static void Main(string[] args) { string str = Console.ReadLine(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str)) { args = new string[] { "-in", "" }; } else if (new FileInfo(str).Exists) { args = new string[] { "-in", str }; } else { Console.WriteLine("File {0} doesn't exits", str); Console.ReadKey(); Environment.Exit(1); } MPI mpi = new MPI(); mpi.MPI_Init(args); SPARTA sparta = new SPARTA(args, mpi, MPI.MPI_COMM_WORLD); sparta.input.file(); mpi.MPI_Finalize(); Console.ReadKey(); }
public MemoryKokkos memoryKK; // KOKKOS version of Memory class // other top-level SPARTA classes and variables public SPARTA(string[] args, MPI mpi, MPI_Comm communicator) { int narg = args.Length; string[] arg = args; this.mpi = mpi; error = new Error(this); universe = new Universe(this, communicator); output = null; screen = null; logfile = null; // parse input switches int inflag = 0; int screenflag = 0; int logflag = 0; int partscreenflag = 0; int partlogflag = 0; int kokkosflag = 0; int helpflag = 0; suffix = null; suffix_enable = 0; packargs = null; num_package = 0; int kkfirst, kklast; int npack = 0; int[] pfirst = null; int[] plast = null; //int iarg = 1; int iarg = 0; while (iarg < narg) { if (string.Compare(arg[iarg], "-partition") == 0 || string.Compare(arg[iarg], "-p") == 0) { universe.existflag = 1; if (iarg + 2 > narg) { error.universe_all("Invalid command-line argument"); } iarg++; while (iarg < narg && arg[iarg][0] != '-') { universe.Add_world(arg[iarg]); iarg++; } } else if (string.Equals(arg[iarg], "-in") || string.Compare(arg[iarg], "-i") == 0) { if (iarg + 2 > narg) { error.universe_all("Invalid command-line argument"); } inflag = iarg + 1; iarg += 2; } else if (string.Compare(arg[iarg], "-screen") == 0 || string.Compare(arg[iarg], "-sc") == 0) { if (iarg + 2 > narg) { error.universe_all("Invalid command-line argument"); } screenflag = iarg + 1; iarg += 2; } else if (string.Compare(arg[iarg], "-log") == 0 || string.Compare(arg[iarg], "-l") == 0) { if (iarg + 2 > narg) { error.universe_all("Invalid command-line argument"); } logflag = iarg + 1; iarg += 2; } else if (string.Compare(arg[iarg], "-var") == 0 || string.Compare(arg[iarg], "-v") == 0) { if (iarg + 3 > narg) { error.universe_all("Invalid command-line argument"); } iarg += 3; while (iarg < narg && arg[iarg][0] != '-') { iarg++; } } else if (string.Compare(arg[iarg], "-echo") == 0 || string.Compare(arg[iarg], "-e") == 0) { if (iarg + 2 > narg) { error.universe_all("Invalid command-line argument"); } iarg += 2; } else if (string.Compare(arg[iarg], "-pscreen") == 0 || string.Compare(arg[iarg], "-ps") == 0) { if (iarg + 2 > narg) { error.universe_all("Invalid command-line argument"); } partscreenflag = iarg + 1; iarg += 2; } else if (string.Compare(arg[iarg], "-plog") == 0 || string.Compare(arg[iarg], "-pl") == 0) { if (iarg + 2 > narg) { error.universe_all("Invalid command-line argument"); } partlogflag = iarg + 1; iarg += 2; } else if (string.Compare(arg[iarg], "-kokkos") == 0 || string.Compare(arg[iarg], "-k") == 0) { if (iarg + 2 > narg) { error.universe_all("Invalid command-line argument"); } if (string.Compare(arg[iarg + 1], "on") == 0) { kokkosflag = 1; } else if (string.Compare(arg[iarg + 1], "off") == 0) { kokkosflag = 0; } else { error.universe_all("Invalid command-line argument"); } iarg += 2; // delimit any extra args for the Kokkos instantiation kkfirst = iarg; while (iarg < narg && arg[iarg][0] != '-') { iarg++; } kklast = iarg; } else if (string.Compare(arg[iarg], "-package") == 0 || string.Compare(arg[iarg], "-pk") == 0) { if (iarg + 2 > narg) { error.universe_all("Invalid command-line argument"); } //memory.grow(pfirst, npack + 1, "sparta:pfirst"); //memory.grow(plast, npack + 1, "sparta:plast"); // delimit args for package command invocation // any package arg with leading "-" will be followed by numeric digit iarg++; pfirst[npack] = iarg; while (iarg < narg) { if (arg[iarg][0] != '-') { iarg++; } else if (char.IsDigit(arg[iarg][1])) { iarg++; } else { break; } } plast[npack++] = iarg; } else if (string.Compare(arg[iarg], "-suffix") == 0 || string.Compare(arg[iarg], "-sf") == 0) { if (iarg + 2 > narg) { error.universe_all("Invalid command-line argument"); } //delete[] suffix; int n = arg[iarg + 1].Length + 1; suffix = string.Copy(arg[iarg + 1]); suffix_enable = 1; iarg += 2; } else if (string.Compare(arg[iarg], "-help") == 0 || string.Compare(arg[iarg], "-h") == 0) { if (iarg + 1 > narg) { error.universe_all("Invalid command-line argument"); } helpflag = 1; iarg += 1; } else { error.universe_all("Invalid command-line argument"); } } // if no partition command-line switch, universe is