	  /// <summary>
	  /// Test cash flow for ISDA FRA Discounting method.
	  /// </summary>
	  public virtual void test_cashFlows_ISDA()
		ResolvedFra fraExp = RFRA;
		SimpleRatesProvider prov = createProvider(fraExp);

		double fixedRate = FRA.FixedRate;
		double yearFraction = fraExp.YearFraction;
		double notional = fraExp.Notional;
		double expected = notional * yearFraction * (FORWARD_RATE - fixedRate) / (1.0 + yearFraction * FORWARD_RATE);

		DiscountingFraProductPricer test = DiscountingFraProductPricer.DEFAULT;
		CashFlows computed = test.cashFlows(fraExp, prov);
		assertEquals(computed.getCashFlows().size(), 1);
		assertEquals(computed.getCashFlows().size(), 1);
		assertEquals(computed.getCashFlows().get(0).PaymentDate, fraExp.PaymentDate);
		assertEquals(computed.getCashFlows().get(0).ForecastValue.Currency, fraExp.Currency);
		assertEquals(computed.getCashFlows().get(0).ForecastValue.Amount, expected, TOLERANCE);

		// test via FraTrade
		DiscountingFraTradePricer testTrade = new DiscountingFraTradePricer(test);
		assertEquals(testTrade.cashFlows(RFRA_TRADE, prov), test.cashFlows(fraExp, prov));
 /// <summary>
 /// Calculates the future cash flow of the FRA trade.
 /// <para>
 /// There is only one cash flow on the payment date for the FRA trade.
 /// The expected currency amount of the cash flow is the same as <seealso cref="#forecastValue(ResolvedFraTrade, RatesProvider)"/>.
 /// </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="trade">  the trade </param>
 /// <param name="provider">  the rates provider </param>
 /// <returns> the cash flows </returns>
 public virtual CashFlows cashFlows(ResolvedFraTrade trade, RatesProvider provider)
     return(productPricer.cashFlows(trade.Product, provider));