private static object FromStringStruct(Type type, string src) { object objValue = Activator.CreateInstance(type); Dictionary <string, FieldInfo> structMembers = new Dictionary <string, FieldInfo>(); FieldInfo[] fields = type.GetFields(BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static); for (int i = 0; i < fields.Length; ++i) { FieldInfo f = fields[i]; if (!f.IsLiteral) { structMembers.Add(f.Name, f); } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(src)) { return(objValue); } //{color=0;id=;type={bLive=false;name=0;weight=0;};} //the first char is '{' //the last char is '}' int posCloseBrackets = SkipPairedBrackets(src, 0); Debug.Check(posCloseBrackets != -1); //{color=0;id=;type={bLive=false;name=0;weight=0;};} int posBegin = 1; int posEnd = src.IndexOf(';', posBegin); while (posEnd != -1) { Debug.Check(src[posEnd] == ';'); //the last one might be empty if (posEnd > posBegin) { int posEqual = src.IndexOf('=', posBegin); Debug.Check(posEqual > posBegin); int length = posEqual - posBegin; string memmberName = src.Substring(posBegin, length); string memberValueStr; char c = src[posEqual + 1]; if (c != '{') { length = posEnd - posEqual - 1; memberValueStr = src.Substring(posEqual + 1, length); } else { int pStructBegin = 0; pStructBegin += posEqual + 1; int posCloseBrackets_ = SkipPairedBrackets(src, pStructBegin); length = posCloseBrackets_ - pStructBegin + 1; memberValueStr = src.Substring(posEqual + 1, length); posEnd = posEqual + 1 + length; } if (structMembers.ContainsKey(memmberName)) { FieldInfo memberType = structMembers[memmberName]; Debug.Check(memberType != null); object memberValue = FromString(memberType.FieldType, memberValueStr, false); memberType.SetValue(objValue, memberValue); } } //skip ';' posBegin = posEnd + 1; //{color=0;id=;type={bLive=false;name=0;weight=0;};} posEnd = src.IndexOf(';', posBegin); if (posEnd > posCloseBrackets) { break; } } return(objValue); }
public override void Run(Agent self) { Debug.Check(_param0 != null); _returnValue.value = behaviac.Agent.VectorLength((System.Collections.IList)_param0.GetValueObject(self)); }
protected override bool onenter(Agent pAgent) { Debug.Check(this.m_children.Count > 0); this.m_activeChildIndex = 0; return(true); }
public EBTStatus exec(Agent pAgent, EBTStatus childStatus) { #if !BEHAVIAC_RELEASE Debug.Check(this.m_node == null || this.m_node.IsValid(pAgent, this), string.Format("Agent In BT:{0} while the Agent used for: {1}", this.m_node.GetAgentType(), pAgent.GetClassTypeName())); string classStr = (this.m_node != null ? this.m_node.GetClassNameString() : "BT"); int nodeId = (this.m_node != null ? this.m_node.GetId() : -1); string taskClassid = string.Format("{0}[{1}]", classStr, nodeId); AutoProfileBlockSend profiler_block = new AutoProfileBlockSend(taskClassid, pAgent); #endif//#if !BEHAVIAC_RELEASE bool bEnterResult = false; if (this.m_status == EBTStatus.BT_RUNNING) { bEnterResult = true; } else { //reset it to invalid when it was success/failure this.m_status = EBTStatus.BT_INVALID; bEnterResult = this.onenter_action(pAgent); } if (bEnterResult) { #if !BEHAVIAC_RELEASE if (Config.IsLoggingOrSocketing) { string btStr = BehaviorTask.GetTickInfo(pAgent, this, "update"); //empty btStr is for internal BehaviorTreeTask if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(btStr)) { LogManager.Instance.Log(pAgent, btStr, EActionResult.EAR_none, LogMode.ELM_tick); } } #endif bool bValid = this.CheckParentUpdatePreconditions(pAgent); if (bValid) { this.m_status = this.update_current(pAgent, childStatus); } else { this.m_status = EBTStatus.BT_FAILURE; if (this.GetCurrentTask() != null) { this.update_current(pAgent, EBTStatus.BT_FAILURE); } } if (this.m_status != EBTStatus.BT_RUNNING) { //clear it this.onexit_action(pAgent, this.m_status); //this node is possibly ticked by its parent or by the topBranch who records it as currrent node //so, we can't here reset the topBranch's current node } else { BranchTask tree = this.GetTopManageBranchTask(); if (tree != null) { tree.SetCurrentTask(this); } } } else { this.m_status = EBTStatus.BT_FAILURE; } #if !BEHAVIAC_RELEASE profiler_block.Close(); #endif return(this.m_status); }