one world with all procs if (universe.existflag == 0) { universe.Add_world(null); } // sum of procs in all worlds must equal total # of procs if (universe.Consistent() == 0) { error.universe_all("Processor partitions are inconsistent"); } // universe cannot use stdin for input file if (universe.existflag != 0 && inflag == 0) { error.universe_all("Must use -in switch with multiple partitions"); } // if no partition command-line switch, cannot use -pscreen option if (universe.existflag == 0 && partscreenflag != 0) { error.universe_all("Can only use -pscreen with multiple partitions"); } // if no partition command-line switch, cannot use -plog option if (universe.existflag == 0 && partlogflag != 0) { error.universe_all("Can only use -plog with multiple partitions"); } // set universe screen and logfile if ( == 0) { if (screenflag == 0) { Console.WriteLine("universe.uscreen=stdout"); universe.uscreen = new FileStream("screen", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); } //universe.uscreen = stdout; else if (string.Compare(arg[screenflag], "none") == 0) { universe.uscreen = null; } else { universe.uscreen = new FileStream(arg[screenflag], FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); //universe.uscreen = fopen(arg[screenflag], "w"); if (universe.uscreen == null) { error.universe_one("Cannot open universe screen file"); } } if (logflag == 0) { universe.ulogfile = new FileStream("log.sparta", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); //universe.ulogfile = fopen("log.sparta", "w"); if (universe.ulogfile == null) { error.universe_one("Cannot open log.sparta"); } } else if (string.Compare(arg[logflag], "none") == 0) { universe.ulogfile = null; } else { universe.ulogfile = new FileStream(arg[logflag], FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); //universe.ulogfile = fopen(arg[logflag], "w"); if (universe.ulogfile == null) { error.universe_one("Cannot open universe log file"); } } } if ( > 0) { if (screenflag == 0) { Console.WriteLine("universe.uscreen = stdout;"); } else { universe.uscreen = null; } universe.ulogfile = null; } // make universe and single world the same, since no partition switch // world inherits settings from universe // set world screen, logfile, communicator, infile // open input script if from file if (universe.existflag == 0) { screen = universe.uscreen; logfile = universe.ulogfile; world = universe.uworld; infile = null; if ( == 0) { if (inflag == 0) { Console.WriteLine("infile = stdin;"); } else { infile = new FileStream(arg[inflag], FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); //infile = fopen(arg[inflag], "r"); } if (infile == null) { string str = string.Format("Cannot open input script {0}", arg[inflag]); //char str[128]; //sprintf(str, "Cannot open input script %s", arg[inflag]);; } } if ( == 0) { string strstr = string.Format("SPARTA ({0})\n", universe.version); if (screen != null) { new StreamWriter(screen).Write(strstr); Console.WriteLine(strstr); } if (logfile != null) { new StreamWriter(logfile).Write(strstr); } } // universe is one or more worlds, as setup by partition switch // split universe communicator into separate world communicators // set world screen, logfile, communicator, infile // open input script } else { int me = 0; mpi.MPI_Comm_split(universe.uworld, universe.iworld, 0, ref world); mpi.MPI_Comm_rank(world, ref me); if (me == 0) { if (partscreenflag == 0) { if (screenflag == 0) { string str = string.Format("screen.{0}", universe.iworld); //char str[32]; //sprintf(str, "screen.%d", universe.iworld); screen = new FileStream(str, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); //screen = fopen(str, "w"); if (screen == null) {"Cannot open screen file"); } } else if (string.Compare(arg[screenflag], "none") == 0) { screen = null; } else { string str = string.Format("{0}.{1}", arg[screenflag], universe.iworld); //char str[128]; //sprintf(str, "%s.%d", arg[screenflag], universe.iworld); screen = new FileStream(str, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); //screen = fopen(str, "w"); if (screen == null) {"Cannot open screen file"); } } } else if (string.Compare(arg[partscreenflag], "none") == 0) { screen = null; } else { string str = string.Format("{0}.{1}", arg[partscreenflag], universe.iworld); //char str[128]; //sprintf(str, "%s.%d", arg[partscreenflag], universe.iworld); screen = new FileStream(str, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); //screen = fopen(str, "w"); if (screen == null) {"Cannot open screen file"); } } } else { screen = null; } if (me == 0) { if (partlogflag == 0) { if (logflag == 0) { string str = string.Format("log.sparta.