public VsqEvent(int clock, VsqID id /*, int internal_id*/) { Clock = clock; ID = id; //InternalID = internal_id; InternalID = 0; }
/// <summary> /// Gets the VsqID of program change. /// </summary> /// <param name="program_change"></param> /// <returns></returns> public VsqID getSingerID(int language, int program) { VsqID ret = new VsqID(0); ret.type = VsqIDType.Singer; SingerConfig sc = null; for (int i = 0; i < m_singer_configs.Count; i++) { SingerConfig itemi = m_singer_configs[i]; if (itemi.Language == language && itemi.Program == program) { sc = itemi; break; } } if (sc == null) { sc = new SingerConfig(); } ret.IconHandle = new IconHandle(); ret.IconHandle.IconID = "$0701" + PortUtil.toHexString(sc.Language, 2) + PortUtil.toHexString(sc.Program, 2); ret.IconHandle.IDS = sc.VOICENAME; ret.IconHandle.Index = 0; ret.IconHandle.Language = sc.Language; ret.IconHandle.setLength(1); ret.IconHandle.Original = sc.Language << 8 | sc.Program; ret.IconHandle.Program = sc.Program; ret.IconHandle.Caption = ""; return(ret); }
public VsqEvent(string line) { string[] spl = PortUtil.splitString(line, new char[] { '=' }); Clock = int.Parse(spl[0]); if (spl[1].Equals("EOS")) { ID = VsqID.EOS; } }
private VsqMetaText(string name, int pre_measure, string singer, bool is_first_track) { Common = new VsqCommon(name, 179, 181, 123, 1, 1); PIT = new VsqBPList("pit", 0, -8192, 8191); PBS = new VsqBPList("pbs", 2, 0, 24); DYN = new VsqBPList("dyn", 64, 0, 127); BRE = new VsqBPList("bre", 0, 0, 127); BRI = new VsqBPList("bri", 64, 0, 127); CLE = new VsqBPList("cle", 0, 0, 127); reso1FreqBPList = new VsqBPList("reso1freq", 64, 0, 127); reso2FreqBPList = new VsqBPList("reso2freq", 64, 0, 127); reso3FreqBPList = new VsqBPList("reso3freq", 64, 0, 127); reso4FreqBPList = new VsqBPList("reso4freq", 64, 0, 127); reso1BWBPList = new VsqBPList("reso1bw", 64, 0, 127); reso2BWBPList = new VsqBPList("reso2bw", 64, 0, 127); reso3BWBPList = new VsqBPList("reso3bw", 64, 0, 127); reso4BWBPList = new VsqBPList("reso4bw", 64, 0, 127); reso1AmpBPList = new VsqBPList("reso1amp", 64, 0, 127); reso2AmpBPList = new VsqBPList("reso2amp", 64, 0, 127); reso3AmpBPList = new VsqBPList("reso3amp", 64, 0, 127); reso4AmpBPList = new VsqBPList("reso4amp", 64, 0, 127); harmonics = new VsqBPList("harmonics", 64, 0, 127); fx2depth = new VsqBPList("fx2depth", 64, 0, 127); GEN = new VsqBPList("gen", 64, 0, 127); POR = new VsqBPList("por", 64, 0, 127); OPE = new VsqBPList("ope", 127, 0, 127); if (is_first_track) { master = new VsqMaster(pre_measure); } else { master = null; } Events = new VsqEventList(); VsqID id = new VsqID(0); id.type = VsqIDType.Singer; IconHandle ish = new IconHandle(); ish.IconID = "$07010000"; ish.IDS = singer; ish.Original = 0; ish.Caption = ""; ish.setLength(1); ish.Language = 0; ish.Program = 0; id.IconHandle = ish; Events.add(new VsqEvent(0, id)); }
/// <summary> /// 指定したトラックのレンダラーを変更します /// </summary> /// <param name="track"></param> /// <param name="new_renderer"></param> /// <param name="singers"></param> public void changeRenderer(string new_renderer, List <VsqID> singers) { VsqID default_id = null; int singers_size = singers.Count; if (singers_size <= 0) { default_id = new VsqID(); default_id.type = VsqIDType.Singer; IconHandle singer_handle = new IconHandle(); singer_handle.IconID = "$0701" + PortUtil.toHexString(0, 4); singer_handle.IDS = "Unknown"; singer_handle.Index = 0; singer_handle.Language = 0; singer_handle.setLength(1); singer_handle.Original = 0; singer_handle.Program = 0; singer_handle.Caption = ""; default_id.IconHandle = singer_handle; } else { default_id = singers[0]; } for (Iterator <VsqEvent> itr = getSingerEventIterator(); itr.hasNext();) { VsqEvent ve =; IconHandle singer_handle = (IconHandle)ve.ID.IconHandle; int program = singer_handle.Program; bool found = false; for (int i = 0; i < singers_size; i++) { VsqID id = singers[i]; if (program == singer_handle.Program) { ve.ID = (VsqID)id.clone(); found = true; break; } } if (!found) { VsqID add = (VsqID)default_id.clone(); add.IconHandle.Program = program; ve.ID = add; } } MetaText.Common.Version = new_renderer; }
/// <summary> /// VsqIDの内容を変更するコマンドを発行します。 /// </summary> /// <param name="track"></param> /// <param name="internal_ids"></param> /// <param name="values"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static VsqCommand generateCommandEventChangeIDContaintsRange(int track, int[] internal_ids, VsqID[] values) { VsqCommand command = new VsqCommand(); command.Type = VsqCommandType.EVENT_CHANGE_ID_CONTAINTS_RANGE; command.Args = new Object[3]; command.Args[0] = track; command.Args[1] = copyIntArray(internal_ids); VsqID[] list = new VsqID[values.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) { list[i] = (VsqID)values[i].clone(); } command.Args[2] = list; return(command); }
/// <summary> /// VsqIDとClockを同時に変更するコマンドを発行します /// </summary> /// <param name="track"></param> /// <param name="internal_ids"></param> /// <param name="clocks"></param> /// <param name="values"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static VsqCommand generateCommandEventChangeClockAndIDContaintsRange(int track, int[] internal_ids, int[] clocks, VsqID[] values) { VsqCommand command = new VsqCommand(); command.Type = VsqCommandType.EVENT_CHANGE_CLOCK_AND_ID_CONTAINTS_RANGE; int count = internal_ids.Length; command.Args = new Object[4]; command.Args[0] = track; command.Args[1] = copyIntArray(internal_ids); command.Args[2] = copyIntArray(clocks); VsqID[] cp_values = new VsqID[values.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) { cp_values[i] = (VsqID)values[i].clone(); } command.Args[3] = cp_values; return(command); }
/// <summary> /// このインスタンスの簡易コピーを取得します。 /// </summary> /// <returns>このインスタンスの簡易コピー</returns> public Object clone() { VsqID result = new VsqID(this.value); result.type = this.type; if (this.IconHandle != null) { result.IconHandle = (IconHandle)IconHandle.clone(); } result.setLength(getLength()); result.Note = this.Note; result.Dynamics = this.Dynamics; result.PMBendDepth = this.PMBendDepth; result.PMBendLength = this.PMBendLength; result.PMbPortamentoUse = this.PMbPortamentoUse; result.DEMdecGainRate = this.DEMdecGainRate; result.DEMaccent = this.DEMaccent; result.d4mean = this.d4mean; result.pMeanOnsetFirstNote = this.pMeanOnsetFirstNote; result.vMeanNoteTransition = this.vMeanNoteTransition; result.pMeanEndingNote = this.pMeanEndingNote; if (this.LyricHandle != null) { result.LyricHandle = (LyricHandle)this.LyricHandle.clone(); } if (this.VibratoHandle != null) { result.VibratoHandle = (VibratoHandle)this.VibratoHandle.clone(); } result.VibratoDelay = this.VibratoDelay; if (NoteHeadHandle != null) { result.NoteHeadHandle = (NoteHeadHandle)NoteHeadHandle.clone(); } if (IconDynamicsHandle != null) { result.IconDynamicsHandle = (IconDynamicsHandle)IconDynamicsHandle.clone(); } return(result); }