protected override void onexit(Agent pAgent, EBTStatus s) { Debug.Check(true); base.onexit(pAgent, s); }
protected override EBTStatus update(Agent pAgent, EBTStatus childStatus) { int idx = -1; if (childStatus != EBTStatus.BT_RUNNING) { Debug.Check(this.m_activeChildIndex != CompositeTask.InvalidChildIndex); if (childStatus == EBTStatus.BT_SUCCESS) { return(EBTStatus.BT_SUCCESS); } else if (childStatus == EBTStatus.BT_FAILURE) { //the next for starts from (idx + 1), so that it starts from next one after this failed one idx = this.m_activeChildIndex; } else { Debug.Check(false); } } //checking the preconditions and take the first action tree int index = (int)-1; for (int i = (idx + 1); i < this.m_children.Count; ++i) { Debug.Check(this.m_children[i] is WithPreconditionTask); WithPreconditionTask pSubTree = (WithPreconditionTask)this.m_children[i]; BehaviorTask pre = pSubTree.PreconditionNode; EBTStatus status = pre.exec(pAgent); if (status == EBTStatus.BT_SUCCESS) { index = i; break; } } //clean up the current ticking action tree if (index != (int)-1) { if (this.m_activeChildIndex != CompositeTask.InvalidChildIndex && this.m_activeChildIndex != index) { WithPreconditionTask pCurrentSubTree = (WithPreconditionTask)this.m_children[this.m_activeChildIndex]; //BehaviorTask action = pCurrentSubTree.ActionNode; pCurrentSubTree.abort(pAgent); //don't set it here //this.m_activeChildIndex = index; } for (int i = index; i < this.m_children.Count; ++i) { WithPreconditionTask pSubTree = (WithPreconditionTask)this.m_children[i]; if (i > index) { BehaviorTask pre = pSubTree.PreconditionNode; EBTStatus status = pre.exec(pAgent); //to search for the first one whose precondition is success if (status != EBTStatus.BT_SUCCESS) { continue; } } BehaviorTask action = pSubTree.ActionNode; EBTStatus s = action.exec(pAgent); if (s == EBTStatus.BT_RUNNING) { this.m_activeChildIndex = i; pSubTree.m_status = EBTStatus.BT_RUNNING; } else { pSubTree.m_status = s; if (s == EBTStatus.BT_FAILURE) { //THE ACTION failed, to try the next one continue; } } Debug.Check(s == EBTStatus.BT_RUNNING || s == EBTStatus.BT_SUCCESS); return(s); } } return(EBTStatus.BT_FAILURE); }
public EBTStatus ParallelUpdate(Agent pAgent, List <BehaviorTask> children) { bool sawSuccess = false; bool sawFail = false; bool sawRunning = false; bool sawAllFails = true; bool sawAllSuccess = true; bool bLoop = (this.m_childFinishPolicy == CHILDFINISH_POLICY.CHILDFINISH_LOOP); // go through all m_children for (int i = 0; i < children.Count; ++i) { BehaviorTask pChild = children[i]; EBTStatus treeStatus = pChild.GetStatus(); if (bLoop || (treeStatus == EBTStatus.BT_RUNNING || treeStatus == EBTStatus.BT_INVALID)) { EBTStatus status = pChild.exec(pAgent); if (status == EBTStatus.BT_FAILURE) { sawFail = true; sawAllSuccess = false; } else if (status == EBTStatus.BT_SUCCESS) { sawSuccess = true; sawAllFails = false; } else if (status == EBTStatus.BT_RUNNING) { sawRunning = true; sawAllFails = false; sawAllSuccess = false; } } else if (treeStatus == EBTStatus.BT_SUCCESS) { sawSuccess = true; sawAllFails = false; } else { Debug.Check(treeStatus == EBTStatus.BT_FAILURE); sawFail = true; sawAllSuccess = false; } } EBTStatus result = sawRunning ? EBTStatus.BT_RUNNING : EBTStatus.BT_FAILURE; if ((this.m_failPolicy == FAILURE_POLICY.FAIL_ON_ALL && sawAllFails) || (this.m_failPolicy == FAILURE_POLICY.FAIL_ON_ONE && sawFail)) { result = EBTStatus.BT_FAILURE; } else if ((this.m_succeedPolicy == SUCCESS_POLICY.SUCCEED_ON_ALL && sawAllSuccess) || (this.m_succeedPolicy == SUCCESS_POLICY.SUCCEED_ON_ONE && sawSuccess)) { result = EBTStatus.BT_SUCCESS; } //else if (m_failPolicy == FAIL_ON_ALL && m_succeedPolicy == SUCCEED_ON_ALL && sawRunning) //{ // return EBTStatus.BT_RUNNING; //} if (this.m_exitPolicy == EXIT_POLICY.EXIT_ABORT_RUNNINGSIBLINGS && (result == EBTStatus.BT_FAILURE || result == EBTStatus.BT_SUCCESS)) { for (int i = 0; i < children.Count; ++i) { BehaviorTask pChild = children[i]; //Debug.Check(BehaviorTreeTask.DynamicCast(pChild)); EBTStatus treeStatus = pChild.GetStatus(); if (treeStatus == EBTStatus.BT_RUNNING) { pChild.abort(pAgent); } } } return(result); }
