public void CommandLineArgs()
    String[] args=
        "--Whitespaces   =  Hello Test  ",
        "--integer =  42",
        "--double =  3.14",

    Configuration cfg= new Configuration();
    cfg.SetCommandLineArgs( args );
    Variable var= new Variable();
    UT_EQ( Configuration.PrioCmdLine,    cfg.Load   ( var.Define( "",      "SingleHyphen" )) );   UT_EQ( "12",            var.GetString()       );
                                         cfg.Load   ( var.Define( "",      "DoubleHyphen" ));     UT_EQ( true,            var.IsTrue()    );
    UT_EQ( Configuration.PrioCmdLine,    var.Priority);

    UT_EQ( Configuration.PrioCmdLine,    cfg.Load   ( var.Define( "",      "Empty"        )) );   UT_EQ( "",              var.GetString()       );
    UT_EQ( Configuration.PrioCmdLine,    cfg.Load   ( var.Define( "",      "Whitespaces"  )) );   UT_EQ( "Hello Test",    var.GetString()       );
    UT_EQ( Configuration.PrioCmdLine,    cfg.Load   ( var.Define( "",      "HOME"         )) );   UT_EQ( "overwritten",   var.GetString()       );
    UT_EQ( Configuration.PrioCmdLine,    cfg.Load   ( var.Define( "",      "integer"      )) );   UT_EQ( 42,              var.GetInteger()    );
    UT_EQ( 0,                            cfg.Load   ( var.Define( "",      "notexistent"  )) );   UT_EQ( 0,               var.GetInteger()    );
    UT_EQ( Configuration.PrioCmdLine,    cfg.Load   ( var.Define( "",      "integer"      )) );   UT_EQ( 42,              var.GetInteger()    );
    UT_EQ( Configuration.PrioCmdLine,    cfg.Load   ( var.Define( "",      "double"       )) );   UT_EQ( 3.14,            var.GetFloat() );
    UT_EQ( 0,                            cfg.Load   ( var.Define( "",      "notexistent"  )) );   UT_EQ( 0.0,             var.GetFloat() );
    UT_EQ( Configuration.PrioCmdLine,    cfg.Load   ( var.Define( "",      "double"       )) );   UT_EQ( 3.14,            var.GetFloat() );
    UT_EQ( Configuration.PrioCmdLine,    cfg.Load   ( var.Define( "ALIB",  "test"         )) );   UT_EQ( "passed",        var.GetString()       );
  * Simple constructor copying values
  * @param categoryFallback     Value for field #CategoryFallback (treated as reference, value not copied)
  * @param category             Value for field #Category
  * @param name                 Value for field #Name
  * @param defaultValue         Value for field #DefaultValue
  * @param delim                Value for field #Delim
  * @param formatAttrAlignment  Value for field #FormatAttrAlignment
  * @param formatHints          Value for field #FormatHints
  * @param comments             Value for field #Comments
 public VariableDefinition( AString categoryFallback, String category, String name, String defaultValue,
                            char delim, String formatAttrAlignment, Variable.FormatHint formatHints,  String comments )
     this.CategoryFallback=     categoryFallback;
     this.Category=             category;
     this.Name=                 name;
     this.DefaultValue=         defaultValue;
     this.Delim=                delim;
     this.FormatAttrAlignment=  formatAttrAlignment;
     this.FormatHints=          formatHints;
     this.Comments=             comments;
             * Virtual method that copies the values of an entry to the given \p variable.
             * @param parent    The plug-in we belong to.
             * @param variable  The variable to fill with our values.
            public virtual void ToVariable( InMemoryPlugin parent, Variable variable )
                ALIB.ASSERT( Delim != '\0' || Values.Count <= 1);
                if ( Delim != '\0' )
                    variable.Delim= Delim;
                if ( FormatHints != 0 )
                    variable.FormatHints= FormatHints;
                if ( FormatAttrAlignment != null )
                    variable.FormatAttrAlignment= FormatAttrAlignment;

                variable.Comments._()._( Comments );
                foreach( AString val in Values )
                    variable.AddString( val );
    /** ********************************************************************************************
     * Creates a ConsoleLogger.
     * @param name  (Optional) The name of the \e Logger, defaults to "COLOR_CONSOLE"
    public ColorConsoleLogger( String name= null )
    : base( name, "COLOR_CONSOLE", true )
        // get actual console foreground color
        ConsoleColor fgCol= Console.ForegroundColor;

