static List <Object> ReadDelimitedList(char delim, PushbackTextReader r, bool isRecursive, object opts) { LineNumberingTextReader lntr = r as LineNumberingTextReader; int firstLine = lntr != null ? lntr.LineNumber : -1; List <Object> a = new List <object>(); for (; ;) { int ch = r.Read(); while (isWhitespace(ch)) { ch = r.Read(); } if (ch == -1) { if (firstLine < 0) { throw new EndOfStreamException("EOF while reading"); } else { throw new EndOfStreamException("EOF while reading, starting at line " + firstLine); } } if (ch == delim) { break; } IFn macroFn = getMacro(ch); if (macroFn != null) { Object mret = macroFn.invoke(r, (char)ch, opts); //no op macros return the reader if (mret != r) { a.Add(mret); } } else { Unread(r, ch); object o = read(r, true, null, isRecursive, opts); if (o != r) { a.Add(o); } } } return(a); }
static int readUnicodeChar(PushbackTextReader r, int initch, int radix, int length, bool exact) { int uc = CharValueInRadix(initch, radix); if (uc == -1) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid digit: " + (char)initch); } int i = 1; for (; i < length; ++i) { int ch = r.Read(); if (ch == -1 || isWhitespace(ch) || isMacro(ch)) { Unread(r, ch); break; } int d = CharValueInRadix(ch, radix); if (d == -1) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid digit: " + (char)ch); } uc = uc * radix + d; } if (i != length && exact) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid character length: " + i + ", should be: " + length); } return(uc); }
static object readNumber(PushbackTextReader r, char initch) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append(initch); for (; ;) { int ch = r.Read(); if (ch == -1 || isWhitespace(ch) || isMacro(ch)) { Unread(r, ch); break; } sb.Append((char)ch); } string s = sb.ToString(); object n = MatchNumber(s); if (n == null) { throw new FormatException("Invalid number: " + s); } return(n); }
public static List <Object> readDelimitedList(char delim, PushbackTextReader r, bool isRecursive) { List <Object> a = new List <object>(); for (; ;) { int ch = r.Read(); while (isWhitespace(ch)) { ch = r.Read(); } if (ch == -1) { throw new EndOfStreamException("EOF while reading"); } if (ch == delim) { break; } IFn macroFn = getMacro(ch); if (macroFn != null) { Object mret = macroFn.invoke(r, (char)ch); //no op macros return the reader if (mret != r) { a.Add(mret); } } else { Unread(r, ch); object o = read(r, true, null, isRecursive); if (o != r) { a.Add(o); } } } return(a); }
protected override object Read(PushbackTextReader r, char semicolon, object opts) { int ch; do { ch = r.Read(); } while (ch != -1 && ch != '\n' && ch != '\r'); return(r); }
protected override object Read(PushbackTextReader r, char doublequote) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int ch = r.Read(); ch != '"'; ch = r.Read()) { if (ch == -1) { throw new EndOfStreamException("EOF while reading regex"); } sb.Append((char)ch); if (ch == '\\') //escape { ch = r.Read(); if (ch == -1) { throw new EndOfStreamException("EOF while reading regex"); } sb.Append((char)ch); } } return(new Regex(sb.ToString())); }
protected override object Read(PushbackTextReader r, char hash) { int ch = r.Read(); if (ch == -1) { throw new EndOfStreamException("EOF while reading character"); } IFn fn = _dispatchMacros[ch]; if (fn == null) { throw new Exception(String.Format("No dispatch macro for: {0}", (char)ch)); } return(fn.invoke(r, (char)ch)); }
static string readToken(PushbackTextReader r, char initch) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append(initch); for (; ;) { int ch = r.Read(); if (ch == -1 || isWhitespace(ch) || isTerminatingMacro(ch)) { Unread(r, ch); return(sb.ToString()); } sb.Append((char)ch); } }
static string readSimpleToken(PushbackTextReader r, char initch, bool leadConstituent) { if (leadConstituent && NonConstituent(initch)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid leading characters: " + (char)initch); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append(initch); for (; ;) { int ch = r.Read(); if (ch == -1 || isWhitespace(ch) || isTerminatingMacro(ch)) { Unread(r, ch); return(sb.ToString()); } sb.Append((char)ch); } }
protected override object Read(PushbackTextReader r, char hash, object opts) { int ch = r.Read(); if (ch == -1) { throw new EndOfStreamException("EOF while reading character"); } IFn fn = _dispatchMacros[ch]; if (fn == null) { // try tagged reader if (Char.IsLetter((char)ch)) { Unread(r, ch); return(_taggedReader.invoke(r, (char)ch, opts)); } throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("No dispatch macro for: {0}", (char)ch)); } return(fn.invoke(r, (char)ch, opts)); }