public static IInstanceMember ParseProperty(string value) { try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) { return(null); } List <string> tokens = StringUtils.SplitTokens(value); string typeName = ""; if (tokens[0] == "const") { // const Int32 0 Debug.Check(tokens.Count == 3); const int kConstLength = 5; string strRemaining = value.Substring(kConstLength + 1); int p = StringUtils.FirstToken(strRemaining, ' ', ref typeName); typeName = typeName.Replace("::", "."); string strVale = strRemaining.Substring(p + 1); // const return(AgentMeta.CreateInstanceConst(typeName, strVale)); } else { string propStr = ""; string indexPropStr = ""; if (tokens[0] == "static") { // static float Self.AgentNodeTest::s_float_type_0 // static float Self.AgentNodeTest::s_float_type_0[int Self.AgentNodeTest::par_int_type_2] Debug.Check(tokens.Count == 3 || tokens.Count == 4); typeName = tokens[1]; propStr = tokens[2]; if (tokens.Count == 4) // array index { indexPropStr = tokens[3]; } } else { // float Self.AgentNodeTest::par_float_type_1 // float Self.AgentNodeTest::par_float_type_1[int Self.AgentNodeTest::par_int_type_2] Debug.Check(tokens.Count == 2 || tokens.Count == 3); typeName = tokens[0]; propStr = tokens[1]; if (tokens.Count == 3) // array index { indexPropStr = tokens[2]; } } string arrayItem = ""; IInstanceMember indexMember = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(indexPropStr)) { arrayItem = "[]"; indexMember = ParseProperty <int>(indexPropStr); } typeName = typeName.Replace("::", "."); propStr = propStr.Replace("::", "."); string[] props = propStr.Split('.'); Debug.Check(props.Length >= 3); string instantceName = props[0]; string propName = props[props.Length - 1]; string className = props[1]; for (int i = 2; i < props.Length - 1; ++i) { className += "." + props[i]; } uint classId = Utils.MakeVariableId(className); AgentMeta meta = AgentMeta.GetMeta(classId); Debug.Check(meta != null); uint propId = Utils.MakeVariableId(propName + arrayItem); // property IProperty p = meta.GetProperty(propId); if (p != null) { return(p.CreateInstance(instantceName, indexMember)); } // local var return(AgentMeta.CreateInstanceProperty(typeName, instantceName, indexMember, propId)); } } catch (System.Exception e) { Debug.Check(false, e.Message); } return(null); }
public static ulong ByteSwap64(ulong i) { //return (0xFF & i) << 24 | (0xFF00 & i) << 8 | (0xFF0000 & i) >> 8 | (0xFF000000 & i) >> 24; Debug.Check(false, "unimplemented"); return(i); }
public static object FromStringPrimitive(Type type, string valueStr) { if (valueStr != null) { if (type == typeof(string) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueStr) && valueStr.Length > 1 && valueStr[0] == '\"' && valueStr[valueStr.Length - 1] == '\"') { valueStr = valueStr.Substring(1, valueStr.Length - 2); } try { TypeConverter converter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(type); return(converter.ConvertFromString(valueStr)); } catch { if (type == typeof(bool)) { bool b; if (bool.TryParse(valueStr, out b)) { return(b); } } else if (type == typeof(int)) { int i; if (int.TryParse(valueStr, out i)) { return(i); } } else if (type == typeof(uint)) { uint ui; if (uint.TryParse(valueStr, out ui)) { return(ui); } } else if (type == typeof(short)) { short s; if (short.TryParse(valueStr, out s)) { return(s); } } else if (type == typeof(ushort)) { ushort us; if (ushort.TryParse(valueStr, out us)) { return(us); } } else if (type == typeof(char)) { char c; if (char.TryParse(valueStr, out c)) { return(c); } } else if (type == typeof(sbyte)) { sbyte sb; if (sbyte.TryParse(valueStr, out sb)) { return(sb); } } else if (type == typeof(byte)) { byte b; if (byte.TryParse(valueStr, out b)) { return(b); } } else if (type == typeof(long)) { long l; if (long.TryParse(valueStr, out l)) { return(l); } } else if (type == typeof(ulong)) { ulong ul; if (ulong.TryParse(valueStr, out ul)) { return(ul); } } else if (type == typeof(float)) { float f; if (float.TryParse(valueStr, out f)) { return(f); } } else if (type == typeof(double)) { double d; if (double.TryParse(valueStr, out d)) { return(d); } } else if (type == typeof(string)) { return(valueStr); } else if (type.IsEnum) { object ret = Enum.Parse(type, valueStr, true); return(ret); } else { Debug.Check(false); } } } return(GetDefaultValue(type)); }
