private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { c = new Calcul(); bool ok = true,ok2=true; try { viewDatePersTableAdapter.Fill(dateMedDataSet.ViewDatePers); } catch { ok = false; } try { statisticaTableAdapter.Fill(dateMedDataSet.Statistica); } catch { ok2 = false; } DataTable dt = dateMedDataSet.ViewDatePers; DataTable dt2 = dateMedDataSet.Statistica; if (ok == true) { if (istoriccomboBox.Text != "Selectati" && valcomboBox.Text != "Selectati") { if (istoriccomboBox.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { numelistBox.Items.Clear(); indicelistBox.Items.Clear(); datelistBox.Items.Clear(); otherlistBox.Items.Clear(); valoarelabel.Text = istoriccomboBox.Text; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { if (row["DZP"].ToString() == valcomboBox.Text) { numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["DZP"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte Valori2 if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ocupatie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DZP"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CopilMacro"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row2["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Fumat"] + " (" + row2["Nrtigar"] + ") " + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Fumat"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["ActFizica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["G"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["H"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ca"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["TaSistolica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["TaDiastolica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Glicemie"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HDLCol"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["LDLCol"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Tg"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row2["G"].ToString(), row2["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row2["LDLCol"].ToString(), row2["CNP"].ToString(), row2["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row2["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } } } } #endregion } else if (valcomboBox.Text == "Toate Valorile") { numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["DZP"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte Valori2 if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ocupatie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DZP"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CopilMacro"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row2["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Fumat"] + " (" + row2["Nrtigar"] + ") " + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Fumat"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["ActFizica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["G"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["H"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ca"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["TaSistolica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["TaDiastolica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Glicemie"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HDLCol"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["LDLCol"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Tg"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row2["G"].ToString(), row2["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row2["LDLCol"].ToString(), row2["CNP"].ToString(), row2["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row2["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } } } } #endregion } } ctr = 0; } else if (istoriccomboBox.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { numelistBox.Items.Clear(); indicelistBox.Items.Clear(); datelistBox.Items.Clear(); otherlistBox.Items.Clear(); valoarelabel.Text = istoriccomboBox.Text; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { if (row["DZF"].ToString() == valcomboBox.Text) { numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["DZF"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte Valori2 if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ocupatie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DZP"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CopilMacro"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row2["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Fumat"] + " (" + row2["Nrtigar"] + ") " + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Fumat"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["ActFizica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["G"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["H"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ca"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["TaSistolica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["TaDiastolica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Glicemie"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HDLCol"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["LDLCol"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Tg"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row2["G"].ToString(), row2["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row2["LDLCol"].ToString(), row2["CNP"].ToString(), row2["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row2["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } } } } #endregion } else if (valcomboBox.Text == "Toate Valorile") { numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["DZF"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte Valori2 if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ocupatie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DZP"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CopilMacro"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row2["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Fumat"] + " (" + row2["Nrtigar"] + ") " + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Fumat"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["ActFizica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["G"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["H"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ca"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["TaSistolica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["TaDiastolica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Glicemie"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HDLCol"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["LDLCol"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Tg"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row2["G"].ToString(), row2["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row2["LDLCol"].ToString(), row2["CNP"].ToString(), row2["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row2["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } } } } #endregion } } ctr = 0; } else if (istoriccomboBox.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { numelistBox.Items.Clear(); indicelistBox.Items.Clear(); datelistBox.Items.Clear(); otherlistBox.Items.Clear(); valoarelabel.Text = istoriccomboBox.Text; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { if (row["BoliCardio"].ToString() == valcomboBox.Text) { numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["BoliCardio"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte Valori2 if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ocupatie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DZP"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CopilMacro"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row2["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Fumat"] + " (" + row2["Nrtigar"] + ") " + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Fumat"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["ActFizica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["G"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["H"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ca"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["TaSistolica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["TaDiastolica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Glicemie"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HDLCol"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["LDLCol"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Tg"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row2["G"].ToString(), row2["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row2["LDLCol"].ToString(), row2["CNP"].ToString(), row2["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row2["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } } } } #endregion } else if (valcomboBox.Text == "Toate Valorile") { numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["BoliCardio"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte Valori2 if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ocupatie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DZP"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CopilMacro"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row2["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Fumat"] + " (" + row2["Nrtigar"] + ") " + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Fumat"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["ActFizica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["G"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["H"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ca"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["TaSistolica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["TaDiastolica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Glicemie"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HDLCol"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["LDLCol"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Tg"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row2["G"].ToString(), row2["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row2["LDLCol"].ToString(), row2["CNP"].ToString(), row2["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row2["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } } } } #endregion } } ctr = 0; } else if (istoriccomboBox.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { numelistBox.Items.Clear(); indicelistBox.Items.Clear(); datelistBox.Items.Clear(); otherlistBox.Items.Clear(); valoarelabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { if (row["HAFam"].ToString() == valcomboBox.Text) { numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["HAFam"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte Valori2 if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ocupatie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DZP"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CopilMacro"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row2["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Fumat"] + " (" + row2["Nrtigar"] + ") " + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Fumat"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["ActFizica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["G"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["H"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ca"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["TaSistolica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["TaDiastolica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Glicemie"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HDLCol"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["LDLCol"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Tg"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row2["G"].ToString(), row2["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row2["LDLCol"].ToString(), row2["CNP"].ToString(), row2["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row2["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } } } } #endregion } else if (valcomboBox.Text == "Toate Valorile") { numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["HAFam"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte Valori2 if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ocupatie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DZP"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CopilMacro"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row2["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Fumat"] + " (" + row2["Nrtigar"] + ") " + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Fumat"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["ActFizica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["G"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["H"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ca"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["TaSistolica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["TaDiastolica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Glicemie"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HDLCol"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["LDLCol"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Tg"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row2["G"].ToString(), row2["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row2["LDLCol"].ToString(), row2["CNP"].ToString(), row2["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row2["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } } } } #endregion } } ctr = 0; } else if (istoriccomboBox.Text == "Dislipidemie") { numelistBox.Items.Clear(); indicelistBox.Items.Clear(); datelistBox.Items.Clear(); otherlistBox.Items.Clear(); valoarelabel.Text = istoriccomboBox.Text; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { if (row["Dislipidemie"].ToString() == valcomboBox.Text) { numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["Dislipidemie"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte Valori2 if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ocupatie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DZP"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CopilMacro"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row2["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Fumat"] + " (" + row2["Nrtigar"] + ") " + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Fumat"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["ActFizica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["G"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["H"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ca"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["TaSistolica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["TaDiastolica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Glicemie"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HDLCol"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["LDLCol"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Tg"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row2["G"].ToString(), row2["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row2["LDLCol"].ToString(), row2["CNP"].ToString(), row2["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row2["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } } } } #endregion } else if (valcomboBox.Text == "Toate Valorile") { numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["Dislipidemie"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte Valori2 