        /// <summary>
        /// insert a new element in the chemical composition
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newComp">(Comb.compStrt)Element + Number of atoms</param>
        public void insert(Comb.compStrt newComp)
            // if insert won't overflow list
            if (theSize < composition.Length)
                // increment start and set element
                composition[start = (start + 1) % composition.Length] = newComp;

                // increment list size (we've added an element)
        /// <summary>
        /// peek at an element in the list
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="offset">(int)array index to point</param>
        /// <returns>(Comb.compStrt)Element + Number of atoms</returns>
        public Comb.compStrt peek(int offset)
            Comb.compStrt ret = new Comb.compStrt("", 0);

            // is someone trying to peek beyond our size?
            if (offset >= theSize)

            // get object we're peeking at (do not remove it)
            return(composition[(end + offset + 1) % composition.Length]);
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds n water molecules to the composition
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cmpH2O">(Comb.compStrt[]) Composition</param>
        /// <param name="nH20">(int) number of water molecules</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Comb.compStrt[] plusH20(Comb.compStrt[] cmpH2O, int nH20)
            Comb.compStrt[] cmp = new Comb.compStrt[cmpH2O.GetUpperBound(0) + 1];

            cmpH2O.CopyTo(cmp, 0);

            int iH = elementAdded("H", cmp);
            int iO = elementAdded("O", cmp);

            cmp[iH].Nats += 2 * nH20;
            cmp[iO].Nats += 1 * nH20;

        /// <summary>
        /// Given a sequence, it calculates its chemical composition.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sSequence">(string)sequence</param>
        /// <param name="aaList">(AminoacidList[])list of aminoacids</param>
        /// <returns>(Comb.compStrt[])Chemical composition of the sequence</returns>
        public static Comb.compStrt[] calComposition(string sSeq, AminoacidList[] aaList)
            sSeq = sSeq.ToUpper();

            //Adds the fixed C- and N-terminus modifications
            //C- and N-terminus fixed modifications
            string ntr      = "ntr";
            string ctr      = "ctr";
            string ntrCode1 = ".";
            string ctrCode1 = ";";

            foreach (AminoacidList aa in aaList)
                if (aa.code3 == ntr && aa.code1.Trim() == "") //fixed N-terminus modification
                    aa.code1 = ntrCode1;
                    sSeq    += ntrCode1;
                if (aa.code3 == ctr && aa.code1.Trim() == "") //fixed N-terminus modification
                    aa.code1 = ctrCode1;
                    sSeq    += ctrCode1;

            Comb.compStrt[] comp = new Comb.compStrt[30];

            char[]   cSeq      = new char[sSeq.Length];
            string[] parsedSeq = new string[sSeq.Length + 1];

            cSeq = sSeq.ToCharArray();

            int iLength       = cSeq.GetUpperBound(0);
            int iAaListLength = aaList.GetUpperBound(0);

            //Count the number of aminoacids in the sequence
            int  iNaaSeq           = 0;     //number of aminoacids founded in the sequence ***fo
            int  iElemComp         = 0;     //number of elements founded in the composition ***fo
            bool compoundaaFounded = false; // ***fo

            for (int i = 0; i <= iLength; i++)
                compoundaaFounded = false;
                string sStr = "";
                if (i < iLength)
                    sStr = cSeq[i].ToString() + cSeq[i + 1].ToString();
                    sStr = cSeq[i].ToString();

                for (int j = 0; j <= iAaListLength; j++)
                    if (sStr == aaList[j].code1 && sStr.Length > 1)
                        foreach (Comb.compStrt c in aaList[j].composition)
                            int ielAdd = elementAdded(c.Elem, comp);
                            if (ielAdd <= comp.GetUpperBound(0))
                                comp[ielAdd].Nats += c.Nats;
                                comp[iElemComp].Elem = c.Elem;
                                comp[iElemComp].Nats = c.Nats;
                        parsedSeq[iNaaSeq] += aaList[j].code1;
                        compoundaaFounded   = true;
                if (!compoundaaFounded)
                    string sStr1 = "";

                    if (sStr.Length > 1)
                        sStr1 = sStr.Remove(1);
                        sStr1 = sStr;
                    for (int j = 0; j <= iAaListLength; j++)
                        if (sStr1 == aaList[j].code1)
                            foreach (Comb.compStrt c in aaList[j].composition)
                                int ielAdd = elementAdded(c.Elem, comp);
                                if (ielAdd <= comp.GetUpperBound(0))
                                    comp[ielAdd].Nats += c.Nats;
                                    comp[iElemComp].Elem = c.Elem;
                                    comp[iElemComp].Nats = c.Nats;
                            if (aaList[j].equivalent != "")
                            parsedSeq[iNaaSeq] = aaList[j].code1;

