public static void Default_CheckDB(HtmlGenericControl msg) { // see if the connection string works try { // Intentionally getting an extra connection here so that we fall into the right "catch" SqlConnection conn = DbUtil.get_sqlconnection(); conn.Close(); try { DbUtil.execute_nonquery("select count(1) from users"); } catch (SqlException e1) { Util.write_to_log(e1.Message); Util.write_to_log(Util.get_setting("ConnectionString", "?")); msg.InnerHtml = "Unable to find \"bugs\" table.<br>" + "Click to <a href=install.aspx>setup database tables</a>"; } } catch (SqlException e2) { msg.InnerHtml = "Unable to connect.<br>" + e2.Message + "<br>" + "Check Web.config file \"ConnectionString\" setting.<br>" + "Check also README.html<br>" + "Check also <a href=>Help Forum</a> on Sourceforge."; } }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static void update_most_recent_login_datetime(int us_id) { var sql = new SQLString(@"update users set us_most_recent_login_datetime = getdate() where us_id = @us"); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("us", Convert.ToString(us_id)); DbUtil.execute_nonquery(sql); }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static void create_session(HttpRequest Request, HttpResponse Response, int userid, string username, string NTLM) { // Generate a random session id // Don't use a regularly incrementing identity // column because that can be guessed. string guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); Util.write_to_log("guid=" + guid); string sql = @"insert into sessions (se_id, se_user) values('$gu', $us)"; sql = sql.Replace("$gu", guid); sql = sql.Replace("$us", Convert.ToString(userid)); DbUtil.execute_nonquery(sql); HttpContext.Current.Session[guid] = userid; string sAppPath = Request.Url.AbsolutePath; sAppPath = sAppPath.Substring(0, sAppPath.LastIndexOf('/')); Util.write_to_log("AppPath:" + sAppPath); Response.Cookies["se_id"].Value = guid; Response.Cookies["se_id"].Path = sAppPath; Response.Cookies["user"]["name"] = username; Response.Cookies["user"]["NTLM"] = NTLM; Response.Cookies["user"].Path = sAppPath; DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan(365, 0, 0, 0); Response.Cookies["user"].Expires = dt.Add(ts); }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void on_update() { Boolean good = validate(); string ct; if (good) { if (id == 0) { // insert new sql = new SQLString(@"insert into reports (rp_desc, rp_sql, rp_chart_type) values (@de, @sq, @ct)" ); } else { // edit existing sql = new SQLString(@"update reports set rp_desc = @de, rp_sql = @sq, rp_chart_type = @ct where rp_id = @id" ); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("@id", Convert.ToString(id)); } sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("@de", desc.Value); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("@sq", Server.HtmlDecode(sql_text.Value)); if (pie.Checked) { ct = "pie"; } else if (bar.Checked) { ct = "bar"; } else if (line.Checked) { ct = "line"; } else { ct = "table"; } sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("@ct", ct); DbUtil.execute_nonquery(sql); Server.Transfer("reports.aspx"); } else { if (id == 0) { // insert new msg.InnerText += "Query was not created."; } else { // edit existing msg.InnerText += "Query was not updated."; } } }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static void update_most_recent_login_datetime(int us_id) { string sql = @"update users set us_most_recent_login_datetime = getdate() where us_id = $us"; sql = sql.Replace("$us", Convert.ToString(us_id)); DbUtil.execute_nonquery(sql); }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Send the emails in the queue protected static void actually_send_the_emails() { Util.write_to_log("actually_send_the_emails"); string sql = @"select * from queued_notifications where qn_status = N'not sent' and qn_retries < 3"; // create a new one, just in case there would be multithreading issues... // get the pending notifications DataSet ds = DbUtil.get_dataset(sql); foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { string err = ""; try { string to = (string)dr["qn_to"]; Util.write_to_log("sending email to " + to); // try to send it err = Email.send_email( (string)dr["qn_to"], (string)dr["qn_from"], "", // cc (string)dr["qn_subject"], (string)dr["qn_body"], BtnetMailFormat.Html); if (err == "") { sql = "delete from queued_notifications where qn_id = $qn_id"; } } catch (Exception e) { err = e.Message; if (e.InnerException != null) { err += "; "; err += e.InnerException.Message; } } if (err != "") { sql = "update queued_notifications set qn_retries = qn_retries + 1, qn_last_exception = N'$ex' where