        /// <summary>
        /// What to do when the Export button is clicked
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void btnExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Asbestos underpants:
                // This only makes sense if the registry keys are open...
                if (CryptnosRegistryKeyOpen())
                    // ... and if there are any actual sites saved in the registry:
                    if (siteParamsKey.GetValueNames().Length > 0)
                        // Open up the export dialog and let the user select what sites
                        // they want to export:
                        object[] sitesToExport = new object[cbSites.Items.Count];
                        cbSites.Items.CopyTo(sitesToExport, 0);
                        ExportSitesForm esf = new ExportSitesForm(sitesToExport,
                            chkShowTooltips.Checked, TopMost, this);
                        // If they selected anything to export:
                        if (esf.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK && esf.SelectedSites != null
                            && esf.SelectedSites.Length > 0)
                            sitesToExport = esf.SelectedSites;
                            // Prompt the user for a passphrase.  All Cryptnos export files are
                            // encrypted, so we need a passphrase to encrypt the data with.
                            PassphraseDialog pd =
                                new PassphraseDialog(PassphraseDialog.Mode.Export_Initial, TopMost);
                            if (pd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                                string passphrase = pd.Passphrase;
                                // Now prompt them for their passphrase again to make sure they
                                // don't misstype it:
                                pd = new PassphraseDialog(PassphraseDialog.Mode.Export_Confirm, TopMost);
                                if (pd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                                    // If the passphrases match:
                                    if (passphrase == pd.Passphrase)
                                        // Now prompt the user for a file to save to:
                                        SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog();
                                        sfd.InitialDirectory = lastImportExportPath;
                                        if (sfd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                                            string filename = sfd.FileName;
                                            // Save the last import/export path for later
                                            // use.  Note that if this fails, don't sweat it.
                                            try { lastImportExportPath =
                                                (new FileInfo(filename)).DirectoryName; }
                                            catch { }

                                            // Generate a generic List of SiteParameters objects.
                                            // Site Parameters are serializable, as are generic
                                            // Lists (if the underlying object is serializable), so
                                            // our output file will simply be a serialized List of
                                            // these objects, encrypted to protect their data.
                                            List<SiteParameters> siteParams =
                                                new List<SiteParameters>();
                                            foreach (object site in sitesToExport)
                                                SiteParameters sp =
                                            // Hand the actual heavy lifting off to the
                                            // import/export handler class:
                                                passphrase, exportGenerator, siteParams);
                                            // If we get this far, we must have been successful.
                                            // Display a success message to the user:
                                            MessageBox.Show("Your site parameters have been " +
                                                "successfully  exported.", "Information",
                                                MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                                    // The two passphrases did not match:
                                    else MessageBox.Show("The two passphrases did not match.  " +
                                            "Please try exporting your parameters again.", "Error",
                                            MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                    // No parameters were found to export:
                        MessageBox.Show("You have no settings to export, so there's nothing " +
                           "for me to do!", "Information", MessageBoxButtons.OK,
                        btnExport.Enabled = false;
                // The registry keys weren't open:
                else MessageBox.Show("I could not open the registry to get your site parameter " +
                    "options, so I can't export anything!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK,
            // Something blew up.  We need more robust, user-friendly error messages here.
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (debug)
                    MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK,
                    MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK,
 /// <summary>
 /// What to do when the Import button is clicked
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 private void btnImport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     // Asbestos underpants:
         // This should never happen as the import button gets disabled when the Lock checkbox
         // is checked, but as a sanity check, don't let them change their settings if they've
         // locked the parameters:
         if (chkRemember.Checked && chkLock.Checked)
             MessageBox.Show("You currently have your site parameters locked. You " +
                 "must unlock your site parameters for this change to take effect.",
                 "Information", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
             btnForget.Enabled = false;
             btnForgetAll.Enabled = false;
         // Otherwise:
             // This only makes sense if we can open the registry:
             if (CryptnosRegistryKeyOpen())
                 // Prompt the user for an import file:
                 OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog();
                 ofd.InitialDirectory = lastImportExportPath;
                 if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                     // Take note of the file name, as well as update the last
                     // import/export path for later use.  Note that if, for some
                     // bizarre reason, the last import/export path fetch fails,
                     // we don't sweat it.  That's not important right now.
                     string filename = ofd.FileName;
                         lastImportExportPath =
                             (new FileInfo(filename)).DirectoryName;
                     catch { }
                     // Prompt the user for their passphrase (Cryptnos files are always
                     // encrypted):
                     PassphraseDialog pd =
                         new PassphraseDialog(PassphraseDialog.Mode.Import, TopMost);
                     if (pd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                         string passphrase = pd.Passphrase;
                         // Read the data from the import file.  For this, we hand
                         // the heavy lifting to the ImportExportHandler.  Note that
                         // this should transparently handle both the old and new
                         // export formats, so we don't have to sweat that detail.
                         List<SiteParameters> siteParamList =
                             ImportExportHandler.ImportFromFile(filename, passphrase);
                         if (siteParamList != null && siteParamList.Count > 0)
                             // Launch the import dialog so the user can pick and choose which
                             // sites to import:
                             ImportDialog id = new ImportDialog(this, siteParamList, debug, TopMost,
                             if (id.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                                 // Get the filtered list of parameters.  Note that this should
                                 // always have something in it; if the list were empty, the dialog
                                 // should switch to a Cancel result.
                                 siteParamList = id.SiteParams;
                                 // If the import didn't blow up, step through the list
                                 // and save each set of parameters to the registry.  Note that
                                 // if a given site already exists in the registry, this will
                                 // overwrite it.
                                 foreach (SiteParameters siteParam in siteParamList)
                                 // Now regenerate the sites drop-down list with the newly
                                 // imported data and let the user know we were successful.
                                 MessageBox.Show("The parameters have been successfully " +
                                     "imported from the file.", "Information",
                                     MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                                 btnExport.Enabled = true;
                                 btnForgetAll.Enabled = true;
                                 btnForget.Enabled = true;
                         // I don't think this will happen (an exception should be thrown if the file
                         // is invalid), but if the site list is empty, complain:
                         else MessageBox.Show("No valid Cryptnos parameters could be loaded " +
                             "from the file. Make sure the file is not corrupted", "Error",
                             MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
             // The registry keys weren't open:
             else MessageBox.Show("I could not open the registry to get your site parameter " +
                 "options, so I can't import anything!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK,
     // If we got an ImportHandlerException, it probably has some sort of very specific
     // message we can show back to the user:
     catch (ImportHandlerException ihe)
         MessageBox.Show(ihe.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK,
     // Otherwise, if something else blew up, notify the user.  This needs to be more
     // robust with more specific and user-friendly messages.
         MessageBox.Show("I was unable to import site parameters from the specified " +
             "file.  Make sure you have entered your passphrase correctly and that " +
             "the file has not been corrupted.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK,