public static CCPointObject pointWithCCPoint(CCPoint ratio, CCPoint offset) { CCPointObject cCPointObject = new CCPointObject(); cCPointObject.initWithCCPoint(ratio, offset); return(cCPointObject); }
public static CCPointObject pointWithCCPoint(CCPoint ratio, CCPoint offset) { CCPointObject pRet = new CCPointObject(); pRet.initWithCCPoint(ratio, offset); //pRet->autorelease(); return pRet; }
public static CCPointObject pointWithCCPoint(CCPoint ratio, CCPoint offset) { CCPointObject pRet = new CCPointObject(); pRet.initWithCCPoint(ratio, offset); //pRet->autorelease(); return(pRet); }
public virtual void addChild(CCNode child, uint z, CCPoint parallaxRatio, CCPoint positionOffset) { CCPointObject.pointWithCCPoint(parallaxRatio, positionOffset).Child = child; CCPoint mTPosition = this.m_tPosition; mTPosition.x = mTPosition.x * parallaxRatio.x + positionOffset.x; mTPosition.y = mTPosition.y * parallaxRatio.y + positionOffset.y; child.position = mTPosition; base.addChild(child, (int)z, child.tag); }
public virtual void removeChild(CCNode child, bool cleanup) { for (int i = 0; i < m_pParallaxArray.Count; i++) { CCPointObject point = (CCPointObject)m_pParallaxArray[i]; if (point.Child == child) { //ccCArray.ccArrayRemoveObjectAtIndex(m_pParallaxArray, i); break; } } base.removeChild(child, cleanup); }
public virtual void AddChild(CCNode child, int z, CCPoint ratio, CCPoint offset) { Debug.Assert(child != null, "Argument must be non-nil"); CCPointObject obj = new CCPointObject(ratio, offset); obj.Child = child; m_pParallaxArray.Add(obj); CCPoint pos = m_tPosition; pos.X = pos.X * ratio.X + offset.X; pos.Y = pos.Y * ratio.Y + offset.Y; child.Position = pos; base.AddChild(child, z, child.Tag); }
public virtual void addChild(CCNode child, UInt32 z, CCPoint parallaxRatio, CCPoint positionOffset) { Debug.Assert(child != null, "Argument must be non-nil"); CCPointObject obj = CCPointObject.pointWithCCPoint(parallaxRatio, positionOffset); obj.Child = child; //ccCArray.ccArrayAppendObjectWithResize(m_pParallaxArray, (CCObject)obj); CCPoint pos = m_tPosition; pos.x = pos.x * parallaxRatio.x + positionOffset.x; pos.y = pos.y * parallaxRatio.y + positionOffset.y; child.position = pos; base.addChild(child, (int)z, child.tag); }
public virtual new void visit() { CCPoint cCPoint = this.absolutePosition(); if (!CCPoint.CCPointEqualToPoint(cCPoint, this.m_tLastPosition)) { for (int i = 0; i < this.m_pParallaxArray.Count; i++) { CCPointObject item = this.m_pParallaxArray[i]; float ratio = -cCPoint.x + cCPoint.x * item.Ratio.x + item.Offset.x; float single = -cCPoint.y + cCPoint.y * item.Ratio.y + item.Offset.y; item.Child.position = new CCPoint(ratio, single); } this.m_tLastPosition = cCPoint; } base.visit(); }
public virtual void visit() { // CCPoint pos = position_; // CCPoint pos = [self convertToWorldSpace:CCPointZero]; CCPoint pos = this.absolutePosition(); if (!CCPoint.CCPointEqualToPoint(pos, m_tLastPosition)) { for (int i = 0; i < m_pParallaxArray.Count; i++) { CCPointObject point = (CCPointObject)(m_pParallaxArray[i]); float x = -pos.x + pos.x * point.Ratio.x + point.Offset.x; float y = -pos.y + pos.y * point.Ratio.y + point.Offset.y; point.Child.position = new CCPoint(x, y); } m_tLastPosition = pos; } base.visit(); }