Application.isPlaying) { Debug.LogError("Could not find asset " + + " the asset may be an instance. Some debug data may not be available."); } #endif }
static void Update() { DaydreamRendererImportSettings settings = BakeData.Instance().GetImportSettings(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name) && SceneManager.GetActiveScene().isLoaded) { if (settings != null && settings.m_firstRun) { EditorApplication.update -= Update; settings.m_firstRun = false; BakeData.Instance().SaveImportSettings(); DaydreamRendererImportManager.Init(); } } if (settings.m_enableLightingComponentsAutoAdd && settings.m_daydreamLightinSystemEnabled && (DateTime.Now - s_lastUpdate).TotalSeconds > 2) { s_lastUpdate = DateTime.Now; ApplyLightingComponents(); } }
public void InitBakeContext(List <MeshFilter> meshes, List <Light> lights) { BakeData.Instance().GetBakeSettings(); // mark time m_bakeStart = DateTime.Now; string[] guids = new string[meshes.Count]; string[] sourcePaths = new string[meshes.Count]; m_meshRenderers = new MeshRenderer[meshes.Count]; m_lightBakers = new DaydreamVertexLighting[meshes.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < meshes.Count; ++i) { sourcePaths[i] = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(meshes[i].sharedMesh); //guids[i] = AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID(sourcePaths[i]); guids[i] = "" + meshes[i].GetUniqueId(); m_meshRenderers[i] = meshes[i].GetComponent <MeshRenderer>(); // check for daydream DaydreamVertexLighting bakerComp = m_meshRenderers[i].GetComponent <DaydreamVertexLighting>(); if (bakerComp == null) { bakerComp = m_meshRenderers[i].gameObject.AddComponent <DaydreamVertexLighting>(); } m_lightBakers[i] = bakerComp; } m_meshes = meshes; m_lights = lights; // counts m_meshCount = meshes.Count; m_lightCount = lights != null ? lights.Count : 0; // other book-keeping data m_guids = guids; m_sourcePaths = sourcePaths; }
public bool DrawColorGradient(Color ground, Color equator, Color sky, bool updateSettings = true) { bool changed = false; BakeSettings settings = BakeData.Instance().GetBakeSettings().SelectedBakeSet; Color newColor = sky; int labelWidth = 90; if (DrawCubeColor("Sky Color", labelWidth, sky, out newColor)) { changed = true; if (updateSettings) { settings.SetColorGradient(GradientIndex.Sky, newColor); } } if (DrawCubeColor("Equator Color", labelWidth, equator, out newColor)) { changed = true; if (updateSettings) { settings.SetColorGradient(GradientIndex.Equator, newColor); } } if (DrawCubeColor("Ground Color", labelWidth, ground, out newColor)) { changed = true; if (updateSettings) { settings.SetColorGradient(GradientIndex.Ground, newColor); } } return(changed); }
void OnGUI() { if (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name == "") { GUILayout.Space(50); EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Save the scene to begin baking", MessageType.Info); return; } if (!DaydreamRendererImportSettings.BakingEnabledForScene) { GUILayout.Space(50); EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Enable vertex baking to use Daydream Static Lighting", MessageType.Info); if (GUILayout.Button("Enable Vertex Baking For Scene")) { DaydreamRendererImportSettings.BakingEnabledForScene = true; } return; } if (!s_settingsRestored) { BakeData.Instance().SaveBakeSettings(); s_settingsRestored = true; } if (Event.current.rawType == EventType.MouseUp) { if (s_settingsDirty) { s_settingsDirty = false; BakeData.Instance().SaveBakeSettings(); } } if (s_bakeInProgress) { if (EditorUtility.DisplayCancelableProgressBar("Daydream Baker", "Baking meshes", VertexBakerLib.Instance.BakeProgress())) { VertexBakerLib.Instance.BakeCancel(); if (!s_bakeInProgress) { s_bakeIsFinished = true; } } if (s_bakeIsFinished) { s_bakeIsFinished = false; s_bakeInProgress = false; EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); VertexBakerLib.Instance.BakeFinish(delegate(string msg, float complete) { EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Daydream Baker", msg, complete); }); EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); // queue up next bake if (s_bakeSetQueue.Count > 0) { int bakeSet = s_bakeSetQueue.Dequeue(); BakeData.Instance().GetBakeSettings().SetBakeSetIndex(bakeSet); BakeScene(); } } } EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); #if DDR_RUNTIME_DLL_LINKING_ if (GUILayout.Button("Reload Library")) { if (VertexBakerLib.Instance.LibLoaded) { VertexBakerLib.Instance.UnloadLib(); } else { VertexBakerLib.Instance.LoadLib(); } } #endif DDRSettings settingsData = BakeData.Instance().GetBakeSettings(); string[] ids = new string[settingsData.m_settingsList.Count]; for (int i = 0, k = settingsData.m_settingsList.Count; i < k; ++i) { ids[i] = settingsData.m_settingsList[i].m_settingsId; } // update selected data GUILayout.Space(20); int settingsIndex = -1; int selected = DrawToolBar(settingsData.GetBakeSetIndex(), ids, true, out settingsIndex); if (selected >= 0) { int cur = settingsData.GetBakeSetIndex(); settingsData.SetBakeSetIndex(selected); if (cur != selected) { DaydreamVertexLighting.UpdateAllVertexLighting(settingsData.SelectedBakeSet.m_settingsId); } } BakeSettings settings = settingsData.SelectedBakeSet; if (selected == Toolbar.kAdd) { if (!BakeSetDialog.m_active) { BakeSetDialog.ShowDialog(delegate(bool result, string name) { if (result) { BakeSettings newSettings = new BakeSettings(name); settingsData.AddBakeSettings(newSettings); EditorUtility.SetDirty(settingsData); } }); } } else if (selected == Toolbar.kRemove) { if (settingsData.m_settingsList.Count > 1) { int current = settingsData.GetBakeSetIndex(); settingsData.RemoveBakeSetting(current); EditorUtility.SetDirty(settingsData); --current; if (current < 0) { current = 0; } settingsData.SetBakeSetIndex(current); DaydreamVertexLighting.UpdateAllVertexLighting(settingsData.SelectedBakeSet.m_settingsId); } } else if (selected == Toolbar.kSettings) { if (!BakeSetSettingsDialog.m_active) { BakeSettings curSettings = settingsData.m_settingsList[settingsIndex]; s_settingsDialog = BakeSetSettingsDialog.ShowDialog(curSettings.m_settingsId, curSettings.m_lightList , curSettings.m_activeSet , curSettings.m_forceAllLights , delegate(BakeSetSettingsDialog.Result result, string bakeSetName, List <LightEntry> selectedLights, bool activeSet, bool forceAllLights) { s_settingsDialog = null; if (settingsData.m_settingsList.Count > 1 && result == BakeSetSettingsDialog.Result.Remove) { settingsData.RemoveBakeSetting(settingsIndex); EditorUtility.SetDirty(settingsData); curSettings = settingsData.m_settingsList[settingsIndex]; } else if (result == BakeSetSettingsDialog.Result.Ok) { curSettings.m_settingsId = bakeSetName; curSettings.m_activeSet = activeSet; curSettings.m_forceAllLights = forceAllLights; if (selectedLights != null) { // remove empty or stale entries var idsInFile = Utilities.LightsByLocalFileId(); selectedLights.RemoveAll(delegate(LightEntry obj){ return(string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.m_group) && obj.m_idInFile == 0 || (!idsInFile.ContainsKey(obj.m_idInFile) && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.m_group) || GameObject.Find(obj.m_group) == null))); }); curSettings.m_lightList = selectedLights; } EditorUtility.SetDirty(settingsData); } }); } else if (s_settingsDialog != null) { s_settingsDialog.CancelDialog(); } } DrawShadowAndAOSettings(settings, settingsData); //settings.m_diffuseEnergyConservation = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Diffuse Conservation", settings.m_diffuseEnergyConservation, 0f, 1f); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(Styles.m_ambientHeader); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(Styles.kIndent); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); Color solidColor = settings.GetColorSolid(); Color gradSky = settings.GetColorGradient(GradientIndex.Sky); Color gradEquator = settings.GetColorGradient(GradientIndex.Equator); Color gradGround = settings.GetColorGradient(GradientIndex.Ground); Color posX = settings.GetColorCubeFace(Face.PosX); Color posY = settings.GetColorCubeFace(Face.PosY); Color posZ = settings.GetColorCubeFace(Face.PosZ); Color negX = settings.GetColorCubeFace(Face.NegX); Color negY = settings.GetColorCubeFace(Face.NegY); Color negZ = settings.GetColorCubeFace(Face.NegZ); settings.m_colorMode = (BakeSettings.AmbientColorMode)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(Styles.m_ambientSource, settings.m_colorMode); // Draw color EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { //GUILayout.Space(Styles.kIndent); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); if (settings.m_colorMode == BakeSettings.AmbientColorMode.kColorCube) { // Check for color value change EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(Styles.kIndent); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); DrawColorCube(posX, negX, posY, negY, posZ, negZ); EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } else if (settings.m_colorMode == BakeSettings.AmbientColorMode.kColorGradient) { // Check for color value change EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(Styles.kIndent); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); DrawColorGradient(gradGround, gradEquator, gradSky); EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } else { EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(Styles.kIndent); Color c = EditorGUILayout.ColorField(Styles.m_ambientColor, solidColor); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (c != solidColor) { settings.SetColorSolid(c); } } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); float max = settings.m_ambientMax; settings.m_ambientMax = EditorGUILayout.Slider(Styles.m_max, settings.m_ambientMax, 0f, 1f); if (!s_maxSliderActive && max != settings.m_ambientMax) { s_control = EditorGUIUtility.hotControl; s_maxSliderActive = true; } if (s_maxSliderActive && s_control != EditorGUIUtility.hotControl) { s_control = -1; s_maxSliderActive = false; } float min = settings.m_ambientMin; settings.m_ambientMin = EditorGUILayout.Slider(Styles.m_min, settings.m_ambientMin, 0f, 1f); if (!s_minSliderActive && min != settings.m_ambientMin) { s_control = EditorGUIUtility.hotControl; s_minSliderActive = true; } if (s_minSliderActive && s_control != EditorGUIUtility.hotControl) { s_control = -1; s_minSliderActive = false; } settings.m_ambientMax = Mathf.Clamp(settings.m_ambientMax, settings.m_ambientMin, 1f); settings.m_ambientMin = Mathf.Clamp(settings.m_ambientMin, 0f, settings.m_ambientMax); if (s_minSliderActive || s_maxSliderActive) { Color a =; float t = settings.m_ambientMin; if (s_maxSliderActive) { t = settings.m_ambientMax; } if (settings.m_colorMode == BakeSettings.AmbientColorMode.kColorCube) { Color px = Color.Lerp(a, posX, t); Color nx = Color.Lerp(a, negX, t); Color py = Color.Lerp(a, posY, t); Color ny = Color.Lerp(a, negY, t); Color pz = Color.Lerp(a, posZ, t); Color nz = Color.Lerp(a, negZ, t); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(Styles.kIndent); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); DrawColorCube(px, nx, py, ny, pz, nz, false); EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } else if (settings.m_colorMode == BakeSettings.AmbientColorMode.kColorGradient) { Color sky = Color.Lerp(a, gradSky, t); Color equator = Color.Lerp(a, gradEquator, t); Color ground = Color.Lerp(a, gradGround, t); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(Styles.kIndent); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); DrawColorGradient(ground, equator, sky, false); EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } else { Color solid = Color.Lerp(a, solidColor, t); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(Styles.kIndent); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); EditorGUILayout.ColorField(solid); EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(50); if (VertexBakerLib.Instance.BakeInProgress()) { if (GUILayout.Button("Cancel")) { VertexBakerLib.Instance.BakeCancel(); } } else { settings.m_bakeAllLightSets = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft(Styles.m_bakeAll, settings.m_bakeAllLightSets); if (GUILayout.Button("Bake Scene")) { if (settings.m_bakeAllLightSets) { // enqueue all bake sets for (int i = 0, k = settingsData.m_settingsList.Count; i < k; ++i) { if (settingsData.m_settingsList[i].m_activeSet) { s_bakeSetQueue.Enqueue(i); } } // set the first bake set if (s_bakeSetQueue.Count > 0) { int bakeSet = s_bakeSetQueue.Dequeue(); settingsData.SetBakeSetIndex(bakeSet); } } BakeScene(); } } BakeSets bakeSets = BakeData.Instance().GetBakeSets(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); if (bakeSets.m_containers.Count > 0 && GUILayout.Button(Styles.m_clearAllBakeData, Styles.m_clearButton)) { if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog(Styles.kEditorTitle, "Clear all data, are you sure?", "Yes", "No")) { for (int i = 0, k = bakeSets.m_containers.Count; i < k; ++i) { List <Mesh> meshes = bakeSets.m_containers[i].m_list; for (int j = 0; j < meshes.Count; ++j) { DestroyImmediate(meshes[j], true); } } } EditorUtility.SetDirty(bakeSets); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { s_settingsDirty = true; Undo.RecordObject(settingsData, "SettingsUndo"); //VertexBakerLib.Instance.WriteSettings(); //VertexBakerLib.Instance.SaveSettings(); } }
static void DrawBakerGizmos(DaydreamVertexLighting source, GizmoType gizmoType) { if (s_bvhHandle != null && !s_bvhHandle.IsValid()) { TryLoadBVH(source.GetComponent <MeshFilter>()); } if (s_bvhWrapper.IsValid() && s_cacheWrapper.IsValid() && s_bvhHandle.IsValid()) { if (s_debugState.m_worldVerPos == null || s_debugState.m_worldVerPos.Length == 0) { BuildWorldVertices(source.GetComponent <MeshFilter>()); } // update selection if (Event.current != null && s_inputUpdate) { s_inputUpdate = false; Ray ray = HandleUtility.GUIPointToWorldRay(s_position); float farPlane = 10000.0f; if (Camera.main != null) { farPlane = Camera.main.farClipPlane; } int index = VertexBakerLib.Instance.RayToIndex(s_bvhHandle, ray.origin, ray.direction * farPlane); if (index < 0) { return; } s_currentIdx = index; } if (s_currentIdx + s_debugState.m_indexOffset < 0) { return; } int idx = (s_currentIdx + s_debugState.m_indexOffset) % s_debugState.m_worldVerPos.Length; s_debugState.m_vertexSampleIndex = idx; float patchScale = Mathf.Max(source.transform.localToWorldMatrix.m00, source.transform.localToWorldMatrix.m11, source.transform.localToWorldMatrix.m22); float radius = s_cacheWrapper.GetPatchRadius(idx); float sampleRadius = radius * patchScale; if (s_debugState.m_showBVH) { List <Bounds> bounds = s_bvhWrapper.GetBounds(); foreach (Bounds b in bounds) { Gizmos.DrawWireCube(, b.size); } } if (s_debugState.m_showSamplePatch) { Color c =; PushGizmoColor(c); Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(s_debugState.m_worldVerPos[idx], sampleRadius); Vector3[] corners = s_bvhWrapper.GetPatchCorners(idx); PushGizmoColor(; Vector3 n = s_debugState.m_worldNormals[idx] * 0.07f; Gizmos.DrawLine(n + corners[0], n + corners[1]); // TL->TR Gizmos.DrawLine(n + corners[1], n + corners[2]); // TR->BR Gizmos.DrawLine(n + corners[2], n + corners[3]); // BR->BL Gizmos.DrawLine(n + corners[3], n + corners[0]); // BL->TL PopGizmoColor(); PopGizmoColor(); } if (s_debugState.m_showAOSamples) { UpdateAOSample(source, idx); if (s_occluderTestData.m_testPoints.Count > 0) { PushGizmoColor(Color.cyan); Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(s_debugState.m_worldVerPos[idx], s_cacheWrapper.GetPatchRadius(idx) * BakeData.Instance().GetBakeSettings().SelectedBakeSet.m_occlusionRayLength); PushGizmoColor( * 1.5f); Gizmos.DrawSphere(s_debugState.m_worldVerPos[idx], 0.01f); PopGizmoColor(); PopGizmoColor(); PushGizmoColor( + Color.cyan * 0.5f); for (int i = 0; i < s_occluderTestData.m_testPoints.Count; ++i) { Gizmos.DrawSphere(s_occluderTestData.m_testPoints[i], sampleRadius * 0.1F); } PopGizmoColor(); PushGizmoColor(; for (int i = 0; i < s_occluderTestData.m_colPoints.Count; ++i) { Gizmos.DrawSphere(s_occluderTestData.m_colPoints[i], sampleRadius * 0.1F); } PopGizmoColor(); PushGizmoColor(new Color(1f, 0f, 1f)); Gizmos.DrawLine(s_debugState.m_worldVerPos[idx], s_debugState.m_worldVerPos[idx] + s_occluderTestData.m_accumulatedRayDir); PopGizmoColor(); s_debugState.m_accessability = s_occluderTestData.m_accessability; } } if (s_debugState.m_showAdjacencies) { List <int> adj = s_cacheWrapper.GetAdjacencies(idx); PushGizmoColor(Color.cyan); Gizmos.DrawSphere(s_debugState.m_worldVerPos[idx], SphereSize(sampleRadius)); PopGizmoColor(); PushGizmoColor(; for (int i = 0; i < adj.Count; ++i) { if (s_debugState.m_worldVerPos.Length > adj[i]) { Gizmos.DrawSphere(s_debugState.m_worldVerPos[adj[i]], SphereSize(sampleRadius)); } } PopGizmoColor(); } if (s_debugState.m_showLightBlockerSamples) { UpdateLightBlockerSamplers(source, idx); } if (s_debugState.m_showNormals) { PushGizmoColor(; Gizmos.DrawLine(s_debugState.m_worldVerPos[idx], s_debugState.m_worldVerPos[idx] + s_debugState.m_worldNormals[idx]); if (s_debugState.m_showAdjacencies) { List <int> adj = s_cacheWrapper.GetAdjacencies(idx); for (int i = 0; i < adj.Count; ++i) { Gizmos.DrawLine(s_debugState.m_worldVerPos[adj[i]], s_debugState.m_worldVerPos[adj[i]] + s_debugState.m_worldNormals[idx]); } } PopGizmoColor(); } if (s_debugState.m_showBentNormalSamples) { List <int> adj = s_cacheWrapper.GetAdjacencies(idx); PushGizmoColor(; Vector3 pos = s_debugState.m_worldVerPos[idx]; Vector3 norm = s_cacheWrapper.GetBentNormal(idx); // normal move to world space norm = source.transform.TransformVector(norm).normalized; Gizmos.DrawLine(pos, pos + norm); for (int i = 0; i < adj.Count; ++i) { pos = s_debugState.m_worldVerPos[adj[i]]; norm = s_cacheWrapper.GetBentNormal(adj[i]); // normal move to world space norm = source.transform.TransformVector(norm).normalized; Gizmos.DrawLine(pos, pos + norm); } PopGizmoColor(); } } }
// Helper method for marshaling mesh data with sub mesh definition public static void BuildSceneContext(MeshFilter[] meshes, List <List <int> > subMeshIndices, List <List <int> > subMeshTriangleIndices, BakeContext ctx, IVertex vertex = null) { if (vertex == null) { vertex = new DefaultVertex(); } ctx.m_vertexEementCount = vertex.ElementCount; ctx.m_vertexDefinition = vertex.Definition.ToArray(); int totalVertCount = 0; int totalTriCount = 0; int meshCount = meshes.Length; // extract mesh renderer options MeshRenderer[] renderer = ctx.m_meshRenderers; // calculate mesh data size for (int i = 0; i < meshCount; ++i) { // if a sub mesh is defined use it for vert count if (subMeshIndices != null && subMeshIndices[i] != null) { totalVertCount += subMeshIndices[i].Count; } else { totalVertCount += meshes[i].sharedMesh.vertices.Length; } // if a sub mesh is defined use it for triangle index count if (subMeshTriangleIndices != null && subMeshTriangleIndices[i] != null) { totalTriCount += subMeshTriangleIndices[i].Count; } else { totalTriCount += meshes[i].sharedMesh.triangles.Length; } } // data size const int triangleSize = 3; const int matSize = 16; int totalMatrixDataSize = matSize * meshCount * SIZE_FLOAT; // mesh size depends on vertex definition int totalMeshDataSize = totalVertCount * SIZE_FLOAT * (vertex.VertexSize + meshCount); int totalTriangleDataSize = totalTriCount * triangleSize * SIZE_INT; VertexBakerLib instance = VertexBakerLib.Instance; ctx.m_meshIdsPtr = instance.Alloc(meshCount * SIZE_INT); ctx.m_vertexCountsPtr = instance.Alloc(meshCount * SIZE_INT); ctx.m_triangleCountPtr = instance.Alloc(meshCount * SIZE_INT); ctx.m_matDataPtr = instance.Alloc(totalMatrixDataSize); ctx.m_meshDataPtr = instance.Alloc(totalMeshDataSize); ctx.m_triangleDataPtr = instance.Alloc(totalTriangleDataSize); ctx.m_settingsIndicesPtr = instance.Alloc(meshCount * SIZE_INT); ctx.m_bakeOptionsPtr = instance.Alloc(meshCount * SIZE_INT); ctx.m_layerPtr = instance.Alloc(meshCount * SIZE_INT); // temp buffer for matrix float[] matArr = new float[16]; int matDestOffset = 0; int meshDestOffset = 0; int