if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ocupatie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DZP"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CopilMacro"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row2["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Fumat"] + " (" + row2["Nrtigar"] + ") " + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Fumat"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["ActFizica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["G"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["H"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ca"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["TaSistolica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["TaDiastolica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Glicemie"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HDLCol"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["LDLCol"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Tg"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row2["G"].ToString(), row2["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row2["LDLCol"].ToString(), row2["CNP"].ToString(), row2["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row2["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } } } } #endregion } } ctr = 0; } else if (istoriccomboBox.Text == "Obezitate") { numelistBox.Items.Clear(); indicelistBox.Items.Clear(); datelistBox.Items.Clear(); otherlistBox.Items.Clear(); valoarelabel.Text = istoriccomboBox.Text; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { if (row["Obezitate"].ToString() == valcomboBox.Text) { numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["Obezitate"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte Valori2 if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ocupatie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DZP"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CopilMacro"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row2["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Fumat"] + " (" + row2["Nrtigar"] + ") " + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Fumat"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["ActFizica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["G"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["H"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ca"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["TaSistolica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["TaDiastolica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Glicemie"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HDLCol"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["LDLCol"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Tg"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row2["G"].ToString(), row2["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row2["LDLCol"].ToString(), row2["CNP"].ToString(), row2["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row2["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } } } } #endregion } else if (valcomboBox.Text == "Toate Valorile") { numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["Obezitate"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte Valori2 if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ocupatie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DZP"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CopilMacro"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row2["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Fumat"] + " (" + row2["Nrtigar"] + ") " + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Fumat"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["ActFizica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["G"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["H"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ca"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["TaSistolica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["TaDiastolica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Glicemie"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HDLCol"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["LDLCol"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Tg"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row2["G"].ToString(), row2["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row2["LDLCol"].ToString(), row2["CNP"].ToString(), row2["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row2["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } } } } #endregion } } ctr = 0; } else if (istoriccomboBox.Text == "Morti Subite") { numelistBox.Items.Clear(); indicelistBox.Items.Clear(); datelistBox.Items.Clear(); otherlistBox.Items.Clear(); valoarelabel.Text = istoriccomboBox.Text; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { if (row["MortiSubite"].ToString() == valcomboBox.Text) { numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["MortiSubite"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte Valori2 if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ocupatie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DZP"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CopilMacro"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row2["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Fumat"] + " (" + row2["Nrtigar"] + ") " + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Fumat"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["ActFizica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["G"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["H"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ca"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["TaSistolica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["TaDiastolica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Glicemie"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HDLCol"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["LDLCol"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Tg"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row2["G"].ToString(), row2["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row2["LDLCol"].ToString(), row2["CNP"].ToString(), row2["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row2["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } } } } #endregion } else if (valcomboBox.Text == "Toate Valorile") { numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["MortiSubite"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte Valori2 if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ocupatie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DZP"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CopilMacro"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row2["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Fumat"] + " (" + row2["Nrtigar"] + ") " + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Fumat"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["ActFizica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["G"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["H"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ca"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["TaSistolica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["TaDiastolica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Glicemie"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HDLCol"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["LDLCol"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Tg"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row2["G"].ToString(), row2["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row2["LDLCol"].ToString(), row2["CNP"].ToString(), row2["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row2["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } } } } #endregion } } ctr = 0; } else if (istoriccomboBox.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { numelistBox.Items.Clear(); indicelistBox.Items.Clear(); datelistBox.Items.Clear(); otherlistBox.Items.Clear(); valoarelabel.Text = istoriccomboBox.Text; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { if (row["CopilMacro"].ToString() == valcomboBox.Text) { numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["CopilMacro"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte Valori2 if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ocupatie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DZP"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CopilMacro"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row2["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Fumat"] + " (" + row2["Nrtigar"] + ") " + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Fumat"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["ActFizica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["G"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["H"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ca"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["TaSistolica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["TaDiastolica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Glicemie"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HDLCol"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["LDLCol"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Tg"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row2["G"].ToString(), row2["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row2["LDLCol"].ToString(), row2["CNP"].ToString(), row2["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row2["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } } } } #endregion } else if (valcomboBox.Text == "Toate Valorile") { numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["CopilMacro"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte Valori2 if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ocupatie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DZP"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CopilMacro"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row2["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Fumat"] + " (" + row2["Nrtigar"] + ") " + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Fumat"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["ActFizica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["G"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["H"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ca"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["TaSistolica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["TaDiastolica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Glicemie"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HDLCol"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["LDLCol"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Tg"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row2["G"].ToString(), row2["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row2["LDLCol"].ToString(), row2["CNP"].ToString(), row2["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row2["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } } } } #endregion } } ctr = 0; } else if (istoriccomboBox.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { numelistBox.Items.Clear(); indicelistBox.Items.Clear(); datelistBox.Items.Clear(); otherlistBox.Items.Clear(); valoarelabel.Text = istoriccomboBox.Text; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { if (row["Sex"].ToString() == "Feminin") { if (row["DiabetG"].ToString() == valcomboBox.Text) { numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]);//??????????? indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["DiabetG"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte Valori2 if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ocupatie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DZP"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CopilMacro"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row2["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Fumat"] + " (" + row2["Nrtigar"] + ") " + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Fumat"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["ActFizica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["G"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["H"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ca"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["TaSistolica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["TaDiastolica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Glicemie"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HDLCol"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["LDLCol"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Tg"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row2["G"].ToString(), row2["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row2["LDLCol"].ToString(), row2["CNP"].ToString(), row2["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row2["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } } } } #endregion } else if (valcomboBox.Text == "Toate Valorile") { numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["DiabetG"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte Valori2 if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ocupatie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DZP"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CopilMacro"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row2["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Fumat"] + " (" + row2["Nrtigar"] + ") " + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Fumat"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["ActFizica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["G"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["H"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ca"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["TaSistolica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["TaDiastolica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Glicemie"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HDLCol"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["LDLCol"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Tg"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row2["G"].ToString(), row2["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row2["LDLCol"].ToString(), row2["CNP"].ToString(), row2["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row2["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } } } } #endregion } } } ctr = 0; } else if (istoriccomboBox.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { numelistBox.Items.Clear(); indicelistBox.Items.Clear(); datelistBox.Items.Clear(); otherlistBox.Items.Clear(); valoarelabel.Text = istoriccomboBox.Text; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { if (row["CardioIschemica"].ToString() == valcomboBox.Text) { numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["CardioIschemica"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte Valori2 if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ocupatie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DZP"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CopilMacro"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row2["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Fumat"] + " (" + row2["Nrtigar"] + ") " + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Fumat"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["ActFizica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["G"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["H"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ca"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["TaSistolica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["TaDiastolica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Glicemie"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HDLCol"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["LDLCol"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Tg"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row2["G"].ToString(), row2["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row2["LDLCol"].ToString(), row2["CNP"].ToString(), row2["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row2["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } } } } #endregion } else if (valcomboBox.Text == "Toate Valorile") { numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["CardioIschemica"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte Valori2 if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ocupatie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DZP"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CopilMacro"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row2["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Fumat"] + " (" + row2["Nrtigar"] + ") " + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Fumat"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["ActFizica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["G"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["H"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ca"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["TaSistolica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["TaDiastolica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Glicemie"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HDLCol"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["LDLCol"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Tg"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row2["G"].ToString(), row2["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row2["LDLCol"].ToString(), row2["CNP"].ToString(), row2["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row2["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } } } } #endregion } } ctr = 0; } else if (istoriccomboBox.