        /// Computes the actual angular speed (expressed in parent coords)
        public ChVector GetWvel_par()
            ChMatrixNM <IntInterface.Three, IntInterface.Four> tempGw = ChMatrixNM <IntInterface.Three, IntInterface.Four> .NMNULL3_4; //new ChMatrixNM<IntInterface.Three, IntInterface.Four>(0);

            ChFrame <Real> .SetMatrix_Gw(ref tempGw, this.coord.rot);

            return(tempGw.matrix.Matr34_x_Quat(coord_dt.rot));  // ww=[Gw]*q_dt
        /// Computes the actual angular speed (expressed in local coords)
        public ChVector GetWvel_loc()
            ChMatrixNM <IntInterface.Three, IntInterface.Four> tempGl = ChMatrixNM <IntInterface.Three, IntInterface.Four> .NMNULL3_4;// new ChMatrixNM<IntInterface.Three, IntInterface.Four>(0);

            ChFrame <Real> .SetMatrix_Gl(ref tempGl, this.coord.rot);

            return(tempGl.matrix.Matr34_x_Quat(coord_dt.rot));  // wl=[Gl]*q_dt
        // FUNCTIONS

        /// Reset to identity a 3x3 matrix (ones on diagonal, zero elsewhere)
        /// Note: optimized, for 3x3 matrices ONLY!
        public void Set33Identity()
            nm = new ChMatrixNM <IntInterface.Three, IntInterface.Three>(0);
            // nm.matrix = new ChMatrix();
            this.nm.matrix.Set33Element(0, 0, 1);
            this.nm.matrix.Set33Element(1, 1, 1);
            this.nm.matrix.Set33Element(2, 2, 1);
 /// Copy constructor
 public ChConstraintTuple_3vars(ChConstraintTuple_3vars <T1> other)
     variables_1 = other.variables_1;
     variables_2 = other.variables_2;
     variables_3 = other.variables_3;
     Cq_1        = other.Cq_1;
     Cq_2        = other.Cq_2;
     Cq_3        = other.Cq_3;
     Eq_1        = other.Eq_1;
     Eq_2        = other.Eq_2;
     Eq_3        = other.Eq_3;
        /// The constructor which builds a 3x3 matrix given a quaternion representing rotation.
        public ChMatrix33(ChQuaternion mq) //: this()
            nm = new ChMatrixNM <IntInterface.Three, IntInterface.Three>(0);
            // nm.matrix = new ChMatrix();
            this.nm.matrix.rows    = 3;
            this.nm.matrix.columns = 3;
            this.nm.matrix.address = this.nm.buffer;

            /*  this.address = (double*)Marshal.AllocHGlobal(this.buffer.Length * sizeof(double));
             * for (int i = 0; i < this.buffer.Length; i++)
             * {
             *     this.address[i] = this.buffer[i];
             * }*/
 /// Fills a 3x4 matrix [Fm(q)], as in  [Fp(q)]*[Fm(q)]' = [A(q)]
 public static void SetMatrix_Fm(ref ChMatrixNM <IntInterface.Three, IntInterface.Four> Fp, ChQuaternion mq)
     // Debug.Assert((Fp.GetRows() == 3) && (Fp.GetColumns() == 4));
     Fp.matrix[0]  = mq.e1;
     Fp.matrix[1]  = mq.e0;
     Fp.matrix[2]  = mq.e3;
     Fp.matrix[3]  = -mq.e2;
     Fp.matrix[4]  = mq.e2;
     Fp.matrix[5]  = -mq.e3;
     Fp.matrix[6]  = mq.e0;
     Fp.matrix[7]  = mq.e1;
     Fp.matrix[8]  = mq.e3;
     Fp.matrix[9]  = mq.e2;
     Fp.matrix[10] = -mq.e1;
     Fp.matrix[11] = mq.e0;
        /// Copy constructor
        public ChMatrixNM(ChMatrixNM <A, B> msource)//: this()
            this.matrix.rows    = new A().Masta;
            this.matrix.columns = new B().Masta;
            buffer = new double[this.matrix.rows * this.matrix.columns + 3];
            // for (int i = 0; i < buffer.Length; ++i)
            this.matrix.address = buffer;