triangleDestOffset = 0; int[] vertexCounts = new int[meshCount]; int[] triangleCounts = new int[meshCount]; int[] ids = new int[meshCount]; uint[] perMeshBakeOpt = new uint[meshCount]; uint[] layerMask = new uint[meshCount]; // data for settings int[] settingsIdx = new int[meshCount]; List <IntPtr> settingsList = new List <IntPtr>(); // global settings int globalSettingsIdx = 0; IntPtr globalSettings = SettingsToIntPtr(BakeData.Instance().GetBakeSettings().SelectedBakeSet); settingsList.Add(globalSettings); for (int m = 0; m < meshCount; ++m) { bool processSubMesh = false; // assume sub mesh if (subMeshIndices != null && subMeshIndices[m] != null && subMeshTriangleIndices != null && subMeshTriangleIndices[m] != null) { processSubMesh = true; } // setup settings settingsIdx[m] = globalSettingsIdx; // check for override settings VertexLightingOverride ovrdSettings = meshes[m].GetComponent <VertexLightingOverride>(); if (ovrdSettings != null) { // point at this overrides index settingsIdx[m] = settingsList.Count; // ensure ambient settings (copy from global which contains the valid ambient settings for now) ovrdSettings.m_bakeSettingsOverride.CopyAmbient(BakeData.Instance().GetBakeSettings().SelectedBakeSet); IntPtr settingsPtr = SettingsToIntPtr(ovrdSettings.m_bakeSettingsOverride); settingsList.Add(settingsPtr); } Mesh mesh = meshes[m].sharedMesh; ids[m] = meshes[m].GetUniqueId(); // layer mask layerMask[m] = (uint)(1 << meshes[m].gameObject.layer); // clear data perMeshBakeOpt[m] = 0; // if mesh has no normals or tangents flag them for generation // should calculate normals if (meshes[m].sharedMesh.normals.Length == 0) { // set bit for normals perMeshBakeOpt[m] |= BakeOptions.kCalcNormals; } // should calculate tangents if (meshes[m].sharedMesh.tangents.Length == 0) { // set bit for tangents perMeshBakeOpt[m] |= BakeOptions.kCalcTangents; } // extract shadowing options from renderer switch (renderer[m].shadowCastingMode) { case UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode.Off: { perMeshBakeOpt[m] |= BakeOptions.kShadowsOff; } break; case UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode.TwoSided: { perMeshBakeOpt[m] |= BakeOptions.kTwoSided; } break; case UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode.On: { perMeshBakeOpt[m] |= BakeOptions.kShadowsOn; } break; case UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode.ShadowsOnly: { perMeshBakeOpt[m] |= BakeOptions.kShadowsOnly; } break; default: break; } if (renderer[m].receiveShadows) { perMeshBakeOpt[m] |= BakeOptions.kReceiveShadow; } else { perMeshBakeOpt[m] &= ~BakeOptions.kReceiveShadow; } // use the list of unique indices of the sub mesh to find the count here unless its null then assume all vertices are being processed int vertexCount = processSubMesh ? subMeshIndices[m].Count : mesh.vertices.Length; // use the list of triangles from the sub mesh to find the count here unless its null then assume all triangles are being processed int triangleCount = processSubMesh ? subMeshTriangleIndices[m].Count : mesh.triangles.Length; vertexCounts[m] = vertexCount; triangleCounts[m] = triangleCount; // copy mesh data into mesh buffer starting with world matrix int matIndex = 0; AssignMat4(ref matArr, meshes[m].transform.localToWorldMatrix, ref matIndex); // 64 bytes IntPtr matDestPtr = new IntPtr(ctx.m_matDataPtr.ToInt64() + matDestOffset * SIZE_FLOAT); Marshal.Copy(matArr, 0, matDestPtr, 16); matDestOffset += 16; if (processSubMesh) { // build sub mesh BuildMesh(ctx, meshes[m].sharedMesh, vertex, subMeshIndices[m], ref meshDestOffset); } else { // build entire mesh BuildMesh(ctx, meshes[m].sharedMesh, vertex, ref meshDestOffset); } // triangles IntPtr indexPtr = new IntPtr(ctx.m_triangleDataPtr.ToInt64() + triangleDestOffset * SIZE_INT); if (processSubMesh) { // copy sub mesh triangle list Marshal.Copy(subMeshTriangleIndices[m].ToArray(), 0, indexPtr, triangleCount); } else { // copy entire triangle list Marshal.Copy(mesh.triangles, 0, indexPtr, triangleCount); } triangleDestOffset += triangleCount; } // copy the mesh into pointer instance.CopyArray(ctx.m_meshIdsPtr, meshCount * SIZE_INT, ids, meshCount * SIZE_INT); instance.CopyArray(ctx.m_vertexCountsPtr, meshCount * SIZE_INT, vertexCounts, meshCount * SIZE_INT); instance.CopyArray(ctx.m_triangleCountPtr, meshCount * SIZE_INT, triangleCounts, meshCount * SIZE_INT); instance.CopyUIntArray(ctx.m_bakeOptionsPtr, meshCount * SIZE_INT, perMeshBakeOpt, meshCount * SIZE_INT); instance.CopyUIntArray(ctx.m_layerPtr, meshCount * SIZE_INT, layerMask, meshCount * SIZE_INT); instance.CopyArray(ctx.m_settingsIndicesPtr, meshCount * SIZE_INT, settingsIdx, meshCount * SIZE_INT); ctx.m_settingsPtrs = settingsList.ToArray(); ctx.m_vertCounts = vertexCounts; }
