public void recv(BServer server, BMessage msg, BAsyncResultIF <BMessage> asyncResult) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("recv("); } BInput bin = getInput(msg.header, msg.buf); Object methodObj = bin.load(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("methodObj=" + methodObj); } MethodResult methodResult = new MethodResult(this, asyncResult, bin); BTargetId clientTargetId = bin.header.targetId; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("clientTargetId=" + clientTargetId); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("server.recv"); } server.recv(clientTargetId, methodObj, methodResult); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(")recv"); } }
public override bool Equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return(true); } if (obj == null) { return(false); } if (GetType() != obj.GetType()) { return(false); } BTargetId other = (BTargetId)obj; if (serverId != other.serverId) { return(false); } if (v1 != other.v1) { return(false); } if (v2 != other.v2) { return(false); } return(true); }
public BTransport(BApiDescriptor apiDesc, BWire wire, BRemoteRegistry remoteRegistry) { this.apiDesc = apiDesc; this.wire = wire; this.targetId = new BTargetId(); this.remoteRegistry = remoteRegistry; }
internal BContentStream createStreamRequest(Stream strm) { if (streams == null) { streams = new List <BContentStream>(); } BContentStream bstrm = null; if (strm is BContentStream) { bstrm = (BContentStream)strm; } else { bstrm = new BContentStreamWrapper(strm); } // If the stream has already a streamId, it has been received // from the server. In this case, the application obviously // wants to forward the stream to another client. Thus // we do not have to upload the stream. if (bstrm.TargetId.isZero()) { BTargetId targetId = new BTargetId( transport.getConnectedServerId(), header.messageId, transport.getWire().makeMessageId()); bstrm.TargetId = targetId; streams.Add(bstrm); } return(bstrm); }
public virtual void copyProperties(BContentStream rhs) { contentTypeVal = rhs.ContentType; contentLengthVal = rhs.ContentLength; fileNameVal = rhs.FileName; attachmentCodeVal = rhs.AttachmentCode; targetIdVal = rhs.TargetId; }
public override BContentStream getStream(BTargetId targetId) { Dictionary<long, ByteBuffer> map = null; if (!mapStreams.TryGetValue(targetId.getMessageId(), out map)) throw new IOException("Stream not found."); ByteBuffer buf = null; if (!map.TryGetValue(targetId.getStreamId(), out buf)) throw new IOException("Stream not found."); return new BContentStreamWrapper(new MemoryStream(buf.array(), buf.position(), buf.remaining())); }
public RequestToCancel createRequestForGetStream(BTargetId targetId, BAsyncResultIF <BMessage> asyncResult) { RequestToCancel r = new RequestToCancel(this, ERequestDirection.FORWARD, targetId.getMessageId(), null, null, targetId.getStreamId(), 0L, timeoutMillisClient, timeoutMillisClient, asyncResult); addRequest(r); return(r); }
public void setTargetId(BTargetId targetId) { lock (this) { this.targetId = targetId; this.connectedServerId = targetId.getServerId(); } }
public override void write(Object obj, BOutput bout1, long version) { BOutputBin bout = ((BOutputBin)bout1); BRemote remote = (BRemote)obj; BTargetId targetId = remote.BRemote_getTargetId(); targetId.write(bout.bbuf.getBuffer(), bout1.header.bversion); }
public BNegotiate(BNegotiate rhs) { protocols = rhs.protocols; bversion = rhs.bversion; version = rhs.version; byteOrder = rhs.byteOrder; targetId = rhs.targetId; sessionId = rhs.sessionId; }
private void internalStartR() { BTargetId targetId = getTransport().getTargetId(); String sessionId = getTransport().getSessionId(); serverR.transport.setTargetId(targetId); serverR.transport.setSessionId(sessionId); serverR.start(); }
public BTransport(BTransport rhs, BTargetId targetId) { this.apiDesc = rhs.apiDesc; this.wire = rhs.wire; this.targetId = targetId; this.sessionId = rhs.sessionId; this.protocol = rhs.getProtocol(); // Still connected to the server given by rhs. this.connectedServerId = rhs.targetId.getServerId(); }
public BMessageHeader(BMessageHeader rhs) { this.magic = rhs.magic; this.bversion = rhs.bversion; this.version = rhs.version; this.byteOrder = rhs.byteOrder; this.error = rhs.error; this.flags = rhs.flags; this.messageId = rhs.messageId; this.targetId = rhs.targetId; this.sessionId = rhs.sessionId; }