public VsqMetaText(TextStream sr) { List <ValuePair <int, int> > t_event_list = new List <ValuePair <int, int> >(); SortedDictionary <int, VsqID> __id = new SortedDictionary <int, VsqID>(); SortedDictionary <int, VsqHandle> __handle = new SortedDictionary <int, VsqHandle>(); PIT = new VsqBPList("pit", 0, -8192, 8191); PBS = new VsqBPList("pbs", 2, 0, 24); DYN = new VsqBPList("dyn", 64, 0, 127); BRE = new VsqBPList("bre", 0, 0, 127); BRI = new VsqBPList("bri", 64, 0, 127); CLE = new VsqBPList("cle", 0, 0, 127); reso1FreqBPList = new VsqBPList("reso1freq", 64, 0, 127); reso2FreqBPList = new VsqBPList("reso2freq", 64, 0, 127); reso3FreqBPList = new VsqBPList("reso3freq", 64, 0, 127); reso4FreqBPList = new VsqBPList("reso4freq", 64, 0, 127); reso1BWBPList = new VsqBPList("reso1bw", 64, 0, 127); reso2BWBPList = new VsqBPList("reso2bw", 64, 0, 127); reso3BWBPList = new VsqBPList("reso3bw", 64, 0, 127); reso4BWBPList = new VsqBPList("reso4bw", 64, 0, 127); reso1AmpBPList = new VsqBPList("reso1amp", 64, 0, 127); reso2AmpBPList = new VsqBPList("reso2amp", 64, 0, 127); reso3AmpBPList = new VsqBPList("reso3amp", 64, 0, 127); reso4AmpBPList = new VsqBPList("reso4amp", 64, 0, 127); harmonics = new VsqBPList("harmonics", 64, 0, 127); fx2depth = new VsqBPList("fx2depth", 64, 0, 127); GEN = new VsqBPList("gen", 64, 0, 127); POR = new VsqBPList("por", 64, 0, 127); OPE = new VsqBPList("ope", 127, 0, 127); ByRef <string> last_line = new ByRef <string>(sr.readLine()); while (true) { #region "TextMemoryStreamから順次読込み" if (last_line.value.Length == 0) { break; } if (last_line.value == "[Common]") { Common = new VsqCommon(sr, last_line); } else if (last_line.value == "[Master]") { master = new VsqMaster(sr, last_line); } else if (last_line.value == "[Mixer]") { mixer = new VsqMixer(sr, last_line); } else if (last_line.value == "[EventList]") { last_line.value = sr.readLine(); while (!last_line.value.StartsWith("[")) { string[] spl2 = PortUtil.splitString(last_line.value, new char[] { '=' }); int clock = int.Parse(spl2[0]); int id_number = -1; if (spl2[1] != "EOS") { string[] ids = PortUtil.splitString(spl2[1], ','); for (int i = 0; i < ids.Length; i++) { string[] spl3 = PortUtil.splitString(ids[i], new char[] { '#' }); id_number = int.Parse(spl3[1]); t_event_list.Add(new ValuePair <int, int>(clock, id_number)); } } else { t_event_list.Add(new ValuePair <int, int>(clock, -1)); } if (!sr.ready()) { break; } else { last_line.value = sr.readLine(); } } } else if (last_line.value == "[PitchBendBPList]") { last_line.value = PIT.appendFromText(sr); } else if (last_line.value == "[PitchBendSensBPList]") { last_line.value = PBS.appendFromText(sr); } else if (last_line.value == "[DynamicsBPList]") { last_line.value = DYN.appendFromText(sr); } else if (last_line.value == "[EpRResidualBPList]") { last_line.value = BRE.appendFromText(sr); } else if (last_line.value == "[EpRESlopeBPList]") { last_line.value = BRI.appendFromText(sr); } else if (last_line.value == "[EpRESlopeDepthBPList]") { last_line.value = CLE.appendFromText(sr); } else if (last_line.value == "[EpRSineBPList]") { last_line.value = harmonics.appendFromText(sr); } else if (last_line.value == "[VibTremDepthBPList]") { last_line.value = fx2depth.appendFromText(sr); } else if (last_line.value == "[Reso1FreqBPList]") { last_line.value = reso1FreqBPList.appendFromText(sr); } else if (last_line.value == "[Reso2FreqBPList]") { last_line.value = reso2FreqBPList.appendFromText(sr); } else if (last_line.value == "[Reso3FreqBPList]") { last_line.value = reso3FreqBPList.appendFromText(sr); } else