public int BakeFinish(OnFinishedUpdate onUpdate) { VertexBakerLib.Assert(this != null && !m_run, "BakeFinished called but bake is still in process"); string outputPath = BakeData.DataPath; if (!Directory.Exists(outputPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(outputPath); } if (m_result != 0) { string error = VertexBakerLib.Instance.GetLastError(); VertexBakerLib.LogError(error); } else if (!m_cancel && m_outBasis0[0] != IntPtr.Zero && m_outBasis1[0] != IntPtr.Zero && m_outBasis2[0] != IntPtr.Zero) { string bakeSetId = BakeData.Instance().GetBakeSettings().SelectedBakeSet.m_settingsId; BakeSets bakeSets = BakeData.Instance().GetBakeSets(); MeshContainer meshContainer = BakeData.Instance().GetMeshContainer(bakeSetId); EditorUtility.SetDirty(meshContainer); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); AssetDatabase.StartAssetEditing(); try { int ptrOffset = 0; int meshOffset = 0; for (int m = 0; m < m_meshes.Count; ++m) { int count = m_vertCounts[m]; int floatCount = count * 3; // the ID used to look up this mesh later string objectId = "" + m_lightBakers[m].GetUniqueId(); m_lightBakers[m].m_currentContainer = meshContainer; Mesh outputMesh = meshContainer.m_list.Find(delegate(Mesh mesh) { if (mesh != null) { return( == bakeSetId + "_" + objectId); } return(false); }); if (outputMesh == null) { if (m_lightBakers[m].VertexLighting != null) { // if we are here than the mesh name may have changed, try and remove the stale data string oldName = m_lightBakers[m]; Mesh found = meshContainer.m_list.Find(delegate(Mesh mesh) { // remove the old reference if (mesh != null) { return( == oldName); } // remove null mesh return(false); }); if (found != null) { GameObject.DestroyImmediate(found, true); } } // if no mesh exists for this target create it here outputMesh = new Mesh(); BakeData.Instance().AddToMeshContainer(meshContainer, outputMesh); //meshContainer.m_list.Add(outputMesh); //// add to the container asset //string outputFileName = bakeSetId + "_lighting"; //AssetDatabase.AddObjectToAsset(outputMesh, outputPath + "/" + outputFileName + ".asset"); } = bakeSetId + "_" + objectId; // HACK: Work around to make Unity happy. If vertices are not found the additional vertex stream fails //outMeshes[m].vertices = m_meshes[m].sharedMesh.vertices; outputMesh.vertices = m_meshes[m].sharedMesh.vertices; // 3 floats per vector float[] rawData0 = new float[floatCount]; float[] rawData1 = new float[floatCount]; float[] rawData2 = new float[floatCount]; // offset pointer to next mesh IntPtr basis0 = new IntPtr(m_outBasis0[0].ToInt64() + ptrOffset * SIZE_FLOAT); IntPtr basis1 = new IntPtr(m_outBasis1[0].ToInt64() + ptrOffset * SIZE_FLOAT); IntPtr basis2 = new IntPtr(m_outBasis2[0].ToInt64() + ptrOffset * SIZE_FLOAT); ptrOffset += floatCount; // marshal data into float arrays Marshal.Copy(basis0, rawData0, 0, floatCount); Marshal.Copy(basis1, rawData1, 0, floatCount); Marshal.Copy(basis2, rawData2, 0, floatCount); // lists to hold output vectors List <Color> colorList0 = new List <Color>(); colorList0.Resize(count,; List <Vector3> colorList1 = new List <Vector3>(); colorList1.Resize(count,; List <Vector3> colorList2 = new List <Vector3>(); colorList2.Resize(count,; // copy float arrays into mesh data for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { int idx = i * 3; colorList0[i] = new Color(rawData0[idx], rawData0[idx + 1], rawData0[idx + 2], 1.0f); colorList1[i] = new Vector3(rawData1[idx], rawData1[idx + 1], rawData1[idx + 2]); colorList2[i] = new Vector3(rawData2[idx], rawData2[idx + 1], rawData2[idx + 2]); } // this offset is target uv sets 1, 2, and 3 for data destination const int uvOffset = 1; outputMesh.SetColors(colorList0); outputMesh.SetUVs(uvOffset + 1, colorList1); outputMesh.SetUVs(uvOffset + 2, colorList2); //outputMesh.UploadMeshData(true); meshOffset += count; EditorUtility.SetDirty(meshContainer); m_meshRenderers[m].additionalVertexStreams = outputMesh; m_lightBakers[m].m_bakeSets = bakeSets; m_lightBakers[m].VertexLighting = outputMesh; m_lightBakers[m].m_bakeId = objectId; EditorUtility.SetDirty(m_lightBakers[m]); onUpdate("Uploading Mesh Data", m_meshCount / (float)m); } // remove any null slots meshContainer.m_list.RemoveAll(delegate(Mesh m) { return(m == null); }); // aggregate containers under one super container int existingIdx = bakeSets.m_containers.FindIndex(delegate(MeshContainer mc) { return( ==; }); if (existingIdx != -1) { // replace existing entry bakeSets.m_containers[existingIdx] = meshContainer; } else { bakeSets.m_containers.Add(meshContainer); } BakeSetsInspector.CleanupStaleReferences(bakeSets); EditorUtility.SetDirty(bakeSets); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); } finally { onUpdate("Uploading Mesh Data", 1f); AssetDatabase.StopAssetEditing(); } } else { VertexBakerLib.LogWarning("Bake completed successfully but there was no output data available"); } // free data FreeContext(true); // since basis memory was allocated in one chunk // freeing this handle frees all basis memory VertexBakerLib.Instance.Free(m_outBasis0[0]); EditorSceneManager.MarkSceneDirty(EditorSceneManager.GetActiveScene()); EditorSceneManager.SaveScene(EditorSceneManager.GetActiveScene()); VertexBakerLib.Log("Bake time: " + (DateTime.Now - m_bakeStart).TotalSeconds + " seconds"); while (VertexBakerLib.Instance.GetErrorCount() > 0) { string err = VertexBakerLib.Instance.GetLastError(); VertexBakerLib.LogError(err); } GC.Collect(); return(m_result); }