public BProtocol negotiateProtocolServer(BTargetId targetId, ByteBuffer buf, BAsyncResultIF <ByteBuffer> asyncResult) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("negotiateProtocolServer(targetId=" + targetId); } BProtocol ret = null; try { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("read nego msg"); } BNegotiate nego = new BNegotiate();; lock (this) { this.protocol = ret = createNegotiatedProtocol(nego); this.setTargetId(targetId); this.setSessionId(targetId.toSessionId()); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("protocol=" + this.protocol + ", targetId=" + this.targetId); } ByteBuffer bout = ByteBuffer.allocate(BNegotiate.NEGOTIATE_MAX_SIZE); try { nego.targetId = targetId; nego.sessionId = targetId.toSessionId(); nego.write(bout); bout.flip(); asyncResult.setAsyncResult(bout, null); } finally { } } catch (Exception e) { asyncResult.setAsyncResult(null, e); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(")negotiateProtocolServer=" + ret); } return(ret); }
public override Object read(Object obj, BInput bin1, long version) { BInputBin bin = ((BInputBin)bin1); BRemote remote = null; BTargetId targetId =, bin1.header.bversion); BRemoteRegistry rreg = bin.transport.getRemoteRegistry(); if (rreg != null) { remote = rreg.getRemote(bin.header.targetId, targetId, typeId); } else { BTransport transport = new BTransport(bin.transport, targetId); remote = internalCreate(transport); } return(remote); }
private void readBinaryWithoutMagic(ByteBuffer buf) { error = buf.getInt(); flags = buf.getInt(); if ((flags & FLAG_BYPS_VERSION) != 0) { bversion = buf.getInt(); } version = buf.getLong(); targetId =, bversion); messageId = buf.getLong(); if (bversion >= BYPS_VERSION_WITH_SESSIONID) { sessionId = BTargetId.readSessionId(buf); } }
public override Object read(Object obj, BInput bin1, long version) { BInputBin bin = ((BInputBin)bin1); BTargetId targetId = null; long contentLength = -1; String contentType = BContentStream.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE; int attachmentCode = 0; String fileName = ""; bool withProps = bin1.header.bversion >= BMessageHeader.BYPS_VERSION_EXTENDED_STREAM_INFORMATION; if (withProps) { targetId =, bin1.header.bversion); contentLength = bin.bbuf.getLong(); contentType = bin.bbuf.getString(); attachmentCode = bin.bbuf.getInt(); fileName = bin.bbuf.getString(); } else { long streamId = bin.bbuf.getLong(); int serverId = bin1.transport.getTargetId().getServerId(); long messageId = bin1.header.messageId; targetId = new BTargetId(serverId, messageId, streamId); } try { BContentStream strm = bin.transport.getWire().getStream(targetId); bin.onObjectCreated(strm); strm.ContentLength = contentLength; strm.ContentType = contentType; strm.AttachmentCode = attachmentCode; strm.FileName = fileName; return strm; } catch (IOException e) { throw new BException(BExceptionC.IOERROR, e.Message); } }
public void write(ByteBuffer buf) { buf.putInt(MAGIC_BINARY_STREAM); buf.putInt(error); buf.putInt(flags); if ((flags & FLAG_BYPS_VERSION) != 0) { buf.putInt(bversion); } buf.putLong(version); targetId.write(buf, bversion); buf.putLong(messageId); if (bversion >= BYPS_VERSION_WITH_SESSIONID) { BTargetId.writeSessionId(buf, sessionId); } }
public override Object read(Object obj, BInput bin1, long version) { BInputBin bin = ((BInputBin)bin1); BTargetId targetId = null; long contentLength = -1; String contentType = BContentStream.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE; int attachmentCode = 0; String fileName = ""; bool withProps = bin1.header.bversion >= BMessageHeader.BYPS_VERSION_EXTENDED_STREAM_INFORMATION; if (withProps) { targetId =, bin1.header.bversion); contentLength = bin.bbuf.getLong(); contentType = bin.bbuf.getString(); attachmentCode = bin.bbuf.getInt(); fileName = bin.bbuf.getString(); } else { long streamId = bin.bbuf.getLong(); int serverId = bin1.transport.getTargetId().getServerId(); long messageId = bin1.header.messageId; targetId = new BTargetId(serverId, messageId, streamId); } try { BContentStream strm = bin.transport.getWire().getStream(targetId); bin.onObjectCreated(strm); strm.ContentLength = contentLength; strm.ContentType = contentType; strm.AttachmentCode = attachmentCode; strm.FileName = fileName; return(strm); } catch (IOException e) { throw new BException(BExceptionC.IOERROR, e.Message); } }
