        public AnomaliesReport detect(Data test, List <CorrelatedFeatures> cf)
            List <Anomaly> arVec = new List <Anomaly>();    // vector of AnomalyReport s

            // int correlNum = this->cf.size();	// number of correlations found (above normal threshold)
            // for every correl of 2 features in this.cf
            for (int j = 0; j < cf.Count; j++)
                // and for every row in TimeSeries:
                // check if in row i in TS 2 features of cf[j]
                // are deviated from their linearreg more then allowed (in cf[j].threshold)
                for (int i = 0; i < test.numOfLines; i++)
                    CorrelatedFeatures temp = cf[j];
                    double             x    = test.ts[temp.feature1][i];
                    double             y    = test.ts[temp.feature2][i];
                    // if at any time 2 features deviated more than allowed - report anomaly between them
                    if (isAnomalous(x, y, temp))
                        arVec.Add(new Anomaly(temp.feature1, temp.feature2, i + 1));
        void learnNormal(Data data)
            CorrelatedFeatures correlf = new CorrelatedFeatures();

            foreach (var entry in data.ts)
                // for every feature i
                correlf.feature1 = entry.Key;
                correlf.feature2 = "";
                // init feature i (max)correlation with any other feature to be 0
                correlf.correlation = 0;
                // check correlation with feature j (j > i, upper triangular matrix)
                foreach (var inner in data.ts)
                    if (entry.Key == inner.Key)
                    // if i correlate with j more than any previous j,
                    // AND i,j correlation is above minimum threshold, update correlf
                    double correlIJ = calcFeaturesCorrelation(data, entry.Value, inner.Value);
                    if (correlIJ > correlf.correlation && correlIJ > 0.5)
                        correlf.correlation = correlIJ;
                        correlf.feature2    = inner.Key;
                        set_CF_threshold(correlf, data);
                // if correlation was found for feature i - push to cf vector
                if (correlf.feature2.Length != 0 && !this.cf.Contains(correlf))
                    this.cf.Add(new CorrelatedFeatures(correlf));
 bool isAnomalous(double x, double y, CorrelatedFeatures c)
     if (this.isRegression)
         if (Math.Abs(c.correlation) > Math.Abs(0.9 /*normal threshold*/))
             return(Math.Abs(y - (c.lin_reg.a * x + c.lin_reg.b)) > c.threshold);
         if (Math.Abs(c.correlation) > Math.Abs(0.9 /*normal threshold*/))
             return(Math.Abs(y - (c.lin_reg.a * x + c.lin_reg.b)) > c.threshold);
         return(!isInCircle(c.MEC, new Point(x, y)));
        // input is  timeseries and a correlation of 2 features,
        // method sets linearreg line and max deviation (threshold) of all points from linearreg line
        void set_CF_threshold(CorrelatedFeatures correlf, Data train)
            // set liner regression line and MEC
            // get features' vectors
            List <double> v1 = train.ts[correlf.feature1];
            List <double> v2 = train.ts[correlf.feature2];
            // points array in size of timeseries' entries (rows - 1)
            // each point represent (f1,f2) at given time
            List <Point> points = toPoints(v1, v2);

            // if 2 features correlation is above normal_threshold,
            // anomaly check by max deviation from linearreg Line
            // otherwise (0.5 < correl < normal_threshold),
            // anomaly can be checked by MEC
            correlf.lin_reg   = linear_reg(points, points.Count);
            correlf.threshold = findThreshold(points, correlf.lin_reg, train) * 1.1; // * 110%
            correlf.MEC       = new Circle(points);
            correlf.MEC.r    *= 1.1;                                                 // * 110%
            //deletePoints(points, v1.size());