        // evaluate environment variable "ALOX_CONSOLE_HAS_LIGHT_BACKGROUND"
        Variable variable= new Variable( ALox.CONSOLE_HAS_LIGHT_BACKGROUND );
        if ( variable.Size() > 0 )
            IsBackgroundLight=  variable.IsTrue();
            IsBackgroundLight=      fgCol == ConsoleColor.Black
                                ||  fgCol == ConsoleColor.DarkBlue
                                ||  fgCol == ConsoleColor.DarkCyan
                                ||  fgCol == ConsoleColor.DarkGray
                                ||  fgCol == ConsoleColor.DarkGreen
                                ||  fgCol == ConsoleColor.DarkMagenta
                                ||  fgCol == ConsoleColor.DarkRed
                                ||  fgCol == ConsoleColor.DarkYellow   ;

        // remove verbosity information and colorize the whole line
        MetaInfo.Format.SearchAndReplace( " %V ", " " );
        MsgColorInfo          = fgCol;
        if ( IsBackgroundLight )
            MsgColorError           = ConsoleColor.DarkRed;
            MsgColorWarning         = ConsoleColor.DarkBlue;
            MsgColorVerbose         = ConsoleColor.DarkGray;
            MsgColorError           = ConsoleColor.Red;
            MsgColorWarning         = ConsoleColor.Blue;
            MsgColorVerbose         = ConsoleColor.Gray;
    // #############################################################################################
    // Constructor
    // #############################################################################################

        /** ****************************************************************************************
         * Creates an AnsiLogger.
         * @param textWriter     The TextWriter object to write into.
         * @param usesStdStreams Denotes whether this logger writes to the
         *                       <em>standard output streams</em>.
         * @param name           The name of the \e Logger, defaults to what is provided with
         *                       parameter \p typeName.
         * @param typeName       The type of the \e Logger, defaults to "ANSI".
        public AnsiLogger( System.IO.TextWriter textWriter, bool usesStdStreams,
                           String name= null, String typeName= "ANSI" )
            : base( name, typeName, usesStdStreams )
            this.textWriter= textWriter;

            // evaluate environment variable "ALOX_CONSOLE_HAS_LIGHT_BACKGROUND"
            Variable variable= new Variable( ALox.CONSOLE_HAS_LIGHT_BACKGROUND );
            if ( variable.Size() > 0 )
                IsBackgroundLight=  variable.IsTrue();
                // on ANSI terminals we can only guess. Our guess is: console windows have dark background
                IsBackgroundLight= false;

            // remove verbosity information and colorize the whole line
            MetaInfo.Format.SearchAndReplace( "]%V[", "][" );
            if ( IsBackgroundLight )
                MsgPrefixError           = ANSI_RED;
                MsgPrefixWarning         = ANSI_BLUE;
                MsgPrefixVerbose         = ANSI_GRAY;
                MsgPrefixError           = ANSI_LIGHT_RED;
                MsgPrefixWarning         = ANSI_LIGHT_BLUE;
                MsgPrefixVerbose         = ANSI_LIGHT_GRAY;

            // set source file background to gray
            AString ansiBGGray= new AString( ESC.BG_GRAY ); ansiBGGray._( "%SF(%SL):" )._( ANSI_BG_STD_COL );
            MetaInfo.Format.SearchAndReplace( "%SF(%SL):", ansiBGGray.ToString() );
    // #############################################################################################
    // ConfigurationPlugin interface implementation
    // #############################################################################################
        /** ****************************************************************************************
         * Searches the variable in our storage.
         * @param variable     The variable to retrieve.
         * @param searchOnly   If \c true, the variable is not read. Defaults to \c false.
         * @return \c true if variable was found, \c false if not.
        public override bool  Load( Variable variable, bool searchOnly= false )
            ALIB.ASSERT_WARNING( variable.Name.IsNotEmpty(), "Empty name given" );

            Section    section;
            Entry      entry=  null;
            if (    (section= SearchSection    ( variable.Category     ) ) != null
                 && (entry=   section.GetEntry ( variable.Name, false  ) ) != null
                 && !searchOnly                                                     )
                entry.ToVariable( this, variable );

            return entry != null;
  * Overrides default method. Clears the raw value, and calls base method.
  * @param parent    The plug-in we belong to.
  * @param variable  The variable to fill with our values.
 public override void FromVariable( InMemoryPlugin parent, Variable variable )
     base.FromVariable( parent, variable );
    // #############################################################################################
    // static entrance (Main)
    // #############################################################################################
    static void Main( string[] args )
        // first attach INI file to config system...
        IniFile iniFile= new IniFile();
        ALIB.Config.InsertPlugin( iniFile, Configuration.PrioIniFile );

