        /// <summary>
        /// Test for the case where publication lag=0, effective offset=0 (GBP conventions) and no cutoff period.
        ///   The arithmetic average coupons are used mainly in USD. This test is more for completeness than a real case.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void rateGbpNoCutOff()
            OvernightIndexRates mockRates = mock(typeof(OvernightIndexRates));

            SimpleRatesProvider simpleProv = new SimpleRatesProvider(mockRates);

            for (int i = 0; i < GBP_OBS.Length; i++)
            OvernightAveragedRateComputation          ro    = OvernightAveragedRateComputation.of(GBP_SONIA, START_DATE, END_DATE, 0, REF_DATA);
            ForwardOvernightAveragedRateComputationFn obsFn = ForwardOvernightAveragedRateComputationFn.DEFAULT;
            double accrualFactorTotal = 0.0d;
            double accruedRate        = 0.0d;
            int    indexLast          = 5; // Fixing in the observation period are from 1 to 5 (inclusive)

            for (int i = 1; i <= indexLast; i++)
                LocalDate startDate = GBP_OBS[i].EffectiveDate;
                LocalDate endDate   = GBP_OBS[i].MaturityDate;
                double    af        = GBP_SONIA.DayCount.yearFraction(startDate, endDate);
                accrualFactorTotal += af;
                accruedRate        += FIXING_RATES[i] * af;
            double rateExpected = accruedRate / accrualFactorTotal;
            double rateComputed = obsFn.rate(ro, DUMMY_ACCRUAL_START_DATE, DUMMY_ACCRUAL_END_DATE, simpleProv);

            assertEquals(rateExpected, rateComputed, TOLERANCE_RATE);
        /// <summary>
        /// Test for the case where publication lag=1, effective offset=0 (USD conventions) and cutoff=2 (FedFund swaps). </summary>
        public virtual void rateFedFund()
            OvernightIndexRates mockRates = mock(typeof(OvernightIndexRates));

            SimpleRatesProvider simpleProv = new SimpleRatesProvider(mockRates);

            for (int i = 0; i < USD_OBS.Length; i++)
            OvernightAveragedRateComputation          ro    = OvernightAveragedRateComputation.of(USD_FED_FUND, START_DATE, END_DATE, 2, REF_DATA);
            ForwardOvernightAveragedRateComputationFn obsFn = ForwardOvernightAveragedRateComputationFn.DEFAULT;
            double accrualFactorTotal = 0.0d;
            double accruedRate        = 0.0d;
            int    indexLast          = 5; // Fixing in the observation period are from 1 to 5 (inclusive), but last is modified by cut-off

            for (int i = 1; i <= indexLast - 1; i++)
                LocalDate endDate = USD_OBS[i].MaturityDate;
                double    af      = USD_FED_FUND.DayCount.yearFraction(FIXING_DATES[i], endDate);
                accrualFactorTotal += af;
                accruedRate        += FIXING_RATES[i] * af;
            // CutOff
            LocalDate endDate = USD_OBS[indexLast].MaturityDate;
            double    af      = USD_FED_FUND.DayCount.yearFraction(FIXING_DATES[indexLast], endDate);

            accrualFactorTotal += af;
            accruedRate        += FIXING_RATES[indexLast - 1] * af;
            double rateExpected = accruedRate / accrualFactorTotal;
            double rateComputed = obsFn.rate(ro, DUMMY_ACCRUAL_START_DATE, DUMMY_ACCRUAL_END_DATE, simpleProv);

            assertEquals(rateExpected, rateComputed, TOLERANCE_RATE);
        private double?[] computedSensitivityFD(OvernightAveragedRateComputation ro, OvernightIndex index, OvernightIndexObservation[] indexObs)
            int nRates = FIXING_DATES.Length;

            OvernightIndexRates[] mockRatesUp  = new OvernightIndexRates[nRates];
            SimpleRatesProvider[] simpleProvUp = new SimpleRatesProvider[nRates];
            OvernightIndexRates[] mockRatesDw  = new OvernightIndexRates[nRates];
            SimpleRatesProvider[] simpleProvDw = new SimpleRatesProvider[nRates];
            double[][]            ratesUp      = new double[nRates][];
            double[][]            ratesDw      = new double[nRates][];
            for (int i = 0; i < nRates; ++i)
                mockRatesUp[i]  = mock(typeof(OvernightIndexRates));
                simpleProvUp[i] = new SimpleRatesProvider(mockRatesUp[i]);
                mockRatesDw[i]  = mock(typeof(OvernightIndexRates));
                simpleProvDw[i] = new SimpleRatesProvider(mockRatesDw[i]);
                ratesUp[i]      = Arrays.copyOf(FIXING_RATES, nRates);
                ratesDw[i]      = Arrays.copyOf(FIXING_RATES, nRates);
                ratesUp[i][i]  += EPS_FD;
                ratesDw[i][i]  -= EPS_FD;
            for (int i = 0; i < nRates; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < nRates; ++j)
            ForwardOvernightAveragedRateComputationFn obsFn = ForwardOvernightAveragedRateComputationFn.DEFAULT;
            IList <double> sensitivityExpected = new List <double>();

