        public Object visitConnectedSentence(ConnectedSentence sentence, Object arg)
            ArgData  ad     = (ArgData)arg;
            Sentence first  = sentence.getFirst();
            Sentence second = sentence.getSecond();

            first.accept(this, arg);
            if (Connectors.isAND(sentence.getConnector()))
                ad.clauses.Add(new Clause());
            second.accept(this, arg);

        public Object visitConnectedSentence(ConnectedSentence sentence, Object arg)
            // Distribute V over ^:

            // This will cause flattening out of nested ^s and Vs
            Sentence alpha = (Sentence)sentence.getFirst().accept(this, arg);
            Sentence beta  = (Sentence)sentence.getSecond().accept(this, arg);

            // (alpha V (beta ^ gamma)) equivalent to
            // ((alpha V beta) ^ (alpha V gamma))
            if (Connectors.isOR(sentence.getConnector()) &&
                beta is ConnectedSentence)
                ConnectedSentence betaAndGamma = (ConnectedSentence)beta;
                if (Connectors.isAND(betaAndGamma.getConnector()))
                    beta = betaAndGamma.getFirst();
                    Sentence gamma = betaAndGamma.getSecond();
                    return(new ConnectedSentence(Connectors.AND,
                                                 (Sentence)(new ConnectedSentence(Connectors.OR, alpha,
                                                                                  beta)).accept(this, arg),
                                                 (Sentence)(new ConnectedSentence(Connectors.OR, alpha,
                                                                                  gamma)).accept(this, arg)));

            // ((alpha ^ gamma) V beta) equivalent to
            // ((alpha V beta) ^ (gamma V beta))
            if (Connectors.isOR(sentence.getConnector()) &&
                alpha is ConnectedSentence)
                ConnectedSentence alphaAndGamma = (ConnectedSentence)alpha;
                if (Connectors.isAND(alphaAndGamma.getConnector()))
                    alpha = alphaAndGamma.getFirst();
                    Sentence gamma = alphaAndGamma.getSecond();
                    return(new ConnectedSentence(Connectors.AND,
                                                 (Sentence)(new ConnectedSentence(Connectors.OR, alpha,
                                                                                  beta)).accept(this, arg),
                                                 (Sentence)(new ConnectedSentence(Connectors.OR, gamma,
                                                                                  beta)).accept(this, arg)));

            return(new ConnectedSentence(sentence.getConnector(), alpha, beta));
        public Object visitNotSentence(NotSentence notSentence, Object arg)
            // CNF requires NOT (~) to appear only in literals, so we 'move ~
            // inwards' by repeated application of the following equivalences:
            Sentence negated = notSentence.getNegated();

            // ~(~alpha) equivalent to alpha (double negation elimination)
            if (negated is NotSentence)
                return(((NotSentence)negated).getNegated().accept(this, arg));

            if (negated is ConnectedSentence)
                ConnectedSentence negConnected = (ConnectedSentence)negated;
                Sentence          alpha        = negConnected.getFirst();
                Sentence          beta         = negConnected.getSecond();
                // ~(alpha ^ beta) equivalent to (~alpha V ~beta) (De Morgan)
                if (Connectors.isAND(negConnected.getConnector()))
                    // I need to ensure the ~s are moved in deeper
                    Sentence notAlpha = (Sentence)(new NotSentence(alpha)).accept(
                        this, arg);
                    Sentence notBeta = (Sentence)(new NotSentence(beta)).accept(
                        this, arg);
                    return(new ConnectedSentence(Connectors.OR, notAlpha, notBeta));

                // ~(alpha V beta) equivalent to (~alpha ^ ~beta) (De Morgan)
                if (Connectors.isOR(negConnected.getConnector()))
                    // I need to ensure the ~s are moved in deeper
                    Sentence notAlpha = (Sentence)(new NotSentence(alpha)).accept(
                        this, arg);
                    Sentence notBeta = (Sentence)(new NotSentence(beta)).accept(
                        this, arg);
                    return(new ConnectedSentence(Connectors.AND, notAlpha, notBeta));

            // in addition, rules for negated quantifiers:
            if (negated is QuantifiedSentence)
                QuantifiedSentence negQuantified = (QuantifiedSentence)negated;
                // I need to ensure the ~ is moved in deeper
                Sentence notP = (Sentence)(new NotSentence(negQuantified
                                                           .getQuantified())).accept(this, arg);

                // ~FORALL x p becomes EXISTS x ~p
                if (Quantifiers.isFORALL(negQuantified.getQuantifier()))
                    return(new QuantifiedSentence(Quantifiers.EXISTS, negQuantified
                                                  .getVariables(), notP));

                // ~EXISTS x p becomes FORALL x ~p
                if (Quantifiers.isEXISTS(negQuantified.getQuantifier()))
                    return(new QuantifiedSentence(Quantifiers.FORALL, negQuantified
                                                  .getVariables(), notP));

            return(new NotSentence((Sentence)negated.accept(this, arg)));