public override Collectable[] GenerateCollectables(int count) { Random randomCoordinatesGenerator = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond); int nextX = 0; int nextY = 0; Collectable[] collectables = new BombCollectable[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { nextX = randomCoordinatesGenerator.Next(1, 140); nextY = randomCoordinatesGenerator.Next(1, 35); if (GameField.matrix[nextY, nextX].Equals("█")) { bool isEqual; do { nextX = randomCoordinatesGenerator.Next(1, 140); nextY = randomCoordinatesGenerator.Next(1, 35); isEqual = GameField.matrix[nextY, nextX].Equals("█"); } while (isEqual); } collectables[i] = new BombCollectable(nextX, nextY); } return(collectables); }
public static void Main() { int bufferHeight = 40; int bufferWidth = 170; // Setting the parameters of the Console Console.BufferHeight = bufferHeight; Console.BufferWidth = bufferWidth; Console.WindowHeight = bufferHeight; Console.WindowWidth = bufferWidth; Console.CursorVisible = false; GameField gameField = new GameField(); List <Enemy> dragons = new List <Enemy>() { new DragonEnemy(), new DragonEnemy(), new DragonEnemy(), new DragonEnemy(), new DragonEnemy(), new DragonEnemy(), new DragonEnemy(), new DragonEnemy(), new DragonEnemy() }; for (int col = 0; col < GameField.matrix.GetLength(0); col++) { for (int row = 0; row < GameField.matrix.GetLength(1); row++) { Console.Write(GameField.matrix[col, row]); } Console.WriteLine(); } Gate gate = new Gate(33, 1, "R", ConsoleColor.Red); gate.DrawGate(); Collectable[] healthCollectables = new HealthCollectable(0, 0).GenerateCollectables(5); Collectable[] experienceCollectables = new ExperienceCollectable(0, 0).GenerateCollectables(5); Collectable[] gunCollectables = new BombCollectable(0, 0).GenerateCollectables(5); Collectable[] bonusCollectables = new BonusCollectable(0, 0).GenerateCollectables(5); Collectable[][] allCollectables = { healthCollectables, experienceCollectables, gunCollectables, bonusCollectables }; for (int i = 0; i < allCollectables.Length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < allCollectables[i].Length; j++) { allCollectables[i][j].drawCollectable(); } } Player tempPlayer = new Player(); tempPlayer.DrawPlayer(); SideInfo.PrintInfo(); while (tempPlayer.isAlive) { tempPlayer.MovePlayer(); foreach (Enemy dragon in dragons) { dragon.MoveEnemy(); tempPlayer.ChekForEnemy(); } } SideInfo.GameOver(); }