protected override object Read(PushbackTextReader r, char pct) { int ch = r.Read(); Unread(r, ch); //% alone is first arg if (ch == -1 || isWhitespace(ch) || isTerminatingMacro(ch)) { return(registerArg(1)); } //object n = ReadAux(r, true, null, true); object n = ReadAux(r); if (n.Equals(Compiler._AMP_)) { return(registerArg(-1)); } if (!Util.IsNumeric(n)) { throw new ArgumentException("arg literal must be %, %& or %integer"); } return(registerArg(Util.ConvertToInt(n))); }
protected override object Read(PushbackTextReader r, char comma) { int ch = r.Read(); if (ch == -1) { throw new EndOfStreamException("EOF while reading character"); } if (ch == '@') { //object o = read(r, true, null, true); object o = ReadAux(r); return(RT.list(UNQUOTE_SPLICING, o)); } else { Unread(r, ch); //object o = read(r, true, null, true); object o = ReadAux(r); //return new Unquote(o); // per Rev 1184 return(RT.list(UNQUOTE, o)); } }
public override object invoke(object reader, object colon, object opts) { PushbackTextReader r = reader as PushbackTextReader; // Read ns symbol object osym = read(r, true, null, false, opts); Symbol sym = osym as Symbol; if (sym == null || sym.Namespace != null) { throw new Exception("Namespaced map must specify a valid namespace: " + osym); } string ns = sym.Name; // Read map int nextChar = r.Read(); while (isWhitespace(nextChar)) { nextChar = r.Read(); } if ('{' != nextChar) { throw new Exception("Namespaced map must specify a map"); } List <object> kvs = ReadDelimitedList('}', r, true, opts); if ((kvs.Count & 1) == 1) { throw new Exception("Namespaced map literal must contain an even number of forms"); } // Construct output map object[] a = new object[kvs.Count]; // IPersistentMap m =; using (var iterator = kvs.GetEnumerator()) { for (int i = 0; iterator.MoveNext(); i += 2) { var key = iterator.Current; iterator.MoveNext(); var val = iterator.Current; Keyword kw = key as Keyword; if (kw != null) { if (kw.Namespace == null) { key = Keyword.intern(ns, kw.Name); } else if (kw.Namespace.Equals("_")) { key = Keyword.intern(null, kw.Name); } } else { Symbol s = key as Symbol; if (s != null) { if (s.Namespace == null) { key = Symbol.intern(ns, s.Name); } else if (s.Namespace.Equals("_")) { key = Symbol.intern(null, s.Name); } } } a[i] = key; a[i + 1] = val; } } return(; }
static object readNumber(PushbackTextReader r, char initch) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append(initch); for (; ; ) { int ch = r.Read(); if (ch == -1 || isWhitespace(ch) || isMacro(ch)) { Unread(r, ch); break; } sb.Append((char)ch); } string s = sb.ToString(); object n = matchNumber(s); if (n == null) throw new FormatException("Invalid number: " + s); return n; }
// There is really no reason for the main entry point to have an isRecursive flag, is there? public static object read(PushbackTextReader r, bool eofIsError, object eofValue, bool isRecursive) { try { for (; ; ) { int ch = r.Read(); while (isWhitespace(ch)) ch = r.Read(); if (ch == -1) { if (eofIsError) throw new EndOfStreamException("EOF while reading"); return eofValue; } if (Char.IsDigit((char)ch)) { object n = readNumber(r, (char)ch); return RT.suppressRead() ? null : n; } IFn macroFn = getMacro(ch); if (macroFn != null) { object ret = macroFn.invoke(r, (char)ch); if (RT.suppressRead()) return null; // no op macros return the reader if (ret == r) continue; return ret; } if (ch == '+' || ch == '-') { int ch2 = r.Read(); if (Char.IsDigit((char)ch2)) { Unread(r, ch2); object n = readNumber(r, (char)ch); return RT.suppressRead() ? null : n; } Unread(r, ch2); } string token = readToken(r, (char)ch); return RT.suppressRead() ? null : interpretToken(token); } } catch (Exception e) { if (isRecursive || !(r is LineNumberingTextReader)) throw e; LineNumberingTextReader rdr = r as LineNumberingTextReader; throw new ReaderException(rdr.LineNumber, e); } }
protected override object Read(PushbackTextReader r, char doublequote) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int ch = r.Read(); ch != '"'; ch = r.Read()) { if (ch == -1) { throw new EndOfStreamException("EOF while reading string"); } if (ch == '\\') //escape { ch = r.Read(); if (ch == -1) { throw new EndOfStreamException("EOF while reading string"); } switch (ch) { case 't': ch = '\t'; break; case 'r': ch = '\r'; break; case 'n': ch = '\n'; break; case '\\': break; case '"': break; case 'b': ch = '\b'; break; case 'f': ch = '\f'; break; case 'u': ch = r.Read(); if (CharValueInRadix(ch, 16) == -1) { throw new Exception("Invalid unicode escape: \\u" + (char)ch); } ch = readUnicodeChar((PushbackTextReader)r, ch, 16, 4, true); break; default: { if (CharValueInRadix(ch, 8) != -1) { ch = readUnicodeChar((PushbackTextReader)r, ch, 8, 3, false); if (ch > 255) //octal377 { throw new Exception("Octal escape sequence must be in range [0, 377]."); } } else { throw new Exception("Unsupported escape character: \\" + (char)ch); } } break; } } sb.Append((char)ch); } return(sb.ToString()); }