void OnGUI() { GUILayout.Space(10); m_bakeSetName = EditorGUILayout.TextField(m_bakeSetName); m_forceAllLights = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft(Styles.m_bakeAllLights, m_forceAllLights); if (m_groups == null) { CloseDialog(); m_resultCallback(Result.Cancel, m_bakeSetName, null, m_activeSet, m_forceAllLights); } if (!m_forceAllLights) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField(Styles.m_lightGroups); m_scrollPosition = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(m_scrollPosition); { // 'ungrouped' lights under root List <Light> rootLights = null; if (m_groups.TryGetValue(Constants.kRoot, out rootLights)) { for (int i = 0; i < rootLights.Count; ++i) { EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(10); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(rootLights[i].name, Styles.m_ungroupedStyle); int idInFile = rootLights[i].GetLocalIDinFile(); // search to see if light already exists in the list bool included = m_selectedLights.Exists(delegate(LightEntry obj) { // find by object reference return(obj.m_idInFile == idInFile); }); // Create UI and list for toggle if (EditorGUILayout.Toggle(included)) { // added - toggle was checked and the item was not already selected if (!included) { m_selectedLights.Add(new LightEntry(rootLights[i], null)); } } else { // was included - it was unchecked and was previously selected so it needs to be removed if (included) { m_selectedLights.RemoveAll(delegate(LightEntry obj) { // find by object reference return(obj.m_idInFile == idInFile); }); } } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } } // Lights contained under a parent group Dictionary <string, List <Light> > .Enumerator iter = m_groups.GetEnumerator(); while (iter.MoveNext()) { string groupPath = iter.Current.Key; if (groupPath == Constants.kRoot) { continue; } EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(10); GUIContent groupName = new GUIContent(groupPath, "Lights grouped by parent"); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(groupName, Styles.m_groupedStyle); // search for group path bool included = m_selectedLights.Exists(delegate(LightEntry obj) { return(obj.m_group == groupPath); }); if (EditorGUILayout.Toggle(included)) { // added if (!included) { // add new group path m_selectedLights.Add(new LightEntry(null, groupPath)); } } else { // was included if (included) { int idx = m_selectedLights.FindIndex(delegate(LightEntry obj) { return(obj.m_group == groupPath); }); if (idx >= 0) { m_selectedLights.RemoveAt(idx); } } } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } } EditorGUILayout.EndScrollView(); } GUILayout.Space(20); m_activeSet = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft(Styles.m_activeBake, m_activeSet); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button("OK")) { m_resultCallback(Result.Ok, m_bakeSetName, m_selectedLights, m_activeSet, m_forceAllLights); CloseDialog(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Cancel")) { m_resultCallback(Result.Cancel, m_bakeSetName, m_selectedLights, m_activeSet, m_forceAllLights); CloseDialog(); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); BakeSets bakeSets = BakeData.Instance().GetBakeSets(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); if (bakeSets.m_containers.Count > 0 && GUILayout.Button(Styles.m_clearBakeData, Styles.m_clearButton)) { if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog(m_bakeSetName, "Clear data, are you sure?", "Yes", "No")) { for (int i = 0, k = bakeSets.m_containers.Count; i < k; ++i) { if (bakeSets.m_containers[i].m_bakeSetId == m_bakeSetName) { List <Mesh> meshes = bakeSets.m_containers[i].m_list; for (int j = 0; j < meshes.Count; ++j) { DestroyImmediate(meshes[j], true); } break; } } } EditorUtility.SetDirty(bakeSets); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); }
private static void BakeHelper(GameObject[] bakeRoots) { VertexBakerLib.Instance.BakeReset(); DateTime bakeStart = DateTime.Now; List <MeshFilter> meshes = new List <MeshFilter>(); s_meshRenderers = new List <MeshRenderer>(); // gather meshes in selection foreach (GameObject go in bakeRoots) { MeshFilter[] filters = go.GetComponentsInChildren <MeshFilter>(); foreach (MeshFilter filter in filters) { MeshRenderer mr = filter.