private RedBlackNode <T> add(RedBlackNode <T> current, T value)
            if (current == null)
                return(new RedBlackNode <T>(value));

            //if a 4-node is found, split it
            if (current.Left?.Red == true && current.Right?.Red == true)

            //if the current's value is greater than that of the Tvalue, Tvalue will continue along Left
            if (current.Value.CompareTo(value) >= 0)
                current.Left = add(current.Left, value);
            //if the current's value is less than that of the Tvalue, Tvalue will continue along Right
                current.Right = add(current.Right, value);

            //rotate left to make the 3-node left leaning
            if (isBlack(current.Left) && current.Right?.Red == true)
                current = RotateLeft(current);

            //rotate right to correct the unbalanced 4-node
            if (current.Left?.Red == true && current.Left?.Left?.Red == true)
                current = RotateRight(current);

        private RedBlackNode <T> remove(RedBlackNode <T> current, T value)
            if (Root == null)

                //searching left
                if (current.Value.CompareTo(value) > 0)
                    if (current.Left != null)
                        if (isBlack(current.Left) == true && isBlack(current.Left.Left) == true)
                            current = MoveRedLeft(current);

                        current.Left = remove(current.Left, value);

                //searching right/value found
                    if (isBlack(current.Left) == false)
                        current = RotateRight(current);

                    if (current.Value.CompareTo(value) == 0 && current.Left == null && current.Right == null)

                    if (isBlack(current.Right) == true && isBlack(current.Right?.Left) == true)
                        current = MoveRedRight(current);

                    if (current.Value.CompareTo(value) == 0)
                        RedBlackNode <T> temp = current.Right;
                        while (temp.Left != null)
                            temp = temp.Left;
                        current.Value = temp.Value;

                        current.Right = remove(current.Right, temp.Value);

                    else if (current?.Right != null)
                        current.Right = remove(current.Right, value);

 public void Add(T value)
     Root     = add(Root, value);
     Root.Red = false;
 public void Remove(T value)
     Root     = remove(Root, value);
     Root.Red = false;