        // .. then initialize ALox Logging Library
        ALox.Init( args );


        if ( iniFile.FileComments.IsEmpty() )
            "##################################################################################################\n" +
            "# ALox Samples INI file (created when running ALox Samples)\n"                                        +
            "#\n"                                                                                                  +
            "# (c) 2013-2016 A-Worx GmbH, Germany\n"                                                               +
            "# Published under MIT License (Open Source License, see LICENSE.txt)\n"                               +

        // Suppress setting "writeback" as default verbosities. We need to do this as this main()
        // method invokes a list of independent samples. Those would now read from the INI file wrong
        // values written in other sample methods and thus the samples would not work any more
        // (because INI file settings overrules settings in the code)
        Variable var= new Variable();
        var.Define( "ALOX", "LOG_DEBUG_LOGGER_VERBOSITY"  ).Store( "" );
        var.Define( "ALOX", "RELEASELOX_CONSOLE_VERBOSITY").Store( "" );
        var.Define( "ALOX", "LOG_MEMORY_VERBOSITY"        ).Store( "" );
        var.Define( "ALOX", "RELEASELOX_MEMORY_VERBOSITY" ).Store( "" );
        var.Define( "ALOX", "LOG_TEXTFILE_VERBOSITY"      ).Store( "" );

        // do some release logging tests.
        Console.WriteLine( "PRINT: Debug logging:" );

        // do some release logging tests.
        Console.WriteLine( "PRINT: Release logging:" );

        // do some performance tests.
        Console.WriteLine( "PRINT: Performance test (debug logging):" );

        // do some performance tests.
        Console.WriteLine( "PRINT: Performance test (release logging):" );

        // test class TextFileLogger
        Console.WriteLine( "PRINT: test class TextFileLogger:" );

        // test class terminal test (colors and styles)
        Console.WriteLine( "PRINT: Colors (depending on detected terminal):" );

        Console.WriteLine( "PRINT: Thats it!" );

        // sample ALib report facility through ALox

        ALIB.Config.RemovePlugin( iniFile );
        ALIB.Config.FetchFromDefault( iniFile );

    // #############################################################################################
    // public interface
    // #############################################################################################

        /** ****************************************************************************************
         * Constructs a scope info.
         * @param name              The name of the Lox we belong to.
         *                          Will be converted to upper case.
         * @param threadDictionary  A dictionary to map thread IDs to user friendly names which is
         *                          managed outside of this class.
        public ScopeInfo( String name,  Dictionary<int, String> threadDictionary )
            loxName= name.ToUpper();
            ALIB.ASSERT_ERROR( !loxName.Equals( "GLOBAL" ), "Name \"GLOBAL\" not allowed for Lox instances" );

            this.threadDictionary= threadDictionary;

            cache=  new SourceFile[cacheSize= DefaultCacheSize];
            for ( int i= 0; i< cacheSize; i++ )
                cache[i]= new SourceFile();
            actual= cache[0];

            // read trim rules from config
            // do 2 times, 0== local list, 1== global list
            List<SourcePathTrimRule> trimInfoList;
            for( int trimInfoNo= 0; trimInfoNo < 2 ; trimInfoNo++ )
                // check if done... or set list
                Variable variable= new Variable();
                if ( trimInfoNo == 0 )
                    trimInfoList= LocalSPTRs;
                    variable.Define(ALox.SPTR_LOX, loxName).Load();
                    if ( GlobalSPTRsReadFromConfig )
                    GlobalSPTRsReadFromConfig= true;
                    trimInfoList= GlobalSPTRs;

                if( variable.Priority != 0 )
                    Tokenizer ruleTok = new Tokenizer();
                    for( int ruleNo= 0; ruleNo< variable.Size(); ruleNo++ )
                        try {
                            ruleTok.Set( variable.GetString( ruleNo ), ',' );
                            SourcePathTrimRule rule= new SourcePathTrimRule();
                            rule.Priority= variable.Priority;
                            rule.Path= new AString();
                            if( ! ( rule.IsPrefix= !ruleTok.Actual.StartsWith( "*" ) ) )
                            rule.Path._( ruleTok.Actual );
                            if ( rule.Path.CharAtEnd() == '*' )
                                rule.Path.DeleteEnd( 1 );
                            if ( rule.Path.IsEmpty() )

                            if( Path.DirectorySeparatorChar == '/' )
                                rule.Path.SearchAndReplaceAll( "\\", "/"  );
                                rule.Path.SearchAndReplaceAll( "/" , "\\" );

                            rule.IncludeString = ALIB.ReadInclusion( ruleTok.Next() );

                            if ( ruleTok.HasNext () )
                                ruleTok.Next().ConsumeInteger( out rule.TrimOffset );

                            rule.Sensitivity = ALIB.ReadCase( ruleTok.Next() );

                            if ( ruleTok.HasNext () )
                                rule.TrimReplacement= ruleTok.Next().ToString();

                            trimInfoList.Add( rule );
                        catch( Exception )
                            ALIB.ERROR( "Error reading source path trim rule from configuration. Invalid String: "
                                        + variable.GetString( ruleNo ).ToString() );
 /** ****************************************************************************************
  * Writes a variable to the configuration.
  * This default implementation just returns \c false. If this method is not overwritten
  * in descendants, those descendants are not designed to write data.
  * @param variable  The variable to store.
  * @return \c true if the variable was written, \c false if not which typically indicates
  *         that this plug-in is not able to write values.
 public virtual bool Store( Variable variable )
     return false;
    // #############################################################################################
    // abstract/virtual interface
    // #############################################################################################

        /** ****************************************************************************************
         * Abstract method that has to be overwritten by descendants.
         * Searches and by default retrieves the value of a configuration variable.
         * If \p searchOnly is \c true, then the variable value is not read.
         * @param variable      The variable to retrieve.
         * @param searchOnly    If \c true, the variable must not be read. Defaults to \c false.
         * @return \c true if variable was found within this configuration source, \c false if not.
        public abstract bool  Load( Variable variable, bool searchOnly= false );
    // #############################################################################################
    // internal methods
    // #############################################################################################
        /** ****************************************************************************************
         * Implementation of get method. No locking is performed (has to be done before
         * invoking this method)
         * @param variable    The variable to get.
         * @param substitute  If \c false, automatic variable substitutions are suppressed.
         * @return Zero if the variable was not found. Otherwise it returns the priority of the
         *         (first) plug-in that contained the variable.
        public int loadImpl( Variable variable, bool substitute )

            // search variable
            int priority= 0;
            foreach ( PluginAndPrio ppp in plugins )
                if ( ppp.plugin.Load( variable ) )
                    priority= ppp.prio;

            // not found?
            if ( !substitute || priority == 0 )
                return 0;

            // substitution in all values of variable
            for ( int valueNo= 0; valueNo < variable.Size(); valueNo++ )
                int searchStartIdx=  0;
                int maxReplacements = 50;
                Variable replVar= null;
                    AString value= variable.GetString( valueNo );

                    // search start
                    int repStart= value.IndexOf( SubstitutionVariableStart, searchStartIdx );
                    if ( repStart < 0 )
                    searchStartIdx= repStart;
                    int varStart= repStart + SubstitutionVariableStart.Length();

                    if( replVar == null )
                        replVar= new Variable();
                    int repLen;
                    int varLen;

                    // search end in two different ways depending on setting of public field "SubstitutionVariableEnd"
                    if ( SubstitutionVariableEnd.IsEmpty() )
                        int idx=   value.IndexOfAny( SubstitutionVariableDelimiters, Inclusion.Include, varStart );
                        if ( idx < 0 )
                            idx= value.Length();

                        varLen= idx - varStart;
                        repLen= idx - repStart;
                        int idx=   value.IndexOf   ( SubstitutionVariableEnd, varStart );
                        if (idx < 0 )
                            ALIB.WARNING(   "End of substitution variable not found (while start was found). Variable name: "
                                           + variable.Fullname
                                           + " Value: \"" + value + "\"." );

                        varLen= idx - varStart;
                        repLen= idx + SubstitutionVariableEnd.Length() - repStart;


                    // get variable name string
                    if ( tmpReplVarAll.Set( value, varStart, varLen ).IsEmpty() )
                        searchStartIdx+=   SubstitutionVariableStart.Length()
                                         + SubstitutionVariableEnd.Length();