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { numelistBox.Items.Clear(); indicelistBox.Items.Clear(); datelistBox.Items.Clear(); otherlistBox.Items.Clear(); valoarelabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { if (row["HAPers"].ToString() == valcomboBox.Text) { numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["HAPers"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte Valori2 if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ocupatie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DZP"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CopilMacro"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row2["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Fumat"] + " (" + row2["Nrtigar"] + ") " + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Fumat"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["ActFizica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["G"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["H"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ca"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["TaSistolica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["TaDiastolica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Glicemie"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HDLCol"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["LDLCol"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Tg"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row2["G"].ToString(), row2["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row2["LDLCol"].ToString(), row2["CNP"].ToString(), row2["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row2["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } } } } #endregion } else if (valcomboBox.Text == "Toate Valorile") { numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["HAPers"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte Valori2 if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ocupatie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DZP"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CopilMacro"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row2["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Fumat"] + " (" + row2["Nrtigar"] + ") " + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Fumat"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["ActFizica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["G"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["H"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ca"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["TaSistolica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["TaDiastolica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Glicemie"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HDLCol"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["LDLCol"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Tg"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row2["G"].ToString(), row2["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row2["LDLCol"].ToString(), row2["CNP"].ToString(), row2["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row2["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } } } } #endregion } } ctr = 0; } else if (istoriccomboBox.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { numelistBox.Items.Clear(); indicelistBox.Items.Clear(); datelistBox.Items.Clear(); otherlistBox.Items.Clear(); valoarelabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { if (row["IMAVC"].ToString() == valcomboBox.Text) { numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["IMAVC"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte Valori2 if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ocupatie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DZP"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CopilMacro"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row2["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Fumat"] + " (" + row2["Nrtigar"] + ") " + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Fumat"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["ActFizica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["G"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["H"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ca"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["TaSistolica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["TaDiastolica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Glicemie"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HDLCol"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["LDLCol"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Tg"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row2["G"].ToString(), row2["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row2["LDLCol"].ToString(), row2["CNP"].ToString(), row2["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row2["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } } } } #endregion } else if (valcomboBox.Text == "Toate Valorile") { numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["IMAVC"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte Valori2 if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ocupatie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DZP"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CopilMacro"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row2["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Fumat"] + " (" + row2["Nrtigar"] + ") " + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Fumat"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["ActFizica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["G"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["H"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ca"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["TaSistolica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["TaDiastolica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Glicemie"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HDLCol"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["LDLCol"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Tg"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row2["G"].ToString(), row2["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row2["LDLCol"].ToString(), row2["CNP"].ToString(), row2["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row2["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } } } } #endregion } } ctr = 0; } else if (istoriccomboBox.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { numelistBox.Items.Clear(); indicelistBox.Items.Clear(); datelistBox.Items.Clear(); otherlistBox.Items.Clear(); valoarelabel.Text = "Scaderea Tolerantei" + "\n" + "La Glucoza"; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { if (row["STGlucoza"].ToString() == valcomboBox.Text) { numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["STGlucoza"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte Valori2 if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ocupatie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DZP"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CopilMacro"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row2["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Fumat"] + " (" + row2["Nrtigar"] + ") " + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Fumat"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["ActFizica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["G"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["H"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ca"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["TaSistolica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["TaDiastolica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Glicemie"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HDLCol"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["LDLCol"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Tg"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row2["G"].ToString(), row2["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row2["LDLCol"].ToString(), row2["CNP"].ToString(), row2["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row2["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } } } } #endregion } else if (valcomboBox.Text == "Toate Valorile") { numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["STGlucoza"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte Valori2 if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ocupatie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DZP"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CopilMacro"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row2["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Fumat"] + " (" + row2["Nrtigar"] + ") " + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Fumat"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["ActFizica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["G"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["H"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ca"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["TaSistolica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["TaDiastolica"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Glicemie"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HDLCol"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["LDLCol"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Tg"] + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row2["G"].ToString(), row2["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row2["LDLCol"].ToString(), row2["CNP"].ToString(), row2["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row2["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(row2["Date"]).ToShortDateString() + " " + row2["Nume"]); } } } } #endregion } } ctr = 0; } } else { MessageBox.Show("Selectati o valoare pentru a vedea statistica"); } } else MessageBox.Show("Am întâmpinat probleme la încărcarea datelor!"); int s = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= numelistBox.Items.Count; i++) s += i; if (s == 0) paclabel.Text = ""; }
private void rcvbutton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Calcul c = new Calcul(); string cnp; cnp = cNPTextBox.Text; if (cnp != "") { if (lDLColTextBox.Text != "" || taSistolicaTextBox.Text != "") { rcvscor = c.RCV(lDLColTextBox.Text, cnp, taSistolicaTextBox.Text, fumatTextBox.Text, dateTextBox.Text); rcvlabel.Text = rcvscor.ToString(); if (rcvscor < 1)//aici in functie de scor schimbam culoarea de fundal al labelului rcvlabel.BackColor = Color.GreenYellow; else if (rcvscor == 1) rcvlabel.BackColor = Color.Green; else if (rcvscor == 2) rcvlabel.BackColor = Color.Yellow; else if (rcvscor == 3 || rcvscor == 4) rcvlabel.BackColor = Color.Orange; else if (rcvscor >= 5 && rcvscor <= 9) rcvlabel.BackColor = Color.IndianRed; else if (rcvscor >= 10 && rcvscor <= 14) rcvlabel.BackColor = Color.Red; else if (rcvscor >= 15) rcvlabel.BackColor = Color.DarkRed; rcvok = true; } } }
private void afisbutton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { c = new Calcul(); bool ok = true,ok2=true; try { this.statisticaTableAdapter.Fill(dateMedDataSet.Statistica); } catch { ok = false; MessageBox.Show("Vă rugăm reîncercați."); } try { viewDatePersTableAdapter.Fill(dateMedDataSet.ViewDatePers); } catch { ok2 = false; MessageBox.Show("Vă rugăm reîncercați."); } DataTable dt = dateMedDataSet.Statistica; DataTable dt2 = dateMedDataSet.ViewDatePers; if (FromtextBox.Text != "" && TotextBox.Text != "") { from = int.Parse(FromtextBox.Text); to = int.Parse(TotextBox.Text); } if (ok == true) { if (controlcomboBox.Text != "Selectati") { if (controlcomboBox.Text == "Fumat") { numelistBox.Items.Clear(); datelistBox.Items.Clear(); indicelistBox.Items.Clear(); otherlistBox.Items.Clear(); valoarelabel.Text = controlcomboBox.Text; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { if (row["Fumat"].ToString() == comboBox1.Text) { if (comboBox1.Text == "DA") { fum = row["Fumat"] + " ( " + row["Nrtigar"] + " )"; indicelistBox.Items.Add(fum); #region Alte valori if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if(comboBox2.Text=="Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"] + " ( " + row["Nrtigar"] + " )"); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["ActFizica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["G"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["H"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ca"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaSistolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaDiastolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Glicemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["LDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Tg"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row["G"].ToString(), row["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(),now)); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row["LDLCol"].ToString(), row["CNP"].ToString(), row["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row["Fumat"].ToString(),Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ocupatie"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text="Hipertensiune Arteriala"+"\n" +"(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic"+"\n" +"Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CopilMacro"]); } } } } #endregion ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); } else if (comboBox1.Text == "NU") { fum = row["Fumat"].ToString(); indicelistBox.Items.Add(fum); #region Alte valori if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"] + " ( " + row["Nrtigar"] + " )"); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["ActFizica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["G"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["H"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ca"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaSistolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaDiastolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Glicemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["LDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Tg"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row["G"].ToString(), row["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row["LDLCol"].ToString(), row["CNP"].ToString(), row["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ocupatie"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CopilMacro"]); } } } } #endregion ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); } numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); datelistBox.Items.Add(row["Date"]); } else if (comboBox1.Text == "Toate Valorile") { if (row["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"] + " ( " + row["Nrtigar"] + " )"); else indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"]); numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); datelistBox.Items.Add(row["Date"]); #region Alte valori if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"] + " ( " + row["Nrtigar"] + " )"); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["ActFizica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["G"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["H"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ca"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaSistolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaDiastolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Glicemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["LDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Tg"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row["G"].ToString(), row["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row["LDLCol"].ToString(), row["CNP"].ToString(), row["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ocupatie"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CopilMacro"]); } } } } #endregion ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); } } ctr = 0; } else if (controlcomboBox.