public static void BlendImages(ref ColorImage lower, ColorImage upper, Color c, int xc, int yc) { int xOffset = xc - upper.Width; int yOffset = yc - upper.Height; for (int y = 0; y < upper.Height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < upper.Width; x++) { int lowerX = x + xOffset + 15; int lowerY = y + yOffset + 15; if ((lowerX > 0) && (lowerX < lower.Width) && (lowerY > 0) && (lowerY < lower.Height)) { int upperR = upper.GetColor(x, y).R; double alpha = upperR / 255.0; double oneMinusAlpha = (1.0 - alpha); Color lowerC = lower.GetColor(lowerX, lowerY); int r = (int)((alpha * c.R) + (lowerC.R * oneMinusAlpha)); int g = (int)((alpha * c.G) + (lowerC.G * oneMinusAlpha)); int b = (int)((alpha * c.B) + (lowerC.B * oneMinusAlpha)); lower.SetColor(lowerX, lowerY, Color.FromArgb(r, g, b)); } } } }
public ColorImage GenerateStrokeArea(Bitmap input, int s) { FastColorImage piece = new FastColorImage(); double m; ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); double pixVal; DateTime start = DateTime.Now; //Bitmap img = new Bitmap(input.Width, input.Height); ColorImage cImg = new ColorImage(input.Width, input.Height); StreamWriter writer = null; //new StreamWriter("new.txt"); FastColorImage inMem = new FastColorImage(new UnsafeBitmap(input)); for (int i = 0; i < input.Height; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < input.Width; j++) { inMem.FastCrop(j, i, s, s, ref piece); System.Drawing.Color topColor = inMem.GetColor(j, i); m = Moment00(piece, topColor, writer); pixVal = (255.0 * m / (piece.Width * piece.Height)); cImg.SetColor(j, i, Color.FromArgb((int)pixVal, (int)pixVal, (int)pixVal)); } } //img.Save("area.jpg", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg); TimeSpan duration = DateTime.Now - start; System.Console.WriteLine("Stroke area computed in " + duration.TotalMilliseconds + "ms"); return(cImg); }
public static ColorImage Rotate(ColorImage input, double thetaInRadians) { double q = thetaInRadians; int max = System.Math.Max(input.Width, input.Height); ColorImage output = new ColorImage(max + max, max + max); double cosX = System.Math.Cos(q); double sinX = System.Math.Sin(q); int origXCenter = input.Width / 2; int origYCenter = input.Height / 2; int xOffset = (int)(output.Width / 2); int yOffset = (int)(output.Height / 2); int xCenter = (int)((origXCenter * cosX) - (origYCenter * sinX)); int yCenter = (int)((origXCenter * sinX) + (origYCenter * cosX)); int xc = 0, yc = 0; for (int y = 0; y < input.Height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < input.Width; x++) { xc = x - origXCenter; yc = y - origYCenter; int xPrime = (int)((xc * cosX) - (yc * sinX)) + xOffset; int yPrime = (int)((xc * sinX) + (yc * cosX)) + yOffset; if ((xPrime > 0) && (xPrime < output.singledata.Length) && (yPrime > 0) && (yPrime < output.singledata.Length)) { output.SetColor(xPrime, yPrime, input.GetColor(x, y)); } } } return(output); }
public static ColorImage ScaleHeight(ColorImage input, int oh) { ColorImage output = new ColorImage(input.Width, oh); int x, y, v; int res_r, acc_r; int res_g, acc_g; int res_b, acc_b; int p, q; int ih = input.Height; int area = (ih * oh); for (x = 0; x < input.Width; x++) { q = ih; p = oh; acc_r = 0; acc_g = 0; acc_b = 0; y = v = 0; while (y < oh) { if (v + 1 < ih) { /* * res_r = p *[v][x].R + (oh - p) *[v][x].R; * res_g = p *[v][x].G + (oh - p) *[v][x].G; * res_b = p *[v][x].B + (oh - p) *[v][x].B; */ Color cxv = input.GetColor(x, v); res_r = p * cxv.R + (oh - p) * cxv.R; res_g = p * cxv.G + (oh - p) * cxv.G; res_b = p * cxv.B + (oh - p) * cxv.B; } else { /* * res_r = oh *[v][x].R; * res_g = oh *[v][x].G; * res_b = oh *[v][x].B; */ Color cxv = input.GetColor(x, v); res_r = oh * cxv.R; res_g = oh * cxv.G; res_b = oh * cxv.B; } if (p < q) { acc_r += res_r * p; acc_g += res_g * p; acc_b += res_b * p; q -= p; p = oh; v++; } else { acc_r += res_r * q; acc_g += res_g * q; acc_b += res_b * q; //[y][x]= Color.FromArgb((byte)(acc_r / area), (byte)(acc_g / area), (byte)(acc_b / area)); output.SetColor(x, y, Color.FromArgb((byte)(acc_r / area), (byte)(acc_g / area), (byte)(acc_b / area))); acc_r = 0; acc_g = 0; acc_b = 0; p -= q; q = ih; y++; } } } output.Width = input.Width; output.Height = oh; return(output); }
public static ColorImage ScaleWidth(ColorImage input, int ow) { ColorImage output = new ColorImage(ow, input.Height); int u, x, y; int res_r, res_g, res_b, acc_r, acc_g, acc_b; int p, q; int iw = input.Width; int area = (ow * iw); for (y = 0; y < input.Height; y++) { q = iw; p = ow; acc_r = 0; acc_g = 0; acc_b = 0; x = u = 0; while (x < ow) { if (u + 1 < iw) { /* * res_r = p *[y][u].R + (ow - p) *[y][u+1].R; * res_g = p *[y][u].G + (ow - p) *[y][u+1].G; * res_b = p *[y][u].B + (ow - p) *[y][u+1].B; */ Color cuy = input.GetColor(u, y); Color cuPlusOney = input.GetColor(u + 1, y); res_r = p * cuy.R + (ow - p) * cuPlusOney.R; res_g = p * cuy.G + (ow - p) * cuPlusOney.G; res_b = p * cuy.B + (ow - p) * cuPlusOney.B; } else { /* * res_r = ow *[y][u].R; * res_g = ow *[y][u].G; * res_b = ow *[y][u].B; */ Color cuy = input.GetColor(u, y); res_r = ow * cuy.R; res_g = ow * cuy.G; res_b = ow * cuy.B; } if (p < q) { acc_r += res_r * p; acc_g += res_g * p; acc_b += res_b * p; q -= p; p = ow; u++; } else { acc_r += res_r * q; acc_g += res_g * q; acc_b += res_b * q; //[y][x] = Color.FromArgb((byte)(acc_r / area), (byte)(acc_g / area), (byte)(acc_b / area)); output.SetColor(x, y, Color.FromArgb((byte)(acc_r / area), (byte)(acc_g / area), (byte)(acc_b / area))); acc_r = 0; acc_g = 0; acc_b = 0; p -= q; q = iw; x++; } } } output.Width = ow; output.Height = input.Height; return(output); }
public static int Blend(ref ColorImage inp, ColorImage stroke, Color rgb, int xc, int yc) { int xi, yi; /* lower left corner in input image */ int xa, ya; /* corresponding corner in alpha image */ int wa, ha; /* area in alpha image to be blended */ wa = stroke.Width; xa = 0; xi = xc - wa / 2; if (xi < 0) { wa += xi; xa -= xi; xi = 0; } if (xi > inp.Width) { return(0); } if (wa <= 0) { return(0); } if (xi + wa >= inp.Width) { wa = inp.Width - xi; } ha = stroke.Height; ya = 0; yi = yc - ha / 2; if (yi < 0) { ha += yi; ya -= yi; yi = 0; } if (yi > inp.Height) { return(0); } if (ha <= 0) { return(0); } if (yi + ha >= inp.Height) { ha = inp.Height - yi; } //la = stroke->row*stroke->type; //li = in->row*in->type; //input = in->buffer + li*yi + xi*in->type; //alpha = stroke->buffer + la*ya + xa*stroke->type; for (int iny = yi, strokey = ya; strokey < ha; iny++, strokey++) { for (int inx = xi, strokex = xa; strokex < wa; inx++, strokex++) { int upperR = stroke.GetColor(strokex, strokey).R; double alpha = upperR / 255.0; double oneMinusAlpha = (1.0 - alpha); Color lowerC = inp.GetColor(inx, iny); int r = (int)((alpha * rgb.R) + (lowerC.R * oneMinusAlpha)); int g = (int)((alpha * rgb.G) + (lowerC.G * oneMinusAlpha)); int b = (int)((alpha * rgb.B) + (lowerC.B * oneMinusAlpha)); inp.SetColor(inx, iny, Color.FromArgb(r, g, b)); } } return(1); }