                    // parse category from name
                    int catSeparatorIdx= tmpReplVarAll.IndexOf( '_' );
                    if (catSeparatorIdx >= 0 )
                        tmpReplVarCategory.Set( tmpReplVarAll, 0                   , catSeparatorIdx );
                        tmpReplVarName    .Set( tmpReplVarAll, catSeparatorIdx + 1                   );
                        tmpReplVarName    .Set( tmpReplVarAll );

                    if ( tmpReplVarName.IsNotEmpty() )
                        replVar.Define( tmpReplVarCategory, tmpReplVarName, variable.Delim );
                        loadImpl( replVar, false );

                    // do the replacement (even if no variable was found)
                    if ( replVar.Size() == 1 )
                        value.ReplaceSubstring( replVar.GetString(), repStart, repLen );

                    else if ( replVar.Size() > 1 )
                        variable.ReplaceValue( valueNo, replVar );

                        // repeat replacements in current value, as current value changed

                        value.ReplaceSubstring( "",                 repStart, repLen );

                while( --maxReplacements > 0 );

                // warn if max replacements
                if( maxReplacements <= 0 )
                    ALIB.WARNING(     "Too many substitutions in variable "
                                      + variable.Fullname
                                      + ". Probably a recursive variable definition was made. ");

            return priority;
        public int   Store( Variable variable, Object externalizedValue= null )
            // checks
            if(     externalizedValue == null
                || ( externalizedValue is AString && ((AString) externalizedValue).IsNull() ) )

                if ( variable.Name.IsEmpty())
                    ALIB.ERROR( "Trying to store an undefined variable."  );
                    return 0;

                if ( variable.Size() > 1 && variable.Delim == '\0' )
                    ALIB.ERROR(   "Trying to store variable \"" + variable.Fullname
                                + "\" which has multiple values set but no delimiter defined."  );
                    return 0;

            // store us as config
            variable.Config= this;

            // detect?
            bool detected= variable.Priority < 0;
            if ( detected )
                variable.Priority= 0;
                foreach ( PluginAndPrio ppp in plugins )
                    if ( ppp.plugin.Load( variable, true ) )
                        variable.Priority= ppp.prio;

            // new variables go to default
            if ( variable.Priority == 0 )
                variable.Priority= Configuration.PrioDefault;

            // we do not store if detected priority is protected
            else if( detected && variable.Priority == Configuration.PrioProtected )
                return (variable.Priority= 0);

            // store
            foreach ( PluginAndPrio ppp in plugins )
                if (    ppp.prio <= variable.Priority
                     && ppp.plugin.Store( variable, externalizedValue ) )
                        return (variable.Priority= ppp.prio);

            return (variable.Priority= 0);
        public int  Load( Variable    variable )
            variable.Config=    this;
            variable.Priority=  loadImpl( variable, true );

            if ( variable.Priority == 0 && variable.DefaultValue.IsNotNull() )
                Store( variable, variable.DefaultValue );

            return variable.Priority;
        public int FetchFromDefault( ConfigurationPlugin dest)
            int cntCopied= 0;
            Variable variable= new Variable();
            for( int sNo= 0; sNo < DefaultValues.Sections.Count ; sNo++ )
                InMemoryPlugin.Section section= DefaultValues.Sections[sNo];
                for( int vNo= 0; vNo < section.Entries.Count ; vNo++ )
                    InMemoryPlugin.Entry entry= section.Entries[vNo];
                    if( !dest.Load( variable.Define(section.Name, entry.Name ), true ) )
                        DefaultValues.Load  ( variable );
                        dest.Store( variable );

            return  cntCopied;
        /** ****************************************************************************************
         * This method must be called prior to using ALib, e.g. at the beginning of
         * the \c main() method of an application. It is OK, to call this method more than once, which
         * allows independent code blocks (e.g. libraries) to bootstrap %ALIB independently.
         * However, only the first invocation is effective with the exclamation that if
         * command line parameters are provided with a call, those are set.
         * Also, the very first invocation should not be interrupted by a parallel invocation of a
         * second thread. Consequently, it has to be assured that this method is invoked once on
         * the real bootstrap an app.
         * In the C# version of the AWorx library, the invocation of this method is optional.
         * However, it is good practice to invoke this method in the main() method of a process
         * and provide the command line arguments. If no invocation is performed, no
         * configuration plug-ins are set.
         * \note
         *   If other, custom configuration data sources should be used already with this method
         *   (in the current implementation, the only configuration variable read with this method
         *   is \c WAIT_FOR_KEY_PRESS), then such plug-in(s) have to be added to
         *   public, static field #Config prior to invoking this method.
         * @param args    Parameters taken from <em>standard C#</em> method \c main()
         *                (the list of command line arguments).
         *                Defaults to null.
        public static void     Init( String[] args= null )
            Config.SetCommandLineArgs( args );

            if ( isInitialized )
            isInitialized= true;