            /*this.address = (double*)Marshal.AllocHGlobal(buffer.Length * sizeof(double));
             * for (int i = 0; i < this.buffer.Length; i++)
             * {
             *   this.address[i] = this.buffer[i];
             * }*/
            //this.address = buffer;
            ElementsCopy(this.matrix.address, msource.matrix.address, this.matrix.rows * this.matrix.columns);
        /// Construct a symmetric 3x3 matrix with the specified vectors for the
        /// diagonal and off-diagonal.  The off-diagonal vector is assumed to contain
        /// the elements A(0,1), A(0,2), A(1,2) in this order.
        public ChMatrix33(ChVector diag, ChVector off_diag) //: this()
            nm = new ChMatrixNM <IntInterface.Three, IntInterface.Three>(0);
            // nm.matrix = new ChMatrix();
            this.nm.matrix.Set33Element(0, 0, diag.x);
            this.nm.matrix.Set33Element(1, 1, diag.y);
            this.nm.matrix.Set33Element(2, 2, diag.z);

            this.nm.matrix.Set33Element(0, 1, off_diag.x);
            this.nm.matrix.Set33Element(1, 0, off_diag.x);

            this.nm.matrix.Set33Element(0, 2, off_diag.y);
            this.nm.matrix.Set33Element(2, 0, off_diag.y);

            this.nm.matrix.Set33Element(1, 2, off_diag.z);
            this.nm.matrix.Set33Element(2, 1, off_diag.z);
        /// Copy constructor from all types of base matrices (only with same size)
        public ChMatrix33(ChMatrix msource) //: this()
            nm = new ChMatrixNM <IntInterface.Three, IntInterface.Three>(0);
            //nm.matrix = new ChMatrix();
            // Debug.Assert(msource.GetColumns() == 3 && msource.GetRows() == 3);
            this.nm.matrix.rows    = 3;
            this.nm.matrix.columns = 3;
            this.nm.matrix.address = this.nm.buffer;

            /* this.address = (double*)Marshal.AllocHGlobal(this.buffer.Length * sizeof(double));
             * for (int i = 0; i < this.buffer.Length; i++)
             * {
             *   this.address[i] = this.buffer[i];
             * }*/
            // ElementsCopy(this.address, msource.GetAddress(), 9);
            for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i)
                this.nm.matrix.address[i] = msource.GetAddress()[i];
        /// Fast fill a 3x4 matrix [Gl(q)], as in local angular speed conversion
        /// Wl=[Gl]*q_dt   (btw: [Gl(q)] = 2*[Fp(q')] = 2*[G] with G matrix as in Shabana)

        /* public static void SetMatrix_Gl(ref ChMatrixNM<3, 4> Gl, ChQuaternion mq) {
         *   // assert((Gl.GetRows() == 3) && (Gl.GetColumns() == 4));
         *   double de0 = 2 * mq.e0;
         *   double de1 = 2 * mq.e1;
         *   double de2 = 2 * mq.e2;
         *   double de3 = 2 * mq.e3;
         *   Gl[0] = -de1;
         *   Gl[1] = de0;
         *   Gl[2] = de3;
         *   Gl[3] = -de2;
         *   Gl[4] = -de2;
         *   Gl[5] = -de3;
         *   Gl[6] = de0;
         *   Gl[7] = de1;
         *   Gl[8] = -de3;
         *   Gl[9] = de2;
         *   Gl[10] = -de1;
         *   Gl[11] = de0;
         * }*/

        /// Fast fill a 3x4 matrix [Gw(q)], as in absolute angular speed conversion
        /// Ww=[Gw]*q_dt   (btw: [Gw(q)] = 2*[Fm(q')] = 2*[E] with E matrix as in Shabana)
        public static void SetMatrix_Gw(ref ChMatrixNM <IntInterface.Three, IntInterface.Four> Gw, ChQuaternion mq)
            // Debug.Assert((Gw.GetRows() == 3) && (Gw.GetColumns() == 4));
            double de0 = 2 * mq.e0;
            double de1 = 2 * mq.e1;
            double de2 = 2 * mq.e2;
            double de3 = 2 * mq.e3;

            Gw.matrix[0]  = -de1;
            Gw.matrix[1]  = de0;
            Gw.matrix[2]  = -de3;
            Gw.matrix[3]  = de2;
            Gw.matrix[4]  = -de2;
            Gw.matrix[5]  = de3;
            Gw.matrix[6]  = de0;
            Gw.matrix[7]  = -de1;
            Gw.matrix[8]  = -de3;
            Gw.matrix[9]  = -de2;
            Gw.matrix[10] = de1;
            Gw.matrix[11] = de0;
        // public static ChMatrix33<double> MNULL = new ChMatrix33<double>(0);


        /// Default constructor builds a 3x3 matrix with zeroes.

        /* public ChMatrix33() {
         * }*/

        /// Copy constructor
        public ChMatrix33(ChMatrix33 <Real> msource)
            nm        = new ChMatrixNM <IntInterface.Three, IntInterface.Three>(0);
            nm.matrix = new ChMatrix();
 /// Copy constructor
 public ChConstraintTuple_1vars(ChConstraintTuple_1vars <T> other)
     variables = other.variables;
     Cq        = other.Cq;
     Eq        = other.Eq;