public void GetFileListOutput() { var items = vcServer.GetItems("$/", RecursionType.Full); foreach (var item in items.Items) { OutputService.WriteOutput(item.ServerItem); } }
public void UpdateProject(string path) { var status = workSpace.Get(new[] { path }, VersionSpec.Latest, RecursionType.Full, GetOptions.GetAll | GetOptions.Overwrite); if (status.NoActionNeeded) { OutputService.WriteOutput($"<TFS>No Actions needed on: {path}"); } if (status.NumFailures > 0) { Failures = status.GetFailures(); } }
public void Connect(Uri path) { try { // Connect to the team project collection and the server that hosts the version-control repository. var tpc = new TfsTeamProjectCollection(path); vcServer = tpc.GetService <VersionControlServer>(); workSpaceInfo = Workstation.Current.GetLocalWorkspaceInfo(vcServer, Environment.MachineName, vcServer.AuthorizedUser); workSpace = vcServer.GetWorkspace(workSpaceInfo); IsConnected = true; } catch (Exception exception) { IsConnected = false; logger.Error(exception, $"couldn't connect to Server: {TeamFoundationServerUrl}"); OutputService.WriteOutput( $"couldn't connect to Server: {TeamFoundationServerUrl} Error:{exception.Message}"); } }