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { numelistBox.Items.Clear(); datelistBox.Items.Clear(); indicelistBox.Items.Clear(); otherlistBox.Items.Clear(); valoarelabel.Text = controlcomboBox.Text; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { if (row["ActFizica"].ToString() == comboBox1.Text) { indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["ActFizica"]); numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); datelistBox.Items.Add(row["Date"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte valori if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"] + " ( " + row["Nrtigar"] + " )"); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["ActFizica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["G"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["H"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ca"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaSistolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaDiastolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Glicemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["LDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Tg"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row["G"].ToString(), row["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row["LDLCol"].ToString(), row["CNP"].ToString(), row["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ocupatie"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CopilMacro"]); } } } } #endregion } else if (comboBox1.Text == "Toate Valorile") { indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["ActFizica"]); numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); datelistBox.Items.Add(row["Date"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte valori if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"] + " ( " + row["Nrtigar"] + " )"); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["ActFizica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["G"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["H"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ca"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaSistolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaDiastolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Glicemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["LDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Tg"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row["G"].ToString(), row["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row["LDLCol"].ToString(), row["CNP"].ToString(), row["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ocupatie"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CopilMacro"]); } } } } #endregion } } ctr = 0; } else if (controlcomboBox.Text == "Masa Corporala") { numelistBox.Items.Clear(); datelistBox.Items.Clear(); indicelistBox.Items.Clear(); otherlistBox.Items.Clear(); valoarelabel.Text = controlcomboBox.Text; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { if (Convert.ToInt32(row["G"]) >= from &&Convert.ToInt32(row["G"]) <= to) { indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["G"]); numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); datelistBox.Items.Add(row["Date"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte valori if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"] + " ( " + row["Nrtigar"] + " )"); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["ActFizica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["G"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["H"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ca"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaSistolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaDiastolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Glicemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["LDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Tg"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row["G"].ToString(), row["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row["LDLCol"].ToString(), row["CNP"].ToString(), row["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ocupatie"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CopilMacro"]); } } } } #endregion } else if (from == 0 && Convert.ToInt32(row["G"]) <= to) { indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["G"]); numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); datelistBox.Items.Add(row["Date"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte valori if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"] + " ( " + row["Nrtigar"] + " )"); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["ActFizica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["G"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["H"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ca"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaSistolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaDiastolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Glicemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["LDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Tg"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row["G"].ToString(), row["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row["LDLCol"].ToString(), row["CNP"].ToString(), row["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ocupatie"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CopilMacro"]); } } } } #endregion } else if (from == 0 && to == 0) { indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["G"]); numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); datelistBox.Items.Add(row["Date"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte valori if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"] + " ( " + row["Nrtigar"] + " )"); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["ActFizica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["G"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["H"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ca"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaSistolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaDiastolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Glicemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["LDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Tg"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row["G"].ToString(), row["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row["LDLCol"].ToString(), row["CNP"].ToString(), row["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ocupatie"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CopilMacro"]); } } } } #endregion } } ctr = 0; } else if (controlcomboBox.Text == "Inaltime") { numelistBox.Items.Clear(); datelistBox.Items.Clear(); indicelistBox.Items.Clear(); otherlistBox.Items.Clear(); valoarelabel.Text = controlcomboBox.Text; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { if (Convert.ToInt32(row["H"]) >= from && Convert.ToInt32(row["H"]) <= to) { indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["H"]); numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); datelistBox.Items.Add(row["Date"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte valori if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"] + " ( " + row["Nrtigar"] + " )"); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["ActFizica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["G"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["H"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ca"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaSistolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaDiastolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Glicemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["LDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Tg"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row["G"].ToString(), row["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row["LDLCol"].ToString(), row["CNP"].ToString(), row["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ocupatie"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CopilMacro"]); } } } } #endregion } else if (from == 0 && Convert.ToInt32(row["H"]) <= to) { indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["H"]); numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); datelistBox.Items.Add(row["Date"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte valori if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"] + " ( " + row["Nrtigar"] + " )"); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["ActFizica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["G"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["H"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ca"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaSistolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaDiastolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Glicemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["LDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Tg"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row["G"].ToString(), row["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row["LDLCol"].ToString(), row["CNP"].ToString(), row["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ocupatie"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CopilMacro"]); } } } } #endregion } else if (from == 0 && to == 0) { indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["H"]); numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); datelistBox.Items.Add(row["Date"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte valori if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"] + " ( " + row["Nrtigar"] + " )"); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["ActFizica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["G"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["H"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ca"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaSistolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaDiastolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Glicemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["LDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Tg"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row["G"].ToString(), row["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row["LDLCol"].ToString(), row["CNP"].ToString(), row["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ocupatie"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CopilMacro"]); } } } } #endregion } } ctr = 0; } else if (controlcomboBox.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { numelistBox.Items.Clear(); datelistBox.Items.Clear(); indicelistBox.Items.Clear(); otherlistBox.Items.Clear(); valoarelabel.Text = controlcomboBox.Text; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { if (Convert.ToInt32(row["TaSistolica"]) >= from && Convert.ToInt32(row["TaSistolica"]) <= to) { indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["TaSistolica"]); numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); datelistBox.Items.Add(row["Date"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte valori if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"] + " ( " + row["Nrtigar"] + " )"); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["ActFizica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["G"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["H"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ca"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaSistolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaDiastolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Glicemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["LDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Tg"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row["G"].ToString(), row["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row["LDLCol"].ToString(), row["CNP"].ToString(), row["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ocupatie"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CopilMacro"]); } } } } #endregion } else if (from == 0 && Convert.ToInt32(row["TaSistolica"]) <= to) { indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["TaSistolica"]); numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); datelistBox.Items.Add(row["Date"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte valori if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"] + " ( " + row["Nrtigar"] + " )"); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["ActFizica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["G"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["H"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ca"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaSistolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaDiastolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Glicemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["LDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Tg"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row["G"].ToString(), row["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row["LDLCol"].ToString(), row["CNP"].ToString(), row["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ocupatie"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CopilMacro"]); } } } } #endregion } else if (from == 0 && to == 0) { indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["TaSistolica"]); numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); datelistBox.Items.Add(row["Date"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte valori if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"] + " ( " + row["Nrtigar"] + " )"); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["ActFizica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["G"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["H"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ca"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaSistolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaDiastolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Glicemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["LDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Tg"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row["G"].ToString(), row["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row["LDLCol"].ToString(), row["CNP"].ToString(), row["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ocupatie"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CopilMacro"]); } } } } #endregion } } ctr = 0; } else if (controlcomboBox.