static void readToken(PushbackTextReader r, char initch, out String rawToken, out String token, out String mask, out bool eofSeen) { bool allowSymEscape = RT.booleanCast(RT.AllowSymbolEscapeVar.deref()); bool rawMode = false; StringBuilder sbRaw = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder sbToken = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder sbMask = new StringBuilder(); if (allowSymEscape && initch == '|') { rawMode = true; sbRaw.Append(initch); } else { sbRaw.Append(initch); sbToken.Append(initch); sbMask.Append(initch); } for (; ; ) { int ch = r.Read(); if (rawMode) { if (ch == -1) { rawToken = sbRaw.ToString(); token = sbToken.ToString(); mask = sbMask.ToString(); eofSeen = true; return; } if (ch == '|') { int ch2 = r.Read(); if (ch2 == '|') { sbRaw.Append('|'); sbToken.Append('|'); sbMask.Append('a'); } else { r.Unread(ch2); rawMode = false; sbRaw.Append(ch); } } else { sbRaw.Append((char)ch); sbToken.Append((char)ch); sbMask.Append('a'); } } else { if (ch == -1 || isWhitespace(ch) || isTerminatingMacro(ch)) { Unread(r, ch); rawToken = sbRaw.ToString(); token = sbToken.ToString(); mask = sbMask.ToString(); eofSeen = false; return; } else if (ch == '|' && allowSymEscape) { rawMode = true; sbRaw.Append((char)ch); } else { sbRaw.Append((char)ch); sbToken.Append((char)ch); sbMask.Append((char)ch); } } } }
protected override object Read(PushbackTextReader r, char pct, object opts, object pendingForms) { //if (ARG_ENV.deref() == null) // return interpretToken(readToken(r, '%')); if (ARG_ENV.deref() == null) { return InterpretToken(readSimpleToken(r, '%')); } int ch = r.Read(); Unread(r, ch); //% alone is first arg if (ch == -1 || isWhitespace(ch) || isTerminatingMacro(ch)) { return registerArg(1); } //object n = ReadAux(r, true, null, true, opts, pendingForms); object n = ReadAux(r, opts, EnsurePending(pendingForms)); if (n.Equals(Compiler.AmpersandSym)) return registerArg(-1); if (!Util.IsNumeric(n)) throw new ArgumentException("arg literal must be %, %& or %integer"); return registerArg(Util.ConvertToInt(n)); }
protected override object Read(PushbackTextReader r, char c) { object recordName = read(r, true, null, false); Type recordType = RT.classForName(recordName.ToString()); int ch = r.Read(); char endch; bool shortForm = true; // A defrecord ctor can take two forms. Check for map->R version first. if (ch == '{') { endch = '}'; shortForm = false; } else if (ch == '[') endch = ']'; else throw new Exception(String.Format("Unreadable constructor form starting with \"#{0}{1}\"", recordName, (char)ch)); object[] recordEntries = readDelimitedList(endch, r, true).ToArray(); object ret = null; ConstructorInfo[] allCtors = recordType.GetConstructors(); if (shortForm) { bool ctorFound = false; foreach ( ConstructorInfo cinfo in allCtors ) if ( cinfo.GetParameters().Length == recordEntries.Length ) ctorFound = true; if ( ! ctorFound ) throw new Exception(String.Format("Unexpected number of constructor arguments to {0}: got {1}",recordType.ToString(),recordEntries.Length)); ret = Reflector.InvokeConstructor(recordType,RT.SeqToArray<Object>(ResolveEach(recordEntries))); } else { ret = Reflector.InvokeStaticMethod(recordType,"create",new Object[] {<object>(ResolveEach(recordEntries))) }); } return ret; }
protected override object Read(PushbackTextReader r, char pct) { //if (ARG_ENV.deref() == null) // return interpretToken(readToken(r, '%')); if (ARG_ENV.deref() == null) { string token; int lastSlashIndex; if (readToken(r, '%', out token, out lastSlashIndex)) throw new EndOfStreamException("EOF while reading %-token"); else return InterpretToken(token, lastSlashIndex); } int ch = r.Read(); Unread(r, ch); //% alone is first arg if (ch == -1 || isWhitespace(ch) || isTerminatingMacro(ch)) { return registerArg(1); } //object n = ReadAux(r, true, null, true); object n = ReadAux(r); if (n.Equals(Compiler.AmpersandSym)) return registerArg(-1); if (!Util.IsNumeric(n)) throw new ArgumentException("arg literal must be %, %& or %integer"); return registerArg(Util.ConvertToInt(n)); }
protected override object Read(PushbackTextReader r, char hash, object opts) { int ch = r.Read(); if (ch == -1) throw new EndOfStreamException("EOF while reading character"); IFn fn = _dispatchMacros[ch]; if (fn == null) { // try tagged reader if (Char.IsLetter((char)ch)) { Unread(r, ch); return _taggedReader.invoke(r,(char)ch, opts); } throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("No dispatch macro for: {0}", (char)ch)); } return fn.invoke(r, (char)ch, opts); }
static string readSimpleToken(PushbackTextReader r, char initch, bool leadConstituent) { if (leadConstituent && NonConstituent(initch)) throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid leading characters: " + (char)initch); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append(initch); for (; ; ) { int ch = r.Read(); if (ch == -1 || isWhitespace(ch) || isTerminatingMacro(ch)) { Unread(r, ch); return sb.ToString(); } sb.Append((char)ch); } }