{0}", universe.iworld); logfile = new FileStream(str, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); //char str[32]; //sprintf(str, "log.sparta.%d", universe.iworld); //logfile = fopen(str, "w"); if (logfile == null) {"Cannot open logfile"); } } else if (string.Compare(arg[logflag], "none") == 0) { logfile = null; } else { string str = string.Format("{0}.{1}", arg[logflag], universe.iworld); logfile = new FileStream(str, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); //char str[128]; //sprintf(str, "%s.%d", arg[logflag], universe.iworld); //logfile = fopen(str, "w"); if (logfile == null) {"Cannot open logfile"); } } } else if (string.Compare(arg[partlogflag], "none") == 0) { logfile = null; } else { string str = string.Format("{0}.{1}", arg[partlogflag], universe.iworld); logfile = new FileStream(str, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); //char str[128]; //sprintf(str, "%s.%d", arg[partlogflag], universe.iworld); //logfile = fopen(str, "w"); if (logfile == null) {"Cannot open logfile"); } } } else { logfile = null; } if (me == 0) { infile = new FileStream(arg[inflag], FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); //infile = fopen(arg[inflag], "r"); if (infile == null) { string str = string.Format("Cannot open input script {0}", arg[inflag]); //char str[128]; //sprintf(str, "Cannot open input script %s", arg[inflag]);; } } else { infile = null; } // screen and logfile messages for universe and world if ( == 0) { string str1 = string.Format("SPARTA ({0})\n", universe.version); string str2 = string.Format("Running on {0} partitions of processors\n", universe.nworlds); if (universe.uscreen != null) { new StreamWriter(universe.uscreen).Write(str1); new StreamWriter(universe.uscreen).Write(str2); Console.WriteLine(str1); Console.WriteLine(str2); //fprintf(universe.uscreen, "SPARTA (%s)\n", universe.version); //fprintf(universe.uscreen, "Running on %d partitions of processors\n", // universe.nworlds); } if (universe.ulogfile != null) { new StreamWriter(universe.ulogfile).Write(str1); new StreamWriter(universe.ulogfile).Write(str2); //fprintf(universe.ulogfile, "SPARTA (%s)\n", universe.version); //fprintf(universe.ulogfile, "Running on %d partitions of processors\n", // universe.nworlds); } } if (me == 0) { string str1 = string.Format("SPARTA ({0})\n", universe.version); string str2 = string.Format("Processor partition = {0}\n", universe.iworld); if (screen != null) { new StreamWriter(screen).Write(str1); new StreamWriter(screen).Write(str2); Console.WriteLine(str1); Console.WriteLine(str2); //fprintf(screen, "SPARTA (%s)\n", universe.version); //fprintf(screen, "Processor partition = %d\n", universe.iworld); } if (logfile != null) { new StreamWriter(logfile).Write(str1); new StreamWriter(logfile).Write(str2); //fprintf(logfile, "SPARTA (%s)\n", universe.version); //fprintf(logfile, "Processor partition = %d\n", universe.iworld); } } } // check datatype settings in spatype.h //if (sizeof(smallint) != sizeof(int)) // error.all( "Smallint setting in spatype.h is invalid"); //if (sizeof(bigint) < sizeof(smallint)) // error.all( "Bigint setting in spatype.h is invalid"); int mpisize = 1; mpi.MPI_Type_size(MPI.MPI_LONG_LONG, ref mpisize); if (mpisize != sizeof(bigint)) { error.all("MPI_SPARTA_BIGINT and bigint in spatype.h are not compatible"); } //if (sizeof(smallint) != 4 || sizeof(bigint) != 8) // error.all( "Small,big integers are not sized correctly"); // error check on accelerator packages // create Kokkos class if KOKKOS installed, unless explicitly switched off // instantiation creates dummy Kokkos class if KOKKOS is not installed // add args between kkfirst and kklast to Kokkos instantiation kokkos = null; if (kokkosflag == 1) { Console.WriteLine("new kokkosSPARTA"); //kokkos = new KokkosSPARTA(this, kklast - kkfirst, &arg[kkfirst]); //if (!kokkos->kokkos_exists) // error->all(FLERR, "Cannot use -kokkos on without KOKKOS installed"); } // allocate input class now that MPI is fully setup input = new Input(this, arg); // copy package cmdline arguments if (npack > 0) { num_package = npack; Console.WriteLine("package command,not test yet"); //packargs = new char**[npack]; for (int i = 0; i < npack; ++i) { int n = plast[i] - pfirst[i]; //packargs[i] = new char*[n + 1]; for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) { // packargs[i][j] = strdup(arg[pfirst[i] + j]); packargs[i][n] = null; } } //memory->destroy(pfirst); //memory->destroy(plast); } // allocate fundamental classes create(); post_create(); // if helpflag set, print help and exit if (helpflag != 0) { if ( == 0) { print_styles(); } error.done(); } }