//check if user wants to check and delete another account static void CheckAnother() { Console.Clear(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("Do you want to search another account? "); Console.WriteLine("Press 'Y' to search again "); Console.WriteLine("Press 'N' to return to menu "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; //if yes start deletion process again from beginning if (Console.ReadKey().Key == ConsoleKey.Y) { Console.Clear(); DeleteAccount restart = new DeleteAccount(); restart.AccountDelete(); } //else return to main menu else if (Console.ReadKey().Key == ConsoleKey.N) { Screens.mainMenu(); } Screens.mainMenu(); }
public void MainMenu() //main menu { Console.Title = "Main Menu"; Console.Clear(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; draw.TopScreen(); Console.WriteLine(" MAIN MENU "); draw.UnderTitleLine(); //display all available menus Console.WriteLine("1. Create new account"); Console.WriteLine("2. Search for account"); Console.WriteLine("3. Deposit"); Console.WriteLine("4. Withdraw"); Console.WriteLine("5. A/C statement"); Console.WriteLine("6. Delete account"); Console.WriteLine("7. Exit"); draw.BottomScreen(); Console.Write(" Enter your choice 1-7: "); //get user input to traverse through the application try { //switch cases accordingly to user input //aesthetics and user friendly names are set accordingly //titles are set which lable each screen on top //each screen is set to clear when prompted removing all previous trash int menuChoice = Int32.Parse(new string(Console.ReadKey().KeyChar, 1)); Console.WriteLine(); switch (menuChoice) { case 1: Console.Title = "Create new account"; Console.Clear(); CreateAccount newAccount = new CreateAccount(); newAccount.NewUser(); //createAccount(); break; case 2: Console.Title = "Search Account"; Console.Clear(); SearchAccount search = new SearchAccount(); search.AccountSearch(); Console.WriteLine("done and dusted"); break; case 3: Console.Title = "Deposit into Account"; Console.Clear(); Deposit deposit = new Deposit(); deposit.DepositMoney(); break; case 4: Console.Title = "Withdraw from Account"; Console.Clear(); Withdraw withdraw = new Withdraw(); withdraw.WithdrawMoney(); break; case 5: Console.Title = "Account Statement"; Console.Clear(); Statement lastStatement = new Statement(); lastStatement.LastFiveTransaction(); break; case 6: Console.Title = "Delete Account"; Console.Clear(); DeleteAccount accDelete = new DeleteAccount(); accDelete.AccountDelete(); break; case 7: // Console.WriteLine("Press any key to confirm exit, Thanks!"); break; } } //excption message such as letter entered in above numeric switch statement catch (FormatException) { Console.Clear(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("Something went wrong, Press any key to return to menu "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; Console.ReadKey(); MainMenu(); Console.ReadKey(); } }