public static object read(PushbackTextReader r, bool eofIsError, object eofValue, bool isRecursive, Object opts) { try { for (; ; ) { int ch = r.Read(); while (isWhitespace(ch)) ch = r.Read(); if (ch == -1) { if (eofIsError) throw new EndOfStreamException("EOF while reading"); return eofValue; } if (Char.IsDigit((char)ch)) { object n = readNumber(r, (char)ch); return RT.suppressRead() ? null : n; } IFn macroFn = getMacro(ch); if (macroFn != null) { object ret = macroFn.invoke(r, (char)ch, opts); if (RT.suppressRead()) return null; // no op macros return the reader if (ret == r) continue; return ret; } if (ch == '+' || ch == '-') { int ch2 = r.Read(); if (Char.IsDigit((char)ch2)) { Unread(r, ch2); object n = readNumber(r, (char)ch); return RT.suppressRead() ? null : n; } Unread(r, ch2); } //string token = readToken(r, (char)ch); //return RT.suppressRead() ? null : interpretToken(token); string token; int lastSlashIndex; bool eofSeen = readToken(r, (char)ch, true, out token, out lastSlashIndex); if (eofSeen) { if (eofIsError) throw new EndOfStreamException("EOF while reading"); return eofValue; } return RT.suppressRead() ? null : InterpretToken(token, lastSlashIndex); } } catch (Exception e) { if (isRecursive) throw; LineNumberingTextReader lntr = r as LineNumberingTextReader; if (lntr == null) throw; throw new ReaderException(lntr.LineNumber, lntr.ColumnNumber, e); } }
public static object read(PushbackTextReader r, bool eofIsError, object eofValue, bool isRecursive, Object opts) { try { for (; ;) { int ch = r.Read(); while (isWhitespace(ch)) { ch = r.Read(); } if (ch == -1) { if (eofIsError) { throw new EndOfStreamException("EOF while reading"); } return(eofValue); } if (Char.IsDigit((char)ch)) { object n = readNumber(r, (char)ch); return(RT.suppressRead() ? null : n); } IFn macroFn = getMacro(ch); if (macroFn != null) { object ret = macroFn.invoke(r, (char)ch, opts); if (RT.suppressRead()) { return(null); } // no op macros return the reader if (ret == r) { continue; } return(ret); } if (ch == '+' || ch == '-') { int ch2 = r.Read(); if (Char.IsDigit((char)ch2)) { Unread(r, ch2); object n = readNumber(r, (char)ch); return(RT.suppressRead() ? null : n); } Unread(r, ch2); } //string token = readToken(r, (char)ch); //return RT.suppressRead() ? null : interpretToken(token); readToken(r, (char)ch, true, out string rawToken, out string token, out string mask, out bool eofSeen); if (eofSeen) { if (eofIsError) { throw new EndOfStreamException("EOF while reading symbol"); } return(eofValue); } return(RT.suppressRead() ? null : InterpretToken(rawToken, token, mask)); } } catch (Exception e) { if (isRecursive) { throw; } if (r is LineNumberingTextReader lntr) { throw new ReaderException(lntr.LineNumber, lntr.ColumnNumber, e); } throw; } }
static List<Object> ReadDelimitedList(char delim, PushbackTextReader r, bool isRecursive) { LineNumberingTextReader lntr = r as LineNumberingTextReader; int firstLine = lntr != null ? lntr.LineNumber : -1; List<Object> a = new List<object>(); for (; ; ) { int ch = r.Read(); while (isWhitespace(ch)) ch = r.Read(); if (ch == -1) { if (firstLine < 0) throw new EndOfStreamException("EOF while reading"); else throw new EndOfStreamException("EOF while reading, starting at line " + firstLine); } if (ch == delim) { break; } IFn macroFn = getMacro(ch); if (macroFn != null) { Object mret = macroFn.invoke(r, (char)ch); //no op macros return the reader if (mret != r) a.Add(mret); } else { Unread(r, ch); object o = read(r, true, null, isRecursive); if (o != r) a.Add(o); } } return a; }
protected override object Read(PushbackTextReader r, char doublequote, object opts, object pendingForms) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int ch = r.Read(); ch != '"'; ch = r.Read()) { if (ch == -1) throw new EndOfStreamException("EOF while reading string"); if (ch == '\\') //escape { ch = r.Read(); if (ch == -1) throw new EndOfStreamException("EOF while reading string"); switch (ch) { case 't': ch = '\t'; break; case 'r': ch = '\r'; break; case 'n': ch = '\n'; break; case '\\': break; case '"': break; case 'b': ch = '\b'; break; case 'f': ch = '\f'; break; case 'u': ch = r.Read(); if (CharValueInRadix(ch, 16) == -1) throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid unicode escape: \\u" + (char)ch); ch = readUnicodeChar((PushbackTextReader)r, ch, 16, 4, true); break; default: { //if (CharValueInRadix(ch, 8) != -1) -- this is correct, but we end up with different error message for 8,9 than JVM, so do the following to match: if (Char.IsDigit((char)ch)) { ch = readUnicodeChar((PushbackTextReader)r, ch, 8, 3, false); if (ch > 255) //octal377 throw new InvalidOperationException("Octal escape sequence must be in range [0, 377]."); } else throw new InvalidOperationException("Unsupported escape character: \\" + (char)ch); } break; } } sb.Append((char)ch); } return sb.ToString(); }
