private void frmCheckinResults_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; DotNetSquare.NetSquare.FourSquareCheckin xmlCheckin = _strXML; //timestamp string strCreated = xmlCheckin.createdAt.ToString(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strCreated)) { lblTimestamp.Text = Program.convertAPITimeToLocalTime(strCreated); } int NoteMessage = 0; int NoteMayorship = 0; int NoteBadge = 0; int NoteLeaderboard = 0; int NoteScore = 0; for (int i=0; i < xmlCheckin.Notifications.Count; i++) { switch (xmlCheckin.Notifications[i].Type) { case("message"): NoteMessage = i; break; case ("mayorship"): NoteMayorship = i; break; case ("badge"): NoteBadge = i; break; case ("leaderboard"): NoteLeaderboard = i; break; case ("score"): NoteScore = i; break; } } // message lblMessage.Text = xmlCheckin.Notifications[NoteMessage].Message; lblMessage.Size = CFMeasureString.MeasureString(lblMessage, lblMessage.Text, lblMessage.ClientRectangle); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // venue (may not exist) DotNetSquare.NetSquare.FourSquareVenue xmlVenue = xmlCheckin.venue; if (xmlVenue != null) { foreach (DotNetSquare.NetSquare.FourSquareCategory xmlCategory in xmlVenue.categories) { if (xmlCategory.primary) { string strURL = xmlCategory.icon; pbIcon.Image = Program.getImageFromURL(strURL); } } lblVenueName.Text =; string strLabel = ""; string strItem = ""; //address strItem = xmlVenue.location.Address; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strItem)) { strLabel += strItem + " "; } //crossstreet strItem = xmlVenue.location.CrossStreet; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strItem)) { strLabel += strItem + " "; } //city strItem = xmlVenue.location.City; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strItem)) { strLabel += strItem + " "; } //state strItem = xmlVenue.location.State; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strItem)) { strLabel += strItem + " "; } //zip strItem = xmlVenue.location.PostalCode; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strItem)) { strLabel += strItem + " "; } lblAddress.Text = strLabel.Trim(); pnlVenue.Location = new Point(3,lblMessage.Location.Y + lblMessage.Size.Height + 3); pnlVenue.Visible = true; } else { pnlVenue.Visible = false; pnlVenue.Height = 0; } int y = pnlVenue.Location.Y + pnlVenue.Height + 3; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // mayor (may not exist) DotNetSquare.NetSquare.FourSquareMayorship xmlMayor = xmlCheckin.Notifications[NoteMayorship].Mayor; if (xmlMayor != null) { string strMayorType = xmlMayor.Type; switch (strMayorType) { //node <type> which has the following values: //new (the user has been appointed mayorship), //nochange (the previous mayorship is still valid), //stolen (the user stole mayorship from the previous mayor) case "new": lblMayorType.Text = "You're the new Mayor!"; break; case "stolen": lblMayorType.Text = "You've overthrown the old Mayor!"; break; case "nochange": lblMayorType.Text = "Long live the Mayor!"; break; default: lblMayorType.Text = ""; break; } int iCheckins = 0; if (xmlMayor.Checkins != "") { Convert.ToInt16(xmlMayor.Checkins.ToString()); }; if (iCheckins == 1) { lblMayorCheckins.Text = iCheckins + " check-in here"; } else { lblMayorCheckins.Text = iCheckins + " check-ins here"; } DotNetSquare.NetSquare.FourSquareUser xmlUser; if (xmlMayor.Message.StartsWith("You're still the Mayor")) { xmlUser = Program.SelfUser; } else { xmlUser = xmlMayor.User; } if (!(xmlUser == null)) { string strName = xmlUser.firstName + " " + xmlUser.lastName; lblUserName.Text = strName.Trim(); string strGender = xmlUser.gender; switch (strGender) { case "female": pnlGender.BackColor = Color.PaleVioletRed; break; case "male": pnlGender.BackColor = Color.SteelBlue; break; default: pnlGender.BackColor = Color.Black; break; } string strURL = xmlMayor.ImageURL; pbUser.Image = Program.getImageFromURL(strURL); } else { // collapse pnlGender.Visible = false; lblUserName.Visible = false; lblMayorCheckins.Location = pnlGender.Location; lblMayorCheckins.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right; lblMayorCheckins.Width = pnlMayor.Width; lblMayorType.Location = new Point(lblMayorCheckins.Location.X, lblMayorCheckins.Location.Y + lblMayorCheckins.Height); lblMayorType.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right; lblMayorType.Width = pnlMayor.Width; lblMayorMessage.Location = new Point(lblMayorType.Location.X, lblMayorType.Location.Y + lblMayorType.Height); lblMayorMessage.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right; lblMayorMessage.Width = pnlMayor.Width; pnlMayor.Height = lblMayorMessage.Location.Y + lblMayorMessage.Height; } string strMessage = xmlMayor.Message; lblMayorMessage.Text = strMessage; if (xmlMayor.DaysBehind != "") { lblMayorMessage.Text += " - You are " + xmlMayor.DaysBehind + " days away from becoming the Mayor"; } lblMayorMessage.Size = CFMeasureString.MeasureString(lblMayorMessage, lblMayorMessage.Text, lblMayorMessage.ClientRectangle); int Size = lblUserName.Height; Size += lblMayorCheckins.Height; Size += lblMayorType.Height; Size += lblMayorMessage.Height; if (Size > pbUser.Height) { pnlMayor.Height = Size + 4; } } else { pnlMayor.Visible = false; pnlMayor.Height = 0; } pnlMayor.Location = new Point(3, y); y = pnlMayor.Location.Y + pnlMayor.Height + 3; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //badges (may not exist) int yBadge = lblBadges.Height + 3; if (NoteBadge != 0) { List<DotNetSquare.NetSquare.FourSquareBadge> xmlBadges = xmlCheckin.Notifications[NoteBadge].Badges; if (xmlBadges != null) { foreach (DotNetSquare.NetSquare.FourSquareBadge xmlBadge in xmlBadges) { ucBadgeListItem oBadge = new ucBadgeListItem(xmlBadge); oBadge.Location = new Point(0, yBadge); oBadge.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right; oBadge.Width = pnlBadges.Width - 3 * 2; yBadge += oBadge.Height + 3; pnlBadges.Controls.Add(oBadge); pnlBadges.Height = oBadge.Location.Y + oBadge.Height; } } if (xmlBadges.Count == 0) { pnlBadges.Visible = false; pnlBadges.Height = 0; } } else { pnlBadges.Visible = false; pnlBadges.Height = 0; } pnlBadges.Location = new Point(3, y); y = pnlBadges.Location.Y + pnlBadges.Height + 3; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //scores (may not exist) int yScore = lblScores.Height + 3; int TotalScore = 0; if (NoteScore != 0) { List<DotNetSquare.NetSquare.FourSquareCheckinScore> xmlScores = xmlCheckin.Notifications[NoteScore].Scores; if (xmlScores != null) { foreach (DotNetSquare.NetSquare.FourSquareCheckinScore xmlScore in xmlScores) { ucScoreListItem oScore = new ucScoreListItem(xmlScore); oScore.Location = new Point(0, yScore); oScore.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right; oScore.Width = pnlScores.Width - 3 * 2; yScore += oScore.Height + 3; pnlScores.Controls.Add(oScore); pnlScores.Height = oScore.Location.Y + oScore.Height; TotalScore += xmlScore.Points; } } } if (TotalScore > 0) { Dictionary<string,object> Totaldic = new Dictionary<string,object>(); Totaldic.Add("points",TotalScore); Totaldic.Add("message" , "Total Points for this Checkin!"); Totaldic.Add("icon",""); DotNetSquare.NetSquare.FourSquareCheckinScore Total = new DotNetSquare.NetSquare.FourSquareCheckinScore(Totaldic); ucScoreListItem oScore = new ucScoreListItem(Total); oScore.Location = new Point(0, yScore); oScore.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right; oScore.Width = pnlScores.Width - 3 * 2; yScore += oScore.Height + 3; pnlScores.Controls.Add(oScore); pnlScores.Height = oScore.Location.Y + oScore.Height; } if (TotalScore == 0) { pnlScores.Visible = false; pnlScores.Height = 0; } pnlScores.Location = new Point(3, y); y = pnlScores.Location.Y + pnlScores.Height + 3; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //specials (may not exist) /* int ySpecial = lblSpecials.Height + 3; String ll = xmlVenue.location.Lat + "," + xmlVenue.location.Long; DotNetSquare.NetSquare.FourSquareSpecials xmlSpecials = DotNetSquare.NetSquare.SpecialSearch(ll,20,Program.AccessToken); for (int i = 0; i < DotNetSquare.Special xmlSpecial in xmlSpecials) { DotNetSquare.Venue xmlThisVenue = xmlSpecial.venue; if (!(xmlThisVenue.Equals(new DotNetSquare.Venue()))) { ucVenueListItem oVenue = new ucVenueListItem(xmlThisVenue); oVenue.Location = new Point(0, ySpecial); oVenue.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right; oVenue.Width = pnlSpecials.Width; ySpecial += oVenue.Height; pnlSpecials.Controls.Add(oVenue); } ucSpecialListItem oSpecial = new ucSpecialListItem(xmlSpecial); oSpecial.Location = new Point(0, ySpecial); oSpecial.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right; oSpecial.Width = pnlSpecials.Width; ySpecial += oSpecial.Height + 3; pnlSpecials.Controls.Add(oSpecial); pnlSpecials.Height = oSpecial.Location.Y + oSpecial.Height; ySpecial += 3; } if (xmlSpecials.Count == 0) {*/ pnlSpecials.Visible = false; pnlSpecials.Height = 0; /*} pnlSpecials.Location = new Point(3, y); y = pnlSpecials.Location.Y + pnlSpecials.Height; */ Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; }