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>(); if (filter.sharedMesh == null) { Debug.LogWarning(filter.gameObject.GetPath() + " has a missing mesh"); } bool staticLit = (StaticEditorFlags.LightmapStatic & GameObjectUtility.GetStaticEditorFlags(filter.gameObject)) > 0; if (filter.sharedMesh != null && filter.gameObject.activeSelf && staticLit && mr != null && mr.enabled) { s_meshRenderers.Add(mr); meshes.Add(filter); } } } if (meshes.Count == 0) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog(Styles.kEditorTitle, Styles.kNoStaticMeshes, "ok"); return; } if (meshes.Count != s_meshRenderers.Count) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog(Styles.kEditorTitle, "MeshRenderers are not 1 to 1 with Mesh Filters", "ok"); return; } List <Light> lights = new List <Light>(); DDRSettings settingsData = BakeData.Instance().GetBakeSettings(); if (settingsData.SelectedBakeSet.m_forceAllLights) { List <GameObject> sceneRoots = Utilities.GetAllRoots(); foreach (GameObject go in sceneRoots) { Light[] lightList = go.GetComponentsInChildren <Light>(); foreach (Light light in lightList) { if (light.IsLightmapLight()) { lights.Add(light); } } } } else { List <LightEntry> lightFilter = settingsData.SelectedBakeSet.m_lightList; Dictionary <int, Light> localFileIdToLight = Utilities.LightsByLocalFileId(); foreach (LightEntry lightEntry in lightFilter) { Light light = null; // group if lights if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lightEntry.m_group)) { // get parent objects for each path that matches the group path List <GameObject> parents = Utilities.FindAll(lightEntry.m_group); // gather all lights under group if (parents.Count > 0) { // add lights to the new group foreach (GameObject parent in parents) { for (int i = 0; i < parent.transform.childCount; ++i) { GameObject child = parent.transform.GetChild(i).gameObject; light = child.GetComponent <Light>(); if (light.IsLightmapLight()) { lights.Add(light); } } } } } else { // ungrouped light if (localFileIdToLight.TryGetValue(lightEntry.m_idInFile, out light)) { if (light.IsLightmapLight()) { lights.Add(light); } } } } } VertexBakerLib.Log("Collect data time: " + (DateTime.Now - bakeStart).TotalSeconds + " seconds"); /////////////// // native bake /////////////// try { // stop listening for changes m_ignoreNextChange = true; // int activeLightCount = DaydreamRendererSceneData.GetActiveLightCount(); // DaydreamRendererSceneData sceneData = TypeExtensions.FindOrCreateScriptableAsset<DaydreamRendererSceneData>(VertexBakerLib.DataPath, "scenedata"); s_bakeInProgress = true; VertexBakerLib.Instance.Bake(meshes, lights, delegate() { s_bakeIsFinished = true; }); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogError(e.Message); Debug.LogError(e.StackTrace); } }
void OnGUI() { DaydreamRendererImportSettings settings = BakeData.Instance().GetImportSettings(); EditorGUILayout.HelpBox(Styles.kWelcomeMsg, MessageType.Info); if (s_staticMaterialHistory == null || s_dynamicMaterialHistory == null) { Configure(); } EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); GUILayout.Space(20); EditorGUILayout.HelpBox(Styles.kToggleComponentsHelp, MessageType.Info); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); settings.m_daydreamLightinSystemEnabled = EditorGUILayout.BeginToggleGroup(Styles.toggleLightingSystem, settings.m_daydreamLightinSystemEnabled); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { if (!settings.m_daydreamLightinSystemEnabled) { RemoveAllLightingComponents(); } DaydreamRenderer renderer = FindObjectOfType <DaydreamRenderer>(); if (renderer) { renderer.EnableEnlighten(!settings.m_daydreamLightinSystemEnabled); } } EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(20); settings.m_enableLightingComponentsAutoAdd = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft(Styles.toggleComponents, settings.m_enableLightingComponentsAutoAdd); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (!settings.m_enableLightingComponentsAutoAdd) { EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(20); if (GUILayout.Button(Styles.addComponents)) { ApplyLightingComponents(); } if (GUILayout.Button(Styles.removeComponents)) { RemoveAllLightingComponents(); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } EditorGUILayout.EndToggleGroup(); GUILayout.Space(50); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { EditorUtility.SetDirty(settings); } if (GUILayout.Button("Scan Materials") || m_convertableMaterials == null || m_convertableMaterials.Count == 0 || s_gatherMetrics) { List <GameObject> roots = Utilities.GetAllRoots(); GatherMaterials(roots.ToArray()); } EditorGUILayout.Separator(); EditorGUILayout.HelpBox(String.Format(Styles.kObjectsWaiting, m_dynamicConvertableCount, m_staticConvertableCount), MessageType.Info); if (GUILayout.Button("Convert Materials Now")) { DoDynamicLightingConversion(); DoStaticLightingConversion(); } string[] text = new string[] { "Dynamic Converted Materials", "Static Converted Materials", "List All Daydream Materials" }; s_importType = GUILayout.SelectionGrid(s_importType, text, 3, EditorStyles.radioButton); if (s_importType == 0) { DrawDynamicRevertMaterials(); } else if (s_importType == 1) { DrawStaticRevertMaterials(); } else if (m_convertedCount > 0) { DrawDaydreamMaterialList(); } }
public static void Init() { BakeData.Instance().GetBakeSettings(); s_settingsRestored = true; OpenWindow(); }
public void LoadSettings() { BakeData.Instance().GetBakeSettings(); }
public void WriteSettings() { BakeData.Instance().SaveBakeSettings(); }