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { numelistBox.Items.Clear(); datelistBox.Items.Clear(); indicelistBox.Items.Clear(); otherlistBox.Items.Clear(); valoarelabel.Text = controlcomboBox.Text; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { if (Convert.ToInt32(row["Ca"]) >= from && Convert.ToInt32(row["Ca"]) <= to) { indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["Ca"]); numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); datelistBox.Items.Add(row["Date"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte valori if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"] + " ( " + row["Nrtigar"] + " )"); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["ActFizica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["G"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["H"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ca"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaSistolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaDiastolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Glicemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["LDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Tg"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row["G"].ToString(), row["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row["LDLCol"].ToString(), row["CNP"].ToString(), row["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ocupatie"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CopilMacro"]); } } } } #endregion } else if (from == 0 && Convert.ToInt32(row["Ca"]) <= to) { indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["Ca"]); numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); datelistBox.Items.Add(row["Date"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte valori if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"] + " ( " + row["Nrtigar"] + " )"); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["ActFizica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["G"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["H"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ca"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaSistolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaDiastolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Glicemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["LDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Tg"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row["G"].ToString(), row["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row["LDLCol"].ToString(), row["CNP"].ToString(), row["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ocupatie"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CopilMacro"]); } } } } #endregion } else if (from == 0 && to == 0) { indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["Ca"]); numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); datelistBox.Items.Add(row["Date"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte valori if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"] + " ( " + row["Nrtigar"] + " )"); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["ActFizica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["G"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["H"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ca"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaSistolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaDiastolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Glicemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["LDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Tg"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row["G"].ToString(), row["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row["LDLCol"].ToString(), row["CNP"].ToString(), row["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ocupatie"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CopilMacro"]); } } } } #endregion } } ctr = 0; } else if (controlcomboBox.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { numelistBox.Items.Clear(); datelistBox.Items.Clear(); indicelistBox.Items.Clear(); otherlistBox.Items.Clear(); valoarelabel.Text = controlcomboBox.Text; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { if (Convert.ToInt32(row["TaDiastolica"]) >= from && Convert.ToInt32(row["TaDiastolica"]) <= to) { indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["TaDiastolica"]); numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); datelistBox.Items.Add(row["Date"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte valori if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"] + " ( " + row["Nrtigar"] + " )"); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["ActFizica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["G"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["H"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ca"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaSistolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaDiastolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Glicemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["LDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Tg"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row["G"].ToString(), row["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row["LDLCol"].ToString(), row["CNP"].ToString(), row["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ocupatie"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CopilMacro"]); } } } } #endregion } else if (from == 0 && Convert.ToInt32(row["TaDiastolica"]) <= to) { indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["TaDiastolica"]); numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); datelistBox.Items.Add(row["Date"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte valori if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"] + " ( " + row["Nrtigar"] + " )"); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["ActFizica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["G"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["H"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ca"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaSistolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaDiastolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Glicemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["LDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Tg"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row["G"].ToString(), row["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row["LDLCol"].ToString(), row["CNP"].ToString(), row["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ocupatie"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CopilMacro"]); } } } } #endregion } else if (from == 0 && to == 0) { indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["TaDiastolica"]); numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); datelistBox.Items.Add(row["Date"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte valori if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"] + " ( " + row["Nrtigar"] + " )"); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["ActFizica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["G"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["H"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ca"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaSistolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaDiastolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Glicemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["LDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Tg"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row["G"].ToString(), row["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row["LDLCol"].ToString(), row["CNP"].ToString(), row["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ocupatie"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CopilMacro"]); } } } } #endregion } } ctr = 0; } else if (controlcomboBox.Text == "Glicemie") { numelistBox.Items.Clear(); datelistBox.Items.Clear(); indicelistBox.Items.Clear(); otherlistBox.Items.Clear(); valoarelabel.Text = controlcomboBox.Text; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { if (Convert.ToInt32(row["Glicemie"]) >= from && Convert.ToInt32(row["Glicemie"]) <= to) { indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["Glicemie"]); numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); datelistBox.Items.Add(row["Date"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte valori if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"] + " ( " + row["Nrtigar"] + " )"); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["ActFizica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["G"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["H"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ca"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaSistolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaDiastolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Glicemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["LDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Tg"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row["G"].ToString(), row["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row["LDLCol"].ToString(), row["CNP"].ToString(), row["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ocupatie"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CopilMacro"]); } } } } #endregion } else if (from == 0 && Convert.ToInt32(row["Glicemie"]) <= to) { indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["Glicemie"]); numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); datelistBox.Items.Add(row["Date"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte valori if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"] + " ( " + row["Nrtigar"] + " )"); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["ActFizica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["G"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["H"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ca"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaSistolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaDiastolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Glicemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["LDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Tg"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row["G"].ToString(), row["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row["LDLCol"].ToString(), row["CNP"].ToString(), row["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ocupatie"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CopilMacro"]); } } } } #endregion } else if (from == 0 && to == 0) { indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["Glicemie"]); numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); datelistBox.Items.Add(row["Date"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte valori if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"] + " ( " + row["Nrtigar"] + " )"); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["ActFizica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["G"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["H"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ca"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaSistolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaDiastolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Glicemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["LDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Tg"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row["G"].ToString(), row["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row["LDLCol"].ToString(), row["CNP"].ToString(), row["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ocupatie"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CopilMacro"]); } } } } #endregion } } ctr = 0; } else if (controlcomboBox.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { numelistBox.Items.Clear(); datelistBox.Items.Clear(); indicelistBox.Items.Clear(); otherlistBox.Items.Clear(); valoarelabel.Text = controlcomboBox.Text; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { if (Convert.ToInt32(row["HDLCol"]) >= from && Convert.ToInt32(row["HDLCol"]) <= to) { indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["HDLCol"]); numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); datelistBox.Items.Add(row["Date"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte valori if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"] + " ( " + row["Nrtigar"] + " )"); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["ActFizica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["G"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["H"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ca"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaSistolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaDiastolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Glicemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["LDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Tg"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row["G"].ToString(), row["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row["LDLCol"].ToString(), row["CNP"].ToString(), row["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ocupatie"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CopilMacro"]); } } } } #endregion } else if (from == 0 && Convert.ToInt32(row["HDLCol"]) <= to) { indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["HDLCol"]); numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); datelistBox.Items.Add(row["Date"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte valori if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"] + " ( " + row["Nrtigar"] + " )"); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["ActFizica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["G"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["H"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ca"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaSistolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaDiastolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Glicemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["LDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Tg"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row["G"].ToString(), row["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row["LDLCol"].ToString(), row["CNP"].ToString(), row["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ocupatie"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CopilMacro"]); } } } } #endregion } else if (from == 0 && to == 0) { indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["HDLCol"]); numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); datelistBox.Items.Add(row["Date"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte valori if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"] + " ( " + row["Nrtigar"] + " )"); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["ActFizica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["G"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["H"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ca"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaSistolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaDiastolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Glicemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["LDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Tg"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row["G"].ToString(), row["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row["LDLCol"].ToString(), row["CNP"].ToString(), row["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ocupatie"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CopilMacro"]); } } } } #endregion } } ctr = 0; } else if (controlcomboBox.