            // set the system's locale as the default for our static default number format

            // --- determine if we want to wait for a keypress upon termination ---
                Variable variable= new Variable( ALIB.WAIT_FOR_KEY_PRESS );
                if ( variable.Size() > 0 )
                    WaitForKeyPressOnTermination= variable.IsTrue();
                    #if ALIB_VSTUDIO
                        WaitForKeyPressOnTermination=  ALIB.SysInfo_HasConsoleWindow && System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached;
                        WaitForKeyPressOnTermination=  false;
                    #endif // WIN32
        /** ****************************************************************************************
         * Replaces the value at \p idx with the values of the given other variable.
         * @param  idx          The index of the value to replace.
         * @param  replVariable The variable providing the replacement values.
        public void ReplaceValue( int idx, Variable replVariable )
            if( idx < 0 || idx >= qtyValues )
                ALIB.WARNING( "Index out of range: " + idx + " ( 0 - " + qtyValues + " allowed)." );

            int replSize= replVariable.Size();
            if( replSize == 0 )
                values.RemoveAt( idx );

            values[ idx ]._()._( replVariable.GetString(0) );
            for( int i= 1 ; i < replSize; i++ )
                values.Insert( idx + i, new AString( replVariable.GetString(i) ) );
 /** ****************************************************************************************
  * Convenience method that parses the values from the given string using field
  * #StringConverter and then invokes \ref Store(Variable) "Store".
  * @param variable          The variable to store.
  * @param externalizedValue The value to parse into the variable before storing
  * @return \c true if the variable was written, \c false if not which typically indicates
  *         that this plug-in is not able to write values.
 public virtual bool  Store( Variable variable, Object externalizedValue )
     if(     externalizedValue != null
         && ( !(externalizedValue is AString) || ((AString) externalizedValue).IsNotNull() ) )
         StringConverter.LoadFromString( variable, externalizedValue );
     return Store( variable );
        public static void AddDebugLogger( Lox lox= null,
        [CallerLineNumber] int cln= 0,[CallerFilePath] String csf="",[CallerMemberName] String cmn="" )
            #if ALOX_DBG_LOG

                if ( lox == null )
                    lox= LOX;

                ALIB.ASSERT_ERROR( DebugLogger == null, "Illeagal repeated invocation." );

                // add a CLR logger if this a debug session
                if( System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached )
                    Variable variable= new Variable(ALox.NO_IDE_LOGGER);
                    if( !variable.IsTrue() )
                        IDELogger= new CLRDebuggerLogger( "IDE_LOGGER" );

                        // add logger
                        lox.SetVerbosity( IDELogger  , Verbosity.Verbose, "/"                 , Configuration.PrioDefault ,cln,csf,cmn );
                        lox.SetVerbosity( IDELogger  , Verbosity.Warning, ALox.InternalDomains, Configuration.PrioDefault ,cln,csf,cmn );

                // add a default console logger
                DebugLogger= Lox.CreateConsoleLogger("DEBUG_LOGGER");

                lox.SetVerbosity( DebugLogger, Verbosity.Verbose, "/"                 , Configuration.PrioDefault ,cln,csf,cmn );
                lox.SetVerbosity( DebugLogger, Verbosity.Warning, ALox.InternalDomains, Configuration.PrioDefault ,cln,csf,cmn );

                // replace the ReportWriter
                Log.AddALibReportWriter( lox );

    bool  Load( Variable variable, bool searchOnly= false )
        if ( args == null )
            return false;

        int   optionLength=   variable.Fullname.Length();
        Substring actVar=     new Substring();

        for ( int i= 0; i < args.Length ; i++ )
            // remove whitespaces (if somebody would work with quotation marks...)
            // and request '-' and allow a second '-'
            if ( !actVar.Set( args[i] ).Trim().Consume('-') )
            actVar.Consume( '-' );

            if ( variable.Fullname.CompareTo( args[i], Case.Ignore, actVar.Start, optionLength, 0, optionLength ) == 0)
                //again, lets trim before searching the = sign (really almost unnecessary)
                actVar.Start+= optionLength;
                if ( actVar.IsEmpty() )
                    if ( !searchOnly )
                    return true;

                if ( actVar.Consume( '=', Case.Sensitive, Whitespaces.Trim ) )
                    if ( !searchOnly )
                        StringConverter.LoadFromString( variable, actVar );

                    return true;

        return false;
             * Overrides default method. If we have not parsed the INI file text value, yet,
             * we do this now.
             * @param parent    The plug-in we belong to.
             * @param variable  The variable to fill with our values.
            public override void ToVariable( InMemoryPlugin parent, Variable variable )
                // if we are still raw, then parse the INI file content
                if ( Values.Count == 0  )
                    ALIB.ASSERT( Delim == '\0' );
                    Delim= variable.Delim;
                    variable.Comments._()._( Comments );