            //Reduce the array to the not null items.
            int iNotNulls = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < comp.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
                if (comp[i].Elem != null)
            Comb.compStrt[] composition = new Comb.compStrt[iNotNulls];
            for (int i = 0; i < iNotNulls; i++)
                composition[i] = comp[i];

            //composition = minusH20(composition, iNaaSeq - 1);
            composition = plusH20(composition, 1);

            //Remove special flag for N- and C-terminus
            foreach (AminoacidList aa in aaList)
                if (aa.code3 == ntr && aa.code1.Trim() == ntrCode1) //fixed N-terminus modification
                    aa.code1 = "";
                if (aa.code3 == ctr && aa.code1.Trim() == ctrCode1) //fixed N-terminus modification
                    aa.code1 = "";

        /// <summary>
        /// Reads a XML file with the aminoacids' list
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileXml">XML with the aminoacids' list</param>
        /// <returns>(AminoacidList[])</returns>
        public static AminoacidList[] readXML(string fileXml)
            //Initialize necessary objets for XML reading
            XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(fileXml);
            XmlNodeType   nType  = reader.NodeType;
            XmlDocument   xmldoc = new XmlDocument();


            //Initialize the AminoacidList[] tAaList
            XmlNodeList xmlnodeAminoacid = xmldoc.GetElementsByTagName("aminoacid");

            AminoacidList[] tAaList = new AminoacidList[xmlnodeAminoacid.Count];

            XmlNodeList xmlnodeElement = xmldoc.GetElementsByTagName("Element");

            //for each <aminoacid> entry
            for (int i = 0; i < xmlnodeAminoacid.Count; i++)
                //for each child node of the <aminoacid> entry
                for (int j = 0; j < xmlnodeAminoacid[i].ChildNodes.Count; j++)
                    string sNode = xmlnodeAminoacid[i].ChildNodes[j].Name.ToString();

                    if (sNode == "Formula")
                        int nElements = 0;
                        //Count in <Formula> entry the Element values.
                        for (int k = 0; k < xmlnodeAminoacid[i].ChildNodes[j].ChildNodes.Count; k++)
                            string sElement = xmlnodeAminoacid[i].ChildNodes[j].ChildNodes[k].Name.ToString();
                            if (sElement == "Element")
                        //Initialize the class tAaList[i] with the correct number of elements
                        tAaList[i] = new AminoacidList(nElements);

                        //Search in <Formula> entry for the Element values.
                        for (int k = 0; k < xmlnodeAminoacid[i].ChildNodes[j].ChildNodes.Count; k++)
                            string sElement = xmlnodeAminoacid[i].ChildNodes[j].ChildNodes[k].Name.ToString();
                            if (sElement == "Element")
                                string sElem = xmlnodeAminoacid[i].ChildNodes[j].ChildNodes[k].Attributes["id"].Value.ToString();
                                //Search for the number of atoms
                                int iNatoms = 0;
                                for (int l = 0; l < xmlnodeAminoacid[i].ChildNodes[j].ChildNodes[k].ChildNodes.Count; l++)
                                    string sAtoms = xmlnodeAminoacid[i].ChildNodes[j].ChildNodes[k].ChildNodes[l].Name.ToString();
                                    if (sAtoms == "Natoms")
                                        iNatoms = int.Parse(xmlnodeAminoacid[i].ChildNodes[j].ChildNodes[k].ChildNodes[l].InnerText.ToString(), System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                                Comb.compStrt tElement = new Comb.compStrt(sElem, iNatoms);

                //Once you have initialized correctly the class, you can search for the <Name> tag, and so on
                for (int j = 0; j < xmlnodeAminoacid[i].ChildNodes.Count; j++)
                    if (xmlnodeAminoacid[i].ChildNodes[j].Name.ToString() == "Name")
                        tAaList[i].name = xmlnodeAminoacid[i].ChildNodes[j].InnerText.ToString();
                    if (xmlnodeAminoacid[i].ChildNodes[j].Name.ToString() == "Code1")
                        tAaList[i].code1 = xmlnodeAminoacid[i].ChildNodes[j].InnerText.ToString();
                    if (xmlnodeAminoacid[i].ChildNodes[j].Name.ToString() == "Code3")
                        tAaList[i].code3 = xmlnodeAminoacid[i].ChildNodes[j].InnerText.ToString();
                    if (xmlnodeAminoacid[i].ChildNodes[j].Name.ToString() == "equivalent")
                        tAaList[i].equivalent = xmlnodeAminoacid[i].ChildNodes[j].InnerText.ToString();
