static void Main(string[] args) { int Prompt = UserInterface.GetUserInput(); //Declare Array WineItem[] Winelist = new WineItem[4000]; //Textfile string CSV = "../../../datafiles/WineList.csv"; ProcessArrayExecuted = true; if (Prompt == 1) { WineItemCollection Loaded = new WineItemCollection(); Loaded.ArrayLoaded(); Prompt = UserInterface.GetUserInput(); } if (Prompt == 2) { WineItemCollection csvdisplay = new WineItemCollection(); csvdisplay.WineCSV(CSV, Winelist); string outputString = ""; foreach (WineItem Wine in Winelist) { if (Wine != null) { outputString += Wine.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; } } UserInterface.Output(outputString); Prompt = UserInterface.GetUserInput(); } if (Prompt == 3) { WineItemCollection Locate = new WineItemCollection(); Locate.Search(); Prompt = UserInterface.GetUserInput(); } if (Prompt == 4) { //add record to text file Winelist[3964] = new WineItem("52562", "123 Westnedge ave", "700 ml"); Added = true; WineItemCollection RecordAdded = new WineItemCollection(); RecordAdded.Add(); Prompt = UserInterface.GetUserInput(); } if (Prompt == 5) { exit(); } //re-promp the user for input Prompt = UserInterface.GetUserInput(); }