getAction() public method

public getAction ( ) : global::java.lang.String
return global::java.lang.String
        // r(20814): /data/local/tmp/AndroidNFCBroadcastReceiver.Activities-debug.apk (at Binary XML file line #16): 
        // <receiver> does not have valid android:name

        // You can't capture those intents with a BroadcastReceiver, because only Activities 
        // can receive NFC intents. You can find more information about it in the NFC guide.
        public override void onReceive(Context arg0, Intent arg1)
            var context = ThreadLocalContextReference.CurrentContext;

            var action = arg1.getAction();

            Console.WriteLine("AtDiscovered " + new { action });
 public override void onReceive(Context arg0, Intent intent)
     Log.d(TAG, "!@#!@ConsoleReceiver action:" + intent);
     if (intent.getAction() == CONSOLE_INTENT)
         // Unity apps will not have a VrActivity, so they can only use console functions that are ok
         // with a NULL appPtr.
         if (activity is VrActivity)
             nativeConsoleCommand(((VrActivity)activity).appPtr, intent.getStringExtra(CONSOLE_STRING_EXTRA));
             nativeConsoleCommand(((long)0), intent.getStringExtra(CONSOLE_STRING_EXTRA));
        protected override void onNewIntent(Intent intent)
            var commandString = getCommandStringFromIntent(intent);
            var fromPackageNameString = getPackageStringFromIntent(intent);
            var uriString = getUriStringFromIntent(intent);

            Log.d(TAG, "action:" + intent.getAction());
            Log.d(TAG, "type:" + intent.getType());
            Log.d(TAG, "fromPackageName:" + fromPackageNameString);
            Log.d(TAG, "command:" + commandString);
            Log.d(TAG, "uri:" + uriString);

            nativeNewIntent(appPtr, fromPackageNameString, commandString, uriString);
        public override int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId)
            base.onStartCommand(intent, flags, startId);

            // intent should be created with
            // getShowIntent(), getHideIntent(), getCloseIntent()
            if (intent != null)
                string action = intent.getAction();
                int id = intent.getIntExtra("id", DEFAULT_ID);

                // this will interfere with getPersistentNotification()
                if (id == ONGOING_NOTIFICATION_ID)
                    throw new System.Exception(
                            "ID cannot equals StandOutWindow.ONGOING_NOTIFICATION_ID");

                if (ACTION_SHOW == action || ACTION_RESTORE == action)
                else if (ACTION_HIDE == action)
                else if (ACTION_CLOSE == action)
                else if (ACTION_CLOSE_ALL == action)
                else if (ACTION_SEND_DATA == action)
                    if (!isExistingId(id) && id != DISREGARD_ID)
                        //        "Sending data to non-existant window. If this is not intended, make sure toId is either an existing window's id or DISREGARD_ID.");
                    Bundle data = intent.getBundleExtra(XStandOutWindow_data);
                    int requestCode = intent.getIntExtra("requestCode", 0);
                    Class fromCls = (Class)intent.getSerializableExtra(XStandOutWindow_fromCls);
                    int fromId = intent.getIntExtra("fromId", DEFAULT_ID);
                    onReceiveData(id, requestCode, data, fromCls, fromId);
                //Log.w(TAG, "Tried to onStartCommand() with a null intent.");

            // the service is started in foreground in show()
            // so we don't expect Android to kill this service
            return START_NOT_STICKY;