qn_id = $qn_id"; sql = sql.Replace("$ex", err.Replace("'", "''")); } sql = sql.Replace("$qn_id", Convert.ToString(dr["qn_id"])); // update the row or delete the row DbUtil.execute_nonquery(sql); } }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static void apply_post_insert_rules(int bugid) { string sql = Util.get_setting("UpdateBugAfterInsertBugAspxSql", ""); if (sql != "") { sql = sql.Replace("$BUGID$", Convert.ToString(bugid)); DbUtil.execute_nonquery(sql); } }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected void Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) { Util.do_not_cache(Response); if (Request.QueryString["ses"] != (string)Session["session_cookie"]) { Response.Write("session in URL doesn't match session cookie"); Response.End(); } string string_bugid = Util.sanitize_integer(Request["bugid"]); int bugid = Convert.ToInt32(string_bugid); int permission_level = Bug.get_bug_permission_level(bugid, User.Identity); if (permission_level != PermissionLevel.All) { Response.Write("You are not allowed to edit this item"); Response.End(); } string string_tsk_id = Util.sanitize_integer(Request["id"]); int tsk_id = Convert.ToInt32(string_tsk_id); if (IsPostBack) { // do delete here sql = new SQLString(@"delete bug_tasks where tsk_id = @tsk_id and tsk_bug = @bugid"); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("tsk_id", string_tsk_id); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("bugid", string_bugid); DbUtil.execute_nonquery(sql); Response.Redirect("tasks.aspx?bugid=" + string_bugid); } else { Page.Title = Util.get_setting("AppTitle", "BugTracker.NET") + " - " + "delete task"; back_href.HRef = "tasks.aspx?bugid=" + string_bugid; sql = new SQLString(@"select tsk_description from bug_tasks where tsk_id = @tsk_id and tsk_bug = @bugid"); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("tsk_id", string_tsk_id); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("bugid", string_bugid); DataRow dr = DbUtil.get_datarow(sql); confirm_href.InnerText = "confirm delete of task: " + Convert.ToString(dr["tsk_description"]); } }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static void update_user_password(int us_id, string unencypted) { Random random = new Random(); int salt = random.Next(10000, 99999); string encrypted = Util.encrypt_string_using_MD5(unencypted + Convert.ToString(salt)); string sql = "update users set us_password = N'$en', us_salt = $salt where us_id = $id"; sql = sql.Replace("$en", encrypted); sql = sql.Replace("$salt", Convert.ToString(salt)); sql = sql.Replace("$id", Convert.ToString(us_id)); DbUtil.execute_nonquery(sql); }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static void delete_bug(int bugid) { // delete attachements string id = Convert.ToString(bugid); string upload_folder = Util.get_upload_folder(); string sql = @"select bp_id, bp_file from bug_posts where bp_type = 'file' and bp_bug = $bg"; sql = sql.Replace("$bg", id); DataSet ds = DbUtil.get_dataset(sql); if (upload_folder != null && upload_folder != "") { foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { // create path StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder(upload_folder); path.Append("\\"); path.Append(id); path.Append("_"); path.Append(Convert.ToString(dr["bp_id"])); path.Append("_"); path.Append(Convert.ToString(dr["bp_file"])); if (System.IO.File.Exists(path.ToString())) { System.IO.File.Delete(path.ToString()); } } } // delete the database entries sql = @" delete bug_post_attachments from bug_post_attachments inner join bug_posts on bug_post_attachments.bpa_post = bug_posts.bp_id where bug_posts.bp_bug = $bg delete from bug_posts where bp_bug = $bg delete from bug_subscriptions where bs_bug = $bg delete from bug_relationships where re_bug1 = $bg delete from bug_relationships where re_bug2 = $bg delete from bug_user where bu_bug = $bg delete from bug_tasks where tsk_bug = $bg delete from bugs where bg_id = $bg"; sql = sql.Replace("$bg", id); DbUtil.execute_nonquery(sql); }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected void Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) { Util.do_not_cache(Response); if (IsPostBack) { // do delete here sql = new SQLString(@"delete priorities where pr_id = @prid"); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("prid", Util.sanitize_integer(row_id.Value)); DbUtil.execute_nonquery(sql); Server.Transfer("priorities.aspx"); } else { Master.Menu.SelectedItem = "admin"; Page.Header.Title = Util.get_setting("AppTitle", "BugTracker.NET") + " - " + "delete priority"; string id = Util.sanitize_integer(Request["id"]); sql = new SQLString(@"declare @cnt int select @cnt = count(1) from bugs where bg_priority = @id select pr_name, @cnt [cnt] from priorities where pr_id = @id" ); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("id", id); DataRow dr = DbUtil.get_datarow(sql); if ((int)dr["cnt"] > 0) { Response.Write("You can't delete priority \"" + Convert.ToString(dr["pr_name"]) + "\" because some bugs still reference it."); Response.End(); } else { confirm_href.InnerText = "confirm delete of \"" + Convert.ToString(dr["pr_name"]) + "\""; row_id.Value = id; } } }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected void Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) { Util.do_not_cache(Response); if (IsPostBack) { // do delete here sql = new SQLString(@"delete orgs where og_id = @orgid"); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("orgid", Util.sanitize_integer(row_id.Value)); DbUtil.execute_nonquery(sql); Server.Transfer("orgs.aspx"); } else { Page.Title = Util.get_setting("AppTitle", "BugTracker.NET") + " - " + "delete organization"; string id = Util.sanitize_integer(Request["id"]); sql = new SQLString(@"declare @cnt int select @cnt = count(1) from users where us_org = @orgid; select @cnt = @cnt + count(1) from queries where qu_org = @orgid; select @cnt = @cnt + count(1) from bugs where bg_org = @orgid; select og_name, @cnt [cnt] from orgs where og_id = @orgid" ); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("orgid", id); DataRow dr = DbUtil.get_datarow(sql); if ((int)dr["cnt"] > 0) { Response.Write("You can't delete organization \"" + Convert.ToString(dr["og_name"]) + "\" because some bugs, users, queries still reference it."); Response.End(); } else { confirm_href.InnerText = "confirm delete of \"" + Convert.ToString(dr["og_name"]) + "\""; row_id.Value = id; } } }
public static void threadproc_votes(object obj) { Util.write_to_log("threadproc_votes"); try { System.Web.HttpApplicationState app = (System.Web.HttpApplicationState)obj; // Because "create view" wants to be the first in a batch, it won't work in setup.sql. // So let's just run it here every time. string sql = @" if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[votes_view]')) drop view [votes_view]"; DbUtil.execute_nonquery(sql); sql = @" create view votes_view as select bu_bug as vote_bug, sum(bu_vote) as vote_total from bug_user group by bu_bug having sum(bu_vote) > 0"; DbUtil.execute_nonquery(sql); sql = @" select bu_bug, count(1) from bug_user where bu_vote = 1 group by bu_bug"; DataSet ds = DbUtil.get_dataset(sql); foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { app[Convert.ToString(dr[0])] = (int)dr[1]; } } catch (Exception ex) { Util.write_to_log("exception in threadproc_votes:" + ex.Message); } }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected void Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) { Util.do_not_cache(Response); if (User.IsInRole(BtnetRoles.Admin) || User.Identity.GetCanEditReports()) { // } else { Response.Write("You are not allowed to use this page."); Response.End(); } SQLString sql; if (IsPostBack) { // do delete here sql = new SQLString(@" delete reports where rp_id = @reportId; delete dashboard_items where ds_report = @reportId"); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("reportId", Util.sanitize_integer(row_id.Value)); DbUtil.execute_nonquery(sql); Server.Transfer("reports.aspx"); } else { Page.Header.Title = Util.get_setting("AppTitle", "BugTracker.NET") + " - " + "delete report"; string id = Util.sanitize_integer(Request["id"]); sql = new SQLString(@"select rp_desc from reports where rp_id = @id"); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("id", id); DataRow dr = DbUtil.get_datarow(sql); confirm_href.InnerText = "confirm delete of report: " + Convert.ToString(dr["rp_desc"]); row_id.Value = id; } }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected void Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) { Util.do_not_cache(Response); if (Request.QueryString["ses"] != (string)Session["session_cookie"]) { Response.Write("session in URL doesn't match session cookie"); Response.End(); } var sql = new SQLString("delete from bug_subscriptions where bs_bug = @bg_id and bs_user = @us_id"); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("$bg_id", Util.sanitize_integer(Request["bg_id"])); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("$us_id", Util.sanitize_integer(Request["us_id"])); DbUtil.execute_nonquery(sql); Response.Redirect("view_subscribers.aspx?id=" + Util.sanitize_integer(Request["bg_id"])); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { var sql = new SQLString("select us_id, us_email, us_username from users"); using (var