static object ReadRecord(PushbackTextReader r, Symbol recordName) { Type recordType = RT.classForName(recordName.ToString()); char endch; bool shortForm = true; int ch = r.Read(); // flush whitespace //while (isWhitespace(ch)) // ch = r.Read(); // A defrecord ctor can take two forms. Check for map->R version first. if (ch == '{') { endch = '}'; shortForm = false; } else if (ch == '[') endch = ']'; else throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Unreadable constructor form starting with \"#{0}{1}\"", recordName, (char)ch)); object[] recordEntries = ReadDelimitedList(endch, r, true).ToArray(); object ret = null; ConstructorInfo[] allCtors = recordType.GetConstructors(); if (shortForm) { bool ctorFound = false; foreach ( ConstructorInfo cinfo in allCtors ) if ( cinfo.GetParameters().Length == recordEntries.Length ) ctorFound = true; if ( ! ctorFound ) throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Unexpected number of constructor arguments to {0}: got {1}", recordType.ToString(), recordEntries.Length)); ret = Reflector.InvokeConstructor(recordType,recordEntries); } else { IPersistentMap vals =; for (ISeq s = RT.keys(vals); s != null; s = { if (!(s.first() is Keyword)) throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Unreadable defrecord form: key must be of type clojure.lang.Keyword, got {0}", s.first().ToString())); } ret = Reflector.InvokeStaticMethod(recordType, "create", new Object[] { vals }); } return ret; }
private static Object read(PushbackTextReader r, bool eofIsError, object eofValue, char? returnOn, object returnOnValue, bool isRecursive, object opts, object pendingForms) { if (UNKNOWN.Equals(RT.ReadEvalVar.deref())) throw new InvalidOperationException("Reading disallowed - *read-eval* bound to :unknown"); opts = InstallPlatformFeature(opts); try { for (; ; ) { var pfl = pendingForms as LinkedList<Object>; if (pfl != null && pfl.Count != 0) { object val = pfl.First.Value; pfl.RemoveFirst(); return val; } int ch = r.Read(); while (isWhitespace(ch)) ch = r.Read(); if (ch == -1) { if (eofIsError) throw new EndOfStreamException("EOF while reading"); return eofValue; } if (returnOn.HasValue && (returnOn.Value == ch)) { return returnOnValue; } if (Char.IsDigit((char)ch)) { object n = readNumber(r, (char)ch); return n; } IFn macroFn = getMacro(ch); if (macroFn != null) { object ret = macroFn.invoke(r, (char)ch, opts, pendingForms); // no op macros return the reader if (ret == r) continue; return ret; } if (ch == '+' || ch == '-') { int ch2 = r.Read(); if (Char.IsDigit((char)ch2)) { Unread(r, ch2); object n = readNumber(r, (char)ch); return n; } Unread(r, ch2); } //string token = readToken(r, (char)ch); //return RT.suppressRead() ? null : interpretToken(token); string rawToken; string token; string mask; bool eofSeen; readToken(r, (char)ch, out rawToken, out token, out mask, out eofSeen); if (eofSeen) { if (eofIsError) throw new EndOfStreamException("EOF while reading symbol"); return eofValue; } return InterpretToken(rawToken, token, mask); } } catch (Exception e) { if (isRecursive) throw; LineNumberingTextReader lntr = r as LineNumberingTextReader; if (lntr == null) throw; throw new ReaderException(lntr.LineNumber, lntr.ColumnNumber, e); } }
protected override object Read(PushbackTextReader r, char pct) { if (ARG_ENV.deref() == null) return interpretToken(readToken(r, '%')); int ch = r.Read(); Unread(r, ch); //% alone is first arg if (ch == -1 || isWhitespace(ch) || isTerminatingMacro(ch)) { return registerArg(1); } //object n = ReadAux(r, true, null, true); object n = ReadAux(r); if (n.Equals(Compiler._AMP_)) return registerArg(-1); if (!Util.IsNumeric(n)) throw new ArgumentException("arg literal must be %, %& or %integer"); return registerArg(Util.ConvertToInt(n)); }
protected override object Read(PushbackTextReader r, char c, object opts, object pendingForms) { checkConditionalAllowed(opts); int ch = r.Read(); if (ch == -1) throw new EndOfStreamException("EOF while reading character"); bool splicing = false; if (ch == '@') { splicing = true; ch = r.Read(); } while (isWhitespace(ch)) ch = r.Read(); if (ch == -1) throw new EndOfStreamException("EOF while reading character"); if (ch != '(') throw new InvalidOperationException("read-cond body must be a list"); try { Var.pushThreadBindings(, true /* RT.T */)); if (IsPreserveReadCond(opts)) { IFn listReader = getMacro(ch); // should always be a list Object form = listReader.invoke(r, (char)ch, opts, EnsurePending(pendingForms)); return ReaderConditional.create(form, splicing); } else { return readCondDelimited(r, splicing, opts, pendingForms); } } finally { Var.popThreadBindings(); } }