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { numelistBox.Items.Clear(); datelistBox.Items.Clear(); indicelistBox.Items.Clear(); otherlistBox.Items.Clear(); valoarelabel.Text = controlcomboBox.Text; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { if (Convert.ToInt32(row["LDLCol"]) >= from && Convert.ToInt32(row["LDLCol"]) <= to) { indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["LDLCol"]); numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); datelistBox.Items.Add(row["Date"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte valori if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"] + " ( " + row["Nrtigar"] + " )"); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["ActFizica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["G"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["H"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ca"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaSistolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaDiastolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Glicemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["LDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Tg"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row["G"].ToString(), row["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row["LDLCol"].ToString(), row["CNP"].ToString(), row["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ocupatie"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CopilMacro"]); } } } } #endregion } else if (from == 0 && Convert.ToInt32(row["LDLCol"]) <= to) { indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["LDLCol"]); numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); datelistBox.Items.Add(row["Date"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte valori if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"] + " ( " + row["Nrtigar"] + " )"); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["ActFizica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["G"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["H"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ca"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaSistolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaDiastolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Glicemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["LDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Tg"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row["G"].ToString(), row["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row["LDLCol"].ToString(), row["CNP"].ToString(), row["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ocupatie"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CopilMacro"]); } } } } #endregion } else if (from == 0 && to == 0) { indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["LDLCol"]); numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); datelistBox.Items.Add(row["Date"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte valori if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"] + " ( " + row["Nrtigar"] + " )"); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["ActFizica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["G"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["H"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ca"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaSistolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaDiastolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Glicemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["LDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Tg"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row["G"].ToString(), row["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row["LDLCol"].ToString(), row["CNP"].ToString(), row["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ocupatie"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CopilMacro"]); } } } } #endregion } } ctr = 0; } else if (controlcomboBox.Text == "Trigliceride") { numelistBox.Items.Clear(); datelistBox.Items.Clear(); indicelistBox.Items.Clear(); otherlistBox.Items.Clear(); valoarelabel.Text = controlcomboBox.Text; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { if (Convert.ToInt32(row["Tg"]) >= from && Convert.ToInt32(row["Tg"]) <= to) { indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["Tg"]); numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); datelistBox.Items.Add(row["Date"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte valori if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"] + " ( " + row["Nrtigar"] + " )"); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["ActFizica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["G"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["H"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ca"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaSistolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaDiastolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Glicemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["LDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Tg"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row["G"].ToString(), row["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row["LDLCol"].ToString(), row["CNP"].ToString(), row["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ocupatie"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CopilMacro"]); } } } } #endregion } else if (from == 0 && Convert.ToInt32(row["Tg"]) <= to) { indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["Tg"]); numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); datelistBox.Items.Add(row["Date"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte valori if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"] + " ( " + row["Nrtigar"] + " )"); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["ActFizica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["G"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["H"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ca"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaSistolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaDiastolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Glicemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["LDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Tg"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row["G"].ToString(), row["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row["LDLCol"].ToString(), row["CNP"].ToString(), row["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ocupatie"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CopilMacro"]); } } } } #endregion } else if (from == 0 && to == 0) { indicelistBox.Items.Add(row["Tg"]); numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); datelistBox.Items.Add(row["Date"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte valori if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"] + " ( " + row["Nrtigar"] + " )"); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["ActFizica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["G"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["H"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ca"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaSistolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaDiastolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Glicemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["LDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Tg"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row["G"].ToString(), row["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row["LDLCol"].ToString(), row["CNP"].ToString(), row["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ocupatie"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CopilMacro"]); } } } } #endregion } } ctr = 0; } else if (controlcomboBox.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { float imcf; string imc; numelistBox.Items.Clear(); datelistBox.Items.Clear(); indicelistBox.Items.Clear(); otherlistBox.Items.Clear(); valoarelabel.Text = controlcomboBox.Text; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { imcf = c.IMC(row["G"].ToString(), row["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); if (imcf >= from && imcf <= to) { indicelistBox.Items.Add(imcf); numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); datelistBox.Items.Add(row["Date"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte valori if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"] + " ( " + row["Nrtigar"] + " )"); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["ActFizica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["G"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["H"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ca"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaSistolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaDiastolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Glicemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["LDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Tg"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row["G"].ToString(), row["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row["LDLCol"].ToString(), row["CNP"].ToString(), row["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ocupatie"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CopilMacro"]); } } } } #endregion } else if (from == 0 && imcf <= to) { indicelistBox.Items.Add(imcf); numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); datelistBox.Items.Add(row["Date"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte valori if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"] + " ( " + row["Nrtigar"] + " )"); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["ActFizica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["G"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["H"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ca"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaSistolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaDiastolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Glicemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["LDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Tg"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row["G"].ToString(), row["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row["LDLCol"].ToString(), row["CNP"].ToString(), row["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ocupatie"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CopilMacro"]); } } } } #endregion } else if (from == 0 && to == 0) { indicelistBox.Items.Add(imcf); numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); datelistBox.Items.Add(row["Date"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte valori if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"] + " ( " + row["Nrtigar"] + " )"); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["ActFizica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["G"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["H"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ca"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaSistolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaDiastolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Glicemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["LDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Tg"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row["G"].ToString(), row["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; rcvs = c.RCV(row["LDLCol"].ToString(), row["CNP"].ToString(), row["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ocupatie"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CopilMacro"]); } } } } #endregion } } ctr = 0; } else if (controlcomboBox.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcvs; numelistBox.Items.Clear(); datelistBox.Items.Clear(); indicelistBox.Items.Clear(); otherlistBox.Items.Clear(); valoarelabel.Text = controlcomboBox.Text; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { rcvs = c.RCV(row["LDLCol"].ToString(), row["CNP"].ToString(), row["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); if (rcvs >= from && rcvs <= to) { indicelistBox.Items.Add(rcvs); numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); datelistBox.Items.Add(row["Date"]); #region Alte valori if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"] + " ( " + row["Nrtigar"] + " )"); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["ActFizica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["G"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["H"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ca"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaSistolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaDiastolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Glicemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["LDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Tg"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row["G"].ToString(), row["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ocupatie"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CopilMacro"]); } } } } #endregion ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); } else if (from == 0 && rcvs <= to) { indicelistBox.Items.Add(rcvs); numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); datelistBox.Items.Add(row["Date"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte valori if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"] + " ( " + row["Nrtigar"] + " )"); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["ActFizica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["G"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["H"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ca"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaSistolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaDiastolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Glicemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["LDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Tg"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row["G"].ToString(), row["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ocupatie"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CopilMacro"]); } } } } #endregion } else if (from == 0 && to == 0) { indicelistBox.Items.Add(rcvs); numelistBox.Items.Add(row["Nume"]); datelistBox.Items.Add(row["Date"]); ctr++; paclabel.Text = "Numărul de valori găsite este de " + ctr.ToString(); #region Alte valori if (comboBox2.Text == "CNP") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["CNP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Fumat") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; if (row["Fumat"].ToString() == "DA") otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"] + " ( " + row["Nrtigar"] + " )"); else otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Fumat"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Activitate Fizica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["ActFizica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Masa Corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["G"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Inaltime") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["H"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Circumferinta Abdominala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Ca"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Sistolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaSistolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Tensiune Arteriala Diastolica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["TaDiastolica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Glicemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Glicemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["HDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["LDLCol"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Trigliceride") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row["Tg"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Indice de masa corporala") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; imcf = c.IMC(row["G"].ToString(), row["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); otherlistBox.Items.Add(imcf); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Varsta") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(c.Varsta(row["CNP"].ToString(), now)); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(rcvs); } if (ok2 == true) { foreach (DataRow row2 in dt2.Rows) { if (row["CNP"].ToString() == row2["CNP"].ToString()) { if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Parinti") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZP"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Zaharat Frati") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DZF"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Boala Cardiovasculara") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["BoliCardio"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(familie)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(familie)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAFam"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Dislipidemie") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Dislipidemie"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Obezitate") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Obezitate"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Morti Subite") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["MortiSubite"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Ocupatie") { otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["Ocupatie"]); otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; } if (comboBox2.Text == "Diabet Gestational") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["DiabetG"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Cardiopatie Ischemica") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CardioIschemica"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Hipertensiune Arteriala(personala)") { otherlabel.Text = "Hipertensiune Arteriala" + "\n" + "(personala)"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["HAPers"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Infarct Miocardic/Accident Vascular Cerebral") { otherlabel.Text = "Infarct Miocardic" + "\n" + "Accident Vascular Cerebral"; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["IMAVC"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Scaderea Tolerantei La Glucoza") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["STGlucoza"]); } if (comboBox2.Text == "Copil Macrosom") { otherlabel.Text = comboBox2.Text; otherlistBox.Items.Add(row2["CopilMacro"]); } } } } #endregion } } ctr = 0; } } else MessageBox.Show("Selectati o valoare pentru a vedea statistica."); } int s=0; for (int i = 1; i <= numelistBox.Items.Count; i++) s += i; if(s==0) paclabel.Text = ""; }