                    //-----  remove INI-File specific from raw value -----
                    AString raw= new AString();
                    raw._( RawValue );

                    // remove '='
                    if ( raw.CharAtStart() != '=' )
                        ALIB.WARNING( "No equal sign in variable \"" + variable.Fullname + "\" of INI file." );

                    // remove "\\n"
                    int startIdx= 0;
                    while ( (startIdx= raw.IndexOf( '\n', startIdx )) >= 0 )
                        // find \\n and trim around this location
                        int delLen= 2;
                        if ( raw.CharAt( --startIdx) == '\r' )
                            delLen= 3;
                        ALIB.ASSERT( raw.CharAt(startIdx) == '\\' );
                        raw.Delete( startIdx, delLen );

                        startIdx= raw.TrimAt( startIdx );

                        // if now the next value is starting with a comment symbol, we remove to the next \n
                            char c= raw.CharAt( startIdx );
                            if (     c != '#'
                                &&   c != ';'
                                && ( c != '/' || raw.CharAt( startIdx + 1 ) != '/' ) )

                            int idx= raw.IndexOf( '\n' );
                            if (idx < 0 ) idx= raw.Length();
                            raw.Delete( startIdx, idx - startIdx + 1 );
                            if( startIdx >= raw.Length() )
                            startIdx= raw.TrimAt( startIdx );

                    // now convert
                    parent.StringConverter.LoadFromString( variable, raw );

                    // copy the parsed values back to our entry and store the delimiter
                    for( int i= 0; i < variable.Size() ; i++ )
                        Values.Add( new AString( variable.GetString( i ) ) );

                // otherwise, use base method
                    base.ToVariable( parent, variable );
    bool  Load( Variable variable, bool searchOnly= false )
        tmpAS._()._( variable.Fullname ).ToUpper();

        String env= System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable( tmpAS.ToString() );
        if ( env == null )
            return false;
        if ( !searchOnly )
            StringConverter.LoadFromString( variable, env );
        return true;
 // #############################################################################################
 // ConfigurationPlugin interface implementation
 // #############################################################################################
     /** ****************************************************************************************
      * Creates or replaces existing variable in our storage. If #AutoSave is set, the file
      * is written
      * @param variable  The variable to retrieve.
      * @return \c true if the variable was written, \c false if not. The latter might only
      *         happen if the variable given was illegal, e.g. empty name.
     public override bool  Store( Variable variable )
         base.Store( variable );
         if ( AutoSave )
         return true;
    void    LoadFromString( Variable variable, Object src )
        AString varValue= variable.AddString();

        Substring subs= null;
        if( src is Substring)
            subs= (Substring) src;
        else if ( src is AString )
            subs= tmpSubs;
            subs.Set( (AString) src );
            tmpAS._()._( src );
            tmpSubs.Set( tmpAS );
            subs= tmpSubs;

        // tokenize
        bool inQuote=      false;
        bool lastWasSlash= false;
        int  idx=          0;
        while( idx < subs.Length()  )
            char c= subs.CharAt( idx++ );

            if( lastWasSlash )
                lastWasSlash= false;

            if( c== '\\' )
                lastWasSlash= true;

            if( c== '"' )
                inQuote= !inQuote;

            if( !inQuote && c == variable.Delim )
                tmpSubs2.Set( subs, 0, idx - 1 );
                InternalizeValue( tmpSubs2, varValue );
                varValue= variable.AddString();
                subs.Consume( idx );
                idx= 0;
        if ( subs.IsNotEmpty() )
            InternalizeValue( subs, varValue );
        /** ****************************************************************************************
         * Creates or replaces existing variable in our storage.
         * @param variable  The variable to retrieve.
         * @return \c true if the variable was written, \c false if not. The latter might only
         *         happen if the variable given was illegal, e.g. empty name.
        public override bool  Store( Variable variable )
            Section     section= SearchOrCreateSection( variable.Category, null );
            if ( variable.Size() > 0 )
                Entry entry= section.GetEntry( variable.Name, true );
                entry.FromVariable( this, variable );
                return true;

