static public void PasteAll(SequencePlayerEditor targetEditor) { var sourceFeedbacks = new SerializedObject(CopyAllSourceSequencePlayer); SerializedProperty feedbacks = sourceFeedbacks.FindProperty("SequencePlayer"); for (int i = 0; i < feedbacks.arraySize; i++) { SequenceBase arrayFeedback = (feedbacks.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i).objectReferenceValue as SequenceBase); SequenceCopy.Copy(new SerializedObject(arrayFeedback)); SequenceBase newFeedback = targetEditor.AddSequence(arrayFeedback.GetType()); SerializedObject serialized = new SerializedObject(newFeedback); serialized.Update(); SequenceCopy.Paste(serialized); serialized.ApplyModifiedProperties(); } CopyAllSourceSequencePlayer = null; }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { var e = Event.current; // Update object serializedObject.Update(); Undo.RecordObject(target, "Modified Feedback Manager"); EditorGUILayout.Space(); /* * if (!SequencePlayer.GlobalMMFeedbacksActive) * { * Color baseColor = GUI.color; * GUI.color =; * EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("All MMFeedbacks, including this one, are currently disabled. This is done via script, by changing the value of the MMFeedbacks.GlobalMMFeedbacksActive boolean. Right now this value has been set to false. Setting it back to true will allow MMFeedbacks to play again.", MessageType.Warning); * EditorGUILayout.Space(); * GUI.color = baseColor; * } * * EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Select feedbacks from the 'add a feedback' dropdown and customize them. Remember, if you don't use auto initialization (Awake or Start), " + * "you'll need to initialize them via script.", MessageType.None); */ // Initialisation SequenceStyle.DrawSection("Settings"); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(_mmfeedbacksInitializationMode); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(_mmfeedbacksAutoPlayOnStart); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(_mmfeedbacksSafeMode); // Draw list SequenceStyle.DrawSection("Sequences"); for (int i = 0; i < _mmfeedbacks.arraySize; i++) { SequenceStyle.DrawSplitter(); SerializedProperty property = _mmfeedbacks.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i); // Failsafe but should not happen if (property.objectReferenceValue == null) { continue; } // Retrieve feedback SequenceBase feedback = property.objectReferenceValue as SequenceBase; feedback.hideFlags = _debugView ? HideFlags.None : HideFlags.HideInInspector; Undo.RecordObject(feedback, "Modified Feedback"); // Draw header int id = i; bool isExpanded = property.isExpanded; string label = feedback.Label; bool pause = false; if (feedback.Pause != null) { pause = true; } if ((feedback.LooperPause == true) && (Application.isPlaying)) { if ((feedback as SequenceLooper).InfiniteLoop) { label = label + "[Infinite Loop] "; } else { label = label + "[ " + (feedback as SequenceLooper).NumberOfLoopsLeft + " loops left ] "; } } Rect headerRect = SequenceStyle.DrawHeader( ref isExpanded, ref feedback.Config.Active, label, feedback.FeedbackColor, (GenericMenu menu) => { if (Application.isPlaying) { menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Play"), false, () => PlaySequence(id)); } else { menu.AddDisabledItem(new GUIContent("Play")); } menu.AddSeparator(null); //menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Reset"), false, () => ResetFeedback(id)); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Remove"), false, () => RemoveSequence(id)); menu.AddSeparator(null); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Copy"), false, () => CopySequence(id)); if (SequenceCopy.HasCopy() && SequenceCopy.Type == feedback.GetType()) { menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Paste"), false, () => PasteSequence(id)); } else { menu.AddDisabledItem(new GUIContent("Paste")); } }, feedback.SequenceStartedAt, feedback.SequenceDuration, feedback.Timing, pause ); // Check if we start dragging this feedback switch (e.type) { case EventType.MouseDown: if (headerRect.Contains(e.mousePosition)) { _draggedStartID = i; e.Use(); } break; default: break; } // Draw blue rect if feedback is being dragged if (_draggedStartID == i && headerRect != { Color color = new Color(0, 1, 1, 0.2f); EditorGUI.DrawRect(headerRect, color); } // If hovering at the top of the feedback while dragging one, check where the feedback should be dropped : top or bottom if (headerRect.Contains(e.mousePosition)) { if (_draggedStartID >= 0) { _draggedEndID = i; Rect headerSplit = headerRect; headerSplit.height *= 0.5f; headerSplit.y += headerSplit.height; if (headerSplit.Contains(e.mousePosition)) { _draggedEndID = i + 1; } } } // If expanded, draw feedback editor property.isExpanded = isExpanded; if (isExpanded) { EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(!feedback.Config.Active); string helpText = SequenceHelpAttribute.GetSequenceHelpText(feedback.GetType()); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(helpText)) { GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.helpBox); style.richText = true; float newHeight = style.CalcHeight(new GUIContent(helpText), EditorGUIUtility.currentViewWidth); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(helpText, style); } EditorGUILayout.Space(); if (!