protected override void onDraw (Canvas canvas) { canvas.drawColor (Color.GRAY); (); canvas.translate (80, 5); drawOriginalRects (canvas, 0xFF); canvas.restore (); mPaint.setStyle (Paint.Style.FILL); (); canvas.translate (0, 140); drawRgn (canvas, Color.RED, "Union", Region.Op.UNION); canvas.restore (); (); canvas.translate (0, 280); drawRgn (canvas, Color.BLUE, "Xor", Region.Op.XOR); canvas.restore (); (); canvas.translate (160, 140); drawRgn (canvas, Color.GREEN, "Difference", Region.Op.DIFFERENCE); canvas.restore (); (); canvas.translate (160, 280); drawRgn (canvas, Color.WHITE, "Intersect", Region.Op.INTERSECT); canvas.restore (); }
protected override void onDraw (Canvas canvas) { canvas.drawColor (Color.WHITE); canvas.translate (10, 10); (); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { setSrcR (i); drawSrcR (canvas, i); canvas.translate (mSrcR.width () + 15, 0); } canvas.restore (); canvas.translate (0, 100); for (int j = 0; j < sFits.Length; j++) { (); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { drawFit (canvas, i, sFits [j]); canvas.translate (mDstR.width () + 8, 0); } canvas.drawText (sFitLabels [j], 0, HEIGHT * 2 / 3, mLabelPaint); canvas.restore (); canvas.translate (0, 80); } }
protected override void onDraw (Canvas canvas) { canvas.drawColor (Color.WHITE); (); canvas.translate (10, 10); // translate (1 point) doDraw (canvas, new float[] { 0, 0 }, new float[] { 5, 5 }); canvas.restore (); (); canvas.translate (160, 10); // rotate/uniform-scale (2 points) doDraw (canvas, new float[] { 32, 32, 64, 32 }, new float[] { 32, 32, 64, 48 }); canvas.restore (); (); canvas.translate (10, 110); // rotate/skew (3 points) doDraw (canvas, new float[] { 0, 0, 64, 0, 0, 64 }, new float[] { 0, 0, 96, 0, 24, 64 }); canvas.restore (); (); canvas.translate (160, 110); // perspective (4 points) doDraw (canvas, new float[] { 0, 0, 64, 0, 64, 64, 0, 64 }, new float[] { 0, 0, 96, 0, 64, 96, 0, 64 }); canvas.restore (); }
static void test_alphagradients (Canvas canvas) { canvas.translate (20, 10); RectF r = new RectF (10, 10, 410, 30); Paint p = new Paint (), p2 = new Paint (); p2.setStyle (Paint.Style.STROKE); using (Shader shader = setgrad (r, 0xFF00FF00, 0x0000FF00)) p.setShader (shader); canvas.drawRect (r, p); canvas.drawRect (r, p2); r.offset (0, r.height () + 4); using (Shader shader = setgrad(r, 0xFF00FF00, 0x00000000)) p.setShader (shader); canvas.drawRect (r, p); canvas.drawRect (r, p2); r.offset (0, r.height () + 4); using (Shader shader = setgrad(r, 0xFF00FF00, 0x00FF0000)) p.setShader (shader); canvas.drawRect (r, p); canvas.drawRect (r, p2); }
protected override void onDraw (Canvas canvas) { canvas.drawColor (unchecked((int)0xFFDDDDDD)); Paint paint = new Paint (); paint.setAntiAlias (true); paint.setStyle (Paint.Style.STROKE); paint.setStrokeWidth (3); paint.setStyle (Paint.Style.FILL); RectF r = new RectF (); float t, x, y; t = GetAnimScalar (25, 500); canvas.translate (320, 240); for (int i = 0; i < 35; i++) { paint.setColor (unchecked((int)0xFFF00FF0 - i * 0x04000000)); double step = Math.PI / (55 - i); double angle = t * step; x = (20 + i * 5) * (float)Math.Sin (angle); y = (20 + i * 5) * (float)Math.Cos (angle); r.set (x, y, x + 10, y + 10); canvas.drawRect (r, paint); } }
protected override void onDraw (Canvas canvas) { canvas.drawColor (Color.WHITE); RectF bounds = new RectF (); mPath.computeBounds (bounds, false); canvas.translate (10 - bounds.left, 10 -; makeEffects (mEffects, mPhase); mPhase += 1; for (int i = 0; i < mEffects.Length; i++) { mPaint.setPathEffect (mEffects [i]); mPaint.setColor (mColors [i]); canvas.drawPath (mPath, mPaint); canvas.translate (0, 28); } }
