public void Run() { Vec v = new Vec(1.0,1.0); Console.WriteLine("v={0}", v); v = v.Scale(5.0).Add(new Vec(3.0,-2.0)); Console.WriteLine("v={0}", v); }
public void TestSort() { var list = new List<Vec>(); const int len = 10; list.Capacity = len; for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { var s = new Vec(GetF(100.0), GetF(50.0)); list.Add(s); } Console.WriteLine("The list is [{0}]", string.Join(", ", list)); list.Sort(this.compareVecByX); Console.WriteLine("The list is [{0}]", string.Join(", ", list)); Assert.That(false); }
public RibRect(Rib r) { var radius = r.Sprite.Radius; min = r.StartPos; max = r.EndPos; if (max.X < min.X) { var t = max.X; max.X = min.X; min.X = t; } if (max.Y < min.Y) { var t = max.Y; max.Y = min.Y; min.Y = t; } min.X -= radius; min.Y -= radius; max.X += radius; max.Y += radius; }
public Vec Add(Vec x) { var tmp = this; tmp.X += x.X; tmp.Y += x.Y; return tmp; }
public Vec Rotate(Vec a) { return Rotate(a.X, a.Y); }
void OnMouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs a) { if (a.Button == MouseButtons.Left && !mouseDownLocation.IsEmpty) {"OnMouseUp"); var s = new Sprite(images[curimage], 0.0F); s.Position = new Vec(mouseDownLocation); Vec spd = new Vec(a.Location).Subtract(s.Position).Scale(0.4); var speedlen = spd.Length; if (speedlen > U.maxspeed) { spd = spd.Scale(U.maxspeed/speedlen); } else if (speedlen < U.minspeed) { // make random speed double alpha = Math.PI * 2.0 * random.NextDouble(); speedlen = (random.NextDouble() * (U.maxspeed-U.minspeed) + U.minspeed); spd = Vec.Dir(alpha).Scale(speedlen); } s.Speed = spd; s.Rotation = (float)(random.NextDouble() - 0.5) * 10.0F; sprites.Add(s); mouseDownLocation = new Point(); mouseLastLocation = mouseDownLocation; } else if (a.Button == MouseButtons.Right) { curimage += 1; if (curimage >= images.Count) { curimage = 0; } prototype = new Sprite(images[curimage], 0.0F); } }
public Vec Subtract(Vec x) { var tmp = this; tmp.X -= x.X; tmp.Y -= x.Y; return tmp; }
public Rot(double alpha) { rot = new Vec(Math.Cos(alpha), Math.Sin(alpha)); }
// return a tangental projection public Vec Project(Vec v) { return v.Scale(this.Scalar(v)/v.Length2); }
public double Scalar(Vec v) { return X * v.X + Y * v.Y; }
private int compareVecByX(Vec a, Vec b) { return (a.X < b.X) ? -1 : ((a.X > b.X) ? 1 : 0); }
public Vec Normal(Vec v) { return this.Subtract(Project(v)); }
public Sprite(Bitmap theimg, double themass) : this() { image = theimg; Speed = new Vec(); alpha = omega = 0.0; // init is the initial radius var init = Math.Min(image.Size.Width, image.Size.Height) * 0.5; if (themass <= 0.001) { themass = init * init; } mass = themass; radius = Math.Sqrt(mass); scale = radius / init * 0.5; Position = new Vec(image.Size).Scale(scale); }
public void Update(Rib rib) { Position = rib.EndPos; Speed = rib.Speed; alpha += omega * rib.DeltaTime; }
public void Draw(Graphics g) { PointF[] dest = new PointF[3]; Rot rotation = new Rot(alpha); Vec sz = new Vec(image.Size).Scale(scale); // x + px*cosa+py*sina, y - px*sina + py*cosa dest[0] = Position.Add(rotation.Rotate(-sz.X, -sz.Y)).Point; dest[1] = Position.Add(rotation.Rotate(sz.X, -sz.Y)).Point; dest[2] = Position.Add(rotation.Rotate(-sz.X, sz.Y)).Point; g.DrawImage(image, dest); }
public Sprite(Bitmap theimg, Sprite one, Sprite two) : this(theimg, one.mass + two.mass) { // now calculate the position, speed and rotation double invertmass = 1.0/mass; Position = one.Position.Scale(one.Mass).Add(two.Position.Scale(two.Mass)).Scale(invertmass); Speed = one.Speed.Scale(one.Mass).Add(two.Speed.Scale(two.mass)).Scale(invertmass); alpha = (Math.IEEERemainder(one.alpha,Math.PI*2) * one.AngularMass + Math.IEEERemainder(two.alpha,Math.PI*2) * two.AngularMass) / AngularMass; // sum up all moments of rotation double totalRotationMomentum = one.Mass * one.Position.Subtract(Position).Normal(one.Speed).Length + two.Mass * two.Position.Subtract(Position).Normal(two.Speed).Length + one.AngularMass * + two.AngularMass *; omega = totalRotationMomentum / AngularMass; }