_editors.ContainsKey(feedback)) { AddEditor(feedback); } Editor editor = _editors[feedback]; CreateCachedEditor(feedback, feedback.GetType(), ref editor); editor.OnInspectorGUI(); EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(!Application.isPlaying); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { if (GUILayout.Button("Play", EditorStyles.miniButtonMid)) { PlaySequence(id); } if (GUILayout.Button("Stop", EditorStyles.miniButtonMid)) { StopSequence(id); } } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); } } // Draw add new item if (_mmfeedbacks.arraySize > 0) { SequenceStyle.DrawSplitter(); } EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { // Feedback list int newItem = EditorGUILayout.Popup(0, _typeDisplays) - 1; if (newItem >= 0) { AddSequence(_typesAndNames[newItem].SequenceType); } // Paste feedback copy as new if (SequenceCopy.HasCopy()) { if (GUILayout.Button("Paste as new", EditorStyles.miniButton, GUILayout.Width(EditorStyles.miniButton.CalcSize(new GUIContent("Paste as new")).x))) { PasteAsNew(); } } if (SequenceCopy.HasMultipleCopies()) { if (GUILayout.Button("Paste all as new", EditorStyles.miniButton, GUILayout.Width(EditorStyles.miniButton.CalcSize(new GUIContent("Paste all as new")).x))) { PasteAllAsNew(); } } } if (!SequenceCopy.HasMultipleCopies()) { if (GUILayout.Button("Copy all", EditorStyles.miniButton, GUILayout.Width(EditorStyles.miniButton.CalcSize(new GUIContent("Paste as new")).x))) { CopyAll(); } } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); // Reorder if (_draggedStartID >= 0 && _draggedEndID >= 0) { if (_draggedEndID != _draggedStartID) { if (_draggedEndID > _draggedStartID) { _draggedEndID--; } _mmfeedbacks.MoveArrayElement(_draggedStartID, _draggedEndID); _draggedStartID = _draggedEndID; } } if (_draggedStartID >= 0 || _draggedEndID >= 0) { switch (e.type) { case EventType.MouseUp: _draggedStartID = -1; _draggedEndID = -1; e.Use(); break; default: break; } } // Clean up bool wasRemoved = false; for (int i = _mmfeedbacks.arraySize - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (_mmfeedbacks.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i).objectReferenceValue == null) { wasRemoved = true; _mmfeedbacks.DeleteArrayElementAtIndex(i); } } if (wasRemoved) { GameObject gameObject = (target as SequencePlayer).gameObject; foreach (var c in gameObject.GetComponents <Component>()) { c.hideFlags = HideFlags.None; } } // Apply changes serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); // Draw debug SequenceStyle.DrawSection("All Feedbacks Debug"); // Testing buttons EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(!Application.isPlaying); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { if (GUILayout.Button("Initialize", EditorStyles.miniButtonLeft)) { (target as SequencePlayer).Initialization(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Play", EditorStyles.miniButtonMid)) { //(target as SequencePlayer).PlaySequences(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Stop", EditorStyles.miniButtonMid)) { (target as SequencePlayer).StopSequences(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Reset", EditorStyles.miniButtonMid)) { (target as SequencePlayer).ResetSequences(); } EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); { _debugView = GUILayout.Toggle(_debugView, "Debug View", EditorStyles.miniButtonRight); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { foreach (var f in (target as SequencePlayer).Sequences) { f.hideFlags = _debugView ? HideFlags.HideInInspector : HideFlags.None; } UnityEditorInternal.InternalEditorUtility.RepaintAllViews(); } } } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); // Debug draw if (_debugView) { EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(true); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(_mmfeedbacks, true); EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); } }