protected override void onDraw (Canvas canvas) { canvas.drawColor (Color.WHITE); mDrawable.setBounds (mRect); float r = 16; (); canvas.translate (10, 10); mDrawable.setGradientType (GradientDrawable.LINEAR_GRADIENT); setCornerRadii (mDrawable, r, r, 0, 0); mDrawable.draw (canvas); canvas.restore (); (); canvas.translate (10 + mRect.width () + 10, 10); mDrawable.setGradientType (GradientDrawable.RADIAL_GRADIENT); setCornerRadii (mDrawable, 0, 0, r, r); mDrawable.draw (canvas); canvas.restore (); canvas.translate (0, mRect.height () + 10); (); canvas.translate (10, 10); mDrawable.setGradientType (GradientDrawable.SWEEP_GRADIENT); setCornerRadii (mDrawable, 0, r, r, 0); mDrawable.draw (canvas); canvas.restore (); (); canvas.translate (10 + mRect.width () + 10, 10); mDrawable.setGradientType (GradientDrawable.LINEAR_GRADIENT); setCornerRadii (mDrawable, r, 0, 0, r); mDrawable.draw (canvas); canvas.restore (); canvas.translate (0, mRect.height () + 10); (); canvas.translate (10, 10); mDrawable.setGradientType (GradientDrawable.RADIAL_GRADIENT); setCornerRadii (mDrawable, r, 0, r, 0); mDrawable.draw (canvas); canvas.restore (); (); canvas.translate (10 + mRect.width () + 10, 10); mDrawable.setGradientType (GradientDrawable.SWEEP_GRADIENT); setCornerRadii (mDrawable, 0, r, 0, r); mDrawable.draw (canvas); canvas.restore (); }
void showPath (Canvas canvas, int x, int y, Path.FillType ft, Paint paint) { (); canvas.translate (x, y); canvas.clipRect (0, 0, 120, 120); canvas.drawColor (Color.WHITE); mPath.setFillType (ft); canvas.drawPath (mPath, paint); canvas.restore (); }
protected override void onDraw (Canvas canvas) { canvas.drawColor (Color.WHITE); canvas.translate (10, 10); canvas.saveLayerAlpha (0, 0, 200, 200, 0x88, LAYER_FLAGS); mPaint.setColor (Color.RED); canvas.drawCircle (75, 75, 75, mPaint); mPaint.setColor (Color.BLUE); canvas.drawCircle (125, 125, 75, mPaint); canvas.restore (); }
protected override void onDraw (Canvas canvas) { canvas.drawColor (unchecked((int)0xFFCCCCCC)); (); canvas.concat (mMatrix); canvas.drawVertices (Canvas.VertexMode.TRIANGLE_FAN, 10, mVerts, 0, mTexs, 0, null, 0, null, 0, 0, mPaint); canvas.translate (0, 240); canvas.drawVertices (Canvas.VertexMode.TRIANGLE_FAN, 10, mVerts, 0, mTexs, 0, null, 0, mIndices, 0, 6, mPaint); canvas.restore (); }
protected override void onDraw (Canvas canvas) { Paint paint = new Paint (Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG); canvas.drawColor (unchecked((int)0xFFCCCCCC)); canvas.translate (20, 20); paint.setAntiAlias (true); showPath (canvas, 0, 0, Path.FillType.WINDING, paint); showPath (canvas, 160, 0, Path.FillType.EVEN_ODD, paint); showPath (canvas, 0, 160, Path.FillType.INVERSE_WINDING, paint); showPath (canvas, 160, 160, Path.FillType.INVERSE_EVEN_ODD, paint); }
protected override void onDraw (Canvas canvas) { Paint paint = new Paint (); canvas.translate (10, 10); canvas.drawColor (Color.WHITE); paint.setColor (Color.RED); paint.setStrokeWidth (0); canvas.drawLines (mPts, paint); paint.setColor (Color.BLUE); paint.setStrokeWidth (3); canvas.drawPoints (mPts, paint); }
protected override void onDraw (Canvas canvas) { canvas.drawColor (unchecked((int)0xFFDDDDDD)); Paint paint = new Paint (); paint.setAntiAlias (true); paint.setStyle (Paint.Style.STROKE); paint.setStrokeWidth (3); paint.setStyle (Paint.Style.FILL); RectF r = new RectF (10, 10, 110, 110); for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { canvas.translate (1, 1); paint.setColor ((int)(0xFF000000 + i * 0x00010000)); canvas.drawRect (r, paint); } }
protected override void onDraw (Canvas canvas) { canvas.drawColor (unchecked((int)0xFFDDDDDD)); (); Paint paint = new Paint (); paint.setColor (Color.BLUE); MaskFilter mf = new BlurMaskFilter (128, BlurMaskFilter.Blur.NORMAL); paint.setMaskFilter (mf); mf.Dispose (); canvas.translate (200, 200); canvas.drawCircle (100, 100, 200, paint); canvas.restore (); paint.Dispose (); }