void LoadData() { Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; bool bIsSelf = false; DotNetSquare.NetSquare.FourSquareUser xmlUser = DotNetSquare.NetSquare.User(_strUserID,Program.AccessToken); if (xmlUser != null) { ////////////////////////////////// // user //name _strName = xmlUser.firstName + " "; _strName += xmlUser.lastName; _strName = _strName.Trim(); lblName.Text = _strName; //gender string strGender = xmlUser.gender; Color colorGender = Color.Black; switch (strGender) { case "female": colorGender = Color.PaleVioletRed; break; case "male": colorGender = Color.SteelBlue; break; } pnlGender.BackColor = colorGender; //photo string strPictureURL =; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strPictureURL)) { pbUser.Image = Program.getImageFromURL(strPictureURL); } lblEmail.Text =; lblPhone.Text =; _strFacebookID =; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_strFacebookID)) { pbFacebook.Visible = false; } _strTwitterID =; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_strTwitterID)) { pbTwitter.Visible = false; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //settings block if (xmlUser.relationship == "self") { bIsSelf = true; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //friendstatus string strFriendStatus = xmlUser.relationship; switch (strFriendStatus) { case "friend": //the requested user is your friend pnlAcceptReject.Visible = false; btnSendRequest.Visible = false; break; case "pendingMe": //the requested user sent you a friend request that you have not accepted pnlAcceptReject.Visible = true; btnSendRequest.Visible = false; break; case "pendingthem": //you have sent a friend request to the requested user but they have not accepted pnlAcceptReject.Visible = false; btnSendRequest.Visible = true; btnSendRequest.Enabled = false; btnSendRequest.Text = "Friend Request Sent!"; break; default: //node absent - the requested user is not your friend (and neither party has made an attempt at connecting) pnlAcceptReject.Visible = false; btnSendRequest.Visible = true; break; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //badges DotNetSquare.NetSquare.FourSquareBadgesAndSets xmlBadges = DotNetSquare.NetSquare.UserBadges(,Program.AccessToken); if (xmlBadges.Badges.Count > 0) { int y = lblBadge.Location.Y + lblBadge.Height + 3; if (xmlBadges.Badges.Count == 1) { lblBadge.Text = "1 Badge"; } else { lblBadge.Text = xmlBadges.Badges.Count + " Badges"; } foreach (DotNetSquare.NetSquare.FourSquareBadge xmlBadge in xmlBadges.Badges) { //badge ucBadgeListItem oBadge = new ucBadgeListItem(xmlBadge); oBadge.Location = new Point(0, y); oBadge.Width = pnlBadge.Width; pnlBadge.Controls.Add(oBadge); pnlBadge.Height = oBadge.Location.Y + oBadge.Height; y = oBadge.Location.Y + oBadge.Height + 3; Panel oLine = new Panel(); oLine.Location = new Point(0, y); oLine.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right; oLine.Width = pnlBadge.Width; oLine.Height = 1; oLine.BackColor = Color.Black; pnlBadge.Controls.Add(oLine); pnlBadge.Height = oLine.Location.Y + oLine.Height; y += oLine.Height + 3; } } else { pnlBadge.Visible = false; pnlBadge.Height = 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //mayor List<DotNetSquare.NetSquare.FourSquareVenue> xmlVenues = xmlUser.mayorshipItems; if (xmlVenues.Count > 0) { int y = lblMayor.Location.Y + lblMayor.Height + 3; if (xmlVenues.Count == 1) { lblMayor.Text = "1 Mayorship"; } else { lblMayor.Text = xmlVenues.Count + " Mayorships"; } foreach (DotNetSquare.NetSquare.FourSquareVenue xmlVenue in xmlVenues) { //venue ucVenueListItem oVenue = new ucVenueListItem(xmlVenue); oVenue.Location = new Point(0, y); oVenue.Width = pnlMayor.Width; pnlMayor.Controls.Add(oVenue); pnlMayor.Height = oVenue.Location.Y + oVenue.Height + 3; y = oVenue.Location.Y + oVenue.Height + 3; Panel oLine = new Panel(); oLine.Location = new Point(0, y); oLine.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right; oLine.Width = pnlMayor.Width; oLine.Height = 1; oLine.BackColor = Color.Black; pnlMayor.Controls.Add(oLine); pnlMayor.Height = oLine.Location.Y + oLine.Height; y += oLine.Height + 3; } } else { pnlMayor.Visible = false; pnlMayor.Height = 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //recalculate positions int iFormY = pnlGender.Location.Y + pnlGender.Height + 3; btnViewFriends.Location = new Point(3, iFormY); iFormY = btnViewFriends.Location.Y + btnViewFriends.Height + 3; pnlBadge.Location = new Point(3, iFormY); iFormY = pnlBadge.Location.Y + pnlBadge.Height + 3; pnlMayor.Location = new Point(3, iFormY); iFormY = pnlMayor.Location.Y + pnlMayor.Height + 3; pnlAcceptReject.Location = new Point(3, iFormY); iFormY = pnlAcceptReject.Location.Y + pnlAcceptReject.Height + 3; btnSendRequest.Location = new Point(3, iFormY); if (pnlAcceptReject.Visible == false) { btnSendRequest.Location = pnlAcceptReject.Location; } if (bIsSelf) { btnSendRequest.Visible = false; } } Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; }