public static bool IsAgentType(Type type) { Debug.Check(type != null); return(type == typeof(Agent) || type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Agent))); }
public static bool ParseForStruct(Type type, string str, ref string strT, Dictionary <string, IInstanceMember> props) { int pB = 0; int i = 0; while (i < str.Length) { char c = str[i]; if (c == ';' || c == '{' || c == '}') { int p = pB; while (p <= i) { strT += str[p++]; } pB = i + 1; } else if (c == ' ') { //par or property string propName = ""; int p = pB; while (str[p] != '=') { propName += str[p++]; } //skip '=' Debug.Check(str[p] == '='); p++; string valueStr = str.Substring(p); string typeStr = ""; while (str[p] != ' ') { typeStr += str[p++]; } //bool bStatic = false; if (typeStr == "static") { //skip ' ' Debug.Check(str[p] == ' '); p++; while (str[p] != ' ') { typeStr += str[p++]; } //bStatic = true; } string parName = ""; //skip ' ' Debug.Check(str[i] == ' '); i++; while (str[i] != ';') { parName += str[i++]; } props[propName] = AgentMeta.ParseProperty(valueStr); //skip ';' Debug.Check(str[i] == ';'); pB = i + 1; } i++; } return(true); }
public static List <string> SplitTokens(string str) { List <string> ret = new List <string>(); // "const string \"test string\"" // "const int 10" // "int Self.AgentArrayAccessTest::ListInts[int Self.AgentArrayAccessTest::l_index]" if (str.StartsWith("const string ")) { ret.Add("const"); ret.Add("string"); ret.Add(str.Substring(13)); return(ret); } int pB = 0; int i = 0; bool bBeginIndex = false; while (i < str.Length) { bool bFound = false; char c = str[i]; if (c == ' ' && !bBeginIndex) { bFound = true; } else if (c == '[') { bBeginIndex = true; bFound = true; } else if (c == ']') { bBeginIndex = false; bFound = true; } if (bFound) { string strT = ReadToken(str, pB, i); Debug.Check(strT.Length > 0); ret.Add(strT); pB = i + 1; } i++; } string t = ReadToken(str, pB, i); if (t.Length > 0) { ret.Add(t); } return(ret); }
private static object FromStringVector(Type type, string src) { Type vectorType = typeof(List <>).MakeGenericType(type); IList objVector = (IList)Activator.CreateInstance(vectorType); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(src)) { return(objVector); } int semiColon = src.IndexOf(':'); Debug.Check(semiColon != -1); string countStr = src.Substring(0, semiColon); int count = int.Parse(countStr); int b = semiColon + 1; int sep = b; if (b < src.Length && src[b] == '{') { sep = SkipPairedBrackets(src, b); Debug.Check(sep != -1); } sep = src.IndexOf('|', sep); while (sep != -1) { int len = sep - b; string elemStr = src.Substring(b, len); object elemObject = FromString(type, elemStr, false); objVector.Add(elemObject); b = sep + 1; if (b < src.Length && src[b] == '{') { sep = SkipPairedBrackets(src, b); Debug.Check(b != -1); } else { sep = b; } sep = src.IndexOf('|', sep); } if (b < src.Length) { int len = src.Length - b; string elemStr = src.Substring(b, len); object elemObject = FromString(type, elemStr, false); objVector.Add(elemObject); } Debug.Check(objVector.Count == count); return(objVector); }
//private static bool MemberCompare(object left, object right) //{ // if (Object.ReferenceEquals(left, right)) // return true; // if (left == null || right == null) // return false; // Type type = left.GetType(); // if (type != right.GetType()) // return false; // if (left as ValueType != null) // return left.Equals(right); // if (left as IEnumerable != null) // { // IEnumerator rightEnumerator = (right as IEnumerable).GetEnumerator(); // rightEnumerator.Reset(); // foreach (object leftItem in left as IEnumerable) // { // if (!rightEnumerator.MoveNext()) // { // return false; // } // else // { // if (!MemberCompare(leftItem, rightEnumerator.Current)) // return false; // } // } // } // else // { // Debug.Check(false); // } // return true; //} public static bool Compare <T>(T left, T right, EOperatorType comparisonType) { Type type = typeof(T); if (Utils.IsCustomStructType(type)) { //bool bEqual = MemberCompare(left, right); bool bEqual = Operator <T> .MemberEqual(left, right); switch (comparisonType) { case EOperatorType.E_EQUAL: return(bEqual); case EOperatorType.E_NOTEQUAL: return(!bEqual); } } else if (Utils.IsArrayType(type)) { //bool bEqual = MemberCompare(left, right); bool bEqual = Operator <T> .ItemEqual(left, right); switch (comparisonType) { case EOperatorType.E_EQUAL: return(bEqual); case EOperatorType.E_NOTEQUAL: return(!bEqual); } } else if (Utils.IsStringType(type) || type == typeof(bool)) { switch (comparisonType) { case EOperatorType.E_EQUAL: return(Operator <T> .Equal(left, right)); case EOperatorType.E_NOTEQUAL: return(Operator <T> .NotEqual(left, right)); } } else if (Utils.IsEnumType(type) || type == typeof(char)) { int iLeft = Convert.ToInt32(left); int iRight = Convert.ToInt32(right); switch (comparisonType) { case EOperatorType.E_EQUAL: return(Operator <int> .Equal(iLeft, iRight)); case EOperatorType.E_NOTEQUAL: return(Operator <int> .NotEqual(iLeft, iRight)); case EOperatorType.E_GREATER: return(Operator <int> .GreaterThan(iLeft, iRight)); case EOperatorType.E_GREATEREQUAL: return(Operator <int> .GreaterThanOrEqual(iLeft, iRight)); case EOperatorType.E_LESS: return(Operator <int> .LessThan(iLeft, iRight)); case EOperatorType.E_LESSEQUAL: return(Operator <int> .LessThanOrEqual(iLeft, iRight)); } } else { switch (comparisonType) { case EOperatorType.E_EQUAL: return(Operator <T> .Equal(left, right)); case EOperatorType.E_NOTEQUAL: return(Operator <T> .NotEqual(left, right)); case EOperatorType.E_GREATER: return(Operator <T> .GreaterThan(left, right)); case EOperatorType.E_GREATEREQUAL: return(Operator <T> .GreaterThanOrEqual(left, right)); case EOperatorType.E_LESS: return(Operator <T> .LessThan(left, right)); case EOperatorType.E_LESSEQUAL: return(Operator <T> .LessThanOrEqual(left, right)); } } Debug.Check(false); return(false); }
private void ThreadFunc() { Log("behaviac: Socket Thread Starting\n"); try { this.ReserveThreadPacketBuffer(); int bufferIndex = t_packetBufferIndex; Debug.Check(bufferIndex > 0); bool blockingSocket = true; Socket serverSocket = null; try { serverSocket = SocketBase.Create(blockingSocket); if (serverSocket == null) { Log("behaviac: Couldn't create server socket.\n"); return; } string bufferTemp = string.Format("behaviac: Listening at port {0}...\n", m_port); Log(bufferTemp); // max connections: 1, don't allow multiple clients? if (!SocketBase.Listen(serverSocket, m_port, 1)) { Log("behaviac: Couldn't configure server socket.\n"); SocketBase.Close(ref serverSocket); return; } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogError(ex.Message); } while (m_terminating.Get() == 0) { //wait for connecting while (m_terminating.Get() == 0) { if (SocketBase.TestConnection(serverSocket)) { break; } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); } if (m_terminating.Get() == 0) { Log("behaviac: accepting...\n"); try { m_writeSocket = SocketBase.Accept(serverSocket, SocketConnection.kSocketBufferSize); if (m_writeSocket == null) { Log("behaviac: Couldn't create write socket.\n"); SocketBase.Close(ref serverSocket); return; } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogError(ex.Message); } try { m_isConnected.AtomicInc(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1); OnConnection(); m_isConnectedFinished.AtomicInc(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1); //this.OnConnectionFinished(); Log("behaviac: Connected. accepted\n"); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogError(ex.Message); } try { while (m_terminating.Get() == 0 && this.m_writeSocket != null) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1); this.SendAllPackets(); this.ReceivePackets(""); } if (this.m_writeSocket != null && this.m_writeSocket.Connected) { // One last time, to send any outstanding packets out there. this.SendAllPackets(); } SocketBase.Close(ref this.m_writeSocket); this.Clear(); Log("behaviac: disconnected. \n"); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogError(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace); } } }//while (!m_terminating) SocketBase.Close(ref serverSocket); this.Clear(); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogError(ex.Message); } Log("behaviac: ThreadFunc exited. \n"); }