private void chartcomboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { c = new Calcul(); DataTable dt = dateMedDataSet.Statistica; chart1.ChartAreas["Default"].AxisX.IntervalType = DateTimeIntervalType.Days; if (usr == true) { if (chartcomboBox.Text == "Greutate") { listBox1.Items.Clear(); listBox2.Items.Clear(); textlabel.Text = "Greutate"; chart1.Series["Greutate"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["Circumferinta Abdominala"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["Glicemie"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["Trigliceride"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["HDL Colesterol"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["LDL Colesterol"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["Control"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["TAD"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["TAS"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["IMC"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["RCV"].Points.Clear(); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { chart1.Series["Greutate"].Points.AddXY(Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]), row["G"]); chart1.Series["Control"].Points.AddXY(Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]), row["G"]); listBox1.Items.Add(row["G"]); listBox2.Items.Add(row["Date"]); } } else if (chartcomboBox.Text == "Circumferinta abdominala") { listBox1.Items.Clear(); listBox2.Items.Clear(); textlabel.Text = "Circumferinta abdominala"; chart1.Series["Circumferinta Abdominala"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["Control"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["Greutate"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["Glicemie"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["Trigliceride"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["HDL Colesterol"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["LDL Colesterol"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["TAD"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["TAS"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["IMC"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["RCV"].Points.Clear(); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { chart1.Series["Circumferinta Abdominala"].Points.AddXY(Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]), row["CA"]); chart1.Series["Control"].Points.AddXY(Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]), row["CA"]); listBox1.Items.Add(row["CA"]); listBox2.Items.Add(row["Date"]); } } else if (chartcomboBox.Text == "Glicemie") { listBox1.Items.Clear(); listBox2.Items.Clear(); textlabel.Text = "Glicemie"; chart1.Series["Glicemie"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["Control"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["Greutate"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["Circumferinta Abdominala"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["Trigliceride"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["HDL Colesterol"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["LDL Colesterol"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["TAD"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["TAS"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["IMC"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["RCV"].Points.Clear(); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { chart1.Series["Glicemie"].Points.AddXY(Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]), row["Glicemie"]); chart1.Series["Control"].Points.AddXY(Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]), row["Glicemie"]); listBox1.Items.Add(row["Glicemie"]); listBox2.Items.Add(row["Date"]); } } else if (chartcomboBox.Text == "Trigliceride") { listBox1.Items.Clear(); listBox2.Items.Clear(); textlabel.Text = "Trigliceride"; chart1.Series["Trigliceride"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["RCV"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["Control"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["Greutate"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["Circumferinta Abdominala"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["Glicemie"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["HDL Colesterol"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["LDL Colesterol"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["TAD"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["TAS"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["IMC"].Points.Clear(); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { chart1.Series["Trigliceride"].Points.AddXY(Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]), row["Tg"]); chart1.Series["Control"].Points.AddXY(Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]), row["Tg"]); listBox1.Items.Add(row["Tg"]); listBox2.Items.Add(row["Date"]); } } else if (chartcomboBox.Text == "HDL Colesterol") { listBox1.Items.Clear(); listBox2.Items.Clear(); textlabel.Text = chartcomboBox.Text; chart1.Series["HDL Colesterol"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["RCV"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["Control"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["Greutate"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["Circumferinta Abdominala"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["Glicemie"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["Trigliceride"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["LDL Colesterol"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["TAD"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["TAS"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["IMC"].Points.Clear(); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { chart1.Series["HDL Colesterol"].Points.AddXY(Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]), row["HDLCol"]); chart1.Series["Control"].Points.AddXY(Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]), row["HDLCol"]); listBox1.Items.Add(row["HDLCol"]); listBox2.Items.Add(row["Date"]); } } else if (chartcomboBox.Text == "LDL Colesterol") { listBox1.Items.Clear(); listBox2.Items.Clear(); textlabel.Text = chartcomboBox.Text; chart1.Series["LDL Colesterol"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["RCV"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["Control"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["Greutate"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["Circumferinta Abdominala"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["Glicemie"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["Trigliceride"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["HDL Colesterol"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["TAD"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["TAS"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["IMC"].Points.Clear(); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { chart1.Series["LDL Colesterol"].Points.AddXY(Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]), row["LDLCol"]); chart1.Series["Control"].Points.AddXY(Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]), row["LDLCol"]); listBox1.Items.Add(row["LDLCol"]); listBox2.Items.Add(row["Date"]); } } else if (chartcomboBox.Text == "Tensiune arteriala sistolica") { listBox1.Items.Clear(); listBox2.Items.Clear(); textlabel.Text = chartcomboBox.Text; chart1.Series["TAS"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["Control"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["Greutate"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["Circumferinta Abdominala"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["Glicemie"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["Trigliceride"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["HDL Colesterol"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["LDL Colesterol"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["IMC"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["TAD"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["RCV"].Points.Clear(); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { chart1.Series["TAS"].Points.AddXY(Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]), row["TaSistolica"]); chart1.Series["Control"].Points.AddXY(Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]), row["TaSistolica"]); listBox1.Items.Add(row["TaSistolica"]); listBox2.Items.Add(row["Date"]); } } else if (chartcomboBox.Text == "Tensiune arteriala diastolica") { listBox1.Items.Clear(); listBox2.Items.Clear(); textlabel.Text = chartcomboBox.Text; chart1.Series["TAD"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["Control"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["Greutate"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["Circumferinta Abdominala"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["Glicemie"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["Trigliceride"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["HDL Colesterol"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["LDL Colesterol"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["TAS"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["IMC"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["RCV"].Points.Clear(); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { chart1.Series["TAD"].Points.AddXY(Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]), row["TaDiastolica"]); chart1.Series["Control"].Points.AddXY(Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]), row["TaDiastolica"]); listBox1.Items.Add(row["TaDiastolica"]); listBox2.Items.Add(row["Date"]); } } else if (chartcomboBox.Text == "Indice De Masa Corporala") { float imcf; string imc; listBox1.Items.Clear(); listBox2.Items.Clear(); textlabel.Text = chartcomboBox.Text; chart1.Series["IMC"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["Control"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["Greutate"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["Circumferinta Abdominala"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["Glicemie"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["Trigliceride"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["HDL Colesterol"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["LDL Colesterol"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["TAS"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["TAD"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["RCV"].Points.Clear(); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { imcf = c.IMC(row["G"].ToString(), row["H"].ToString()); imc = imcf.ToString(); imcf = (float)Convert.ToDouble(imc); chart1.Series["IMC"].Points.AddXY(Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]), imcf); chart1.Series["Control"].Points.AddXY(Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]), imcf); listBox1.Items.Add(imcf); listBox2.Items.Add(row["Date"]); } } else if (chartcomboBox.Text == "Risc Cardiovascular") { int rcv; listBox1.Items.Clear(); listBox2.Items.Clear(); textlabel.Text = chartcomboBox.Text; chart1.Series["IMC"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["Control"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["Greutate"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["Circumferinta Abdominala"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["Glicemie"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["Trigliceride"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["HDL Colesterol"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["LDL Colesterol"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["TAS"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["TAD"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["RCV"].Points.Clear(); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { rcv = c.RCV(row["LDLCol"].ToString(), row["CNP"].ToString(), row["TaSistolica"].ToString(), row["Fumat"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]).ToShortDateString().ToString()); chart1.Series["RCV"].Points.AddXY(Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]), rcv); chart1.Series["Control"].Points.AddXY(Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]), rcv); listBox1.Items.Add(rcv); listBox2.Items.Add(row["Date"]); } } else { listBox1.Items.Clear(); listBox2.Items.Clear(); textlabel.Text = "Valoare"; chart1.Series["IMC"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["Control"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["Greutate"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["Circumferinta Abdominala"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["Glicemie"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["Trigliceride"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["HDL Colesterol"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["LDL Colesterol"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["TAS"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["TAD"].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series["RCV"].Points.Clear(); } } }