            for (int i = 0; i < nRates; ++i)
                double rateUp = obsFn.rate(ro, DUMMY_ACCRUAL_START_DATE, DUMMY_ACCRUAL_END_DATE, simpleProvUp[i]);
                double rateDw = obsFn.rate(ro, DUMMY_ACCRUAL_START_DATE, DUMMY_ACCRUAL_END_DATE, simpleProvDw[i]);
                double res    = 0.5 * (rateUp - rateDw) / EPS_FD;
                if (Math.Abs(res) > 1.0e-14)
            int size = sensitivityExpected.Count;

            double?[] result = new double?[size];
        /// <summary>
        /// Test for the case where publication lag=1, effective offset=0 (USD conventions) and no cutoff period. </summary>
        public virtual void rateFedFundNoCutOff()
            OvernightIndexRates mockRates = mock(typeof(OvernightIndexRates));

            SimpleRatesProvider simpleProv = new SimpleRatesProvider(mockRates);

            for (int i = 0; i < USD_OBS.Length; i++)
            OvernightAveragedRateComputation ro = OvernightAveragedRateComputation.of(USD_FED_FUND, START_DATE, END_DATE, 0, REF_DATA);
            // Accrual dates = fixing dates
            ForwardOvernightAveragedRateComputationFn obsFn = ForwardOvernightAveragedRateComputationFn.DEFAULT;
            double accrualFactorTotal = 0.0d;
            double accruedRate        = 0.0d;
            int    indexLast          = 5; // Fixing in the observation period are from 1 to 5 (inclusive)

            for (int i = 1; i <= indexLast; i++)
                LocalDate endDate = USD_OBS[i].MaturityDate;
                double    af      = USD_FED_FUND.DayCount.yearFraction(FIXING_DATES[i], endDate);
                accrualFactorTotal += af;
                accruedRate        += FIXING_RATES[i] * af;
            double rateExpected = accruedRate / accrualFactorTotal;
            double rateComputed = obsFn.rate(ro, DUMMY_ACCRUAL_START_DATE, DUMMY_ACCRUAL_END_DATE, simpleProv);

            assertEquals(rateExpected, rateComputed, TOLERANCE_RATE);

            // explain
            ExplainMapBuilder builder       = ExplainMap.builder();
            double            explainedRate = obsFn.explainRate(ro, DUMMY_ACCRUAL_START_DATE, DUMMY_ACCRUAL_END_DATE, simpleProv, builder);

            assertEquals(explainedRate, rateExpected, TOLERANCE_RATE);

            ExplainMap built = builder.build();

            assertEquals(built.get(ExplainKey.OBSERVATIONS).Present, false);
            assertEquals(built.get(ExplainKey.COMBINED_RATE).Value.doubleValue(), rateExpected, TOLERANCE_RATE);
        /// <summary>
        /// Test parameter sensitivity with finite difference sensitivity calculator. No cutoff period. </summary>
        public virtual void rateChfNoCutOffParameterSensitivity()
            LocalDate[] valuationDate = new LocalDate[] { date(2015, 1, 1), date(2015, 1, 8) };
            DoubleArray time          = DoubleArray.of(0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 5.0, 10.0);
            DoubleArray rate          = DoubleArray.of(0.0100, 0.0110, 0.0115, 0.0130, 0.0135, 0.0135);

            for (int loopvaldate = 0; loopvaldate < 2; loopvaldate++)
                Curve onCurve = InterpolatedNodalCurve.of(Curves.zeroRates("ON", ACT_ACT_ISDA), time, rate, INTERPOLATOR);
                ImmutableRatesProvider                    prov  = ImmutableRatesProvider.builder(valuationDate[loopvaldate]).overnightIndexCurve(CHF_TOIS, onCurve, TIME_SERIES).build();
                OvernightAveragedRateComputation          ro    = OvernightAveragedRateComputation.of(CHF_TOIS, START_DATE, END_DATE, 0, REF_DATA);
                ForwardOvernightAveragedRateComputationFn obsFn = ForwardOvernightAveragedRateComputationFn.DEFAULT;

                PointSensitivityBuilder        sensitivityBuilderComputed   = obsFn.rateSensitivity(ro, DUMMY_ACCRUAL_START_DATE, DUMMY_ACCRUAL_END_DATE, prov);
                CurrencyParameterSensitivities parameterSensitivityComputed = prov.parameterSensitivity(sensitivityBuilderComputed.build());

                CurrencyParameterSensitivities parameterSensitivityExpected = CAL_FD.sensitivity(prov, (p) => CurrencyAmount.of(CHF_TOIS.Currency, obsFn.rate(ro, DUMMY_ACCRUAL_START_DATE, DUMMY_ACCRUAL_END_DATE, (p))));
                assertTrue(parameterSensitivityComputed.equalWithTolerance(parameterSensitivityExpected, EPS_FD * 10.0));