static void Main(string[] arguments) { Message("doomwadcorrupter v{0} arookas", new Version(0, 1, 12)); Separator(); if (arguments == null || arguments.Length < 2) { Message("Usage: doomwadcorrupter <input.wad> <output.wad> [options]"); Message(); Message("Options:"); Message(" -start <value>"); Message(" -end <value>"); Message(" -inc <value>"); Message(" -mode <type> [<value>]"); Message(" -skip <filter> [<filter> [...]]"); Message(" -only <filter> [<filter> [...]]"); Message(" -zdoom"); Message(); Message("For more detailed instructions, refer to the official repo page."); Pause(); Exit(false); } var inputWAD = arguments[0]; var outputWAD = arguments[1]; cmd = new aCommandLine(arguments.Skip(2).ToArray()); options = new CorrupterOptions(cmd); DisplayOptions(inputWAD, outputWAD); int lumpCount; var lumpsCorrupted = 0; var lumpsSkipped = 0; var bytesCorrupted = 0; rnd = new Random((uint)options.CorruptSeed); var timeTaken = Stopwatch.StartNew(); using (var instream = OpenWAD(inputWAD)) { var reader = new aBinaryReader(instream, Endianness.Little, Encoding.ASCII); // header var wadType = reader.ReadString(4); if (wadType != "IWAD" && wadType != "PWAD") { Error("Input file is not a DOOM WAD."); } lumpCount = reader.ReadS32(); var directoryOffset = reader.ReadS32(); // directory reader.Goto(directoryOffset); var lumps = aCollection.Initialize(lumpCount, () => new Lump(reader)); using (var outstream = CreateWAD(outputWAD)) { var writer = new aBinaryWriter(outstream, Endianness.Little, Encoding.ASCII); // header writer.WriteString(wadType); writer.WriteS32(lumpCount); writer.WriteS32(directoryOffset); // data var corruptBuff = new byte[options.Increment]; var startBuff = new byte[options.Start]; var ns = LumpNamespace.Global; foreach (var lump in lumps) { reader.Goto(lump.Start); writer.Goto(lump.Start); CheckNamespaceMarker(lump, ref ns); if (options.Filter.IsCorruptable(lump.Name, ns) && !(options.ZDOOM && IsZDOOMLump(lump.Name))) { ++lumpsCorrupted; var i = options.Start; var end = options.End ?? lump.Length; if (i > 0) { var count = (int)System.Math.Min(lump.Length, i); reader.Read(startBuff, count); writer.Write8s(startBuff, count); } while (i < lump.Length && i < end) { Status("Corrupting '{0}'... (0x{1:X8} / 0x{2:X8})", lump.Name, i, lump.Length); var count = (int)System.Math.Min(lump.Length - i, options.Increment); reader.Read(corruptBuff, count); CorruptByte(ref corruptBuff[0], options.CorruptMode, options.CorruptValue); writer.Write8s(corruptBuff, count); ++bytesCorrupted; i += count; } } else { ++lumpsSkipped; writer.Write8s(reader.Read8s(lump.Length)); } } // directory writer.Goto(directoryOffset); foreach (var lump in lumps) { Status("Writing lump directory for '{0}'...", lump.Name); lump.ToStream(writer); } } } timeTaken.Stop(); Status("Finished corrupting."); Message(); Separator(); Message(" Files : {0}", lumpCount); Message(" Files corrupted : {0}", lumpsCorrupted); Message(" Files skipped : {0}", lumpsSkipped); Message("Bytes mercilessly sacrificed : {0}", bytesCorrupted); Message(" Time taken : {0}", timeTaken.Elapsed.ToString("g")); Message(" Finished at : {0}", DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss tt")); Pause(); }