reader = DbUtil.execute_reader(sql, System.Data.CommandBehavior.Default)) { while (reader.Read()) { var id = reader.GetInt32(0); var updateQuery = new SQLString("update users set password_reset_key=@resetKey where us_id = @id"); updateQuery.AddParameterWithValue("@id", id); var resetKey = Util.GenerateRandomString(); updateQuery.AddParameterWithValue("@resetKey", resetKey); var emailAddress = reader.IsDBNull(1) ? "" : reader.GetString(1); var username = reader.GetString(2); DbUtil.execute_nonquery(updateQuery); SendMail(emailAddress, resetKey, username); } } }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected void Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) { Util.do_not_cache(Response); this.Master.Menu.SelectedItem = Util.get_setting("PluralBugLabel", "bugs"); if (User.IsInRole(BtnetRoles.Admin) || User.Identity.GetCanEditAndDeleteBugs()) { // } else { Response.Write("You are not allowed to use this page."); Response.End(); } string attachment_id_string = Util.sanitize_integer(Request["id"]); string bug_id_string = Util.sanitize_integer(Request["bug_id"]); int permission_level = Bug.get_bug_permission_level(Convert.ToInt32(bug_id_string), User.Identity); if (permission_level != PermissionLevel.All) { Response.Write("You are not allowed to edit this item"); Response.End(); } if (IsPostBack) { // save the filename before deleting the row sql = new SQLString(@"select bp_file from bug_posts where bp_id = @ba"); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("ba", attachment_id_string); string filename = (string)DbUtil.execute_scalar(sql); // delete the row representing the attachment sql = new SQLString(@"delete bug_post_attachments where bpa_post = @ba delete bug_posts where bp_id = @ba"); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("ba", attachment_id_string); DbUtil.execute_nonquery(sql); // delete the file too string upload_folder = Util.get_upload_folder(); if (upload_folder != null) { StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder(upload_folder); path.Append("\\"); path.Append(bug_id_string); path.Append("_"); path.Append(attachment_id_string); path.Append("_"); path.Append(filename); if (System.IO.File.Exists(path.ToString())) { System.IO.File.Delete(path.ToString()); } } Response.Redirect("edit_bug.aspx?id=" + bug_id_string); } else { Page.Header.Title = Util.get_setting("AppTitle", "BugTracker.NET") + " - " + "delete attachment"; back_href.HRef = "edit_bug.aspx?id=" + bug_id_string; sql = new SQLString(@"select bp_file from bug_posts where bp_id = @id"); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("id", attachment_id_string); DataRow dr = DbUtil.get_datarow(sql); string s = Convert.ToString(dr["bp_file"]); confirm_href.InnerText = "confirm delete of attachment: " + s; row_id.Value = attachment_id_string; } }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void on_update() { Boolean good = validate(); if (good) { if (tsk_id == 0) // insert new { sql = new SQLString(@" insert into bug_tasks ( tsk_bug, tsk_created_user, tsk_created_date, tsk_last_updated_user, tsk_last_updated_date, tsk_assigned_to_user, tsk_planned_start_date, tsk_actual_start_date, tsk_planned_end_date, tsk_actual_end_date, tsk_planned_duration, tsk_actual_duration, tsk_duration_units, tsk_percent_complete, tsk_status, tsk_sort_sequence, tsk_description ) values ( @tsk_bug, @tsk_created_user, getdate(), @tsk_last_updated_user, getdate(), @tsk_assigned_to_user, @tsk_planned_start_date, @tsk_actual_start_date, @tsk_planned_end_date, @tsk_actual_end_date, @tsk_planned_duration, @tsk_actual_duration, @tsk_duration_units, @tsk_percent_complete, @tsk_status, @tsk_sort_sequence, @tsk_description ); declare @tsk_id int select @tsk_id = scope_identity() insert into bug_posts (bp_bug, bp_user, bp_date, bp_comment, bp_type) values(@tsk_bug, @tsk_last_updated_user, getdate(), N'added task ' + convert(varchar, @tsk_id), 'update')"); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("tsk_created_user", Convert.ToString(User.Identity.GetUserId())); } else // edit existing { sql = new SQLString(@" update bug_tasks set tsk_last_updated_user = @tsk_last_updated_user, tsk_last_updated_date = getdate(), tsk_assigned_to_user = @tsk_assigned_to_user, tsk_planned_start_date = '@tsk_planned_start_date', tsk_actual_start_date = '@tsk_actual_start_date', tsk_planned_end_date = '@tsk_planned_end_date', tsk_actual_end_date = '@tsk_actual_end_date', tsk_planned_duration = @tsk_planned_duration, tsk_actual_duration = @tsk_actual_duration, tsk_duration_units = @tsk_duration_units, tsk_percent_complete = @tsk_percent_complete, tsk_status = @tsk_status, tsk_sort_sequence = @tsk_sort_sequence, tsk_description = @tsk_description where tsk_id = @tsk_id; insert into bug_posts (bp_bug, bp_user, bp_date, bp_comment, bp_type) values(@tsk_bug, @tsk_last_updated_user, getdate(), N'updated task ' + @tsk_id, 'update')"); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("tsk_id", Convert.ToString(tsk_id)); } sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("tsk_bug", Convert.ToString(bugid)); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("tsk_last_updated_user", Convert.ToString(User.Identity.GetUserId())); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("tsk_planned_start_date", format_date_hour_min( planned_start_date.Value, planned_start_hour.SelectedItem.Value, planned_start_min.SelectedItem.Value)); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("tsk_actual_start_date", format_date_hour_min( actual_start_date.Value, actual_start_hour.SelectedItem.Value, actual_start_min.SelectedItem.Value)); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("tsk_planned_end_date", format_date_hour_min( planned_end_date.Value, planned_end_hour.SelectedItem.Value, planned_end_min.SelectedItem.Value)); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("tsk_actual_end_date", format_date_hour_min( actual_end_date.Value, actual_end_hour.SelectedItem.Value, actual_end_min.SelectedItem.Value)); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("tsk_planned_duration", format_decimal_for_db(planned_duration.Value)); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("tsk_actual_duration", format_decimal_for_db(actual_duration.Value)); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("tsk_percent_complete", format_number_for_db(percent_complete.Value)); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("tsk_status", status.SelectedItem.Value); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("tsk_sort_sequence", format_number_for_db(sort_sequence.Value)); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("tsk_assigned_to_user", assigned_to.SelectedItem.Value); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("tsk_description", desc.Value); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("tsk_duration_units", duration_units.SelectedItem.Value); DbUtil.execute_nonquery(sql); Bug.send_notifications(Bug.UPDATE, bugid, User.Identity); Response.Redirect("tasks.aspx?bugid=" + Convert.ToString(bugid)); } else { if (tsk_id == 0) // insert new { msg.InnerText = "Task was not created."; } else // edit existing { msg.InnerText = "Task was not updated."; } } }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected void Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) { Master.Menu.SelectedItem = Util.get_setting("PluralBugLabel", "bugs"); Util.do_not_cache(Response); if (User.IsInRole(BtnetRoles.Admin) || User.Identity.GetCanEditAndDeletePosts()) { // } else { Response.Write("You are not allowed to use this page."); Response.End(); } if (IsPostBack) { // do delete here sql = new SQLString(@"delete bug_posts where bp_id = @bpid"); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("bpid", Util.sanitize_integer(row_id.Value)); DbUtil.execute_nonquery(sql); Response.Redirect("edit_bug.aspx?id=" + Util.sanitize_integer(redirect_bugid.Value)); } else { string bug_id = Util.sanitize_integer(Request["bug_id"]); redirect_bugid.Value = bug_id; int permission_level = Bug.get_bug_permission_level(Convert.ToInt32(bug_id), User.Identity); if (permission_level != PermissionLevel.All) { Response.Write("You are not allowed to edit this item"); Response.End(); } Page.Header.Title = Util.get_setting("AppTitle", "BugTracker.NET") + " - " + "delete comment"; string id = Util.sanitize_integer(Request["id"]); back_href.HRef = "edit_bug.aspx?id=" + bug_id; sql = new SQLString(@"select bp_comment from bug_posts where bp_id = @bpid"); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("bpid", id); DataRow dr = DbUtil.get_datarow(sql); // show the first few chars of the comment string s = Convert.ToString(dr["bp_comment"]); int len = 20; if (s.Length < len) { len = s.Length; } confirm_href.InnerText = "confirm delete of comment: " + s.Substring(0, len) + "..."; row_id.Value = id; } }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected void Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) { Util.do_not_cache(Response); string id = Util.sanitize_integer(Request["id"]); if (!User.IsInRole(BtnetRoles.Admin)) { sql = new SQLString(@"select us_created_user, us_admin from users where us_id = @us"); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("us", id); DataRow dr = DbUtil.get_datarow(sql); if (User.Identity.GetUserId() != (int)dr["us_created_user"]) { Response.Write("You not allowed to delete this user, because you didn't create it."); Response.End(); } else if ((int)dr["us_admin"] == 1) { Response.Write("You not allowed to delete this user, because it is an admin."); Response.End(); } } if (IsPostBack) { // do delete here sql = new SQLString(@" delete from emailed_links where el_username in (select us_username from users where us_id = @us) delete users where us_id = @us delete project_user_xref where pu_user = @us delete bug_subscriptions where bs_user = @us delete bug_user where bu_user = @us delete queries where qu_user = @us delete queued_notifications where qn_user = @us delete dashboard_items where ds_user = @us"); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("us", Util.sanitize_integer(row_id.Value)); DbUtil.execute_nonquery(sql); Server.Transfer("users.aspx"); } else { Page.Header.Title = Util.get_setting("AppTitle", "BugTracker.NET") + " - " + "delete user"; sql = new SQLString(@"declare @cnt int select @cnt = count(1) from bugs where bg_reported_user = @us or bg_assigned_to_user = @us if @cnt = 0 begin select @cnt = count(1) from bug_posts where bp_user = @us end select us_username, @cnt [cnt] from users where us_id = @us"); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("us", id); DataRow dr = DbUtil.get_datarow(sql); if ((int)dr["cnt"] > 0) { Response.Write("You can't delete user \"" + Convert.ToString(dr["us_username"]) + "\" because some bugs or bug posts still reference it."); Response.End(); } else { confirm_href.InnerText = "confirm delete of \"" + Convert.ToString(dr["us_username"]) + "\""; row_id.Value = id; } } }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private static int insert_post_attachment_impl( Security security, int bugid, Stream content, int content_length, int copy_bpid, string file, string comment, string content_type, int parent, bool hidden_from_external_users, bool send_notifications) { // Note that this method does not perform any security check nor does // it check that content_length is less than MaxUploadSize. // These are left up to the caller. string upload_folder = Util.get_upload_folder(); string sql; bool store_attachments_in_database = (Util.get_setting("StoreAttachmentsInDatabase", "0") == "1"); string effective_file = file; int effective_content_length = content_length; string effective_content_type = content_type; Stream effective_content = null; try { // Determine the content. We may be instructed to copy an existing // attachment via copy_bpid, or a Stream may be provided as the content parameter. if (copy_bpid != -1) { BugPostAttachment bpa = get_bug_post_attachment(copy_bpid); effective_content = bpa.content; effective_file = bpa.file; effective_content_length = bpa.content_length; effective_content_type = bpa.content_type; } else { effective_content = content; effective_file = file; effective_content_length = content_length; effective_content_type = content_type; } // Insert a new post into bug_posts. sql = @" declare @now datetime set @now = getdate() update bugs set bg_last_updated_date = @now, bg_last_updated_user = $us where bg_id = $bg insert into bug_posts (bp_type, bp_bug, bp_file, bp_comment, bp_size, bp_date, bp_user, bp_content_type, bp_parent, bp_hidden_from_external_users) values ('file', $bg, N'$fi', N'$de', $si, @now, $us, N'$ct', $pa, $internal) select scope_identity()" ; sql = sql.Replace("$bg", Convert.ToString(bugid)); sql = sql.Replace("$fi", effective_file.Replace("'", "''")); sql = sql.Replace("$de", comment.Replace("'", "''")); sql = sql.Replace("$si", Convert.ToString(effective_content_length)); sql = sql.Replace("$us", Convert.ToString(security.user.usid)); // Sometimes, somehow, content type is null. Not sure how. sql = sql.Replace("$ct", effective_content_type != null ? effective_content_type.Replace("'", "''") : string.Empty); if (parent == -1) { sql = sql.Replace("$pa", "null"); } else { sql = sql.Replace("$pa", Convert.ToString(parent)); } sql = sql.Replace("$internal", Util.bool_to_string(hidden_from_external_users)); int bp_id = Convert.ToInt32(DbUtil.execute_scalar(sql)); try { // Store attachment in bug_post_attachments table. if (store_attachments_in_database) { byte[] data = new byte[effective_content_length]; int bytes_read = 0; while (bytes_read < effective_content_length) { int bytes_read_this_iteration = effective_content.Read(data, bytes_read, effective_content_length - bytes_read); if (bytes_read_this_iteration == 0) { throw new Exception("Unexpectedly reached the end of the stream before all data was read."); } bytes_read += bytes_read_this_iteration; } sql = @"insert