// There is really no reason for the main entry point to have an isRecursive flag, is there? public static object read(PushbackTextReader r, bool eofIsError, object eofValue, bool isRecursive) { try { for (; ;) { int ch = r.Read(); while (isWhitespace(ch)) { ch = r.Read(); } if (ch == -1) { if (eofIsError) { throw new EndOfStreamException("EOF while reading"); } return(eofValue); } if (Char.IsDigit((char)ch)) { object n = readNumber(r, (char)ch); return(RT.suppressRead() ? null : n); } IFn macroFn = getMacro(ch); if (macroFn != null) { object ret = macroFn.invoke(r, (char)ch); if (RT.suppressRead()) { return(null); } // no op macros return the reader if (ret == r) { continue; } return(ret); } if (ch == '+' || ch == '-') { int ch2 = r.Read(); if (Char.IsDigit((char)ch2)) { Unread(r, ch2); object n = readNumber(r, (char)ch); return(RT.suppressRead() ? null : n); } Unread(r, ch2); } string token = readToken(r, (char)ch); return(RT.suppressRead() ? null : interpretToken(token)); } } catch (Exception e) { if (isRecursive || !(r is LineNumberingTextReader)) { throw e; } LineNumberingTextReader rdr = r as LineNumberingTextReader; throw new ReaderException(rdr.LineNumber, e); } }
static bool readToken(PushbackTextReader r, char initch, out string nameString, out int lastSlashIndex) { bool oddVertBarMode = false; lastSlashIndex = -1; bool allowSymEscape = RT.booleanCast(RT.AllowSymbolEscapeVar.deref()); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (allowSymEscape && initch == '|') oddVertBarMode = true; else sb.Append(initch); for (; ; ) { int ch = r.Read(); if (oddVertBarMode) { if (ch == -1) { nameString = sb.ToString(); return true; } if (ch == '|') { int ch2 = r.Read(); if (ch2 == '|') sb.Append('|'); else { r.Unread(ch2); oddVertBarMode = false; } } else sb.Append((char)ch); } else { if (ch == -1 || isWhitespace(ch) || isTerminatingMacro(ch)) { Unread(r, ch); nameString = sb.ToString(); return false; } else if (ch == '|' && allowSymEscape) { oddVertBarMode = true; } else { sb.Append((char)ch); if (ch == '/') lastSlashIndex = sb.Length - 1; } } } }
static void readToken(PushbackTextReader r, char initch, bool leadConstituent, out String rawToken, out String token, out String mask, out bool eofSeen) { if (leadConstituent && NonConstituent(initch)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid leading characters: " + (char)initch); } bool allowSymEscape = RT.booleanCast(RT.AllowSymbolEscapeVar.deref()); bool rawMode = false; StringBuilder sbRaw = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder sbToken = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder sbMask = new StringBuilder(); if (allowSymEscape && initch == '|') { rawMode = true; sbRaw.Append(initch); } else { sbRaw.Append(initch); sbToken.Append(initch); sbMask.Append(initch); } for (; ;) { int ch = r.Read(); if (rawMode) { if (ch == -1) { rawToken = sbRaw.ToString(); token = sbToken.ToString(); mask = sbMask.ToString(); eofSeen = true; return; } if (ch == '|') { int ch2 = r.Read(); if (ch2 == '|') { sbRaw.Append('|'); sbToken.Append('|'); sbMask.Append('a'); } else { r.Unread(ch2); rawMode = false; sbRaw.Append(ch); } } else { sbRaw.Append((char)ch); sbToken.Append((char)ch); sbMask.Append('a'); } } else { if (ch == -1 || isWhitespace(ch) || isTerminatingMacro(ch)) { Unread(r, ch); rawToken = sbRaw.ToString(); token = sbToken.ToString(); mask = sbMask.ToString(); eofSeen = false; return; } else if (NonConstituent(ch)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid constituent character: " + (char)ch); } else if (ch == '|' && allowSymEscape) { rawMode = true; sbRaw.Append((char)ch); } else { sbRaw.Append((char)ch); sbToken.Append((char)ch); sbMask.Append((char)ch); } } } }
protected override object Read(PushbackTextReader r, char hash) { int ch = r.Read(); if (ch == -1) throw new EndOfStreamException("EOF while reading character"); IFn fn = _dispatchMacros[ch]; // Try the ctor reader first if (fn == null) { Unread(r, ch); object result = _ctorReader.invoke(r,(char) ch); if (result != null) return result; else throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("No dispatch macro for: {0}", (char)ch)); } return fn.invoke(r, (char)ch); }
static int readUnicodeChar(PushbackTextReader r, int initch, int radix, int length, bool exact) { int uc = CharValueInRadix(initch, radix); if (uc == -1) throw new ArgumentException("Invalid digit: " + initch); int i = 1; for (; i < length; ++i) { int ch = r.Read(); if (ch == -1 || isWhitespace(ch) || isMacro(ch)) { Unread(r, ch); break; } int d = CharValueInRadix(ch, radix); if (d == -1) throw new ArgumentException("Invalid digit: " + (char)ch); uc = uc * radix + d; } if (i != length && exact) throw new ArgumentException("Invalid character length: " + i + ", should be: " + length); return uc; }