void drawRgn (Canvas canvas, int color, String str, Region.Op op) { if (str != null) { mPaint.setColor (Color.BLACK); canvas.drawText (str, 80, 24, mPaint); } Region rgn = new Region (); rgn.set (mRect1); rgn.op (mRect2, op); mPaint.setColor (color); RegionIterator iter = new RegionIterator (rgn); Rect r = new Rect (); canvas.translate (0, 30); mPaint.setColor (color); while ( { canvas.drawRect (r, mPaint); } drawOriginalRects (canvas, 0x80); }
protected override void onDraw (Canvas canvas) { canvas.drawColor (Color.GRAY); (); canvas.translate (10, 10); drawScene (canvas); canvas.restore (); (); canvas.translate (160, 10); canvas.clipRect (10, 10, 90, 90); canvas.clipRect (30, 30, 70, 70, Region.Op.DIFFERENCE); drawScene (canvas); canvas.restore (); (); canvas.translate (10, 160); mPath.reset (); canvas.clipPath (mPath); // makes the clip empty mPath.addCircle (50, 50, 50, Path.Direction.CCW); canvas.clipPath (mPath, Region.Op.REPLACE); drawScene (canvas); canvas.restore (); (); canvas.translate (160, 160); canvas.clipRect (0, 0, 60, 60); canvas.clipRect (40, 40, 100, 100, Region.Op.UNION); drawScene (canvas); canvas.restore (); (); canvas.translate (10, 310); canvas.clipRect (0, 0, 60, 60); canvas.clipRect (40, 40, 100, 100, Region.Op.XOR); drawScene (canvas); canvas.restore (); (); canvas.translate (160, 310); canvas.clipRect (0, 0, 60, 60); canvas.clipRect (40, 40, 100, 100, Region.Op.REVERSE_DIFFERENCE); drawScene (canvas); canvas.restore (); }
protected override void onDraw (Canvas canvas) { canvas.drawColor (unchecked((int)0xFFCCCCCC)); canvas.translate (8, 12); foreach (int color in mColors) { ColorFilter filter; if (color == 0) { filter = null; } else { filter = new PorterDuffColorFilter (color, mModes [mModeIndex]); } drawSample (canvas, filter); canvas.translate (0, 55); } }
protected override void onDraw (Canvas canvas) { canvas.drawColor (Color.WHITE); Paint labelP = new Paint (Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG); labelP.setTextAlign (Paint.Align.CENTER); Paint paint = new Paint (); paint.setFilterBitmap (false); canvas.translate (15, 35); int x = 0; int y = 0; for (int i = 0; i < sModes.Length; i++) { // draw the border paint.setStyle (Paint.Style.STROKE); paint.setShader (null); canvas.drawRect (x - 0.5f, y - 0.5f, x + W + 0.5f, y + H + 0.5f, paint); // draw the checker-board pattern paint.setStyle (Paint.Style.FILL); paint.setShader (mBG); canvas.drawRect (x, y, x + W, y + H, paint); // draw the src/dst example into our offscreen bitmap int sc = canvas.saveLayer (x, y, x + W, y + H, null, Canvas.MATRIX_SAVE_FLAG | Canvas.CLIP_SAVE_FLAG | Canvas.HAS_ALPHA_LAYER_SAVE_FLAG | Canvas.FULL_COLOR_LAYER_SAVE_FLAG | Canvas.CLIP_TO_LAYER_SAVE_FLAG); canvas.translate (x, y); canvas.drawBitmap (mDstB, 0, 0, paint); paint.setXfermode (sModes [i]); canvas.drawBitmap (mSrcB, 0, 0, paint); paint.setXfermode (null); canvas.restoreToCount (sc); // draw the label canvas.drawText (sLabels [i], x + W / 2, y - labelP.getTextSize () / 2, labelP); x += W + 10; // wrap around when we've drawn enough for one row if ((i % ROW_MAX) == ROW_MAX - 1) { x = 0; y += H + 30; } } }
protected override void onDraw (Canvas canvas) { canvas.drawColor (unchecked((int)0xFFDDDDDD)); test_alphagradients (canvas); RectF r = new RectF (0, 0, 100, 100); Paint paint = new Paint (); paint.setDither (true); (); canvas.translate (20, 100); Shader.TileMode[] modes = { Shader.TileMode.CLAMP, Shader.TileMode.MIRROR, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP }; foreach (Shader.TileMode tile in modes) { (); foreach (GradData data in Grads) { (); foreach (GradMaker maker in GradMakers) { using (Shader shader = maker(r, data, tile)) paint.setShader (shader); canvas.drawRect (r, paint); canvas.translate (0, 120); } canvas.restore (); canvas.translate (120, 0); } canvas.translate (Grads.Length * 120, 0); } canvas.restore (); canvas.translate (0, 370); }