into bug_post_attachments (bpa_post, bpa_content) values (@bp, @bc)" ; using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql)) { cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@bp", bp_id); cmd.Parameters.Add("@bc", SqlDbType.Image).Value = data; cmd.CommandTimeout = Convert.ToInt32(Util.get_setting("SqlCommand.CommandTimeout", "30")); DbUtil.execute_nonquery(cmd); } } else { // Store attachment in UploadFolder. if (upload_folder == null) { throw new Exception("StoreAttachmentsInDatabase is false and UploadFolder is not set in web.config."); } // Copy the content Stream to a file in the upload_folder. byte[] buffer = new byte[16384]; int bytes_read = 0; using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(upload_folder + "\\" + bugid + "_" + bp_id + "_" + effective_file, FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.Write)) { while (bytes_read < effective_content_length) { int bytes_read_this_iteration = effective_content.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); if (bytes_read_this_iteration == 0) { throw new Exception("Unexpectedly reached the end of the stream before all data was read."); } fs.Write(buffer, 0, bytes_read_this_iteration); bytes_read += bytes_read_this_iteration; } } } } catch { // clean up sql = @"delete from bug_posts where bp_id = $bp"; sql = sql.Replace("$bp", Convert.ToString(bp_id)); DbUtil.execute_nonquery(sql); throw; } if (send_notifications) { Bug.send_notifications(Bug.UPDATE, bugid, security); } return(bp_id); } finally { // If this procedure "owns" the content (instead of our caller owning it), dispose it. if (effective_content != null && effective_content != content) { effective_content.Dispose(); } } }
private static object dummy = new object(); // for a lock /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static void auto_subscribe(int bugid) { // clean up bug subscriptions that no longer fit security rules // subscribe per auto_subscribe // subscribe project's default user // subscribe per-project auto_subscribers // subscribe per auto_subscribe_own_bugs string sql = @" declare @pj int select @pj = bg_project from bugs where bg_id = $id delete from bug_subscriptions where bs_bug = $id and bs_user in (select x.pu_user from projects left outer join project_user_xref x on pu_project = pj_id where pu_project = @pj and isnull(pu_permission_level,$dpl) = 0) delete from bug_subscriptions where bs_bug = $id and bs_user in (select us_id from users inner join orgs on us_org = og_id inner join bugs on bg_id = $id where og_other_orgs_permission_level = 0 and bg_org <> og_id) insert into bug_subscriptions (bs_bug, bs_user) select $id, us_id from users inner join orgs on us_org = og_id inner join bugs on bg_id = $id left outer join project_user_xref on pu_project = @pj and pu_user = us_id where us_auto_subscribe = 1 and case when us_org <> bg_org and og_other_orgs_permission_level < 2 and og_other_orgs_permission_level < isnull(pu_permission_level,$dpl) then og_other_orgs_permission_level else isnull(pu_permission_level,$dpl) end <> 0 and us_active = 1 and us_id not in (select bs_user from bug_subscriptions where bs_bug = $id) insert into bug_subscriptions (bs_bug, bs_user) select $id, pj_default_user from projects inner join users on pj_default_user = us_id where pj_id = @pj and pj_default_user <> 0 and pj_auto_subscribe_default_user = 1 and us_active = 1 and pj_default_user not in (select bs_user from bug_subscriptions where bs_bug = $id) insert into bug_subscriptions (bs_bug, bs_user) select $id, pu_user from project_user_xref inner join users on pu_user = us_id inner join orgs on us_org = og_id inner join bugs on bg_id = $id where pu_auto_subscribe = 1 and case when us_org <> bg_org and og_other_orgs_permission_level < 2 and og_other_orgs_permission_level < isnull(pu_permission_level,$dpl) then og_other_orgs_permission_level else isnull(pu_permission_level,$dpl) end <> 0 and us_active = 1 and pu_project = @pj and pu_user not in (select bs_user from bug_subscriptions where bs_bug = $id) insert into bug_subscriptions (bs_bug, bs_user) select $id, us_id from users inner join bugs on bg_id = $id inner join orgs on us_org = og_id left outer join project_user_xref on pu_project = @pj and pu_user = us_id where ((us_auto_subscribe_own_bugs = 1 and bg_assigned_to_user = us_id) or (us_auto_subscribe_reported_bugs = 1 and bg_reported_user = us_id)) and case when us_org <> bg_org and og_other_orgs_permission_level < 2 and og_other_orgs_permission_level < isnull(pu_permission_level,$dpl) then og_other_orgs_permission_level else isnull(pu_permission_level,$dpl) end <> 0 and us_active = 1 and us_id not in (select bs_user from bug_subscriptions where bs_bug = $id)"; sql = sql.Replace("$id", Convert.ToString(bugid)); sql = sql.Replace("$dpl", Util.get_setting("DefaultPermissionLevel", "2")); DbUtil.execute_nonquery(sql); }