if (last_line.value == "[Reso4FreqBPList]") { last_line.value = reso4FreqBPList.appendFromText(sr); } else if (last_line.value == "[Reso1BWBPList]") { last_line.value = reso1BWBPList.appendFromText(sr); } else if (last_line.value == "[Reso2BWBPList]") { last_line.value = reso2BWBPList.appendFromText(sr); } else if (last_line.value == "[Reso3BWBPList]") { last_line.value = reso3BWBPList.appendFromText(sr); } else if (last_line.value == "[Reso4BWBPList]") { last_line.value = reso4BWBPList.appendFromText(sr); } else if (last_line.value == "[Reso1AmpBPList]") { last_line.value = reso1AmpBPList.appendFromText(sr); } else if (last_line.value == "[Reso2AmpBPList]") { last_line.value = reso2AmpBPList.appendFromText(sr); } else if (last_line.value == "[Reso3AmpBPList]") { last_line.value = reso3AmpBPList.appendFromText(sr); } else if (last_line.value == "[Reso4AmpBPList]") { last_line.value = reso4AmpBPList.appendFromText(sr); } else if (last_line.value == "[GenderFactorBPList]") { last_line.value = GEN.appendFromText(sr); } else if (last_line.value == "[PortamentoTimingBPList]") { last_line.value = POR.appendFromText(sr); } else if (last_line.value == "[OpeningBPList]") { last_line.value = OPE.appendFromText(sr); } else { string buffer = last_line.value; buffer = buffer.Replace("[", ""); buffer = buffer.Replace("]", ""); #if DEBUG sout.println("VsqMetaText#.ctor; buffer=" + buffer); #endif string[] spl = PortUtil.splitString(buffer, new char[] { '#' }); int index = int.Parse(spl[1]); if (last_line.value.StartsWith("[ID#")) { __id[index] = new VsqID(sr, index, last_line); } else if (last_line.value.StartsWith("[h#")) { __handle[index] = new VsqHandle(sr, index, last_line); } } #endregion if (!sr.ready()) { break; } } // まずhandleをidに埋め込み int c = __id.Count; for (int i = 0; i < c; i++) { VsqID id = __id[i]; if (__handle.ContainsKey(id.IconHandle_index)) { if (id.type == VsqIDType.Singer) { id.IconHandle = __handle[id.IconHandle_index].castToIconHandle(); } else if (id.type == VsqIDType.Aicon) { id.IconDynamicsHandle = __handle[id.IconHandle_index].castToIconDynamicsHandle(); } } if (__handle.ContainsKey(id.LyricHandle_index)) { id.LyricHandle = __handle[id.LyricHandle_index].castToLyricHandle(); } if (__handle.ContainsKey(id.VibratoHandle_index)) { id.VibratoHandle = __handle[id.VibratoHandle_index].castToVibratoHandle(); } if (__handle.ContainsKey(id.NoteHeadHandle_index)) { id.NoteHeadHandle = __handle[id.NoteHeadHandle_index].castToNoteHeadHandle(); } } // idをeventListに埋め込み Events = new VsqEventList(); int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < t_event_list.Count; i++) { ValuePair <int, int> item = t_event_list[i]; int clock = item.getKey(); int id_number = item.getValue(); if (__id.ContainsKey(id_number)) { count++; Events.add(new VsqEvent(clock, (VsqID)__id[id_number].clone()), count); } } Events.sort(); if (Common == null) { Common = new VsqCommon(); } }
/// <summary> /// VsqIDの内容を変更するコマンドを発行します。 /// </summary> /// <param name="track"></param> /// <param name="internal_id"></param> /// <param name="value"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static VsqCommand generateCommandEventChangeIDContaints(int track, int internal_id, VsqID value) { VsqCommand command = new VsqCommand(); command.Type = VsqCommandType.EVENT_CHANGE_ID_CONTAINTS; command.Args = new Object[3]; command.Args[0] = track; command.Args[1] = internal_id; command.Args[2] = (VsqID)value.clone(); return(command); }