protected override BehaviorTask createTask() { Debug.Check(false); return(null); }
public virtual void AddVariable(uint varId, IInstantiatedVariable pVar, int stackIndex) { Debug.Check(!this.m_variables.ContainsKey(varId)); this.m_variables[varId] = pVar; }
protected override void addChild(BehaviorTask pBehavior) { base.addChild(pBehavior); Debug.Check(pBehavior is WithPreconditionTask); }
protected override EBTStatus update(Agent pAgent, EBTStatus childStatus) { //checking the preconditions and take the first action tree int index = (int)-1; for (int i = 0; i < this.m_children.Count; ++i) { WithPreconditionTask pSubTree = (WithPreconditionTask)this.m_children[i]; Debug.Check(pSubTree is WithPreconditionTask); BehaviorTask pPrecondTree = pSubTree.PreconditionNode(); EBTStatus status = pPrecondTree.exec(pAgent); if (status == EBTStatus.BT_SUCCESS) { index = i; break; } } //clean up the current ticking action tree if (index != (int)-1) { if (this.m_activeChildIndex != CompositeTask.InvalidChildIndex) { WithPreconditionTask pCurrentSubTree = (WithPreconditionTask)this.m_children[this.m_activeChildIndex]; Debug.Check(pCurrentSubTree is WithPreconditionTask); BehaviorTask pCurrentActionTree = pCurrentSubTree.Action(); WithPreconditionTask pSubTree = (WithPreconditionTask)this.m_children[index]; Debug.Check(pSubTree is WithPreconditionTask); BehaviorTask pActionTree = pSubTree.Action(); if (pCurrentActionTree != pActionTree) { pCurrentActionTree.abort(pAgent); pCurrentSubTree.abort(pAgent); this.m_activeChildIndex = index; } } for (int i = 0; i < this.m_children.Count; ++i) { WithPreconditionTask pSubTree = (WithPreconditionTask)this.m_children[i]; Debug.Check(pSubTree is WithPreconditionTask); //dummy ticking so that the designer knows it is updating EBTStatus statusDummy = pSubTree.exec(pAgent); Debug.Check(statusDummy == EBTStatus.BT_RUNNING); //when i < index, the precondition is failure, so to continue if (i < index) { continue; } if (i > index) { BehaviorTask pPreconditionTree = pSubTree.PreconditionNode(); EBTStatus status = pPreconditionTree.exec(pAgent); //to search for the first one whose precondition is success if (status != EBTStatus.BT_SUCCESS) { continue; } } BehaviorTask pActionTree = pSubTree.Action(); EBTStatus s = pActionTree.exec(pAgent); if (s == EBTStatus.BT_RUNNING) { this.m_activeChildIndex = index; } else { pActionTree.reset(pAgent); if (s == EBTStatus.BT_FAILURE || s == EBTStatus.BT_INVALID) { //THE ACTION failed, to try the next one continue; } } Debug.Check(s == EBTStatus.BT_RUNNING || s == EBTStatus.BT_SUCCESS); return(s); } } return(EBTStatus.BT_FAILURE); }
protected override void load(int version, string agentType, List <property_t> properties) { base.load(version, agentType, properties); for (int i = 0; i < properties.Count; ++i) { property_t p = properties[i]; if ( == "FailurePolicy") { if (p.value == "FAIL_ON_ONE") { this.m_failPolicy = FAILURE_POLICY.FAIL_ON_ONE; } else if (p.value == "FAIL_ON_ALL") { this.m_failPolicy = FAILURE_POLICY.FAIL_ON_ALL; } else { Debug.Check(false); } } else if ( == "SuccessPolicy") { if (p.value == "SUCCEED_ON_ONE") { this.m_succeedPolicy = SUCCESS_POLICY.SUCCEED_ON_ONE; } else if (p.value == "SUCCEED_ON_ALL") { this.m_succeedPolicy = SUCCESS_POLICY.SUCCEED_ON_ALL; } else { Debug.Check(false); } } else if ( == "ExitPolicy") { if (p.value == "EXIT_NONE") { this.m_exitPolicy = EXIT_POLICY.EXIT_NONE; } else if (p.value == "EXIT_ABORT_RUNNINGSIBLINGS") { this.m_exitPolicy = EXIT_POLICY.EXIT_ABORT_RUNNINGSIBLINGS; } else { Debug.Check(false); } } else if ( == "ChildFinishPolicy") { if (p.value == "CHILDFINISH_ONCE") { this.m_childFinishPolicy = CHILDFINISH_POLICY.CHILDFINISH_ONCE; } else if (p.value == "CHILDFINISH_LOOP") { this.m_childFinishPolicy = CHILDFINISH_POLICY.CHILDFINISH_LOOP; } else { Debug.Check(false); } } else { // todo: enter exit action failed here by mistake //Debug.Check(false); } } }