public void set_from_db(DataRow dr) { this.usid = Convert.ToInt32(dr["us_id"]); this.username = (string)dr["us_username"]; = (string)dr["us_email"]; this.bugs_per_page = Convert.ToInt32(dr["us_bugs_per_page"]); if (Util.get_setting("DisableFCKEditor", "0") == "1") { this.use_fckeditor = false; } else { this.use_fckeditor = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["us_use_fckeditor"]); } this.enable_popups = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["us_enable_bug_list_popups"]); this.external_user = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["og_external_user"]); this.can_only_see_own_reported = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["og_can_only_see_own_reported"]); this.can_edit_sql = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["og_can_edit_sql"]); this.can_delete_bug = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["og_can_delete_bug"]); this.can_edit_and_delete_posts = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["og_can_edit_and_delete_posts"]); this.can_merge_bugs = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["og_can_merge_bugs"]); this.can_mass_edit_bugs = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["og_can_mass_edit_bugs"]); this.can_use_reports = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["og_can_use_reports"]); this.can_edit_reports = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["og_can_edit_reports"]); this.can_be_assigned_to = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["og_can_be_assigned_to"]); this.can_view_tasks = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["og_can_view_tasks"]); this.can_edit_tasks = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["og_can_edit_tasks"]); this.can_search = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["og_can_search"]); this.can_assign_to_internal_users = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["og_can_assign_to_internal_users"]); this.other_orgs_permission_level = (int)dr["og_other_orgs_permission_level"]; = (int)dr["og_id"]; this.org_name = (string)dr["og_name"]; this.forced_project = (int)dr["us_forced_project"]; this.category_field_permission_level = (int)dr["og_category_field_permission_level"]; if (Util.get_setting("EnableTags", "0") == "1") { this.tags_field_permission_level = (int)dr["og_tags_field_permission_level"]; } else { this.tags_field_permission_level = Security.PERMISSION_NONE; } this.priority_field_permission_level = (int)dr["og_priority_field_permission_level"]; this.assigned_to_field_permission_level = (int)dr["og_assigned_to_field_permission_level"]; this.status_field_permission_level = (int)dr["og_status_field_permission_level"]; this.project_field_permission_level = (int)dr["og_project_field_permission_level"]; this.org_field_permission_level = (int)dr["og_org_field_permission_level"]; this.udf_field_permission_level = (int)dr["og_udf_field_permission_level"]; // field permission for custom fields DataSet ds_custom = Util.get_custom_columns(); foreach (DataRow dr_custom in ds_custom.Tables[0].Rows) { string bg_name = (string)dr_custom["name"]; string og_name = "og_" + (string)dr_custom["name"] + "_field_permission_level"; try { object obj = dr[og_name]; if (Convert.IsDBNull(obj)) { dict_custom_field_permission_level[bg_name] = Security.PERMISSION_ALL; } else { dict_custom_field_permission_level[bg_name] = (int)dr[og_name]; } } catch (Exception ex) { Util.write_to_log("exception looking for " + og_name + ":" + ex.Message); // automatically add it if it's missing DbUtil.execute_nonquery("alter table orgs add [" + og_name + "] int null"); dict_custom_field_permission_level[bg_name] = Security.PERMISSION_ALL; } } if (((string)dr["us_firstname"]).Trim().Length == 0) { this.fullname = (string)dr["us_lastname"]; } else { this.fullname = (string)dr["us_lastname"] + ", " + (string)dr["us_firstname"]; } if ((int)dr["us_admin"] == 1) { this.is_admin = true; } else { if ((int)dr["project_admin"] > 0) { this.is_project_admin = true; } else { if (this.username.ToLower() == "guest") { this.is_guest = true; } } } // if user is forced to a specific project, and doesn't have // at least reporter permission on that project, than user // can't add bugs if ((int)dr["us_forced_project"] != 0) { if ((int)dr["pu_permission_level"] == Security.PERMISSION_READONLY || (int)dr["pu_permission_level"] == Security.PERMISSION_NONE) { this.adds_not_allowed = true; } } }