            return  section.DeleteEntry( variable.Name );
 /** ********************************************************************************************
 * Log_TextLogger_FormatConfig
 void testFormatConfig( String testFormat,
                        String expFmt,
                        String expFmtError    = null,
                        String expFmtWarning  = null,
                        String expFmtInfo     = null,
                        String expFmtVerbose  = null
     Variable var= new Variable();
     var.Define(ALox.ConfigCategoryName, "TESTML_FORMAT", ',').Store( testFormat  );
     Lox lox= new Lox("TEST");   
     MemoryLogger ml= new MemoryLogger("TESTML");
     lox.SetVerbosity( ml, Verbosity.Info );
     lox.RemoveLogger( ml );
     ALox.Register( lox, ContainerOp.Remove );
                                  UT_EQ( expFmt       , ml.MetaInfo.Format );
     if( expFmtError  != null ) { UT_EQ( expFmtError  , ml.MetaInfo.VerbosityError   ); }
     if( expFmtWarning!= null ) { UT_EQ( expFmtWarning, ml.MetaInfo.VerbosityWarning ); }
     if( expFmtInfo   != null ) { UT_EQ( expFmtInfo   , ml.MetaInfo.VerbosityInfo    ); }
     if( expFmtVerbose!= null ) { UT_EQ( expFmtVerbose, ml.MetaInfo.VerbosityVerbose ); }
             * Virtual method that copies the values of the given \p variable to us.
             * @param parent    The plug-in we belong to.
             * @param variable  The variable to fill with our values.
            public virtual void FromVariable( InMemoryPlugin parent, Variable variable )
                // copy attributes
                Delim=               variable.Delim;
                FormatHints=         variable.FormatHints;
                FormatAttrAlignment= variable.FormatAttrAlignment;

                if ( Comments.IsEmpty() )    // do not overwrite comments
                    Comments._( variable.Comments );

                // adjust size of value array
                int varSize= variable.Size();
                int valSize= Values.Count;
                while (valSize < varSize )
                    Values.Add( new AString() );
                while (valSize > varSize )
                    Values.RemoveAt( --valSize );

                // copy
                for ( int i= 0; i< variable.Size(); i++ )
                    Values[i]._()._( variable.GetString(i) );
 /** ****************************************************************************************
  * Constructs a variable using the definition of another variable. The values are not
  * copied.
  * @param variable  A variable to copy the definition (which is comprised with fields
  *                  #Category, #Name, #Fullname, #Delim, #Comments and #DefaultValue) from.
 public Variable( Variable variable )
     Define( variable );
 /** ********************************************************************************************
  * Creates an AnsiConsoleLogger.
  * @param name        (Optional) The name of the \e Logger, defaults to "ANSI_CONSOLE".
 public AnsiConsoleLogger( String name= null )
 : base( Console.Out, true, name, "ANSI_CONSOLE" )
     // evaluate environment variable "ALOX_CONSOLE_HAS_LIGHT_BACKGROUND"
     Variable variable= new Variable( ALox.CONSOLE_HAS_LIGHT_BACKGROUND );
     if ( variable.Size() > 0 )
         IsBackgroundLight=  variable.IsTrue();
         ConsoleColor fgCol= Console.ForegroundColor;
         IsBackgroundLight=      fgCol == ConsoleColor.Black
                             ||  fgCol == ConsoleColor.DarkBlue
                             ||  fgCol == ConsoleColor.DarkCyan
                             ||  fgCol == ConsoleColor.DarkGray
                             ||  fgCol == ConsoleColor.DarkGreen
                             ||  fgCol == ConsoleColor.DarkMagenta
                             ||  fgCol == ConsoleColor.DarkRed
                             ||  fgCol == ConsoleColor.DarkYellow   ;
        /** ****************************************************************************************
         * Constructs a variable using the definition of another variable. The values are not
         * copied.
         * @param variable  A variable to copy the definition (which is comprised with fields
         *                  #Category, #Name, #Fullname, #Delim, #Comments and #DefaultValue) from.
         * @return \c this to allow concatenated operations.
        public Variable Define ( Variable variable )

            Name    ._(variable.Name);
            Delim=     variable.Delim;
            return this;