private EBTStatus UpdateFSM(Agent pAgent, EBTStatus childStatus) { Debug.Check(this.m_node != null); Debug.Check(this.m_currentNodeId != -1); #if !BEHAVIAC_RELEASE int kMaxCount = 10; Dictionary <int, int> state_update_count = new Dictionary <int, int>(); #endif//#if !BEHAVIAC_RELEASE EBTStatus status = childStatus; bool bLoop = true; while (bLoop) { BehaviorTask currentState = this.GetChildById(this.m_currentNodeId); currentState.exec(pAgent); if (currentState is State.StateTask) { State.StateTask pStateTask = (State.StateTask)currentState; if (pStateTask.IsEndState) { return(EBTStatus.BT_SUCCESS); } } int nextStateId = currentState.GetNextStateId(); if (nextStateId < 0) { //if not transitioned, don't go on next state, to exit bLoop = false; } else { #if !BEHAVIAC_RELEASE if (state_update_count.ContainsKey(this.m_currentNodeId)) { state_update_count[this.m_currentNodeId]++; } else { state_update_count.Add(this.m_currentNodeId, 1); } if (state_update_count[this.m_currentNodeId] > kMaxCount) { string treeName = BehaviorTask.GetParentTreeName(pAgent, this.GetNode()); Debug.LogError(string.Format("{0} might be updating an FSM('{1}') endlessly, possibly a dead loop, please redesign it!\n", pAgent.GetName(), treeName)); Debug.Check(false); } #endif //if transitioned, go on next state this.m_currentNodeId = nextStateId; } } return(status); }
protected override bool onenter(Agent pAgent) { Debug.Check(true); return(true); }
public override bool decompose(BehaviorNode node, PlannerTaskComplex seqTask, int depth, Planner planner) { Debug.Check(false); return(false); }
public void RemoveChild(PlannerTask childTask) { Debug.Check(this.m_children.Count > 0 && this.m_children[this.m_children.Count - 1] == childTask); this.m_children.Remove(childTask); }
public PlannerTask decomposeNode(BehaviorNode node, int depth) { try { // Ensure that the planner does not get stuck in an infinite loop if (depth >= 256) { Debug.LogError("Exceeded task nesting depth. Does the graph contain an invalid cycle?"); return(null); } LogPlanNodeBegin(this.agent, node); int depth1 = this.agent.Variables.Depth; PlannerTask taskAdded = null; bool isPreconditionOk = node.CheckPreconditions(this.agent, false); if (isPreconditionOk) { bool bOk = true; taskAdded = PlannerTask.Create(node, this.agent); if (node is Action) { //nothing to do for action Debug.Check(true); } else { Debug.Check(taskAdded is PlannerTaskComplex); PlannerTaskComplex seqTask = taskAdded as PlannerTaskComplex; bOk = this.decomposeComplex(node, seqTask, depth); } if (bOk) { node.ApplyEffects(this.agent, Effector.EPhase.E_SUCCESS); } else { BehaviorTask.DestroyTask(taskAdded); taskAdded = null; } } else { //precondition failed LogPlanNodePreconditionFailed(this.agent, node); } LogPlanNodeEnd(this.agent, node, taskAdded != null ? "success" : "failure"); Debug.Check(this.agent.Variables.Depth == depth1); return(taskAdded); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.Check(false, ex.Message); } return(null); }
public override void Run(Agent self) { Debug.Check(_param0 != null); behaviac.Agent.VectorClear((System.Collections.IList)_param0.GetValueObject(self)); }
public static Func <TArg1, TArg2, bool> MakeMemberEqualsMethod <TArg1, TArg2>() { try { Type type1 = typeof(TArg1); Type type2 = typeof(TArg1); Debug.Check(Utils.IsCustomStructType(type1)); ParameterExpression pThis = Expression.Parameter(type1, "lhs"); ParameterExpression pThat = Expression.Parameter(type2, "rhs"); // cast to the subclass type1 UnaryExpression pCastThis = Expression.Convert(pThis, type1); UnaryExpression pCastThat = Expression.Convert(pThat, type2); // compound AND expression using short-circuit evaluation Expression last = null; BindingFlags bindingFlags = BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance; foreach (FieldInfo field in type1.GetFields(bindingFlags)) { BinaryExpression equals = null; if (field.FieldType == typeof(System.Char)) { //Char needs to be checked before primitive MethodInfo CharEquals = typeof(Extensions).GetMethod("CharEquals"); equals = Expression.Equal( Expression.Field(pCastThis, field), Expression.Field(pCastThat, field), false, CharEquals ); } else if (field.FieldType.IsPrimitive || field.FieldType == typeof(string) || field.FieldType.IsEnum) { equals = Expression.Equal( Expression.Field(pCastThis, field), Expression.Field(pCastThat, field) ); } else { MethodInfo TypesEquals = typeof(Extensions).GetMethod("TypesEquals").MakeGenericMethod(field.FieldType);; equals = Expression.Equal( Expression.Field(pCastThis, field), Expression.Field(pCastThat, field), false, TypesEquals ); } if (last == null) { last = equals; } else { last = Expression.AndAlso(last, equals); } } //Expression<Func<bool>> falsePredicate = () => false; Expression falsePredicate = Expression.Constant(false); // call Object.Equals if second parameter doesn't match type1 last = Expression.Condition( Expression.TypeIs(pThat, type1), last, falsePredicate ); // compile method return(Expression.Lambda <Func <TArg1, TArg2, bool> >(last, pThis, pThat).Compile()); } catch (Exception ex) { string msg = ex.Message; return(delegate { throw new InvalidOperationException(msg); }); } }
protected override void load(int version, string agentType, List <property_t> properties) { base.load(version, agentType, properties); for (int i = 0; i < properties.Count; ++i) { property_t p = properties[i]; if ( == "Opl") { this.m_opl = Condition.LoadLeft(p.value); } else if ( == "Operator") { if (p.value == "Add") { this.m_operator = EComputeOperator.E_ADD; } else if (p.value == "Sub") { this.m_operator = EComputeOperator.E_SUB; } else if (p.value == "Mul") { this.m_operator = EComputeOperator.E_MUL; } else if (p.value == "Div") { this.m_operator = EComputeOperator.E_DIV; } else { Debug.Check(false); } } else if ( == "Opr1") { int pParenthesis = p.value.IndexOf('('); if (pParenthesis == -1) { string typeName = null; this.m_opr1 = Condition.LoadRight(p.value, ref typeName); } else { //method this.m_opr1_m = Action.LoadMethod(p.value); } } else if ( == "Opr2") { int pParenthesis = p.value.IndexOf('('); if (pParenthesis == -1) { string typeName = null; this.m_opr2 = Condition.LoadRight(p.value, ref typeName); } else { //method this.m_opr2_m = Action.LoadMethod(p.value); } } else { //Debug.Check(0, "unrecognised property %s",; } } }
public static void Clone <T>(ref T o, T c) { if (c == null) { o = default(T); return; } //Type type = c.GetType(); Type type = typeof(T); if (type.IsPrimitive || type.IsEnum || type.IsValueType) { //c is boxed, it needs to make a new copy //if (o == null) //{ // o =(T) Activator.CreateInstance(type); //} o = c; } else if (type == typeof(string)) { //string is immutable, it doesn't need to make a new copy o = c; } else if (type.IsArray) { Type elementType = type.GetElementType(); if (elementType == null) { elementType = Type.GetType(type.FullName.Replace("[]", string.Empty)); } var array = c as Array; Array copied = Array.CreateInstance(elementType, array.Length); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { object item = null; Utils.Clone(ref item, array.GetValue(i)); //object item = Utils.Clone(array.GetValue(i)); copied.SetValue(item, i); } if (o == null) { o = (T)Convert.ChangeType(copied, type); } } else if (Utils.IsArrayType(type)) { Type elementType = type.GetElementType(); if (elementType == null) { elementType = Type.GetType(type.FullName.Replace("[]", string.Empty)); } var array = c as IList; o = (T)Activator.CreateInstance(type); for (int i = 0; i < array.Count; i++) { object item = null; Utils.Clone(ref item, array[i]); ((IList)o).Add(item); } } else { bool isClass = type.IsClass; if (isClass && Utils.IsRefNullType(type)) { o = c; } else { Debug.Check(!type.IsPrimitive && !type.IsEnum); bool isStruct = type.IsValueType; if (o == null) { o = (T)Activator.CreateInstance(type); } if (isStruct || isClass) { FieldInfo[] fields = type.GetFields(BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static); for (int i = 0; i < fields.Length; ++i) { FieldInfo f = fields[i]; if (!f.IsLiteral) { object fv = f.GetValue(c); object fv2 = null; Utils.Clone(ref fv2, fv); f.SetValue(o, fv2); } } } else { o = c; } } } }