public override void write(Object obj, BOutput bout1, long version) { BOutputBin bout = ((BOutputBin)bout1); Stream strm = (Stream)obj; BContentStream bstream = bout.createStreamRequest(strm); BTargetId targetId = bstream.TargetId; bool withProps = bout1.header.bversion >= BMessageHeader.BYPS_VERSION_EXTENDED_STREAM_INFORMATION; if (withProps) { bstream.TargetId.write(bout.bbuf.getBuffer(), bout1.header.bversion); bout.bbuf.putLong(bstream.ContentLength); bout.bbuf.putString(bstream.ContentType); bout.bbuf.putInt(bstream.AttachmentCode); bout.bbuf.putString(bstream.FileName); } else { bout.bbuf.putLong(targetId.getStreamId()); } }
public virtual void recv(BTargetId clientTargetId, Object methodObj, BAsyncResultIF<Object> methodResult) { try { BMethodRequest method = (BMethodRequest)methodObj; BRemote remote = null; int remoteId = method.getRemoteId(); BTargetId serverTargetId = this.transport.getTargetId(); // Die Target-ID aus dem Header ist gleich der Target-ID des BServer-Objekts // für einen normalen Client-Server-Request if (clientTargetId.Equals(serverTargetId)) { remotes.TryGetValue(remoteId, out remote); } else { // Es wird eine andere Target-ID angesteuert. // Ermittle hier die BRemote-Schnittstelle dieser Target-ID. // Sie kommt möglicherweise von einem anderen Client. remote = this.transport.getRemoteRegistry().getRemote(serverTargetId, clientTargetId, remoteId); } if (remote != null) { method.execute(remote, methodResult); } else { BException ex = new BException(BExceptionC.SERVICE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Service not implemented: remoteId=" + remoteId); methodResult.setAsyncResult(null, ex); } } catch (Exception e) { methodResult.setAsyncResult(null, e); } }
public virtual void recv(BTargetId clientTargetId, Object methodObj, BAsyncResultIF <Object> methodResult) { try { BMethodRequest method = (BMethodRequest)methodObj; BRemote remote = null; int remoteId = method.getRemoteId(); BTargetId serverTargetId = this.transport.getTargetId(); // Die Target-ID aus dem Header ist gleich der Target-ID des BServer-Objekts // für einen normalen Client-Server-Request if (clientTargetId.Equals(serverTargetId)) { remotes.TryGetValue(remoteId, out remote); } else { // Es wird eine andere Target-ID angesteuert. // Ermittle hier die BRemote-Schnittstelle dieser Target-ID. // Sie kommt möglicherweise von einem anderen Client. remote = this.transport.getRemoteRegistry().getRemote(serverTargetId, clientTargetId, remoteId); } if (remote != null) { method.execute(remote, methodResult); } else { BException ex = new BException(BExceptionC.SERVICE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Service not implemented: remoteId=" + remoteId); methodResult.setAsyncResult(null, ex); } } catch (Exception e) { methodResult.setAsyncResult(null, e); } }
public InputStreamWrapper(BTargetId targetId) { this.TargetId = targetId; }
public MyInputStream(HWireClient wire, BTargetId targetId) : base(targetId) { this.wire = wire; }
public virtual BProtocol negotiate(BTargetId targetId, ByteBuffer bin, BAsyncResultIF<ByteBuffer> asyncResult) { BProtocol protocol = transport.negotiateProtocolServer(targetId, bin, asyncResult); return protocol; }
public virtual BContentStream getStream(BTargetId targetId) { return(null); }
public void read(ByteBuffer buf) { String str = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buf.array(), buf.position(), buf.remaining()); str = str.Trim(); if (str.IndexOf("[") == 0) { int endPos = str.IndexOf("]"); if (endPos == str.Length - 1) { str = str.Substring(1, str.Length - 2); String[] items = str.Split(','); int idx = 0; if (items.Length >= 5) { if (items[idx++] == "\"N\"") { protocols = items[idx++]; if (protocols.Length >= 3) { protocols = protocols.Substring(1, protocols.Length - 2); String versionStr = items[idx++]; versionStr = versionStr.Substring(1, versionStr.Length - 2); version = BVersioning.stringToLong(versionStr); String byteOrderStr = items[idx++]; if (byteOrderStr.Equals("\"L\"")) { byteOrder = ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN; } else if (byteOrderStr.Equals("\"B\"")) { byteOrder = ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN; } else { byteOrder = ByteOrder.UNDEFINED; } String targetIdStr = items[idx++]; if (targetIdStr.Length > 2) { targetIdStr = targetIdStr.Substring(1, targetIdStr.Length - 2); targetId = BTargetId.parseString(targetIdStr); } // BYPS Version. // Due to a bug in versions before BYPS_VERSION_WITH_SESSIONID, // this value is not correctly negotiated. If no sessionId is // found, the bversion is ignored and set to the version number // prior to BYPS_VERSION_WITH_SESSIONID. if (items.Length >= 6) { bversion = Convert.ToInt32(items[5]); } else { bversion = 0; } if (items.Length >= 7) { sessionId = items[6]; if (sessionId.Length > 0) { int p = (sessionId[0] == '\"') ? 1 : 0; int q = (sessionId[sessionId.Length - 1] == '\"') ? sessionId.Length - 1 : 0; sessionId = sessionId.Substring(p, q - p); } } else if (bversion >= BMessageHeader.BYPS_VERSION_WITH_SESSIONID) { bversion = BMessageHeader.BYPS_VERSION_WITH_SESSIONID - 1; } return; // OK } } } } } throw new BException(BExceptionC.CORRUPT, "Invalid negotiate message."); }