protected override object Read(PushbackTextReader r, char comma) { int ch = r.Read(); if (ch == -1) throw new EndOfStreamException("EOF while reading character"); if (ch == '@') { //object o = read(r, true, null, true); object o = ReadAux(r); return RT.list(UNQUOTE_SPLICING, o); } else { Unread(r, ch); //object o = read(r, true, null, true); object o = ReadAux(r); //return new Unquote(o); // per Rev 1184 return RT.list(UNQUOTE, o); } }
protected override object Read(PushbackTextReader r, char semicolon) { int ch; do { ch = r.Read(); } while (ch != -1 && ch != '\n' && ch != '\r'); return r; }
public static List<Object> readDelimitedList(char delim, PushbackTextReader r, bool isRecursive) { List<Object> a = new List<object>(); for (; ; ) { int ch = r.Read(); while (isWhitespace(ch)) ch = r.Read(); if (ch == -1) throw new EndOfStreamException("EOF while reading"); if (ch == delim) { break; } IFn macroFn = getMacro(ch); if (macroFn != null) { Object mret = macroFn.invoke(r, (char)ch); //no op macros return the reader if (mret != r) a.Add(mret); } else { Unread(r, ch); object o = read(r, true, null, isRecursive); if (o != r) a.Add(o); } } return a; }
protected override object Read(PushbackTextReader r, char doublequote) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int ch = r.Read(); ch != '"'; ch = r.Read()) { if (ch == -1) throw new EndOfStreamException("EOF while reading regex"); sb.Append((char)ch); if (ch == '\\') //escape { ch = r.Read(); if (ch == -1) throw new EndOfStreamException("EOF while reading regex"); sb.Append((char)ch); } } return new Regex(sb.ToString()); }
static string readToken(PushbackTextReader r, char initch) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append(initch); for(; ;) { int ch = r.Read(); if(ch == -1 || isWhitespace(ch) || isTerminatingMacro(ch)) { Unread(r, ch); return sb.ToString(); } sb.Append((char) ch); } }
static bool readToken(PushbackTextReader r, char initch, bool leadConstituent, out string nameString, out int lastSlashIndex) { if (leadConstituent && NonConstituent(initch)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid leading characters: " + (char)initch); } bool oddVertBarMode = false; lastSlashIndex = -1; bool allowSymEscape = RT.booleanCast(RT.AllowSymbolEscapeVar.deref()); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (allowSymEscape && initch == '|') { oddVertBarMode = true; } else { sb.Append(initch); } for (; ;) { int ch = r.Read(); if (oddVertBarMode) { if (ch == -1) { nameString = sb.ToString(); return(true); } if (ch == '|') { int ch2 = r.Read(); if (ch2 == '|') { sb.Append('|'); } else { r.Unread(ch2); oddVertBarMode = false; } } else { sb.Append((char)ch); } } else { if (ch == -1 || isWhitespace(ch) || isTerminatingMacro(ch)) { Unread(r, ch); nameString = sb.ToString(); return(false); } else if (NonConstituent(ch)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid constituent character: " + (char)ch); } else if (ch == '|' && allowSymEscape) { oddVertBarMode = true; } else { sb.Append((char)ch); if (ch == '/') { lastSlashIndex = sb.Length - 1; } } } } }
protected override object Read(PushbackTextReader r, char backslash) { int ch = r.Read(); if (ch == -1) throw new EndOfStreamException("EOF while reading character"); String token = readToken(r, (char)ch); if (token.Length == 1) return token[0]; else if (token.Equals("newline")) return '\n'; else if (token.Equals("space")) return ' '; else if (token.Equals("tab")) return '\t'; else if (token.Equals("backspace")) return '\b'; else if (token.Equals("formfeed")) return '\f'; else if (token.Equals("return")) return '\r'; else if (token.StartsWith("u")) { char c = (char)readUnicodeChar(token, 1, 4, 16); if (c >= '\uD800' && c <= '\uDFFF') // surrogate code unit? throw new Exception("Invalid character constant: \\u" + ((int)c).ToString("X")); return c; } else if (token.StartsWith("o")) { int len = token.Length - 1; if (len > 3) throw new Exception("Invalid octal escape sequence length: " + len); int uc = readUnicodeChar(token, 1, len, 8); if (uc > 255) //octal377 throw new Exception("Octal escape sequence must be in range [0, 377]."); return (char)uc; } throw new Exception("Unsupported character: \\" + token); }
protected override object Read(PushbackTextReader r, char backslash, object opts) { int ch = r.Read(); if (ch == -1) { throw new EndOfStreamException("EOF while reading character"); } String token = readSimpleToken(r, (char)ch, false); if (token.Length == 1) { return(token[0]); } else if (token.Equals("newline")) { return('\n'); } else if (token.Equals("space")) { return(' '); } else if (token.Equals("tab")) { return('\t'); } else if (token.Equals("backspace")) { return('\b'); } else if (token.Equals("formfeed")) { return('\f'); } else if (token.Equals("return")) { return('\r'); } else if (token.StartsWith("u")) { char c = (char)readUnicodeChar(token, 1, 4, 16); if (c >= '\uD800' && c <= '\uDFFF') // surrogate code unit? { throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid character constant: \\u" + ((int)c).ToString("x")); } return(c); } else if (token.StartsWith("o")) { int len = token.Length - 1; if (len > 3) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid octal escape sequence length: " + len); } int uc = readUnicodeChar(token, 1, len, 8); if (uc > 255) //octal377 { throw new InvalidOperationException("Octal escape sequence must be in range [0, 377]."); } return((char)uc); } throw new InvalidOperationException("Unsupported character: \\" + token); }
