        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the command-line arguments and returns a reference to an
        /// instance of <see cref="T:adapman.CommandLineInfo" /> whose properties
        /// are filled with values initialized by the options the user chose.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">
        /// Reference to an array of strings that contains the command-line arguments passed to this program.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Reference to an instance of <see cref="T:adapman.CommandLineInfo"/> whose properties
        /// are filled with the values initialized by the options the user chose; if the user did not
        /// pass valid command-line arguments, or the command-line could otherwise not be parsed,
        /// a usage mesage is printed to the screen and this method returns a null reference.
        /// </returns>
        public static CommandLineInfo ParseCommandLine(string[] args)
            // Skip the first element of args if it contains the application
            // executable's filename since it's usually initialized by
            // Environment.GetCommandLineArgs which passes the full path to this
            // executeable as the first element of args
            if (args.Length >= 1 &&
                !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(args[0]) &&
                args[0].EndsWith("exe"))      // strip out the first elt of args, if it ends with "exe"
                args = args.Skip(1).ToArray();

            // If we get here, then more arguments exist than simply the path to the executeable itself.
            // In this case, run the CommandLineValidator to ensure the arguments passed are valid.
            // (See CommandLineValidator.cs)
            if (!CommandLineValidator.IsCommandLineValid(args))
                // If the command-line validator determined that the arguments passed are not valid,
                // print a usage message to the console, and then return the value null instead of
                // a reference to an instance of CommandLineInfo, so as to signal the caller that the
                // command-line could not be parsed.

            // Getting ready to return the result
            CommandLineInfo result = null;

            // Determine what action should be taken based on the value of the first command-line
            // switch, since the user is required to pass at least one switch to this program.

            var ssid     = string.Empty;
            var password = string.Empty;

            switch (args[0].ToLowerInvariant()) // do a case-insensitive comparison
            // This switch disables all the network adapters on the user's computer.
            case "-da":
                // New up a new CommandLineInfo instance and pass it an action of DisableAllAdapters
                result = new CommandLineInfo(CommandLineAction.DisableAllAdapters);

            // This switch enables all the network adapters on the user's computer.
            case "-ea":
                // New up a new CommandLineInfo instance and pass it an action of EnableAllAdapters
                result = new CommandLineInfo(CommandLineAction.EnableAllAdapters);

            // The '-cw:ssid' switch, which must be paired with the '-cw:pwd' switch,
            // connects the user's computer to the Wi-Fi network whose SSID and password
            // (i.e., network security key) follow the corresponding switches.
            case "-cw:ssid" when args[2].ToLowerInvariant() == "-cw:pwd":
        /// <summary>
        /// Entry point for the application.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">List of string arguments passed by the user on the command line.</param>
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            // Set up an exception handler for any uncaught exceptions
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += OnUnhandledException;

            // Check whether the CommandLine property has a value of null.  Merely accessing this property should trigger
            // a call to the CommandLineInfo.ParseCommandLine method, which in turn returns either a reference to an instance
            // of a CommandLineInfo structure whose properties contain values corresponding to the options specified
            // by the command-line flags by the user, or, if the command line is empty or invalid, a null reference
            // is returned.
            if (CommandLine == null)
                // If we are here, print the usage message to remind the user how to specify command line options
                // to this program, and then exit.

            // The (valid) command-line arguments to this program always specify an action to be taken, which is one of the
            // values of the CommandLineAction enumeration.  Switch on this enumeration's value in order to determine what the
            // user would like us to do.
            switch (CommandLine.Action)
            // If we arrive here, then the user wants us to disable (i.e., turn off) all the network
            // adapters on this computer.
            case CommandLineAction.DisableAllAdapters:
                // Get a list of all the network adapters on this computer, encapsulated by NetworkAdapter objects
                // (see NetworkAdapterManager.cs and NetworkAdapter.cs) and then, for each adapter, call its Disable
                // method to disable it (i.e., turn it off.).
                foreach (var adapter in NetworkAdapterManager.GetAdapters())
                    // Assume the 'adapter' variable holds a non-null reference.

            // If we arrive here, then th euser wants us to enable (i.e., turn on) all the network
            // adapters on this computer.
            case CommandLineAction.EnableAllAdapters:
                // Get a list of all the network adapters on this computer, encapsulated by NetworkAdapter objects
                // (see NetworkAdapterManager.cs and NetworkAdapter.cs) and then, for each adapter, call its Enable
                // method to enable it (i.e., turn it on).
                foreach (var adapter in NetworkAdapterManager.GetAdapters())
                    // Assume the 'adapter' variable holds a non-null reference.

            // If we arrive here, the user wants to connect to a Wi-Fi network with the specified SSID, and,
            // optionally, with the specified password
            case CommandLineAction.ConnectWifi:
                // Call the Connect method of WifiManager to do this operation -- see WifiManager.cs.
                WifiManager.Connect(CommandLine.WifiSSID, CommandLine.WifiPassword);

            // If we arrive here, the user wants to disconnect from the Wi-Fi network with the specified SSID.
            case CommandLineAction.DisconnectWifi:
                // Call the Disconnect method of WifiManager to do this operation -- see WifiManager.cs.  Test
                // to ensure that the user's Wi-Fi adapter is not already in the disconnected state.  If that is
                // so, then there is no need to do a call to the WifiManager.Disconnect method.
                if (!WifiManager.IsConnected)
                    // Write a message to the screen informing the user that the Wi-Fi adapter is already
                    // in the disconnected state.

                // Disconnect from the Wi-Fi network that has the specified SSID.

            // This handles the case where the command-line parser somehow validates wrong command-line arguments, and,
            // as a result, does not pass null to the Main method but triggers this switch/case -- however, if we are here
            // then this means that the user passed something on the command-line that we do not know what action it corresponds
            // to.
            case CommandLineAction.Unknown:

            // If we arrive here, then an invalid value was passed in the CommandLineInfo.Action property.
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

            // Done