public virtual BContentStream getStream(BTargetId targetId) { return null; }
public override void recv(BTargetId clientTargetId, Object methodObj, BAsyncResultIF<Object> methodResult) { innerServer.recv(clientTargetId, methodObj, methodResult); }
public override BProtocol negotiate(BTargetId targetId, ByteBuffer bin, BAsyncResultIF<ByteBuffer> asyncResult) { // negotiate muss bereits vom zugehörigen BClient ausgeführt worden sein. // Die ausgehandelten Eigenschaften werden von BClient übernommen - sie sind in BTransport enthalten. return transport.getProtocol(); }
public override BProtocol negotiate(BTargetId targetId, ByteBuffer bin, BAsyncResultIF <ByteBuffer> asyncResult) { // negotiate muss bereits vom zugehörigen BClient ausgeführt worden sein. // Die ausgehandelten Eigenschaften werden von BClient übernommen - sie sind in BTransport enthalten. return(transport.getProtocol()); }
public override void recv(BTargetId clientTargetId, Object methodObj, BAsyncResultIF <Object> methodResult) { innerServer.recv(clientTargetId, methodObj, methodResult); }
internal BContentStream createStreamRequest(Stream strm) { if (streams == null) streams = new List<BContentStream>(); BContentStream bstrm = null; if (strm is BContentStream) { bstrm = (BContentStream)strm; } else { bstrm = new BContentStreamWrapper(strm); } // If the stream has already a streamId, it has been received // from the server. In this case, the application obviously // wants to forward the stream to another client. Thus // we do not have to upload the stream. if (bstrm.TargetId.isZero()) { BTargetId targetId = new BTargetId( transport.getConnectedServerId(), header.messageId, transport.getWire().makeMessageId()); bstrm.TargetId = targetId; streams.Add(bstrm); } return bstrm; }
public override BContentStream getStream(BTargetId targetId) { BContentStream strm = new MyInputStream(this, targetId); return(strm); }
public void BSkeleton_setTargetId(BTargetId targetId) { this.targetId = targetId; }
public virtual BProtocol negotiate(BTargetId targetId, ByteBuffer bin, BAsyncResultIF <ByteBuffer> asyncResult) { BProtocol protocol = transport.negotiateProtocolServer(targetId, bin, asyncResult); return(protocol); }
public void read(ByteBuffer buf) { String str = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buf.array(), buf.position(), buf.remaining()); str = str.Trim(); if (str.IndexOf("[") == 0) { int endPos = str.IndexOf("]"); if (endPos == str.Length - 1) { str = str.Substring(1, str.Length - 2); String[] items = str.Split(','); int idx = 0; if (items.Length >= 5) { if (items[idx++] == "\"N\"") { protocols = items[idx++]; if (protocols.Length >= 3) { protocols = protocols.Substring(1, protocols.Length - 2); String versionStr = items[idx++]; versionStr = versionStr.Substring(1, versionStr.Length - 2); version = BVersioning.stringToLong(versionStr); String byteOrderStr = items[idx++]; if (byteOrderStr.Equals("\"L\"")) { byteOrder = ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN; } else if (byteOrderStr.Equals("\"B\"")) { byteOrder = ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN; } else { byteOrder = ByteOrder.UNDEFINED; } String targetIdStr = items[idx++]; if (targetIdStr.Length > 2) { targetIdStr = targetIdStr.Substring(1, targetIdStr.Length - 2); targetId = BTargetId.parseString(targetIdStr); } // BYPS Version. // Due to a bug in versions before BYPS_VERSION_WITH_SESSIONID, // this value is not correctly negotiated. If no sessionId is // found, the bversion is ignored and set to the version number // prior to BYPS_VERSION_WITH_SESSIONID. if (items.Length >= 6) { bversion = Convert.ToInt32(items[5]); } else { bversion = 0; } if (items.Length >= 7) { sessionId = items[6]; if (sessionId.Length > 0) { int p = (sessionId[0] == '\"') ? 1 : 0; int q = (sessionId[sessionId.Length-1] == '\"') ? sessionId.Length-1 : 0; sessionId = sessionId.Substring(p, q - p); } } else if (bversion >= BMessageHeader.BYPS_VERSION_WITH_SESSIONID) { bversion = BMessageHeader.BYPS_VERSION_WITH_SESSIONID - 1; } return; // OK } } } } } throw new BException(BExceptionC.CORRUPT, "Invalid negotiate message."); }