private void pacbutton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { c = new Calcul(); bool ok1 = true, ok2 = true, ok3 = true; if (cNPTextBox3.Text != "") { cnpf = cNPTextBox3.Text; okcnp = c.Cnpvalid(cnpf); } else { if (comboBox4.Text != "Cnp Pacient") cnpf = comboBox4.Text; } if (cNPTextBox3.Text != "" && cNPTextBox3.Text != null) { if (okcnp == true) { if (cnpf != null && cnpf != "") { try { exista = (int)datePersTableAdapter.ScalarQueryCnp2(cnpf); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Vă rugăm reîncercați"); } } if (cnpf != "" && cnpf != null) { if (exista == 1) { if (fumatComboBox.Text != "Selectati" && nrtigarTextBox2.Text != "" && actFizicaComboBox.Text != "Selectati" && gTextBoxa2.Text != "" && hTextBox2.Text != "" && caTextBox3.Text != "" && taSistolicaTextBox2.Text != "" && taSistolicaTextBox2.Text != "" && taDiastolicaTextBox2.Text != "" && glicemieTextBox2.Text != "" && hDLColTextBox2.Text != "" && lDLColTextBox2.Text != "" && tgTextBox3.Text != "" && dateTextBox2.Text != "") { fumf = fumatComboBox.Text; tigarif = int.Parse(nrtigarTextBox2.Text); fizicf = actFizicaComboBox.Text; gf = int.Parse(gTextBoxa2.Text); hf = int.Parse(hTextBox2.Text); caf = int.Parse(caTextBox3.Text); tasf = int.Parse(taSistolicaTextBox2.Text); tadf = int.Parse(taDiastolicaTextBox2.Text); glicemief = int.Parse(glicemieTextBox2.Text); hdlf = int.Parse(hDLColTextBox2.Text); ldlf = int.Parse(lDLColTextBox2.Text); tgf = int.Parse(tgTextBox3.Text); dtf = dateTextBox2.Text; try { evaluariTableAdapter1.InsertQueryEvaluari(fumf, tigarif, fizicf, gf, hf, caf, tasf, tadf, glicemief, hdlf, ldlf, tgf, cnpf, Convert.ToDateTime(dtf).ToString()); ok1 = false; } catch { MessageBox.Show("Am intampinat probleme la salvarea datelor. \n Vă rugăm să reîncercaţi."); } if (ok1 == false) { MessageBox.Show("Salvare cu succes. Accesați pagina următoare pentru mai multe detalii."); } } else MessageBox.Show("Vă rugăm să completați toate rândurile."); } else { if (fumatComboBox.Text != "Selectati" && nrtigarTextBox2.Text != "" && actFizicaComboBox.Text != "Selectati" && gTextBoxa2.Text != "" && hTextBox2.Text != "" && caTextBox3.Text != "" && taSistolicaTextBox2.Text != "" && taSistolicaTextBox2.Text != "" && taDiastolicaTextBox2.Text != "" && glicemieTextBox2.Text != "" && hDLColTextBox2.Text != "" && lDLColTextBox2.Text != "" && tgTextBox3.Text != "" && dateTextBox2.Text != "" && numeTextBox1.Text != "" && sexComboBox.Text != "Selectati" && ocupatieTextBox.Text != "" && dZPComboBox.Text != "Selectati" && dZFComboBox.Text != "Selectati" && boliCardioComboBox.Text != "Selectati" && hAFamComboBox.Text != "Selectati" && dislipidemieComboBox.Text != "Selectati" && obezitateComboBox.Text != "Selectati" && mortiSubiteComboBox.Text != "Selectati" && copilMacroComboBox.Text != "Selectati" && diabetGComboBox.Text != "Selectati" && cardioIschemicaComboBox.Text != "Selectati" && hAPersComboBox.Text != "Selectati" && iMAVCComboBox.Text != "Selectati" && sTGlucozaComboBox.Text != "Selectati") { numef = numeTextBox1.Text; sexf = sexComboBox.Text; ocupatief = ocupatieTextBox.Text; dzpf = dZPComboBox.Text; dzff = dZFComboBox.Text; bolicardiof = boliCardioComboBox.Text; hafamf = hAFamComboBox.Text; dislipif = dislipidemieComboBox.Text; obezf = obezitateComboBox.Text; msubitef = mortiSubiteComboBox.Text; copilmacrof = copilMacroComboBox.Text; diabetgf = diabetGComboBox.Text; cardioischemf = cardioIschemicaComboBox.Text; hapersf = hAPersComboBox.Text; imavcf = iMAVCComboBox.Text; stglucozaf = sTGlucozaComboBox.Text; fumf = fumatComboBox.Text; tigarif = int.Parse(nrtigarTextBox2.Text); fizicf = actFizicaComboBox.Text; gf = int.Parse(gTextBoxa2.Text); hf = int.Parse(hTextBox2.Text); caf = int.Parse(caTextBox3.Text); tasf = int.Parse(taSistolicaTextBox2.Text); tadf = int.Parse(taDiastolicaTextBox2.Text); glicemief = int.Parse(glicemieTextBox2.Text); hdlf = int.Parse(hDLColTextBox2.Text); ldlf = int.Parse(lDLColTextBox2.Text); tgf = int.Parse(tgTextBox3.Text); dtf = dateTextBox2.Text; try { datePersTableAdapter1.InsertQueryDatePers(numef, sexf, cnpf, ocupatief, dzpf, dzpf, bolicardiof, hafamf, dislipif, obezf, msubitef, copilmacrof, diabetgf, cardioischemf, hapersf, imavcf, stglucozaf); ok2 = false; } catch { MessageBox.Show("Am întampinat probleme la salvarea datelor. \n Vă rugăm să reîncercați."); } try { evaluariTableAdapter1.InsertQueryEvaluari(fumf, tigarif, fizicf, gf, hf, caf, tasf, tadf, glicemief, hdlf, ldlf, tgf, cnpf, dtf); ok3 = false; } catch { MessageBox.Show("Am întampinat probleme la salvarea datelor. \n Vă rugam să reincercaţi."); } if (ok2 == false && ok3 == false) { MessageBox.Show("Salvare cu succes. Accesați pagina următoare pentru mai multe detalii."); } } else MessageBox.Show("Vă rugăm să completați toate rândurile."); } } else MessageBox.Show("Vă rugăm să încărcaţi un fişier pentru a putea salva datele în baza de date sau completati câmpurile după care salvați datele."); } else { MessageBox.Show("CNP invalid"); } } else//aici se face insertul pentru un pacient deja existenta { if (cnpf != null && cnpf != "") { try { exista = (int)datePersTableAdapter.ScalarQueryCnp2(cnpf); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Vă rugăm reîncercați"); } } if (cnpf != "" && cnpf != null) { if (exista == 1) { if (fumatComboBox.Text != "Selectati" && nrtigarTextBox2.Text != "" && actFizicaComboBox.Text != "Selectati" && gTextBoxa2.Text != "" && hTextBox2.Text != "" && caTextBox3.Text != "" && taSistolicaTextBox2.Text != "" && taSistolicaTextBox2.Text != "" && taDiastolicaTextBox2.Text != "" && glicemieTextBox2.Text != "" && hDLColTextBox2.Text != "" && lDLColTextBox2.Text != "" && tgTextBox3.Text != "" && dateTextBox2.Text != "") { fumf = fumatComboBox.Text; tigarif = int.Parse(nrtigarTextBox2.Text); fizicf = actFizicaComboBox.Text; gf = int.Parse(gTextBoxa2.Text); hf = int.Parse(hTextBox2.Text); caf = int.Parse(caTextBox3.Text); tasf = int.Parse(taSistolicaTextBox2.Text); tadf = int.Parse(taDiastolicaTextBox2.Text); glicemief = int.Parse(glicemieTextBox2.Text); hdlf = int.Parse(hDLColTextBox2.Text); ldlf = int.Parse(lDLColTextBox2.Text); tgf = int.Parse(tgTextBox3.Text); dtf = dateTextBox2.Text; try { evaluariTableAdapter1.InsertQueryEvaluari(fumf, tigarif, fizicf, gf, hf, caf, tasf, tadf, glicemief, hdlf, ldlf, tgf, cnpf, Convert.ToDateTime(dtf).ToString()); ok1 = false; } catch { MessageBox.Show("Am intampinat probleme la salvarea datelor. \n Vă rugăm să reîncercaţi."); } if (ok1 == false) { MessageBox.Show("Salvare cu succes. Accesați pagina următoare pentru mai multe detalii."); } } else MessageBox.Show("Vă rugăm să completați toate rândurile."); } else { if (fumatComboBox.Text != "Selectati" && nrtigarTextBox2.Text != "" && actFizicaComboBox.Text != "Selectati" && gTextBoxa2.Text != "" && hTextBox2.Text != "" && caTextBox3.Text != "" && taSistolicaTextBox2.Text != "" && taSistolicaTextBox2.Text != "" && taDiastolicaTextBox2.Text != "" && glicemieTextBox2.Text != "" && hDLColTextBox2.Text != "" && lDLColTextBox2.Text != "" && tgTextBox3.Text != "" && dateTextBox2.Text != "" && numeTextBox1.Text != "" && sexComboBox.Text != "Selectati" && ocupatieTextBox.Text != "" && dZPComboBox.Text != "Selectati" && dZFComboBox.Text != "Selectati" && boliCardioComboBox.Text != "Selectati" && hAFamComboBox.Text != "Selectati" && dislipidemieComboBox.Text != "Selectati" && obezitateComboBox.Text != "Selectati" && mortiSubiteComboBox.Text != "Selectati" && copilMacroComboBox.Text != "Selectati" && diabetGComboBox.Text != "Selectati" && cardioIschemicaComboBox.Text != "Selectati" && hAPersComboBox.Text != "Selectati" && iMAVCComboBox.Text != "Selectati" && sTGlucozaComboBox.Text != "Selectati") { numef = numeTextBox1.Text; sexf = sexComboBox.Text; ocupatief = ocupatieTextBox.Text; dzpf = dZPComboBox.Text; dzff = dZFComboBox.Text; bolicardiof = boliCardioComboBox.Text; hafamf = hAFamComboBox.Text; dislipif = dislipidemieComboBox.Text; obezf = obezitateComboBox.Text; msubitef = mortiSubiteComboBox.Text; copilmacrof = copilMacroComboBox.Text; diabetgf = diabetGComboBox.Text; cardioischemf = cardioIschemicaComboBox.Text; hapersf = hAPersComboBox.Text; imavcf = iMAVCComboBox.Text; stglucozaf = sTGlucozaComboBox.Text; fumf = fumatComboBox.Text; tigarif = int.Parse(nrtigarTextBox2.Text); fizicf = actFizicaComboBox.Text; gf = int.Parse(gTextBoxa2.Text); hf = int.Parse(hTextBox2.Text); caf = int.Parse(caTextBox3.Text); tasf = int.Parse(taSistolicaTextBox2.Text); tadf = int.Parse(taDiastolicaTextBox2.Text); glicemief = int.Parse(glicemieTextBox2.Text); hdlf = int.Parse(hDLColTextBox2.Text); ldlf = int.Parse(lDLColTextBox2.Text); tgf = int.Parse(tgTextBox3.Text); dtf = dateTextBox2.Text; try { datePersTableAdapter1.InsertQueryDatePers(numef, sexf, cnpf, ocupatief, dzpf, dzpf, bolicardiof, hafamf, dislipif, obezf, msubitef, copilmacrof, diabetgf, cardioischemf, hapersf, imavcf, stglucozaf); ok2 = false; } catch { MessageBox.Show("Am întampinat probleme la salvarea datelor. \n Vă rugăm să reîncercați."); } try { evaluariTableAdapter1.InsertQueryEvaluari(fumf, tigarif, fizicf, gf, hf, caf, tasf, tadf, glicemief, hdlf, ldlf, tgf, cnpf, dtf); ok3=false; } catch { MessageBox.Show("Am întampinat probleme la salvarea datelor. \n Vă rugam să reincercaţi."); } if (ok2 == false && ok3 == false) { MessageBox.Show("Salvare cu succes. Accesați pagina următoare pentru mai multe detalii."); } } else MessageBox.Show("Vă rugăm să completați toate rândurile."); } } else MessageBox.Show("Vă rugăm să încărcaţi un fişier pentru a putea salva datele în baza de date sau completati câmpurile după care salvați datele."); } if (ok1 == false || ok2 == false && ok3 == false) { dateTextBox2.Text=DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); fumatComboBox.Text = "Selectati"; nrtigarTextBox2.Clear(); actFizicaComboBox.Text = "Selectati"; gTextBoxa2.Clear(); hTextBox2.Clear(); caTextBox3.Clear(); taSistolicaTextBox2.Clear(); taDiastolicaTextBox2.Clear(); glicemieTextBox2.Clear(); hDLColTextBox2.Clear(); lDLColTextBox2.Clear(); tgTextBox3.Clear(); numeTextBox1.Clear(); sexComboBox.Text = "Selectati"; cNPTextBox3.Clear(); ocupatieTextBox.Clear(); dZPComboBox.Text = dZFComboBox.Text = boliCardioComboBox.Text = "Selectati"; hAFamComboBox.Text = dislipidemieComboBox.Text = obezitateComboBox.Text = "Selectati"; mortiSubiteComboBox.Text = copilMacroComboBox.Text = diabetGComboBox.Text = "Selectati"; cardioIschemicaComboBox.Text = "Selectati"; hAPersComboBox.Text = "Selectati"; iMAVCComboBox.Text = "Selectati"; sTGlucozaComboBox.Text = "Selectati"; } }
private void button8_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Calcul c = new Calcul(); string g, h; float imc; cnp = cNPTextBox.Text; if (cnp != "" && gTextBox.Text!="") { g = gTextBox.Text; h = hTextBox.Text; imc = c.IMC(g, h); string imcs = imc.ToString(); if (imcs.Length == 2) imclabel.Text = imc.ToString().Substring(0, 2); else if (imcs.Length == 3) imclabel.Text = imc.ToString().Substring(0, 3); else if (imcs.Length == 4) imclabel.Text = imc.ToString().Substring(0, 4); else imclabel.Text = imc.ToString().Substring(0, 5); imcok = true; } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Calcul c = new Calcul(); //aici pacientul isi introduce date pentru a utiliza aplicatia if (numetextBox.Text == "" || sexcomboBox.Text == "Selectati" || cnptextBox.Text == "" || ocupatietxtbox.Text == "") MessageBox.Show("Vă rugăm să completați toate rândurile"); else if (cnptextBox.Text.Length != 13) { MessageBox.Show("CNP-ul este incorect."); cnptextBox.Clear(); } else { nume = numetextBox.Text;//atribuim valori pentru salvarea in baza de date pentru un pacient nou cnp = cnptextBox.Text; sex = sexcomboBox.Text; ocupatie = ocupatietxtbox.Text; if (c.Cnpvalid(cnp) == true) { int existac = 0; try { existac = (int)datePersTableAdapter1.ScalarQueryCnp2(cnp);//verificam daca avem cnp-ul deja in baza de date if (existac == 1) MessageBox.Show("Acest Cnp există deja in baza de date. Dacă acuma utilizați prima data aplicația reverificati cnp. \n Dacă ați mai utilizat aplicația în trecut vă rugăm să apăsați butonul Înapoi pentru a intra"); else tabControl1.SelectedIndex = tabControl1.SelectedIndex + 1; } catch { MessageBox.Show("Am întâmpinat probleme la verificarea datelor. \n Vă rugăm să reîncercaţi."); } dzpcombobox.Enabled = true;//permitem utilizarea controalelor pentru a introduce datele necesare in baza de date dzfcombobox.Enabled = true; cardiocomboBox.Enabled = true; hipercomboBox.Enabled = true; discomboBox.Enabled = true; obezcomboBox.Enabled = true; subitcomboBox.Enabled = true; macrocomboBox.Enabled = true; diacomboBox.Enabled = true; cardcomboBox.Enabled = true; button2.Enabled = true; button3.Enabled = true; artcomboBox.Enabled = true; crbcomboBox.Enabled = true; glucocomboBox.Enabled = true; button6.Enabled = false; button10.Enabled = true; button11.Enabled = true; } else MessageBox.Show("Cnp-ul nu este valid. Va rugam introduceti un Cnp valid."); } }
public bool Cnpvalid(string cnp) { Calcul cs = new Calcul(); string cnp2;//sex-prima cifra, an=toate cifrele din data nasterii, jud=cod judet, nnn-nr de ordin 001-999,cc-cifra control; int cc, cca, c, aa, ll, zz, jj, nnn, an, sex; bool bis; bool okz=true,okll=true,okjj,oknnn; sex = int.Parse(cnp.Substring(0, 1)); cc = int.Parse(cnp.Substring(12)); aa=int.Parse(cnp.Substring(1,2)); ll = int.Parse(cnp.Substring(3, 2)); zz = int.Parse(cnp.Substring(5, 2)); jj = int.Parse(cnp.Substring(7, 2)); nnn=int.Parse(cnp.Substring(9,3)); if (sex == 5 || sex == 6) an = 2000 + aa; else an = 1900 + aa; bis = cs.Bisect(an); #region Verific anu if (bis == true) { if (ll == 1 || ll == 3 || ll == 5 || ll == 7 || ll == 8 || ll == 10 || ll == 12) { if (zz>=01 && zz <= 31) okz = true; else okz = false; } else if (ll == 4 || ll == 6 || ll == 9 || ll == 11) { if (zz>=01&& zz<= 30) okz = true; else okz = false; } else if (ll == 2) { if (zz>=01&& zz<= 29) okz = true; else okz = false; } else okll = false; if (zz > 31 ) okz = false; } else { if (ll == 1 || ll == 3 || ll == 5 || ll == 7 || ll == 8 || ll == 10 || ll == 12) { if (zz>=01&& zz<= 31) okz = true; else okz = false; } else if (ll == 4 || ll == 6 || ll == 9 || ll == 11) { if (zz >=01 && zz<= 30) okz = true; else okz = false; } else if (ll == 2) { if (zz>=01&& zz<= 28) okz = true; else okz = false; } else okll = false; if (zz > 31) okz = false; } #endregion if (jj >= 01 && jj <= 52) okjj = true; else okjj = false; if (nnn != 000) oknnn = true; else oknnn = false; //alg de verificare cnp2 = cnp.Substring(0, 12); int[] a; a = new int[12]; for (int i = 0; i < cnp2.Length; i++) a[i] = int.Parse(cnp2[i].ToString()); int[] b = { 2, 7, 9, 1, 4, 6, 3, 5, 8, 2, 7, 9 }; int[] rez = new int[12]; for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++) rez[i] = a[i] * b[i]; int sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < rez.Length; i++) sum += rez[i]; cca = sum % 11; if (cca == 10) c = 1; else c = cca; bool ok; if (okz == true && okll == true && okjj == true && oknnn == true) { if (c == cc) { ok = true; } else { ok = false; } } else ok = false; return ok; }
public int RCV(string ldls, string cnps, string tass, string fums, string dates) { int rcv; c=new Calcul(); int ldl, tas,fum,sex,varsta; ldl = int.Parse(ldls); tas = int.Parse(tass); if (fums == "DA") fum = 1; else fum = 0; sex = int.Parse(cnps.Substring(0, 1)); varsta = c.Varsta(cnps, dates); if (sex == 2 || sex==6 || sex==8|| sex==4) rcv = c.Women(tas, ldl, varsta, fum); else rcv = c.Men(tas, ldl, varsta, fum); return rcv; }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Calcul c=new Calcul(); string smtp; bool conn; if (fromtxtbox.Text == "" || totxtbox.Text == "" || subjectxttbox.Text == "" ||passtxtbox.Text == "" ) MessageBox.Show("Vă rugăm să completaţi toate câmpurile"); else { conn = WebRequestTest(); MailMessage mail = new MailMessage(fromtxtbox.Text, totxtbox.Text, subjectxttbox.Text, richTextBox1.Text); smtp=c.Smptadr(fromtxtbox.Text); SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient(smtp); client.Port = 587; client.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(fromtxtbox.Text, passtxtbox.Text); if (smtp == "") client.EnableSsl = false; else client.EnableSsl = true; System.Net.Mail.Attachment attachment; if (attach != null) { attachment = new System.Net.Mail.Attachment(attach); mail.Attachments.Add(attachment); if (conn == true) { try { client.Send(mail); MessageBox.Show("Email trimis cu succes."); fromtxtbox.Clear(); totxtbox.Clear(); passtxtbox.Clear(); subjectxttbox.Clear(); richTextBox1.Clear(); button2.Visible = false; pictureBox1.Visible = false; attach = null; } catch { MessageBox.Show("Vă rugăm reîncercați."); } } else MessageBox.Show("Va rugam sa verificati conexiunea la internet"); } else if (conn == true) { try { client.Send(mail); MessageBox.Show("Email trimis cu succes."); fromtxtbox.Clear(); totxtbox.Clear(); passtxtbox.Clear(); subjectxttbox.Clear(); richTextBox1.Clear(); attach = null; button2.Visible = false; pictureBox1.Visible = false; richTextBox1.Clear(); subjectxttbox.Clear(); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Vă rugăm reîncercați."); } } else MessageBox.Show("Va rugam sa verificati conexiunea la internet"); } }