protected override object Read(PushbackTextReader r, char hash) { int ch = r.Read(); if (ch == -1) throw new EndOfStreamException("EOF while reading character"); IFn fn = _dispatchMacros[ch]; if (fn == null) throw new Exception(String.Format("No dispatch macro for: {0}", (char)ch)); return fn.invoke(r, (char)ch); }
protected override object Read(PushbackTextReader r, char doublequote, object opts) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int ch = r.Read(); ch != '"'; ch = r.Read()) { if (ch == -1) { throw new EndOfStreamException("EOF while reading string"); } if (ch == '\\') //escape { ch = r.Read(); if (ch == -1) { throw new EndOfStreamException("EOF while reading string"); } switch (ch) { case 't': ch = '\t'; break; case 'r': ch = '\r'; break; case 'n': ch = '\n'; break; case '\\': break; case '"': break; case 'b': ch = '\b'; break; case 'f': ch = '\f'; break; case 'u': ch = r.Read(); if (CharValueInRadix(ch, 16) == -1) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid unicode escape: \\u" + (char)ch); } ch = readUnicodeChar((PushbackTextReader)r, ch, 16, 4, true); break; default: { //if (CharValueInRadix(ch, 8) != -1) -- this is correct, but we end up with different error message for 8,9 than JVM, so do the following to match: if (Char.IsDigit((char)ch)) { ch = readUnicodeChar((PushbackTextReader)r, ch, 8, 3, false); if (ch > 255) //octal377 { throw new InvalidOperationException("Octal escape sequence must be in range [0, 377]."); } } else { throw new InvalidOperationException("Unsupported escape character: \\" + (char)ch); } } break; } } sb.Append((char)ch); } return(sb.ToString()); }
protected override object Read(PushbackTextReader r, char doublequote) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int ch = r.Read(); ch != '"'; ch = r.Read()) { if (ch == -1) throw new EndOfStreamException("EOF while reading string"); if (ch == '\\') //escape { ch = r.Read(); if (ch == -1) throw new EndOfStreamException("EOF while reading string"); switch (ch) { case 't': ch = '\t'; break; case 'r': ch = '\r'; break; case 'n': ch = '\n'; break; case '\\': break; case '"': break; case 'b': ch = '\b'; break; case 'f': ch = '\f'; break; case 'u': ch = r.Read(); if (CharValueInRadix(ch, 16) == -1) throw new Exception("Invalid unicode escape: \\u" + (char)ch); ch = readUnicodeChar((PushbackTextReader)r, ch, 16, 4, true); break; default: { if (CharValueInRadix(ch, 8) != -1) { ch = readUnicodeChar((PushbackTextReader)r, ch, 8, 3, false); if (ch > 255) //octal377 throw new Exception("Octal escape sequence must be in range [0, 377]."); } else throw new Exception("Unsupported escape character: \\" + (char)ch); } break; } } sb.Append((char)ch); } return sb.ToString(); }
public static object read(PushbackTextReader r, bool eofIsError, object eofValue, bool isRecursive) { if (UNKNOWN.Equals(RT.ReadEvalVar.deref())) throw new InvalidOperationException("Reading disallowed - *read-eval* bound to :unknown"); try { for (; ; ) { int ch = r.Read(); while (isWhitespace(ch)) ch = r.Read(); if (ch == -1) { if (eofIsError) throw new EndOfStreamException("EOF while reading"); return eofValue; } if (Char.IsDigit((char)ch)) { object n = readNumber(r, (char)ch); return RT.suppressRead() ? null : n; } IFn macroFn = getMacro(ch); if (macroFn != null) { object ret = macroFn.invoke(r, (char)ch); if (RT.suppressRead()) return null; // no op macros return the reader if (ret == r) continue; return ret; } if (ch == '+' || ch == '-') { int ch2 = r.Read(); if (Char.IsDigit((char)ch2)) { Unread(r, ch2); object n = readNumber(r, (char)ch); return RT.suppressRead() ? null : n; } Unread(r, ch2); } //string token = readToken(r, (char)ch); //return RT.suppressRead() ? null : interpretToken(token); string rawToken; string token; string mask; bool eofSeen; readToken(r, (char)ch, out rawToken, out token, out mask, out eofSeen); if (eofSeen) { if (eofIsError) throw new EndOfStreamException("EOF while reading symbol"); return eofValue; } return RT.suppressRead() ? null : InterpretToken(rawToken, token, mask); } } catch (Exception e) { if (isRecursive) throw; LineNumberingTextReader lntr = r as LineNumberingTextReader; if (lntr == null) throw; throw new ReaderException(lntr.LineNumber, lntr.ColumnNumber, e); } }