/** Show the player list of a foreign team depending on the * scout quality. */ public static void ShowPlayerListTeam(TreeView treeview, Team team, int scout) { #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("TreeViewHelper.ShowPlayerListTeam"); #endif }
/** Set the images for the style and boost meters in the main * window and the live game window. */ public static void WriteMeters(Team team) { #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("GameGUI.WriteMeters"); #endif }
/** Set the images for the style and boost meters to the appropriate values * from the team settings. */ public static void WriteMeterImages(Team team, List<Gtk.Image> style, List<Gtk.Image> boost) { #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("GameGUI.WriteMeterImages"); #endif }
/** Set the average skills of the current team * into the appropriate labels. */ public static void WriteAvSkills(Team team) { #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("GameGUI.WriteAvSkills"); #endif }
/** Show the job offer window. * @param team The team offering the job or NULL if we're looking * at a job offer from the job exchange. * @param job The job pointer or NULL (depends on whether we're looking * at a job offer from the job exchange). * @param type The offer type (eg. whether the user's been fired). */ public static void ShowJobOffer(Team team, Job job, int type) { #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("GameGUI.ShowJobOffer"); #endif }
public void Load(XmlNode xnLeague) { XmlNode xnName = xnLeague.SelectSingleNode (XmlHelper.TAG_DEF_NAME); name = xnName.InnerText; XmlNode xnShortName = xnLeague.SelectSingleNode (XmlHelper.TAG_DEF_SHORT_NAME); shortName = xnShortName.InnerText; XmlNode xnSid = xnLeague.SelectSingleNode (XmlHelper.TAG_DEF_SID); sid = xnSid.InnerText; XmlNode xnSymbol = xnLeague.SelectSingleNode (XmlHelper.TAG_DEF_SYMBOL); symbol = xnSymbol.InnerText; XmlNode xnTeams = xnLeague.SelectSingleNode (TAG_TEAMS); foreach (XmlNode xnTeam in xnTeams.ChildNodes) { Team team = new Team (true); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (team.symbol)) team.symbol = symbol; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (team.namesFile)) team.namesFile = names_file; team.clid = id; team.Load (xnTeam); teams.Add (team); } }